Showing posts with label Anti-Racist Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Racist Action. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

July 31st Day of Action Against Fascism and Racism

South Side Chicago ARA

On July 31, 2010, militants and organizers across the U.S., Canada, and
Europe participated in the International Day of Action Against Fascism and
Racism. Please join us on July 31, 2011, as we collaborate again to
struggle against white supremacists organizing in our communities.

Who: Revolutionaries everywhere!
What: Organizing events and actions against fascism and white supremacy!
When: July 31, 2011! Where: Wherever you are!
Why: To clean up the streets and take out the trash!

On March 27, 2010, Luke Querner was shot while exiting a bar in downtown
Portland, Oregon. While police investigation and local reporters initially
played this off as gang-related violence, friends, family, and community
members spoke up to let the truth be known: Luke was an anti-racist
skinhead that organized against white supremacists in his community, and
was in turn attacked by white supremacists in an effort to silence and
intimidate anti-racist/anti-fascist organizers. Luke survived the
shooting, which left him partially paralyzed.

In response to the shooting, anti-fascists organized the July 31 Day of
Action Against Fascism and Racism to publicly fight back. This occurred in
the midst of a rise of racist far-right activity in the U.S., including
Arizona's racist SB1070 immigrant bill, Tea Party tax protests, and
vigilante border patrols by neo-Nazis.

We have chosen to put out a call to action again this year as a means of
coordinating anti-fascist struggles. In 2010, we saw a variety of actions
and efforts that reflected the diversity of the participating
organizations, which included benefit shows, public events, protests, and
public outings of white supremacists. Only by organizing against white
supremacists and fascists can we protect ourselves from their violent
attacks, and not by putting faith in the police and legal systems that
enforce borders and criminalize People of Color.

On July 31, 2011, join together with radical anti-fascists to take it to
the streets and oppose racism and fascism in our communities.

List of Endorsers

Circle City Anti-Racist Action
Four Star Anarchist Organization
Gay Liberation Network
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action

If your organization would like to endorse this call to action, please
contact us at and we will add your name
to the list of endorsers.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Interview with Michael Novick on Anti-Racism and Decolonializing

Saturday Jun 25th, 2011

recorded at Free Radio Olympia by dj questionmark June 20, 2011

Download at: (7.9
mb 34 minutes)

Michael Novick of Anti-Racist Action LA and People Against Racist Terror
(ARA-LA/PART) talks about anti-racist work and dismantling colonialism.
Novick connects different social justice issues and how everyone has a
stake in the struggle for human liberation. He also lays out the
historical progression of settler colonialism in the western United States
and how important it is today for people to be self-critical of an
internal colonization that misleads people into identifying with their own
oppressor. Novick’s approach to community organizing recognizes a common
humanity that includes building alliances, self-determination and
developing a “total politics” that include all oppressed people and

Visit for more info about Anti-Racist Action

Monday, May 09, 2011

PART's PERSPECTIVE: The Missing Ingredients

What is the recipe for a revolutionary transformation of this society?

The need for such a process should be as evident as the nose on our
faces. The evidence is in the melting glaciers in the Himalayas and
the vanishing polar ice cap in Greenland, where the indigenous tell
us that the water is now running out from under the ice even in
winter. The evidence, as Derrick Jensen eloquently tells us, is in
the disappearance of the salmon (not to mention the frogs, the bees,
and the fish in the sea). The evidence is in the city of rat-infested
cargo containers piling up outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long
Beach, because of every six containers of imports that come into that
busiest port complex in the U.S., only one goes back out with
exports. Not to mention that much of what the US physically exports
these days is cardboard, scrap metal, toxic electronic waste for
"recycling," and old clothes.

The evidence is in the pervasive pan-opticon of surveillance,
counter-intelligence, and domestic espionage that scans every email,
biometrically identifies every face, and sanitizes the results of
every search on the Internet. The evidence is in the robot soldiers
being developed by DARPA. It's in the drones that practically fly
themselves along the US-Mexico border as well as the 'tribal' regions
of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and it's in the coffins that keep coming
out of those regions, as well as Iraq, where President Obama has
declared the war is over.

The evidence is in the schools of every city in the country, where
enrollments are rising and teaching and support staff are dropping.
One of the "anomalies" of the recent economic contraction and jobless
"recovery" is that it is the first one in which the loss of
employment opportunities in other fields hasn't meant an increase in
people opting to be teachers. Recent figures show a 50% drop in first
and second year teachers, the result of massive layoffs and
'reductions in force' at many school districts. LA Unified may
pretend to be worried about "drop-outs," but the teacher shortage
would be insurmountable even with the planned class size increases,
if 50% or more of Black and Mexicano/indigenous high school students
were not being tracked into the prisons or the grave before they
finish school.

