Showing posts with label Bilin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilin. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The heroic struggle of Bil'in and the IDF murder of a Female demonstrator Jawaher Abu Rahmah

Jan. 2, 2010 Infoshop News

Bilin was cold yesterday. It rained and the wind and damp got to everything.

About a thousand of us showed up – Palestinians, Israelis and
internationals – to protest the apartheid barrier in the village. The
Israeli army knew we were coming so flying checkpoints were thrown up on
the main road into town. We swarmed the hills and valleys surrounding
Bil'in by the hundreds and managed to join those already in the village.
Nearly all of us us hiked around the apartheid abscesses (Road blocks) and
made it to the village where I was surprised (not really) to see Salaam
Fayyad. I assume he applied in advance for an entry permit ;).

The march got underway after the Old Guard finished posturing for the
cameras. We advanced about fifty or sixty meters when Fayyad abruptly
stopped, shook a few hands, and bowed out. I heard a few jokes and
snigger's as we marched on.

It wasn’t long - less than half the way between the village and the
separation fence, before the Jewish People’s Liberation Army began to gas
people. Sorry: It wasn’t long before the Israeli Defense Forces employed
riot dispersal methods.

Small organized groups of protesters then spread along the Wall to try and
implement the popular committee's announcement that he last day of the
decade will indeed also be the last day of the Wall on Bil'in's land. An
overwhelming number of Israeli soldiers and Border Police officers spread
along the path of the Wall, but were not able to stop demonstrators
equipped with bolt-cutters from breaching through the Wall in three

In one place, the protesters actually managed to carry a rather
significant chunk of the Wall back to the village.

On the anniversary of the start of the Palestinian revolution of the 46,
Bil'in pick out the wall of apartheid, despite strict military measures
and the closure of the three entrances to village protesters in Bil'in
Remove Parts of Israel's Wall,

Haitham Khatib video at:

Israel Putermam video at:

David Reeb video at:

Haitham Al Khatib video of the previous demonstration 24/12/10

Sunday, 26/12/2010, in Bil’in, about 100 hundred people, including
citizens of Bil'in, International activists from the French group 'Euro
Palestine', members of the Popular Committees of Bil'in and Ni'lin, the
Popular Resistance Movement of An Nabi Saleh, as well as representatives
from the Office of International Relations of the Fatah Movement - Mr.
Jamil Barghouti and Mohammad Shannan, participated in the planting of
Olive trees on land targeted by Israel for Wall and settlement expansion.
The event was organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and the
village of Bil'in.

At 3:30 pm participants carried olive trees and farming tools in a massive
march toward village land that is still threatened to be confiscated. The
demonstrators planted olive trees in spite of the strong presence of the
Israeli military. When people tried to plant trees close to the wall,
Israeli soldiers opened fire and shot dozens of tear gas canisters in the
midst of the demonstrators. This led to a violent army confrontation
against the demonstrators. Tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets were
used in order to intimidate the demonstrators. Several people who suffered
from the effects of inhaling tear gas had to be treated in the field.

Bil'in olive planting 26-12-10

Haitham Al Khatib

International Solidarity Week with the Palestinian People of Jerusalem:

Political Gathering Held Wednesday in Bil’in

The Popular Committee Against the Wall organized a political gathering
this evening in the local Council’s Hall in Bil’in village. Many foreign
solidarity activists attended the meeting, especially from the group 'Euro
Palestine', as well as members from several West Bank Popular Committees.
The murder of Jawaher Abu Rahmah

A comrade reported: "The Israelis used two types of gas canisters. The
first, which you can see in the videos, is a fist-sized bulbous rubber
projectile. It begins to dispense gas in air, causing it to spin wildly
and change directions before it hits the ground. Its trajectory is very
hard to predict.

The second type of canister is the more deadly kind – the kind that killed
Bassem Abu Rahmah in 2009. It’s also used liberally by the young
supremacists in uniform. Yesterday the steel canisters, about fifty
percent larger than a neat stack of quarters, were fired directly at
protesters. Their trajectory is more or less straight, but they come at
you much faster.

And the gas. Well, ‘tear gas’ is a bad name for it. It feels like a
million blue shards of glass tearing at your alveoli and shredding your
eyes. You can’t see and double over, trying not to breathe. Acid tears are
streaming down your face, but the overwhelming sensation is of being
bombarded and suffocated. You’re ensconced in darkness and your thoughts
are disrupted – you only want to get away. And every breath tears at your
insides; vicious animals live in your lungs. I’d rather not breathe than
take one more anguished, searing, charred breath. Then, you don’t have a
choice; you can’t breathe. You’re struggling to run and are overcome by
dizziness. Other people help you escape.

