Showing posts with label El Salvador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label El Salvador. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Salvadoran war crime suspect arrested in Mass.

By Mark Arsenault Boston Globe / August 24, 2011

Federal agents in Massachusetts yesterday arrested a former Salvadoran
military colonel accused of colluding in the 1989 murder of six Jesuit
priests in El Salvador, charging him with lying about his past in order to
stay in the United States.

A federal judge ordered Inocente Orlando Montano, 69, who has been living
in Everett, held in custody last night, and will probably determine today
whether he can be released on bail with electronic monitoring.

Prosecutors say Montano tried to flee the country last week, seeking safe
haven in El Salvador, after a Globe story revealed that he had been living
for years in the Boston suburb.

Montano is one of 20 former Salvadoran government officials and members of
the military indicted in May by a Spanish court in the slayings of the
clergy, their housekeeper, and her teenage daughter, an infamous war crime
carried out by the Salvadoran armed forces during the country’s brutal
12-year civil war.

Whether Montano will be extradited to stand trial in Spain in the killings
is an open question. A spokesman for the State Department could not be
reached last evening for comment.

Despite accusations that he was complicit in one of the most notorious war
crimes since World War II, Montano was charged yesterday only with making
false statements on an immigration form, a crime that carries a maximum
10-year prison sentence.

He was discovered in Massachusetts by the Center for Justice and
Accountability, a San Francisco-based human rights organization that in
2008 filed suit against the 20 defendants in Spain, leading to the new
indictments in May.

“We are pleased that US authorities finally acted and arrested Montano,
even though the action was only related to immigration fraud,’’ Almudena
Bernabeu, a lawyer for the center, said in a statement. “This arrest gives
Spanish authorities an opportunity to formally request Montano’s
extradition, which, if the US observes, would once and for all result in a
trial and justice for this terrible crime.’’

Montano appeared in federal court yesterday in handcuffs, dressed in tan
pants, a checkered shirt, and shoes with no laces. He held a cane and took
small, unsteady steps. His lawyer, public defender Oscar Cruz Jr., said
Montano is recovering from bladder cancer and an infection.

Montano has held a job in Revere since 2003, according to Cruz, though he
declined to say where his client worked. Montano lived in Everett with his
wife, and he also has a sister in Saugus and a sister in South Carolina,
Cruz said.

“He’s just concerned with his family’s safety,’’ Cruz said. Montano also
has four children in El Salvador.

Montano yesterday was formally accused of repeatedly lying on his annual
application for temporary protected status from the Department of Homeland
Security, which he first filed in 2002. The status is available to those
who are temporarily unable to return to their home countries because of
ongoing wars or disasters. The status was offered to Salvadoran natives in
the early 2000s after a series of earthquakes.

He has answered no to questions about whether he was ever part of a
military unit, received military or weapons training, or been part of any
unit that had used or threatened to use weapons against other people.

In fact, Montano served in the Salvadoran military from 1963 to 1994,
retiring as a colonel, according to court documents. In 1989, at the time
of the Jesuit massacre, Montano also held a government post as vice
minister for public safety.

A United Nations commission in 1993 named Montano among a group of
high-ranking officials who allegedly colluded to order the assassination
of Father Ignacio Ellacuria, the Spanish-born rector of the Central
American University in San Salvador, whom the military suspected of
sympathizing with leftist rebels. The elite military unit dispatched to
execute Father Ellacuria was told to leave no witnesses.

In an interview in June with a Salvadoran Internet newspaper, Montano
denied the charges, saying the only high-level meetings in which he
participated concerned the defense of San Salvador, which was under rebel
attack at the time.

The Globe published a front page article last Wednesday on Montano’s
whereabouts in Everett and the charges in Spain.

Federal prosecutor John Capin said in court yesterday that Montano left
Massachusetts late last week, apparently intending to make his way back to
El Salvador through Mexico, but was intercepted by federal agents in

At some point last week, though Capin would not say when, US Immigration
and Customs Enforcement revoked Montano’s temporary protected status,
leaving him no lawful standing to be in the country.

He said Montano was aware of the international indictment and suggested
Montano was looking to return to his native country, which has a law that
provides amnesty for crimes committed during the civil war.

Montano was fitted with an electronic tracking bracelet last week and
monitored by immigration agents, Capin said, until he was arrested
yesterday and brought to court to face the new criminal charges. Capin
would not elaborate on how Montano returned from Virginia or where he was
at the time of yesterday’s arrest.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Death Threats against Community Journalists in El Salvador, Journalist Murdered in Honduras; Take Action Today

May 13, 2011 Cispes

New Death Threats against Community Journalists in El Salvador

Journalist Murdered in Honduras; Take Action Today to Call for the
Suspension of U.S. Military Aid (see below)

Our allies in the Cabañas, El Salvador are very concerned about a recent
wave of death threats against members Radio Victoria, a community radio
station, which is an invaluable source of information to the rural
communities in Cabañas. Members of the collective have been outspoken
against the fraud and corruption of local right-wing politicians, as well
as against Pacific Rim Mining's proposed gold mines.