The evidence is in the mortality and morbidity statistics for the US,
where life expectancy is falling, and the country with the highest
total and per capita spending on "health care" has the worst health
in the industrialized world. The evidence is in the coming
"double-dip" in the housing market, with a new round of foreclosures
imminent. The evidence is incarcerated by the millions in the US
gulag of jails, prisons and juvenile halls, augmented by those on
parole or probation, those underemployed or disenfranchised because
of their prior convictions. The evidence is in unemployment so
persistent during the supposed recovery that the government has been
forced to change its statistical measures to allow for people
'unemployed' for up to 5 years.

But if the evidence is so clear, why is the population so docile? Why
is the only sign of animus or agitation apparently on the mostly
white Right, in the Tea Party, the neo-Confederates, and those who
have moved beyond 'respectable' white nationalism to neo-fascist and
neo-nazi formations? What happened, in the US, to the in-the-streets
anti-war movement, or the anti-globalization movement before it? Like
Oswald the Rabbit, Disney's first creation now lurking in Wasteland
in a new video-game featuring "Epic Mickey" Mouse, is there a shadowy
place where outrage and resistance have gone to lick their wounds?

Actually, the name of the place where throttled and neutered social
movements go is widely known. It's the corporate Democratic Party,
where the corpse of environmentalism can dance with the ghost of
feminism. There a toothless labor "movement," like a zombie
reanimated by a new generation of "Communists," can consort with a
gay "liberation" movement that fights for the right to enter into the
marriage contract and to serve in the imperial armed forces. There,
the children of those who, in return for the perks of government
office, sold out the dream of equality and freedom of the civil
rights movement can encounter the children of migrant workers, whose
DREAM of a path to citizenship through assimilation and loyalty to
the Empire (at the university or the military) died stillborn. US Out
of Iraq, have you met SANE/Freeze? Clean for Gene, I'd like you to
meet Change We Can Believe In.

But we cannot blame the Democratic Party for failing to deliver on
its campaign promises or our illusions, anymore than you can blame a
scorpion for biting you when you give it a ride across the river. The
fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves. What are we missing and
how can we reclaim it?

The yeast that is lacking in the loaves that keep coming out of the
oven flat is three-fold: caring, clarity and audacity.

Caring, because too many of us are like walking wounded, punch drunk
from losses. The fighters on our side of the domestic war that the US
waged in the 1960s and 70s through mechanisms like COINTELPRO ended
up dead, imprisoned, isolated or with a kind of PTSD - post traumatic
stress disorder. And so they and we are suffering, and mostly,
suffering in silence. We lick our wounds privately, not recognizing
or applying our collective capacity to heal and nurture each other.
As Che said, as Malcolm demonstrated, "A true revolutionary is guided
by great feelings of love." We need to love ourselves, love the land,
love each other and to act out of love to heal the wounds, mend the
biosphere, and to make the connections of mutual aid and solidarity
that can overcome, while acknowledging, our vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

Clarity, because blinded by identification with or as the oppressor,
we refuse to see the true nature of the system we live within and are
part of, and of the enemy we confront. The US is and always has been
a settler colonial empire, the bastion of reaction domestically and
internationally. Behind every one of the problems we confront -
hunger, homelessness, police abuse, mis-education, rape, catastrophic
climate change, poverty, ill health - stands an implacable enemy
whose lifeblood is the profits that flow out of each of those
problems. Unemployment, war, militarism, and environmental
devastation are not policies that can be changed or ameliorated
through enlightenment or education. They are part and parcel of a
system of colonialism and capitalism that must be uprooted and
replaced. Any effective action we take or change we make will be met
with repression, so it must be central to our movements to build the
capacity to resist and fight back in the face of repression. And bear
in mind that cooptation is a form of repression, the carrot that
dangles from the stick. The system has centuries of practice of
substituting bourgeois "liberation" movements for revolutionary ones.
Based on class collaboration and identification with the Empire and
the oppressor, it can stock the ranks of bourgeois women's movements,
or replace conscious hip-hop with materialistic gangsta-glorifying
rap. It's always ready offer a New Deal or just a big deal, the best
deal we can get. It's time to say, no deal.

Audacity, because despite all its might and wealth, the Empire has
feet of clay - not only an irreconcilable contradiction with its
subjects, the people it exploits and oppresses, but an irremediable
contradiction within itself. A system based on stolen land and labor,
whose operations destroy the land, the sea and sky, whose growth is
inevitably consumed by collapse like the seven fat cows eaten by the
seven lean cows in the Pharoah's dream, cannot endure. The Empire is
aware that all its wealth and power come from the people it exploits
and oppresses, and whom it cannot do without. The Market knows full
well that all of capitalism is a colossal Ponzi scheme, and fears the
scales falling from our eyes, the awakening awareness that Property
is theft, and that we and the planet are the source of creativity and
wealth. They know that they need us but we do not need them. The
growing rigidity and repressiveness of their system is a measure of
their fear. Their need to colonize every inch of bandwidth, to
colonize the human genome and the germinal power of every seed is a
measure of both their insatiable greed and their inevitable
vulnerability. It is we the people who must realize our power, who
must renew our understanding that, as Huey P. Newton said, the
people's spirit is greater than the man's technology. We need the
audacity to struggle relentlessly by every means necessary, to "use
what we got to get what we need." Key to this is recognizing that,
though a new world is possible, it is not a new U.S. that is
necessary. The imperial structure of the US, a prison house of
colonized nations and peoples, must be shed as a caterpillar sheds
its chrysalis to emerge as a butterfly. Inside the belly of the
beast, those irreconcilable contradictions that have been muted by
privileges and bribes are inevitably re-asserting themselves.
Remember that privilege is also a method of social control, along
with punishment. Never accept as a privilege what should be yours as
a human right. Time to break the chains that bind us to our own
oppressors and our own destruction, and take flight!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Missing Ingredient

by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against
Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART)

What is the recipe for a revolutionary transformation of this society?

The need for such a process should be as evident as the nose on our
faces. The evidence is in the melting glaciers in the Himalayas and
the vanishing polar ice cap in Greenland, where the indigenous tell
us that the water is now running out from under the ice even in
winter. The evidence, as Derrick Jensen eloquently tells us, is in
the disappearance of the salmon (not to mention the frogs, the bees,
and the fish in the sea). The evidence is in the city of rat-infested
cargo containers piling up outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long
Beach, because of every 10 containers of imports that come into that
busiest port complex in the U.S., only one goes back out with
exports. Not to mention that much of what the US physically exports
these days is cardboard, scrap metal, toxic electronic waste for
"recycling," and old clothes.

The evidence is in the pervasive panopticon of surveillance,
counter-intelligence, and domestic espionage that scans every email,
biometrically identifies every face, and sanitizes the results of
every search on the Internet. The evidence is in the robot soldiers
being developed by DARPA. It's in the drones that practically fly
themselves along the US-Mexico border as well as the 'tribal' regions
of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and it's in the coffins that keep coming
out of those regions, as well as Iraq, where President Obama has
declared the war is over.

The evidence is in the schools of every city in the country, where
enrollments are rising but teaching and support staff are dropping.
One of the "anomalies" of the recent economic contraction and jobless
"recovery" is that it is the first one in which the loss of
employment opportunities in other fields hasn't meant an increase in
people opting to be teachers. Recent figures show a 50% drop in first
and second year teachers, the result of massive layoffs and
'reductions in force' at many school districts. LA Unified may
pretend to be worried about "drop-outs," but the teacher shortage
would be insurmountable even with the planned class size increases,
if 50% or more of Black and Mexicano/indigenous high school students
were not being tracked into the prisons or the grave before they finish school.

The evidence is in the mortality and morbidity statistics for the US,
where life expectancy is falling, and the country with the highest
total and per capita spending on "health care" has the worst health
in the industrialized world. The evidence is in the coming
"double-dip" in the housing market, with a new round of foreclosures
imminent. The evidence is incarcerated by the millions in the US
gulag of jails, prisons and juvenile halls, augmented by those on
parole or probation, those underemployed or disenfranchised because
of their prior convictions.

But if the evidence is so clear, why is the population so docile? Why
is the only sign of animus or agitation apparently on the mostly
white Right, in the Tea Party, the neo-Confederates, and those who
have moved beyond 'respectable' white nationalism to neo-fascist and
neo-nazi formations? What happened, in the US, to the in-the-streets
anti-war movement, or the anti-globalization movement before it? Like
Oswald the Rabbit, Disney's first creation now lurking in Wasteland
in a new video-game featuring "Epic Mickey" Mouse, is there a shadowy
place where outrage and resistance have gone to lick their wounds?

Actually, the name of the place where throttled and neutered social
movements go to die is widely known. It's the corporate Democratic
Party, where the corpse of environmentalism can dance with the ghost
of feminism. There a toothless labor "movement," like a zombie
reanimated by a new generation of "Communists," can consort with a
gay "liberation" movement that fights for the right to enter into the
marriage contract and to serve in the imperial armed forces. There,
the children of those who, in return for the perks of government
office, sold out the dream of equality and freedom of the civil
rights movement can encounter the children of migrant workers, whose
DREAM of a path to citizenship through assimilation and loyalty to
the Empire (at the university or the military) died stillborn. US Out
of Iraq, have you met SANE/Freeze? Clean for Gene, I'd like you to
meet Change We Can Believe In.