Only Jawaher Abu Rahmah didn’t escape. She protested, dignified and
unwavering for hours. She refused to yield and for that she died. She was
36 and was killed for peacefully protesting The Jewish People’s Right to
Self-Determination in Palestine. Her body now rests in the cold, red earth
they deify.

We exchanged a few words of encouragement before I snapped her picture,
when she was still someone’s mother.

I wish I knew how distressed she was."


"Bil'in Female Protester in Critical Condition from Tear-Gas inhalation

Jawaher Abu Rahmah, 36, was evacuated to the Ramallah hospital after
inhaling massive amounts of tear-gas towards protesters in Bil'in earlier
today. She is currently in critical condition and is not responding to
treatment. Another protester required hospitalization after being hit in
the face with a tear-gas projectile shot directly at him."

"Doctors at the Ramallah hospital are currently fighting for Jawaher Abu
Rahmah's life, after an acute deterioration in her condition this evening.
Abu Rahmah suffered from severe asphyxiation during today's demonstration
in Bil'in as a result of tear-gas inhalation, and was evacuated to the
Ramallah hospital. She is currently diagnosed as suffering from poisoning
caused by the active ingredient in the tear-gas, and is not responding to

Jawaher Abu Rahmah is the sister of Bassem Abu Rahmah, who was shot dead
with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during a demonstration in Bil'in
on April 17th, 2009."

And she did not make it ;( Jawaher Abu Rahmah died Saturday morning). The
Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall were invited to give the last honer to
Jawaher Abu Rahmah.

We attended her funeral with all the villagers of Bil'in, and many other
activists of all over the west bank.


Saturday evening about five hundreds of us protested on Saturday in from
of the Kirya Base (IDF headquarters) in Tel Aviv. A TV channel 10 early
evening news program opened with an opening item on Abu Rahma's murder
contributed to the big attendance. Eight protestors were arrested,
including former Knesset member Mossi Raz (Meretz) as the demonstrators
failed to comply with police and few of us even set on the road.

After the arresting of 8 they stopped arresting people for public relation
reasons and let us continue the occupation of the road. Some protesters
claimed that "even in the heart of Tel Aviv, the Israeli police treats
citizens as enemies, crushing their freedom of expression and operating as
storm troops of the right extremists."


It seems that the media opinions do not treat the murder of Jawaher Abu
Rahmah so lightly and the news with denunciation is all over the media.

Bilin protestor laid to rest; hundreds rally in Tel Aviv

Jawaher Abu-Rahma, whose brother also killed during rally against West
Bank separation fence laid to rest day after inhaling tear gas. Eight
arrested during Tel Aviv rally against 'lethal oppression of non-violent

Yair Altman
January 1, 2010

Jawaher Abu Rahma, who died less than 24 hours after participating in a
protest against the West Bank separation fence at Bilin, was buried
Saturday afternoon in her village. Abu Rahma was the sister of Bassem, who
was killed at similar Bilin protest in 2009, and Ashraf, who was shot by
an IDF soldier when his hands were cuffed.

The Palestinian Authority was quick to voice its condemnation, and the IDF
is investigating the circumstances of her death.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Abu Rahma's family to express
his condolences. At the same time, Sultan Abu Al-Einein from the Fatah
Central Committee came to the house to deliver a message of condolence
from the Palestinian president, who is currently in Brazil. Palestinian
media reported that Abbas condemned the "Israeli crime which is part of a
series of crimes carried out by the occupation army against our helpless

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat also voiced his condemnation,
calling the killing a "war crime."

"We condemn this appalling crime by the Israeli army against participants
in a peace-seeking protest," he said. "This is part of war crimes Israel
carries out against our nation."

Palestinian sources said Abu Rahma died in a hospital in Ramallah from
blood poisoning after inhaling a large quantity of tear gas. The IDF and
the Civil Administration have opened investigations into the death. IDF
sources claimed surprise at the death, because, they said, there had been
no exceptional use of tear gas – neither quantity nor type.

Muhammad Abu Rahma, Jawaher's uncle, spoke of her activities and the
moment she was hurt. "She came to all the protests during the last five
years," he said.

"Yesterday (Friday) they fired an unprecedented quantity of tear gas at
us, and Jawaher was trapped in an area where there was a huge cloud of
gas. She didn't manage to get out, lost consciousness, and inhaled large
amounts of gas. We managed to locate her only after some minutes, because
the gas made it hard to find her."

Later on Saturday, hundreds of people protested outside the Kirya compound
in Tel Aviv against the "violent and lethal oppression of the non-violent
protest against the theft of Bilin lands."

Eight people were arrested in the demonstration, including former Meretz
Knesset Member Moshe "Mossi" Raz.

One of the protestors told Ynet that a police officer slapped Raz "for no
reason" before he was arrested.