In the past two weeks, Marixela Ramos and Pablo Ayala have received
multiple death threats against them and their family members by a group
identifying itself as an "extermination group," telling them to leave the
radio station immediately. The threats have been made primarily through
text messages; written threats have also been slipped under the door of
the radio station.
Despite fact that there are roughly ten police officers assigned to do
security for community leaders in Cabañas, including some members of Radio
Victoria, there is clearly a need for new forms of specialized police
protection and for a thorough and immediate investigation into these
threats and into the systematic campaign of intimidation against the
social movement.


Death threats, kidnappings, robberies from 2009 and 2019, including
against members of Radio Victoria, ADES, ASIC, and the CAC – all active
organizations in Cabañas’ mining resistance –were a prelude to the murders
of three activists, Marcelo Rivera, Ramiro Rivera and Dora Alicia Sorto
Recinos. Please read more in-depth reports here and here.

While material authors have been found guilty and sentenced in the
murders, there have been no investigations of the intellectual authors of
the murders or the relationship of the crimes to the victims’ political
activities. Therefore, our allies are extremely concerned that this
on-going state of impunity could lead to more violence and murders in the
near future.

Please join us in taking action now to demand that the Attorney General
properly investigate these crimes and that the government provide
sufficient protection for community journalists and social movement

1) Send an email to Salvadoran Attorney General Romeo Barahona to
demand an immediate and exhaustive investigation into the death threats.

2) Send an email to David Morales, Director of Human Rights at the
Ministry of Foreign Relations to demand that a new police unit be created
to accompany those being threatened.

If you speak Spanish, please also call Lic. Barahona to call for an
exhastive investigation and Lic. Morales to call for adequate police
protection today.

Call Script for Attorney General Barahona, Fiscal General de la República
at 011-503-2230-6350 (direct number of his assistant, Hector Burgos)

Buenos días/tardes. Mi nombre es_______________________ y llamo para
expresar mi preocupación sobre las nuevas amenazas de muerte contra el
personal de Radio Victoria en Cabañas, hechos por un grupo de exterminio,
las cuales son realmente asombrosas. Urge una investigación profunda e
inmediata sobre estas amenazas y la campaña sistemática de intimidación
que hoy surge en Cabañas. El hecho de que la violencia y amenazas
anteriores de los dos años pasados en Cabañas quedaron en impunidad ha
permitido que surgieran los nuevos casos de violencia. Pido que el Fiscal
General tome las medidas necesarias para asegurar justicia y protección
para los y las afectados.

Call Script for David Morales, Director of Human Rights at Foreign Affairs
Ministry, 011-503-2231-1143

Buenos días/tardes. Mi nombre es_______________________ y llamo para
expresar mi profunda preocupación sobre las nuevas amenazas al personal
del Radio Victoria. Le pido que tome todas las medidas necesarias para
crear una nueva unidad de policía para proveer seguridad y acompañar a
todos los y las miembros de Radio Victoria y otros líderes del movimiento
social en Cabañas que viven bajo la amenaza de muerte. También, pido que
extiendan las medidas cautelares a Marixela Ramos y Pablo Ayala, quienes
han sido identificados como blancos en las últimas amenazas. Le agradezco
de antemano su atención y compromiso para proteger los derechos humanos de
todos y todas en El Salvador.
¡Que vivan los pueblos en resistencia!

The people of Honduras urgently need your solidarity. Earlier this week,
journalist Franciso Medina was killed by gunmen on motorcycle; he is the
eleventh journalist to have been killed in Honduras in the past eighteen
months. Members of the resistance movement, organized campesinos, LGBT
activists, and journalists continue to face violent state repression for
their ongoing organizing against the illegitmate government of Pepe Lobo
and for a democratic re-founding of the Honduran state.

Representaties McGovern (D-MA), Shakowsky (D-IL) and Farr (D-CA) are
cosponsoring a letter calling for the suspension of U.S. military aid to
Honduras. Please take action today to ask your Representative to sign on
to this letter to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. The deadline for Reps
to sign on is May 25th so please take action today. U.S. aid to this
murderous regime must end immediately!

For more information, please check out the work of our allies:

La Voz de los de Abajo:

Witness for Peace:

School of the Americas Watch:

Rights Action:

Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular de Honduras (in spanish):

Professor Adrienne Pine: