
Showing posts with the label Yap

Kuentusi i Hanom

One of my jobs this summer is to run community conversations with Nedine Songeni for Humanities GuÄhan at the Department of Corrections. I first started doing these types of conversations or civic reflections many years ago, when the Humanities Council introduced them as a means for talking about the military buildup. I along with several others underwent a training period and held these conversations with diverse groups across the island. Since then I've also helped them a few more times on organizing civic reflections. It is an interesting model, and what I've always found nice about it, is that it requires the use of humanities text, whether it be an article, a text, an essay or a short film, as a means to stimulate conversation. Rather than a debate or a lecture, you build from a text which can be interpreted in many ways to sort of try to unpack many of the things members of the community may be feeling and may or may not be talking about. A few years ago Humanities GuÄh

GMIF gi Fino' Chamoru

Gaige ha' i kettura yan i inafa'maolek gi iya GMIF Pedro Onedera Guam PDN 5/21/13 Desdeki i ma babaña astaki i finakpo'ña i Mina'bente sais na Ferian Islan Maikrunisian GuÄhan, sigi ha' hÄlom i finatton i taotao siha. Guaha inapurao, minannge' prugrÄma, kulot yan inafa'maolek gi i tres ha'Äni na feria ni', sigun gi ma muebi para mes MÄyu, bula minagof put i atte, fina'tinas cho'cho' kÄnnai, tradisiunÄt, tinalenti yan finatta ni' prinisenta nu i taotao tÄno' ginen Republic of the Marshalls, Republic of Palau, Yap, Pohnpei, Chuuk, Kosrae ginen iya Federated States of Micronesia, yan ta'lo ginen iya Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas yan islan Nauru. Desde franela, Ätten botto, linasguen hÄyu, todu klÄsen inatan Ätte taiguihi litrÄtu siha, tiniffok, finattan agrikottura na tinanom, yan i petlas siha ginen islan Nukuoro, un islan PÄlinesia gi iya estÄdon Pohnpei, bula siha na kosas para todu i taotao,