Magali Skidelski and Yoan Zitun contributed to the report,7340,L-4007411,00.html

Sister of Bilin victim dies in anti-fence protest

Palestinians report Jawaher Abu Rahma, 36, who suffered tear gas
inhalation during anti-fence protest, died in Ramallah hospital. Her
brother Bassam was killed in Bilin two years ago after being hit with gas
grenade. IDF: Soldiers used tear gas in routine manner.

Yair Altman
January 1, 2010

Jawaher Abu-Rahma, who was hurt Friday after inhaling tear gas during a
protest in Bilin, died of her wounds on Saturday. Palestinian sources
reported that the 36-year-old woman inhaled large quantities of tear gas
and died in a Ramallah hospital.

According to doctors, Abu Rahma was admitted suffering from blood
poisoning and did not respond to treatment. After a long night the doctors
were forced to pronounce her dead Saturday morning.

Jawaher is the sister of Bassam Abu Rahma who was killed two years ago
during a protest in the same village. Their brother Ahsraf was once shot
by an IDF soldier in a rally in Naalin.

The IDF said that soldiers used tear gas to disperse Friday's protest in a
routine manner. The army added that an initial examination raises doubts
regarding Abu Rahma's cause of death and that an investigation is being

The IDF initially claimed that Abu Rahma had died in her home but Dr.
Muhammad Eida, director of the Palestine Medical Complex said that she did
not leave the hospital until her death was pronounced. "Jawaher arrived
unconscious and unable to breath on her own yesterday at 3 pm," he said.
"We sent her to the intensive care unit. She apparently inhaled large
quantities of tear gas which penetrated her blood and caused blood

The doctor said that Abu Rahma did not respond to the medical treatment
and that her death was pronounced at 9 am.

The official Palestinian news agency also reported that Abu Rahma had
died. Three other individuals were injured during the protest, which was
attended by some 1,000 demonstrators. According to the Palestinians,
dozens more were lightly injured after inhaling tear gas.

Among the protestors were Israeli, Palestinian and foreign activists
including Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. They claim that prior
to the protest, IDF soldiers hosed them with large quantities of tear gas.
Rubber bullets were also used to disperse the demonstrators.

Six years ago Military Advocate General Major-General Avihai Mandelblit
ordered an investigation into the death of Bassam Abu Rahma, who was
killed after being hit by a gas grenade during a protest in Bilin in April
2009. A video shot at the time shows Abu Rahma and other protestors
approaching the separation fence.

The Israel Defense Forces said at the time that Palestinians were hurling
stones and other objects at security forces and were trying to tear the
security fence. Despite evidence the case was closed in early 2010,
however the JAG eventually changed his mind.

Another family member, Jawaher and Bassam's brother, Ashraf Abu Rahma, was
shot during a protest in Naalian while being bound. Some six months ago a
military court convicted Lieutenant-Colonel Omri Borberg, former commander
of the Armored Corps' 71st Battalion, of attempted threats and the soldier
who shot Ashraf with illegal use of weapons. The two were also convicted
of conduct unbecoming and their sentence will be given next week.

Hanan Greenberg and Roee Nahmias contributed to this report,7340,L-4007326,00.html

Police say anarchists rallying in Herzliya over death of Bilin protester
threw tear gas canisters into diplomat's yard;11 suspects arrested

Raanan Ben-Zur
January 1, 2010

Demonstrations continue following the death of protestor Jawaher Abu Rahma
during a rally against the West Bank separation fence at Bilin. Eleven
anarchists were arrested on Sunday morning in Herzliya on suspicion of
protesting in front of the US ambassador's home and throwing tear gas
canisters at his house.

The anarchists arrived at the US diplomat's home overnight carrying
posters. Police officials said the suspects were also carrying Palestinian
flags, tear gas canisters and spray.

According to online reports, the anarchists claimed they arrived at
Ambassador James Cunningham's house in order to protest against US
military aid to Israel, which they claimed was being put to use against

The anarchists reportedly chanted, "One, two, three, four stop the
occupation, stop the war. Five, six, seven, eight end the funding, end the

Occurring to suspicion, one of the anarchists threw hand grenades towards
the house yard, and then the suspects fled the scene. The patrol police
was called over, headed by Superintendent Avi Ohayon, and began combing
the area in search of suspects.

All of the suspected were then found and brought in for questioning over
at Glilot police station, headed by Chief Superintendent Nimrod Daniel.
They were interrogated and later detained for further investigation.

Police officials said the 11 anarchists, one of which is a German citizen,
are expected to be brought before the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv in
order to extend their arrest.

Hundreds protested on Saturday in from of the Kirya Base (IDF
headquarters) in Tel Aviv, following Abu Rahma's death. Eight protestors
were arrested, including former Knesset member Mossi Raz (Meretz).

The protesters claimed that "even in the heart of Tel Aviv, the Israeli
police treats citizens as enemies, crushing their freedom of expression
and operating as storm troops of the right extremists.",7340,L-4007622,00.html