Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For September Is Now Available

Aug. 30, 2012 Prison

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for September. As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.

There are a lot of updates this month.

Firstly, there is a call for a day of action against mass incarceration on September 21st on the anniversary of the execution of Troy Davis. Find out more info here.

Also coming up, on September 12th, immediately before the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, the crimethinc. ex-workers collective will meet Chris Hedges in New York City for a public debate about diversity of tactics. This debate will be free and open to the public, and livestreamed for those who can’t attend. More info and a link to the livestream can be found here.

New evidence points to the “Abuse of State Power” and revengeful retaliation by the Greensboro Police in the RICO case against Latin King Jorge Cornell and other NC Latin Kings. Their trial has been set for October 15th. Jorge Cornell’s birthday is this month, so be sure to send him some words of encouragement.

It certainly hurts to have to relay the news that once again Sundiata Acoli has been denied parole. His case has been referred to a panel of three people to determine the amount of time he will have to serve before becoming eligible for another hearing. Sundiata is now 74 years old and has served nearly 40 of those years in federal prison. Please take a moment to write him a card or letter
(Sundiata Acoli) Clark Squire #39794-066
FCI Cumberland
Post Office Box 1000
Cumberland, Maryland 21501-1000

On August 4th it was announced that prisoners at Central in Raleigh voted to end their hunger strike, started on July 16th in protest of conditions on Unit 1. We have not heard from prisoners at Bertie or Scotland. Small groups of prisoners at Foothills CI and Tabor CI have also said they have joined the protest. More info here.  Information on reprisals against alleged organizers can be found here.
A prisoner at Polk CI in Butner, NC recently published a new account of life in solitary (specifically, HCON). Titled Voices from the Tombs of H-CON, it functions as an expose of the torturous conditions of solitary confinement in America. You can view the text in full here, or on our resources page.
The latest edition of Earth First! Newsletter  is out. This issue includes recent dispatches from the eco-wars, an updated directory of environmental action groups, prisoner support listing, events calendar, and a clever new tip for ol’ Ned Ludd. This is a great resource for your distro table or infoshop. You can find a photo-copyable pdf of it here.

Lastly, here is a link to the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War every-other week update by the  NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots of good updates on many political prisoners.

Until Every Cage Is Empty,
The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For April Is Now Available

April 3, 2012

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for April. As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.

Black Liberation Army POW, Robert Seth Hayes and former Black Panther Jalil Muntaqim are coming up for parole again in June. Robert is asking supporters for help. You can read more about Robert’s parole hearing and request for support here.

Herman Bell was just denied parole again. He’s asking supporters to help Robert and Jalil’s upcoming parole hearings. You can read an article about that here.

Great Meadow Correctional Facility
11739 State Route 22
P.O. Box 51
Comstock, New York 12821-0051

Justin Solondz was just sentenced to 7 years. You can write to him at this address. Pleas send positive thoughts and well wishes his way.

Justin Solondz
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

Until Every Cage Is Empty,

The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster for January is now available!

Jan. 1, 2012 Anarchist News

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for January. As always,
please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing
night of your own.

Download at:

Things have been heating up in our neck of the woods and around the US.
Feel free to check our blog if you have the time.

Short and sweet this time around,

Until Every Cage Is Empty,

The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For November and December

October 28, 2011 by prisonbookscollective

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for November and December. As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.

In other news politicized prisoner Sean Swain is up for parole and his support committee asked us to share this letter with y’all…

Dear friends and supporters of Anarchist prisoner Sean Swain,

As you may know, Sean Swain recently marked his 20th year of continuous confinement by the state of Ohio, making him now fully eligible for parole.

Due to the hard work of his friends, family and supporters, who wrote letters of support to the parole board and hired him a qualified lawyer, Sean has been approved for a full board hearing coming up in November. Both Sean and his lawyer believe that he has a good chance of being released. We ask anyone interested in supporting Sean to get in touch with his support crew for details about attending his upcoming full board hearing in Columbus, Ohio.

We now need help with fundraising. We have hired him a lawyer who specializes in parole board appearances for people in Ohio prisons. She has successfully defended inmates in a class-action lawsuit against the Ohio parole board and is very knowledgeable about the Ohio parole system.

Sean’s legal costs are now $2,500, which we have so far been making payments on out of pocket. In hopes that these bills not fall on one person, we are asking anyone who is able to contribute any amount (even $20 helps) to help us cover these expenses, or to host a fundraiser in their town for Sean. Checks and money orders can be sent directly to his lawyer, with a note they are for Sean Swain. Money orders should be written out to: Andrea Reino and mailed to: Andrea L. Reino 119 East Court Cincinnati, OH 45202.

If you send money this way, please let us know so we can keep track of our payments. Also feel free to contacts us with any questions about his case or his upcoming parole board hearing. Send us an email at

Thanks everyone,

The Sean Swain Support Crew

Lastly, there will be a demonstration against prisons and solitary confinement on November 4th, at 2pm at DOC offices in Raleigh. Family and friends of prisoners as well as anti prison activists will be participating. Meet at the Offices of the N.C. Department of Corrections, 831 W. Morgan St., 460 MSC Raleigh, NC, 27699

That’s it for this time around,

Until Every Cage Is Empty,

The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For September Is Now Available

Sept. 1, 2011

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for September. As always,
please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing
night of your own.

Download the Poster at:

Leonard Peltier has recently been put in solitary confinement. In addition
to the isolation he has suffered since June 27, he now faces a
disciplinary transfer. For his birthday this year help put pressure on the
Bureau of Prisons by calling and writing letters ands sending emails. All
of the information is here.

Also, please keep writing to accused Earth Liberation Front activist
Justin Solondz who has just been extradited to the United States after
spending years in prison in China.

Please keep in mind that Justin is pre-trial and that the crimes with
which he is charged are all mere allegations.

Justin Solondz #98291-011

FDC SeaTac

Post Office Box 13900

Seattle, Washington 98198

Finally, we just posted an excellent essay by Viki Law entitled, Where
Abolition Meets Action: Women Organizing Against Gender Violence. It's
well worth checking out.

Until Every Cage Is Empty,

The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective