Mission Statement
Faith Based Committ.
Information Committ.
Legal Committee
Health Care Committ.
Death Row Committ.
LWOP Committ.
Women Rights Committ
The P.I.C.
Legal Notice


                                             U.I.M. - F.I.R.S.T.                                                      .


Welcome to the homepage of U.I.M.-F.I.R.S.T. We are a non-profit organization that promotes justice in a peaceful manner. As a Human Rights Organization whose mission is to protect the rights of incarcerated individuals worldwide and renounce all executions as the taking of a human life. 

Our website was built to create a one-stop-shop for all relative injustices that occur in today’s criminal (In)Justice Systems. Through our various committees, we provide prisoners with a vehicle of strength to which their voices can be heard. These voices are utilized on this website to help the general public to gain perspective and ideas of the current Human Rights violations in prisons. We hope to inspire others to join our efforts to identify the solutions, answers, or alternatives to these inhumanities, as well as empower others to stand with us in our attempt to implement those discoveries. We encourage you to provide us with your advice, feedback and support. Life is too short for hate, so please save your hate mail. If you find our website interesting, please inform others who you feel might be interested in getting in the work of UIM-FIRST.  


On September 20th, 2011 the state of Georgia killed knowingly an innocent man.Troy Anthony Davis died because the state didn't want to admit they convicted an innocent man and held him captive at their death camp for the last 20 years. This is a slap into the face for everyone who believes in real justice. Our heart goes out to Mr. Davis' family and friends.   