But we cannot blame the Democratic Party for failing to deliver on
its campaign promises or our illusions, anymore than you can blame a
scorpion for biting you when you give it a ride across the river. The
fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

The yeast that is lacking in the loaves that keep coming out of the
oven flat is clarity and audacity. Clarity about the nature of the
system we live within and are part of, and about the enemy we
confront. The US is and always has been a settler colonial empire,
the bastion of reaction domestically and internationally. Behind
every one of the problems we confront -- hunger, homelessness, police
abuse, mis-education, rape, catastrophic climate change, poverty, ill
health -- stands an implacable enemy whose lifeblood is the profits
that flow out of each of those problems.

Unemployment, war, militarism, and environmental devastation are not
policies that can be changed or ameliorated through enlightenment or
education. That's why Obama's foreign policy, domestic policy and
Constitutional interpretations differ so little from those of Bush.
They are not "policies" at all. They are systemic. That's why
Democrats and Republicans can compromise so easily while they profess
to hate each other. That's why the Democrats voted under Obama to
maintain the same pro-super-rich tax policies that they originally
voted for a decade ago under Bush. They are part and parcel of a
system of colonialism and capitalism that must be uprooted and replaced.

Any effective action we take or change we make will be met with
repression, so it must be central to our movements to build the
capacity to resist and fight back in the face of repression. And bear
in mind that cooptation is a form of repression, the carrot that
dangles from the stick. The system has centuries of practice of
substituting bourgeois "liberation" movements for revolutionary ones;
based on class collaboration and identification with the Empire and
the oppressor, it can stock the ranks of bourgeois women's movements,
replace conscious hip-hop with materialistic gangsta-glorifying rap.
It's always ready to offer a New Deal or just a big deal, the best
deal we can get. It's time to say, no deal.

Audacity, because despite all its might and wealth, the Empire has
feet of clay -- not only an irreconcilable contradiction with its
subjects, the people it exploits and oppresses, but an irremediable
contradiction within itself. A system based on stolen land and labor,
whose operations destroy the land, the sea and sky, whose growth is
inevitably consumed by collapse like the seven fat cows eaten by the
seven lean cows in the Pharoah's dream, cannot endure. The Empire is
aware that all its wealth and power come from the people it exploits
and oppresses, and whom it cannot do without. The Market knows full
well that all of capitalism is a colossal Ponzi scheme, and fears the
scales falling from our eyes, the awakening awareness that Property
is theft, and that we and the planet are the source of creativity and
wealth. They know that they need us but we do not need them. The
growing rigidity and repressiveness of their system is a measure of
their fear. Their need to colonize every inch of bandwidth, to
colonize the human genome and the germinal power of every seed, is a
measure of both their insatiable greed and their inevitable
vulnerability. It is we the people who must realize our power, who
must renew our understanding that, as Huey P. Newton said, the
people's spirit is greater than the man's technology. We need the
audacity to struggle relentlessly by every means necessary, to "use
what we got to get what we need." Key to this is recognizing that,
though a new world is possible, it is not a new U.S. that is
necessary. The imperial structure of the US, a prison house of
colonized nations and peoples, must be shed, as a caterpillar sheds
its chrysalis to emerge as a butterfly. Time to break the chains that
bind us to our own oppressors and our own destruction, and take flight!

The above editorial appears in the new issue of "Turning the Tide:
Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education," January-March
2011, Volume 24 Number 1, available from ARA-LA, PO Box 1055, Culver
City CA 90232. A sample copy is free; one-year subscriptions (four
quarterly issues) are $16 for US individuals ($26 foreign, $28
institutional) payable to Anti-Racist Action at the above address.
You may call 310-495-0299 or email for
a sample copy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The rejection of the identity of victimization through cracking a Nazi's skull

-by a bitch ass faggot Anti-Racist Action April 15, 2011

On Friday, April 15th, 2011 some anti-fascist in Anti-Racist Action learned of the location of the National Socialist Movement's national conference for rank promotion and five-year planning. A group of 30 of us decided to march to where the Nazi's were strongest, to bodily and boldly confront them, and we were decidedly victorious. After the the dust settled six Nazis were hospitalized, more were injured, their vehicles and property were damaged, and their conference was ended. On the other side, one anti-fascist required moderate first aid.

Many of us at the melee were people of color, working class, immigrants, women, queer, transgendered, and/or people on parole or probation. The logic of the victim is constantly thrust upon us. We are said to be 'at risk' and must be protected and pandered to. It is said that we need others, usually the State, to protect and stand up for us. But, through the action of splitting Nazis' heads open, we rejected the logic of victimization. We will continue to do so, we will be victims no longer. We do not need others to stand up for us, we have each other. When we are attacked, we will find each other and counterattack, so hard and so fierce that we will surprise even ourselves.

If the Nazis call us bitch ass faggots, they might not be that far off the mark. But if they conflate those slurs with weakness, the six hospital visits they faced would prove otherwise.