Cryptome Triple Cross

16 March 2012. Set up to publish documents on the use of conventional XX duplicity to deceive and circumvent more deviously. To examine and expose XX as camouflage for XXX and beyond. Submissions welcomed: cryptomexxx[at]

00033.htm   Assange-WikiLeaks Crypto Arms Call Triple Cross          December 5, 2012
00032.htm   Informancy Industry                                      May 8, 2012
00031.htm   Government and Commerce Dupe About Privacy               April 20, 2012
00030.pdf   Who Watches the Watchmen: Denial and Deception           April 19, 2012 (7.0MB)
00029.htm   Secret Service DoD Sexual Entrapment by CU/VZ            April 18, 2012

00028.pdf   US Evaluation Board Secret Deception Operation           April 18, 2012
00027.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 220              April 6, 2012
00026.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 219              April 6, 2012
00025.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 218              April 6, 2012
00024.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 217              April 6, 2012

00023.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 216              April 6, 2012
00022.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 215              April 6, 2012
00021.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 214              April 6, 2012
00020.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 213              April 6, 2012
00019.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 212              April 6, 2012

00018.htm   OSS Sources and Methods 1940-1947 Entry 211              April 6, 2012
00017.htm   OSS Thousands of Sources and Methods Files (see above)   April 5, 2012 (offsite)
00016.htm   DoD Releases Psyop-Media-SM Deception Docs               April 5, 2012 (offsite)
00015.pdf   IWG Report on Withheld Records of War Criminals          April 5, 2012 (7.4MB)
00014.pdf   OSS Personnel                                            April 5, 2012

00013.pdf   OSS Terms, Names, Abbreviations, and Code Words          April 5, 2012
00012.pdf   OSS Covert Operations 1940-1947                          April 4, 2012
00011.htm   CIA Covert Operations in Europe                          April 4, 2012
00010.htm   Analysis of the Name File of Heinrich Mueller            April 4, 2012 (offsite)
00009.htm   An American Spy by Olen Steinhauer                       April 1, 2012

The following eight triple-crossing files are from the CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. These exemplify triple-crossing by spy services through FOIA releases, favoritism to cooperative media, deliberate leaks, official publications and agency-approved publications by members and former members to use the appearance of openness as disinformation, information management and propaganda. Their purpose is to distort through devious disclosure of files describing such techniques and at a deeper level to demonstrate triple-cross tertiarily.

00008.pdf   CIA Deception Research No. 9 1980                        24 March 2012 (5.7MB)
00007.pdf   Central American Psychological Operations 1953           19 March 2012 (3.0MB)
00006.pdf   UK Spy School 1944                                       19 March 2012 (1.3MB)

00005.pdf   Rizzo Triple Agent 1944                                  19 March 2012 (98KB)
00004.pdf   Soviet Triples 1957                                      19 March 2012 (1.2MB)
00003.pdf   Neble Double Agent                                       19 March 2012 (69KB)
00002.pdf   Counterspy 1963                                          19 March 2012 (1.5MB)
00001.pdf   Dogwood 1944                                             19 March 2012 (2.9MB)

An American Spy by Olen Steinhauer

Everyone lies, for different reasons. The picture is always opaque.

Real espionage is actually like this. Winston Churchill, a keen aficionado of wartime deception, described the spying game as “tangle within tangle, plot and counterplot, ruse and treachery, cross and double-cross, true agent, false agent, double agent, gold and steel, the bomb, the dagger and the firing party . . . interwoven in many a texture so intricate as to be incredible and yet true.” Spying is itself a form of fiction, the creating of invented worlds, which perhaps explains why so many of the best spy novelists were once in the intelligence business: W. Somerset Maugham, Ian Fleming, Graham Greene and le Carré himself.

Ben Macintyre’s latest book, “Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies,” will be published in July.


