Posts Tagged ‘Bristol’

UK: Round up of Animal Liberation actions on the ‘animal’ prison island

Monday, March 15th, 2021

All actions sourced from: Unoffensive Animal


8th March 2021

received anonymosuly via email:

“The Ginger Pig shops have always upset me, it has been great to see they have been getting a few visits. At least something is happening against them, at least other people out there are sick to death of them too. Then I noticed I was slipping into a deeper type of passivity. Waiting for someone else’s hit report to appear, I told myself there was even less reason for me to do something, someone else would probably get round to it. This was just the anxieties I’m sure a lot of us have around taking action.

This night, I packed their locks tight with glue at one of the shops that had been damaged before. The Ginger Pig, as well as others, are targets for us all and if you are nervous remember that the worst we can do is nothing.

Hope they have an annoying morning trying to open up their disgusting shop.




28th January

Via local newspapers:

According to local news, Ron Cockayne Butchers Ltd was attacked by unknown people. Eighteen bricks were used to break through the window, then smashed the cooked meat counter, multiple freezers, smashed eggs and glass jars and put a cleaver through a freezer door. A butcher’s knife and a set of keys went missing.

The owner says that over 3k GBP worth of damage was caused to the forty seven year old butcher shop. (more…)

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Bristol: Gloucester Road Social Centre evicted by 100 cops and bailiffs

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

Today (10 March) cops in Bristol have violently evicted a squatted social centre, making some occupants homeless all in the name of building more luxury flats on Gloucester Road. The pigs were very much standing on guard for the bailiffs as they tried to clear a building which used to be a Ranstad office that had been empty for years and was serving as homeless accommodation. Three people were arrested even one accused for assaulting a copper as the crowd tried to occupy the main street to cause disruption, a rediculous amount of riot cops and even cop horses were used to clear the road, resulting in clashes between them and the protesters. A group of 100 people turned up to show their solidarity to the squatters who had been living in the building for three months (not bad considering the recent repressive atmosphere against squatting in the UK.)

Bristol has had a strong history of squatting in the past with the Factory Social Centre and Telepathic Heights which got raided/evicted in 2011 causing two nights of riots.

Below is an account of the Pigeonshit Collective social centre eviction:

We arrived in the morning watching the gradual police build-up and joining the outstanding resistance to this illegal eviction. Some of us returned in the afternoon to show support and solidarity.16 riot vans, at least 6 area cars,and endless police. Disproportionate response.

Government: ‘There will be no evictions during the pandemic’. Meanwhile on Gloucester Rd in Bristol, dozens of cops, many in riot gear, are evicting a social centre that has been home to many.

Bailiffs have made it to the roof of the Pigeonshit Collective social centre on Gloucester Rd. Residents still inside holding strong in spite absolutely massive soon bailiff presence. Come down if you can, Bristol! (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Bristol: Banner for Revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas (UK)

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

“You can kill the revolutionary, but you can’t kill the revolution”
– Fred Hampton

Today (27th Feb) we hung a banner overlooking the M32 motorway in the St. Pauls area of Bristol. It is a minimal action of solidarity for Greek revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas, unrepentant former member of revolutionary organisation 17 November, who has spent 18 years in the hell holes of the Greek prison system. He has been on hunger strike for 51 days now, since 8th January and escalated to a thirst strike 5 days ago.

He is fighting against the vindictive move by the Greek state who moved him to the high security prison of Domokos, when he should have been moved to Korydallos prison in Athens.

We see along with our comrades in Greece a vengeful junta-esque regime of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Bakoyannis family and Nea Demokratia (New Democracy) mafia who wants to not only kill a revolutionary they have history with, but also to destroy all opposition to their new regime. One only has to remember the killing of Bobby Sands, along with other IRA prisoners 40 years ago, to compare Mitsotakis to that bitch Margaret Thatcher.

We will not let the revolutionary fire or our memory be extinguished, neither at home or internationally. This is only the beginning, to smash the fear, apathy and social peace on this island of privilege.

Some anarchists who know how to act!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: ‘Engaged Combatant’ – Anarcho-Nihilist Zine From Bristol (UK)

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

PDF: Engaged Combatant (Cover)

PDF: Engaged Combatant (Contents)

This is a collection of poetic ramblings by an anarcho-nihilist hooligan in Bristol, UK.

Forging some kind of weapon by merger metaphors and poetry from lived experiences, an alternative from quick-fix solutions in the fast lane of instant gratification, stolen and twisted out of meaning, into some spiritual sloganeering which hopefully challenges a life of just material band-aid.

The author feels like they are tidying up the loose ends in their mind!

