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Chinese New Year: Is the investment case as strong as an Ox?

The coronavirus pandemic has had a drastic knock on effect on the global economy, with many still suffering. After the supposed first case was found in Wuhan, China in late 2019, the country swiftly went into a national lockdown until June. As China celebrates its New Year today, we look at how it, and its economy has fared one year on.

A constant flow of investing ideas is always fodder for useful research, even if many notions you have about future winners won't pan out.

Has the pandemic ushered in an era where we can confidently anticipate some meaningful re-ratings of historically cheap valuations?

Which investment trusts should you trust to grow your cash?

As any market-watcher knows, investment trusts have enjoyed a good run recently. Listed on the stock exchange and run by professional managers, investment trusts spread your money across dozens of different companies. The past year has seen a rush of interest in trusts - with some managing to double investors' money within a year.

There's no getting around it, you need do some homework and maths if you're thinking of buying shares. But which sums are the most useful to investors?

The resurgence of active funds comes after a lengthy period of time when sales were being put under pressure by the rising popularity of tracker funds.

European equities have been largely unloved by investors for some time, but will a vaccine-led coronavirus recovery see a change of fortune?

If you have any interest in pop music you will have noticed a lot of big stars are selling off the rights to their back catalogues.

Are Reddit share buyers Mrs Thatcher's dream come true?

It is 35 years since Margaret Thatcher revealed her dream of a society 'where owning shares is as common as having a car'. Yet despite dogged attempts by the finance industry to get people investing, little changed for decades. For years, car owners outnumbered those with an investment account by almost four to one. But that was until 2020. In the past year, hundreds of thousands of savers have tried their hand at investing for the first time.

Ciaran Mallon and James Goldstone were asked jointly to take over the reins at Invesco Income and Invesco High Income last May after former manager Mark Barnett was sacked.

Astra is due to report its full-year results on Thursday and investors will be keenly watching for updates on a number of fronts.

This is the moment to heed Warren Buffett: 'A bubble plays on human nature. Nobody knows when it's going to pop, or how high it will go before it pops.'

Hydrogen is clean and easily available but has been expensive to utilise. We already have companies developing the technology with some success.

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Carpet and flooring giant Headlam

The past year has been one of the toughest in living memory for businesses and many have suffered. But Britain's entrepreneurial spirit has also come into its own, as companies have adapted to coronavirus-induced restrictions and made the best of it. Many are now starting to surprise investors, with better than expected figures for the end of last year and beginning of this. Birmingham-based Headlam is one such business and the shares, at £3.90, should rise.

Vaccines have to be kept at minus 70 degrees Celsius. Transporting the medicine at such low temperature is challenging but DiscoverIE, a company based in Surrey, is helping to make it happen.

Best stocks & shares Isas: Pick the right DIY investment platform

Choosing the right DIY platform is crucial but a wealth of choice and changes to charges have left many investors scratching their heads. We pick some of the best. We also highlight why investing in an Isa makes sense, as it should protect your hopefully growing investments from tax forever.

My investing mistakes and the lessons I learnt along the way

Getting something wrong is all part of trading and investing. And we shouldn't beat ourselves up about it. A loss, a bad decision, a failure to act, or any other form of mistake can be learned from and chalked up as the cost of investment education. I'm heavily exposed enough to the investing world to know the pitfalls - and yet over the years I've stumbled into plenty of blunders. Here are a few of them and what I've learned.

Among those who have stopped, 40% were worried about volatility and felt it was too risky, while 32% said their investments weren't performing as well as they wanted or they were losing money.

A £10,000 investment made with Britain's banks in January 2011 would now be worth £6,254.24. The same amount put in the average easy-access account would have now grown to £10,577.55.

The small Tyndall North American fund rocketed to the top of the UK's fund performance tables for last month due to its GameStop holding - and some very lucky timing.

The likes of Deliveroo, Dr Martens, Moonpig and craft beer chain Brewdog are all expected to 'go public'. This will be the first time these companies are open to retail investors.

She does have more cash savings that will be kept separately but wants to get this money working harder, earning at least 3-to-5 per cent a year.

HMRC calculated income tax of around £13,400 based on my receipts for the 2019-2020 tax year. They have demanded a further £6,700, stating that an amount of just over £20,000 is due.

TONY HETHERINGTON: Have my water bonds sunk?

Other investors and I purchased investment bonds from Global Water Group Limited valued at nearly £900,000 in total. The company assured us they had been in business for six years with good returns, and that capital was fully protected by assets. Now the company is in liquidation, with no explanation of where our money has gone.

Many investors, including some in the UK, have been enthused by what has been achieved through Reddit. But investing - in my eyes at least - is not gambling or making short-term profits.

Boss Jeff Bezos vowed to invest more in safety equipment and expanding the company's infrastructure. And shares have surged by more than 70 per cent in the past 12 months.

This is an investment firm designed to invest in, well, something, somewhere at some time. Could we really be so foolish as to repeat the failings of something like the infamous South Sea Bubble?

Robo-advisers are a digital solution offering investors a portfolio spread across thousands of investments. They will guide you to a portfolio which matches your attitude to investment risk.

These popular pieces of real estate, central to the logistics of transporting and delivering goods, are springing up to cater for the ecommerce explosion sparked by lockdowns.

Clone scammers cheated savers out of £78m last year, with victims losing £45k on average, according to regulators who are urging the public to carry out checks before handing over money.

GameStop: FCA warns on market abuse as Reddit fever sweeps UK

UK investors should be wary of 'highly volatile market conditions', the Financial Conduct Authority said, as small traders pump up the price of certain stocks. The FCA cautioned that traders joining the Reddit crowd in ploughing their money into GameStop and other stocks could even fall foul of rules on market abuse - if they were found to have artificially inflated the price of a stock.

The City regulator has sounded the alarm over market abuse and high-risk trading. And investing experts are pronouncing scathing judgment on the spectacle...

Mis-selling victims are being charged huge sums for claims they can make themselves at no cost by complaining to the investment provider or the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Can Scottish Mortgage keep climbing? Tom Slater interview

After investors saw Scottish Mortgage double their money in a year, we speak to joint manager Tom Slater about that 12 months, the future and its big shareholdings. Simon Lambert asks about its high profile US and Chinese holdings, including what Tesla has to do to justify the valuation investors have put on it. And the trust's joint manager explains its continuing long-term investments in Tesla and Amazon - but sale of Facebook - as well as the potential growth it sees in Chinese electric carmaker Nio, healthcare, space, drones and delievery.

A number of leading ethical investment funds continue to hold shares in Irish building materials business Kingspan.

If we just followed the headlines, then the entire continent of Africa has been written off by many investors as a fruitless search for fool's gold. I would ask you to think about a bigger picture.

Saving the planet and making big business more accountable are two of the greatest challenges, which is why environmental, social and governance investing is always at the centre of controversy.

The flick is packed with endorsements from Omega watches to Land Rover's Defender, which gets an off-road outing, and the brands had planned a tie-in marketing push.

Investment experts believe that under Joe Biden, the wind is set fair for more spending and a return to growth when the US exits the pandemic. But is now the time for UK investors to invest in US stocks?

The US imposed a 25 per cent tax on single malt Scotch imports a couple of years ago - punishment for the EU subsidising aircraft maker Airbus. Yet prices have started to rise again.

When Julia Martin received a phone call last week about unclaimed shares belonging to her father, it came as a bolt out of the blue. There were stocks and dividends in his name worth £30,000.

Blockchain mining company Argo Blockchain is the most bought stock on DIY investing platform Interactive Investor so far this year. What is it, who is buying it and why is it so popular?

Should you back a unicorn tycoon? The tech bosses who've made fortunes

With a net worth of about £136bn, Elon Musk (pictured) is the richest man on the planet. It has been a dramatic rise for Musk, whose wealth rose more than five times last year. The Tesla founder is one of a new breed of tech billionaires who dominate the world's rich list. And as they have grown richer, so have the investors who backed them.

In a blog post published on Friday Casper Sorensen, the vice president for customer experience at the cryptocurrency exchange, said the company was 'doing everything in our power to turn the page.'

Searching for a decent income from your savings and investments has rarely been more challenging. It is more akin to summiting the ferocious K2 mountain than a spot of fell walking in the Lakes.

The Gore Street Energy Storage Fund has a good spread of storage businesses in the UK and Europe. This you should have as a longer-term investment.

UK investors have seldom been so bemused by US events, which are more far-fetched than movies on Netflix. But most investors will want exposure to the US at this inflection point in its history.

Initial advice meetings will be free, but charges will be levied on customers for ongoing advice and for any Fidelity services and products they want to use thereafter.

In fact, as families have been forced to spend more time at home, Britain's biggest electricals chain has hoovered up extra sales of computers and other white goods.

Beyond Bitcoin: Number two crypto Ethereum is climbing faster and has given rise to 'DeFi'

Like Bitcoin, currently with a market capitalisation of over £452.4billion, Ethereum is a decentralised currency, so it does not require a central bank or financial institution to issue it. Both use blockchain, the digital ledger technology where transactions are recorded and validated using a peer-to-peer network of computers rather than a single organisation.

Thousands of firms are hoping for a swift return to health after a gruelling 2020. Here we reveal how to spot the difference between cheap stocks set to soar and the ones best to avoid.

With the pandemic still sadly going strong, markets could be full of surprises - good and bad - this year. Here are 12 funds to keep an eye on, according to FundCalibre.

Are you buying shares or high risk CFDs? Free trading apps warning

A host of apps have brought the opportunity to buy and sell shares at no cost to the UK, but some also offer the chance to bet using high risk CFDs. Investors and people trading shares on a daily or weekly basis have been warned about this latter element. We explain what you need to know to tread carefully when looking for free share dealing.

The Financial Conduct Authority said that given the volatility, complexity and lack of regulation of cryptoassets, such investments pose 'high risks' for consumers.

Global Equity funds were the biggest winner, with net retail sales of £1.7billion, but UK All Companies funds continued to struggle ahead of the Brexit deal.

Block, one of the world's best-known activist investors, said Ma's disappearance is 'just one of the reasons' he is betting against Chinese firms.

Confessions of an Impulsive Investor: My magpie Isa of trusts and ETFs is up 20%

Each month since August I have siphoned lockdown savings into the Isa I opened with a lump sum and seven investment trusts, adding different trusts and ETFs as I saw fit. Now some might call this a scattergun approach. And indeed for some tastes there are possibly too many holdings and too much overlap, and definitely too much technology - but it is an experimental portfolio that can be rebalanced over the years. This is how it's gone.

Cryptocurrency traders are still struggling to profit from bitcoin's recent record run as their funds continued to be frozen inside the UK's most popular cryptocurrency exchange for as long as five weeks.

While some investment experts have embraced Bitcoin within their investment portfolios, others fear it could be heading for a sharp fall - as happened in early 2018.

If you'd bought a bitcoin at the start of last year, you'd have paid about $6,986. Yesterday, the same coin might have cost you close to $34,000 - an all-time high. 

Although 2020 may have been the year of the Bitcoin, some experts still believe gold remains the overwhelming 'safe haven' of choice among most savers.

It could be time to add robots to your portfolio

More people will be thinking of doing so, some inspired by the role they have played during the pandemic and others by a series of significant deals at the end of 2020. The automated future is arriving faster than we thought, disrupting business models and working practices. One indicator of how the process has accelerated has been the sight of robots spraying disinfectants in hospitals and cleaning floors and surfaces at St Pancras station in London.

Here are our seven steps to detox your portfolio - and get it into shape for the year ahead.

The grim end to this pandemic year should not cast a pall over investment hopes for 2021. Financial experts are upbeat about prospects for the UK, though the recovery might not kick in until late spring.

As we approach the end of what has probably been the most unpredictable year in recent history, industry experts share their investment lessons to help you navigate whatever 2021 may bring.

Each has given a recommendation for brave investors who are prepared to take a risk, and one for the more cautious. But shares can go down as well as up.

Where are the best places around the world to invest in 2021?

Joe Biden is expected to provide much steadier leadership as a Covid-19 vaccine is rolled out and countries look to rebuild their economies and pay the massive bills run up during the pandemic. Here, investing experts give their take on how events and opportunities might unfold, with a green recovery on the cards but the risk of a clampdown on the tech giants looming in the US, Europe and China.

The deal commits both sides to maintaining free trade across the Channel. And while its full impact won't be known for years, almost all forecasts agree it is good news for the economy.

Although the fund has recorded shocking one-year losses of 32 per cent, it has generated gains of 47 per cent over the past three months.

Brian Dennehy of Fundexpert would invest in BA parent company International Consolidated Airlines Group. Read his and more tips from our experts.

Boxing Day used to be the day for long walks, for some, watching the local hunt charge off into the hedgerows, for others a football match or the sales.

The Financial Mail on Sunday reporters reveal where they plan to invest their money in 2021.

We reveal the trade secrets of three of the star managers of 2020 and share their thoughts on the best opportunities for 2021.

By late December, having previously bottomed out at $3,800 a coin in mid-March, bitcoin had reached a new all-time high of around $23,500, a more than 500% rise from trough to its new peak

Would you be happy to parachute out of a plane? If so, it's fair to say you're a risk taker and enjoy the rush of adrenaline. But that doesn't necessarily mean you've the stomach for investment risk.

How much money do I need to start investing?

We asked you to send us your investment questions after we launched our beginner's guide to stocks and shares last month. From investing small amounts via lump sum deposits or regular contributions to learning what happens if an investment platform goes out of business, here we ask the experts what you want to know.

You must get plenty of letters about older people being scammed out of their money by shysters. Unfortunately, I am a stupid woman who has been conned out of £12,500.

Over the weekend millions will push a laden trolley along the Covid-compliant one-way system of a supermarket, stocking up for Christmas and against possible Brexit shortages.

At times, Lloyds, NatWest, Barclays and HSBC have seen their share prices dwindle to under half what they were 12 months ago. But are they now turning a corner?

If interest rates turned negative, new research just published by financial giant Aegon suggests 42 per cent would use it as an impetus to save less and invest more.

From ignoring stock tips you hear down the pub, to shutting out political noise and doing your own research, we draw on the experience of experts.

