Today, 24 January 2021, the Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit closed the investigations against the Shabak (Israeli Security Agency) for the circumstances leading to prisoner Samer Arbeed's hospitalization as he was subjected to extreme torture techniques during interrogation that almost...
The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) and the Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) and the Palestinian National Institute for NGOs (PNIN) are concerned that since commencing the roll out of a vaccine against COVID-19 in December 2020, the Israeli occupying authorities have...
The year 2020 witnessed the Israeli Occupation Forces’ continued arbitrary arrests and harassment campaign against Palestinians.
In this report, Addameer presents its activities during 2019 and analyzes and evaluates the goals and outcomes established for each unit for the year. This report will also present the difficulties and obstacles Addameer faced during 2019, while discussing measures taken or to be taken to remedy...

G4S: Securing War Crimes

G4S is a British-Danish private security company that profits from the imprisonment of Palestinian political prisoners and systems of Israeli occupation and apartheid. They maintain security equipment at checkpoints and in illegal Israeli settlements, and they employ private security personnel posted at checkpoints and to protect construction sites for the settlements and the Annexation Wall.

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