Your Voice at the United Nations

Who We Are

Founded in 1993, UN Watch UN Watch, a non-governmental organization, influences decision-makers, educates world opinion and promotes UN reform, transparency and accountability.

Headquartered next to the UN human rights apparatus in Geneva, UN Watch works with civil society, dissidents and victims to focus international attention on urgent human rights situations worldwide.

UN Watch stands at the forefront in combating racism, antisemitism and anti-Israeli prejudice at the UN, taking the offensive against dictatorships and double standards.

What We Do

Monitor the UN by the yardstick of its own charter

Combat antisemitism & anti-Israel bias at the UN

Protect human rights for victims worldwide

How We Do It

Diplomacy : Advocacy at highest levels or government to effect change at the decision-making level.

UN Testimony : Deliver high-impact testimony before UN sessions to capture global attention

Publications : Publish detailed reports, studies and in-depth research, and present them at parliaments and prestigious universities, to demand UN reform

Campaigns : Achieve international condemnation of bigoted actions and statements through mainstream campaigns and social media

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