With a new US president, new vaccines for the pandemic, new investment in global economies and new confidence starting to return, compared with this year, there are quite a few reasons to feel positive.

PRUDENT INVESTOR: 10 golden rules for rookie investors

I made my first foray into the stock market at the age of 25 in November 1984 when cut-price BT shares were sold to small investors. The profits helped to pay for a skiing holiday and whet my appetite for investing. A few years later, as a self-employed freelancer, I began saving into a personal pension, then came my first Pep (a forerunner of Isas), Perpetual's Growth & Income fund, in 1989.

We pick out the best performing funds involved in clean energy and other green technologies and analysts tell us the ones they like.

Financial literacy was highest among the 60-69 age group, with 43% able to answer all questions correctly, which suggests people learn more as they gain experience of everyday money issues .

The UK's energy mix is in the process of transitioning from coal and gas towards renewables and has been for some time. This is only going in one direction.

Investing is intrinsically a future-looking game. And as the pace of technological and societal change gets ever more drastic, there's lots of future-looking to be done.

How do I start investing? I want to save £10,000 in a decade

Is your new decade resolution to get rich - or richer, at least - and are you ready to do some serious saving to reach your goal? Find out how much you need to put away each month to hit a £10,000, £100,000 or £1million savings target by 2030, and the best way to get started if you are new to investing.

How to research an investment fund

Investment managers have to produce factsheets of important details like charges and performance for each of their funds in a standard format that makes them easy to compare. Known as 'key investor information documents' or KIIDs, these can be a useful starting point.

How do I research an investment trust?

We look at what new investment trust 'key information documents' provide to investors. Financial expert Adrian Lowcock of Architas talks This is Money through which parts of the documents are most worth investigating, and how to use them to research investment trusts.

How many funds should an investor hold?

Investing through funds and trusts gets you diversification, and gives you exposure to many asset classes, markets and strategies. But how do you distribute your savings across them, to build a portfolio that's spread widely enough to mitigate risk and achieve your goals - while dodging rookie traps like duplication or simply holding too much to comfortably manage.

Individual investors are routinely warned off using 'currency hedged' funds, because it involves making judgements professionals often get wrong. But experts say there are a few exceptions.

You might invest, but do you have a a clearly defined plan of what you are investing for and how you plan to do it. If you're anything like me the answer is 'no'. So here's how to get one.

My son has just turned one and my husband and I would like to use his birthday money to open an investment account for him. So who should we invest with? And what should we invest in?

We reveal the seven tools DIY investors need to find the right investments for Isa and pension portfolios.

At a time when we are living longer and need to finance our own later life, the industry needs to be encouraging people to invest, not putting barriers in their way.

Pension freedoms mean retirees can now invest their savings how they like rather than buy a stingy annuity. But what do you need to consider and plan ahead for when funding retirement this way?

What do cryptic investment fund names mean?

Investment fund names are often a baffling mixture of impressive but vague words, which mean little to people who aren't already clued up on financial jargon. People hoping to boost their savings by buying a fund or trust face a steep learning curve, unless they're lucky enough to have a friend in the know or are willing to fork out fees to a financial adviser. We offer a short cut, and explain what all the fancy terms really mean.

Global government bond markets are vast and affect everyone who pays tax, saves or invests. We unscramble the jargon used by industry insiders to help everyone else fathom what's going on.

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Cordiant Digital powering online boom

The company is scheduled to float on the stock exchange next month at a price of £1 a share and expects to deliver at least 9 per cent returns per year, through dividends and capital growth. Cordiant hopes to raise between £300million and £500 million to buy masts, data centres and fibre optic cabling in the UK, Europe and US. Boss Steven Marshall is already in advanced negotiations on three assets worth hundreds of millions of pounds and has identified a pipeline valued at nearly £1.5billion. Initial deals are likely to take place in Europe and the US, but British assets will follow in time.


Investing: don't miss

The investment industry's world of abbreviations...
Acc: Accumulation - any income generated by the fund like dividends or interest is automatically reinvested.
Inc: Income - any income generated is distributed by the fund instead of being reinvested.
Dis: Distribution - any income generated is distributed by the fund instead of being reinvested.
R: Retail - the fund is aimed at ordinary investors.
I/Inst: Institutional - the fund is aimed at corporate investors like pension funds.
A, B, M, X etc: Different fund houses use letters for different things. Check with them what they stand for.
NT/No trail: Some fund houses use this name on clean funds which carry no commissions for financial advisers, supermarkets or brokers, just the fee levied by the fund manager. But other fund houses use different letters - I, D or Y, for example - so you need to find out for yourself which are clean funds.
Gr: Stands for gross.
GBP/£: Fund denominated in pounds.
EUR: Fund denominated in euros.
USD/$: Fund denominated in US dollars.
Compiled with online stockbroker The Share Centre

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