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Jan 5, 2021
Democrats Block Motion To Promote Election Integrity
In addition to voting for this unfairly constructed rules package, Democrats also tabled a commonsense motion on the floor to promote integrity and voter confidence in our elections put forward by the lead Republican on the House Administration Committee, Rep Rodney Davis. The motion would have…
Jan 5, 2021
Democrats’ Partisan Rules Package Ignores Constitutional Values and Institutional Principles
On a 217-206 party line vote, Democrats passed their Rules package that ignores values outlined in the Constitution and goes against longstanding principles of the House as an institution. In a column for The Wall Street Journal, James Freeman explained how these…
Jan 4, 2021
Dems Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Seven months ago, Speaker Pelosi and Democrats refused to work with Republicans and unilaterally changed the Rules of the House in a partisan and unprecedented way by installing proxy voting. At the time, they claimed that allowing members to not show up to work and vote even if they weren’t…
Jan 4, 2021
Democrats Endorse Two More Years of Speaker Pelosi’s Failed & Radical Leadership
During yesterday’s vote for Speaker, five House Democrats who voted against Nancy Pelosi in 2019 opted to support her. It’s hard to imagine what Speaker Pelosi has done over the past two years to change Reps. Cooper, Crow, Kind, Rice, and Schrader from opponents of hers to…
Jan 4, 2021
Democrats’ Partisan Rules Package Silences Voices of Americans Represented by House Republicans
It’s telling and appropriate that Democrats’ first action of this new Congress will be to silence the voices of millions of Americans represented by House Republicans, since they are planning to institute an unprecedented and unconscionable assault on the rights of the minority. The MTR has been a staple of…
Dec 28, 2020
Democrats’ Real Agenda
There’s no question that the Democratic Party is controlled by far-left radicals whose socialist policies would devastate the nation. In an interview yesterday, two soon-to-be members of their caucus outlined what their priorities will be once they are formally sworn into office, making it clear that the agenda they intend…