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Graffiti from Bristol, UK in solidarity with anti cop demonstrations across the US

Sunday, May 31st, 2020

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Posted in Direct Action

Anti-police riot and arsons in Bristol after state of emergency declared (UK)

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

23rd March – In the evening when (now infected) Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared the state of emergency and the new measures to deal with the coronavirus, cops in Southmead, Bristol, were harassing young people on the streets. The police were attacked with stones and bottles and two Iceland supermarket vans were torched outside their depo. Several cars were also smashed and set on fire across the city. Young people are already always under ‘special measures’ by the police -abuse, beatings, harassment, dispersal, special conditions – and rioting and fighting back is the only real solution, not staying in your house and being afraid.

The supermarkets and the other companies which are profiting massively from this ‘crisis’, -which is solely the responsibility of the structures of power and capital-, are valid and understandable targets for the nihilistic and anti-social rage against this situation.
The lies of the media tell us that we are ‘all in this together’ but it’s clear that we are not, and never will be.

It’s the fight of the young people and the irreducibles against this sick system and this is but one drop from the storm to come.

Death to the politicians, the police and those who have poisoned this world.

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Posted in Direct Action

Bristol: Arms company Babcock attacked in sabotage action (UK)

Saturday, December 21st, 2019

FR: Bristol (UK) : Sabotage chez l’entreprise d’armements Babcock

The war machine is in operation 24/7. Despite the night shift at Babcock in Long Ashton, we snuck over the fence and damaged a fuel tank that forms part of their heating system.

Babcock are the second biggest contractor to the Ministry of Defence in the UK. They have 4 premises in Bristol alone. They specialise in the navy and nuclear industries. We hope our small act will show how many different ways it is possible to resist, without voting!

This “prison island” will continue whoever is prime minister. We reject all politicians and have only contempt for those who buy their lies and cheap promises.

To those who forget the many aspects of control and repression used in the social war, and buy into Labour’s hype by focusing only on the National Health Service… we laugh at you in the darkness, and angrily ask…. Do you remember Iraq?

Solidarity with those on the streets in the Green Zone in Baghdad, and belated greetings to everyone who rebelled on the International Day of Action for Rojava 14th December.

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Posted in Direct Action

Bristol: Sabotage at Youth Prison by Eco-anarchist vandals FAI/IRF (UK)

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

ES: Reino Unido – Ataque a la prisión juvenil de Vinney Green (Bristol)

PL: Bristol, Anglia: Akcja Sabotażowa w Więzieniu Dla Młodocianych “Vinney Green” z rąk eko-anarchistycznych wandali FAI-IRF

FR: Bristol (UK) : Sabotages à la prison pour mineurs

Back again! we paid another visit to Vinney Green ‘Secure Unit’ (AKA Youth Prison), on the outskirts of Bristol. We sabotaged and immobilised 4 cars belonging to screws. Vinney Green was previously attacked in June.

24 young people (aged 10-18) are incarcerated at Vinney Green. It is one of 15 secure units in England, and is currently being expanded. There were 144 assaults there last year. The prison has been publicly criticised for it’s “high use of restraint” among other things (but do not mistake us; there is no such thing as a “good” prison, and it is never acceptable to use restraint)…

Remember the kids this Christmas. Remember Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was shot by police in Greece aged 15.

In this time when many are turning to the ballot box… we took to the streets. A juvenile prank, for those in juvie…. Their cameras and fences do not deter us… and our rage will never be silenced by their electioneering and rhetoric. Boris Johnson promises tougher sentences. We promise more actions….

Until next time.
Fire to the prisons!

December Cell
Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

Bristol, UK: BAE & MDBA arms factories blockaded in solidarity with the fight in Rojava

Monday, October 28th, 2019

A coalition of Bristol groups blocked all the entrances to BAE and MDBA in Filton this morning, [25/10/19] preventing the arms factories from opening. We stand in solidarity with the people of North and East Syria and against Turkish fascism! #Riseup4Rojava #BoycottTurkey #StopArmingTurkey

via Bristol Kurdish Solidarity Network

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Posted in Direct Action

Aviation Fuel Tankers Attacked in Bristol, UK

Monday, September 9th, 2019

In the heart of Easton, next to a school, in a busy residential area between a well used railway line and a motorway, is enough aviation fuel to cause a major explosion. Aviation fuel contains over 2,000 chemicals. Once ignited it has a much higher BTU (British Thermal Unit) than gasoline and can burn much longer. In Easton, there are 6 white tankers, each 60 foot long.