A NATO Ministers of Defense meeting begins at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Defense Ministers from across Europe as well as U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta are attending the meeting. (Jacquelyn Martin, Pool)

Conventional XX duplicity

Thesaurus words for "deceive": abuse, bamboozle, be untruthful, befool, beguile, betray, bitch, bluff, bunk, cajole, cheat, cheat on, circumvent, con, conjure, cozen, debauch, defile, deflower, defraud, delude, despoil, diddle, do, dodge, double-cross, draw the longbow, dupe, elude, equivocate, evade, exaggerate, falsify, fib, finesse, foil, fool, force, forestall, four-flush, frustrate, gammon, get around, get round, give the runaround, give the slip, go one better, gull, hoax, hocus-pocus, hoodwink, hornswaggle, humbug, impose on, impose upon, inveigle, juggle, lead astray, lead on, let down, lie, lie flatly, mislead, mock, outfigure, outflank, outgeneral, outguess, outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, pass the buck, pigeon, play one false, prevaricate, put, put something over, rape, ravage, ravish, ruin, seduce, sell out, shift, shift about, snow, soil, speak falsely, spoof, stonewall, story, stretch the truth, string along, suck in, sully, swindle, take, take in, tell a lie, throw off, trick, twist and turn, two-time, victimize, violate

Thesaurus words for "circumvent": avoid, baffle, balk, bamboozle, beat, befool, beg, beguile, betray, bilk, blast, bluff, brave, burke, bypass, cajole, challenge, cheat on, checkmate, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate, circumambulate, circummigrate, circumnavigate, close the circle, come full circle, compass, confound, confront, conjure, contravene, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, cross, cycle, dash, deceive, defeat, defy, delude, describe a circle, destroy, detour, diddle, disappoint, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish, disrupt, ditch, double, double-cross, dupe, elude, encircle, encompass, escape, evade, flank, flummox, foil, forestall, frustrate, gammon, get around, get away from, get out of, get round, girdle, girdle the globe, give the runaround, give the slip, go about, go around, go one better, go round, go the round, gull, gyre, hoax, hocus-pocus, hoodwink, hornswaggle, humbug, juggle, knock the chocks, lap, let down, make a circuit, mock, nonplus, orbit, outfigure, outflank, outgeneral, outguess, outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, pass the buck, perplex, pigeon, play one false, put something over, revolve, round, ruin, sabotage, scotch, shake, shake off, shuffle out of, sidestep, skirt, snow, spike, spiral, spoil, stonewall, string along, stump, surround, take in, thwart, trick, two-time, upset, victimize, wheel.

Thesaurus words for "devious": Byzantine, O-shaped, aberrant, aberrative, ambagious, amoral, anfractuous, artful, backhand, backhanded, balled up, bending, calculating, canny, circuitous, circular, complex, complicated, confounded, confused, conscienceless, convoluted, corrupt, corrupted, crabbed, crafty, criminal, crooked, cunning, curving, daedal, dark, deceitful, deceptive, deflectional, departing, designing, desultory, deviant, deviating, deviative, deviatory, digressive, discursive, dishonest, dishonorable, divagational, divergent, diverting, double-dealing, doubtful, dubious, duplicitous, elaborate, embrangled, entangled, errant, erratic, erring, evasive, excursive, felonious, fishy, fouled up, foxy, fraudulent, furtive, guileful, helical, ill-got, ill-gotten, immoral, implicated, indirect, insidious, insincere, intricate, involuted, involved, knotted, knowing, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, left-handed, lonesome, loused up, many-faceted, matted, mazy, meandering, messed up, misleading, mixed up, mucked up, multifarious, not kosher, oblique, orbital, out-of-the-way, pawky, perplexed, planetary, plotting, questionable, rambling, ramified, remote, removed, retired, rotary, rotten, round, roundabout, roving, scheming, screwed up, secret, secretive, serpentine, shady, shameless, shifting, shifty, shrewd, side, sidelong, sinister, sinistral, sinuous, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, snarled, sneaking, sneaky, spiral, stray, subtile, subtle, surreptitious, suspicious, swerving, tangled, tangly, tortuous, treacherous, tricky, turning, twisted, twisting, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, underhand, underhanded, undirected, unethical, unprincipled, unsavory, unscrupulous, unstraightforward, vagrant, veering, vulpine, wandering, wily, winding, without remorse, without shame, zigzag

XXX Triplicity

A simple case of XXX is to deploy a comparatively easy to discover duplicity to conceal one more deeply protected. Multi-layered security may serve as a multi-layered decoy to lead away from a deep-bunkered treasure. Identifiably weak comsec may divert from more valuable comms. A small error to indicate a larger mistake which hides a great delusion.