
Showing posts with the label Litratun Bihu

Tales of Decolonization #19: The US signs the UN Charter

Edward Reilly Stettinius, Jr., Secretary of State, Chairman of the delegation from the United States, signing the UN Charter at a ceremony held at the Veterans’ War Memorial Building on 26 June 1945. At left is President Harry S. Truman. If anyone asks why the United States is obligated to support Guam's decolonization and self-determination for the Chamorro people, this image tells you everything you need to know. By virtue of the United States signing this charter, they are obligated to support self-determination and decolonization for colonized people under their control.

Guinaiya yan Chinatli'e'

--> --> It is an old story. There are many different versions in many different cultures. One version goes like this: There is a family, mother, father and son. The mother is loving and caring while the father is angry and abusive. As the son grows older he comes to hate the dynamic in his family where his father is overbearing and monstrous and demeans and treats his mother (as well as the boy himself) terribly. He grows closer to his mother, loving her dearly and wishing that she could be spared this miserable life. He grows to hate his father. As soon as he is of age he moves out, unable to stand his father’s abuse any longer. From then on he tries to have as little contact with his home as possible. He still keeps in touch with his mother and wishes desperately she would leave her husband. In secret he hopes that his father’s anger will get the better of him and the world will be a better, more peaceful place if he would just pass away. Eventually t