
What is BDS?

The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.

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Rafeef Ziadah, Drashti Brahmbhatt, Jeremy Phillips, Anwar N., and Camila Mattar Hazbun discussed campaigns organised to end complicity with Israeli apartheid as part of the students’ conference, “Decolonising our campuses: students unite against oppression”, organized from 13-15 November, 2020.

January 16, 2021

Nick Estes, Shaeera Kalla, Maria Santiago and Linda Tabar discussed different strategies to end racism and capitalism on campus as part of the student conference, “Decolonising our campuses: students unite against oppression,” organized from 13-15 November 2020.

January 16, 2021

Dima Khalidi, Dhirak Nite, Helberth Augusto, Asil Hussain and Natasha Ion discussed how to demilitarize campuses and how to end repression at universities as part of the student conference, “Decolonising our campuses: students unite against oppression,” organized from 13-15 November 2020.

January 16, 2021

Please donate so we can continue to defend Palestinian rights and contribute to the global wave for social justice.


Puma apparently sought to shed some of its complicity in Israel’s violations of international law, but failed at even doing that. Puma should focus on ending all complicity in Israel's violations of Palestinian rights, not damage control and public relations campaigns.


In our latest video, Palestinians from diverse backgrounds and ages all say: BDS means hope to achieve our rights. Your support nourishes this decolonized hope.

December 22, 2020

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