Prepare for
Missions & Ministry


See for yourself why New Orleans is such a special place to study missions and ministry

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Value Meets Affordability

  • Tuition

    Tuition at NOBTS is signifantly lower than the national average. Students from SBC churches pay around $270 per credit hour for on-campus courses. Download our tuition and fees HERE.


    The Financial Aid Office offers a number of scholarships for full-time and part-time students at all levels of education.

  • Caskey Center for Church Excellence

    The Caskey Center provides full tuition scholarships for Baptist bivocational/ small church ministers from selected states. These scholarships apply to certificate, undergraduate, or master's students.

  • Accelerated MDiv program

    Students who have graduated from Baptist colleges and universities may qualify to receive up to 25% of their MDiv through our new Accelerated MDiv program, regardless of specialization. Learn More

  • Monthly Payment Plans

    Instead of paying for seminary up front each semester, NOBTS offers a monthly payment plan that divides tuition into more manageable installments.

  • Student Housing

    NOBTS has affordable campus housing options for single students, married couples, and families with rates that are typically half the cost of living in the city.

How to become a student

1. Review Degree Options
From undergrad to doctorate, from social work to theology, find your place here.
2. Consider Visiting Us
New Orleans is a city like no other. Visit our campus to see how ministry combines with academics.
3. Complete an Application
Answering God's call is a lifelong commitment. Let's talk more to see how NOBTS can help you.

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Where need
meets opportunity

As a major port city, New Orleans is home to people from across the globe, but only a small minority identify as evangelical Christians. As you train for a lifetime of ministry at NOBTS, we encourage you to get your hands dirty in a city that is in desperate need of the gospel.

Why is New Orleans a NAMB Send City?

Because the world is here.


88% unaffiliated with
an evangelical church


45% unaffiliated with
any religious body


1 SBC church per
every 6,930 residents