We are often labelled “terrorists” but if we were then… boom! bye, bye! Instead, we decided to attack these containers with dark blue paint. In executing this small act of defiance we hope to highlight their existance, and the danger they pose. This prank was also done to add to the current discourse and campaigns around the expansion of Bristol Airport. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

‘Buck’ – Insurgent zine from Bristol (UK)

Saturday, August 24th, 2019

PDF: Buck

“It becomes a hazard of the choices we make when we commit acts that move us nearer to the freedom we seek.”

‘Buck’ is inspired by ‘September Commando’ by John Yates with it’s minimal direct punchlines that accompany iconic images.

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Posted in Library

Graffiti on Hoarding Boards of ‘Ashton Rise’ new urban sprawl development – Bristol (UK)

Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

Graffiti on Hoarding Boards of ‘Ashton Rise’ new urban sprawl development…..


At the ‘Ashton Rise’ development on the South Bristol Metro Bus Route (near Bristol City Football Club) graffiti was sprayed:

“Yet more urban sprawl… this time on allotments, and social housing…. Check 325.nostate.net tag Bristol for eco-actions”.

This was “socially cleansed” within 24 hours… maybe they feel a bit threatened? The standard “art-graffiti” around the area still remains.

Ashton Rise has a budget of £21 million. The council brag of it’s “affordable” nature, but the only thing that’s cheap about their project are the promises of “creating communities” and “sustainability”.

They can remove our traces… but they will never crush our rebellious hearts!

Thanks to the vandals for the shout out.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

CCTV Burnt and Advertising Attacked in Bristol (UK)

Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

CCTV Burnt and Advertising Attacked in Bristol, on the 30th July.

A new LED advertising screen by the M32 motorway in Bristol tells us to “Be On It”… Well, we are!!! The screen was damaged using sling shots. Advertisers want people to focus their attention on shitty corporate messaging instead of concentrating on their driving. We are “on it”, and we are not excited by the products, upgrades ,and the boring lifestyles and aspirations they are selling… We desire damage and destruction… and dream of sabotage.

CCTV was also burnt out at Gaunts Ham Park (a day centre for homeless people in Lawrence Hill). The wiring was destroyed in an expression of rage against the surveillance state that increasingly targets those who do not conform. Using a long pole, and a firelighter attached to a clothes peg, this act was “begging” to be done! More and more people are marginalised, and the housing crisis in Bristol is one aspect of the social war which we are all part of…..

Solidarity with all those resisting it! Especially to: ‘Der Drei Von Der Parkbank’ in Hamburg, and those imprisoned as part of ‘Operation Panico’.

Anti-Social Angry Vagrants

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Posted in Direct Action

Bristol: Solidarity graffiti for anarchist prisoners by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Friday, June 21st, 2019

For June 11 – Solidarity for long term anarchist prisoners

Just outside the city limits of Bristol tucked away in the dark is a poultry farm (Ivy Farm) owned by P&S Mitchell LTD. Located in Whitchurch Lane, Dundry, the birds never see the light of day. Despite the CCTV, the grain silo and broiler house were both spray-painted with the words “Animal Prison”.

A new McDonalds restaurant that is not welcome is being built in Fishponds Road, but maybe the “Burger Off!” posters in local’s front windows isn’t enough. Graffiti was sprayed inside the building site – “McWork Prison”.

Vinney Green, hidden in Emersons Green on the edge of Bristol is a special secure detention unit for 10-17 year old “dangerous kids”. The unit holds up to 24 detainees. A large hole was cut in the perimeter fence and then the next inner security fence was broken through by bending back the bars, causing a second human size gap. Then the prison buildings themselves were sprayed with the words “Child Prison”, “Screws Work Here”.

Solidarity to Brian Vaillancourt who is serving a 9 year sentence in the USA for an arson of a McDonalds. To the imprisoned comrades in Italy who are fighting from inside the cells on hunger strike. To the 3 comrades arrested for bank robbery in Thessaloniki, Greece. To Lisa held in Spain. For all the imprisoned anarchists around the world.

Freedom for everyone!

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Trying to Fix a Broken Spirit’ – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol (UK)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

PDF: ‘Trying to Fix a Broken Spirit’ Zine

“I’d rather scratch cars than gamble on scratch cards, at least I know I’m under no illusion of winning!”

Hooligan poetry from the streets of the scum-town of Bristol, leafy city of disease rotting in the West.

The theme’s grimy and you can combat the down-trodden feeling. Laughing that you have nothing, but nothing holds you back.

That’s what this zine is about.

If you like this zine, read these others:
‘Step into the Unknown’
‘Tool 4 Crowd-control – Class War-Horse’

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