Is your career doomed to fail? Startling graph shows which jobs you SHOULDN'T work in after Covid - and it is bad news for anyone in hospitality

  • Hospitality sector employment numbers haven't recovered to pre-Covid levels
  • Food, accommodation jobs fell 11.2 per cent from February to November 2020
  • Media, IT sector saw a 9.6 per cent fall as Covid shutdowns hurt advertising
  • Manufacturing suffered a 8.1 per cent decline during that nine-month period 

Careers in the hospitality industry are in trouble with job numbers plummeting by 11 per cent in just nine months and not recovering.

In February, before the start of the Covid pandemic, 937,300 were employed in the food and accommodation services sector.

Within three months, the number employed in that industry dived by a third to 643,400 as cafes and restaurants were closed to stop the spread of coronavirus and Australia's border was closed to tourists, severely curtailing demand for hotels. 

Fortnightly JobKeeper wage subsidies of $1,500 a fortnight and government quarantining programs for returned overseas travellers saw job numbers recover to 786,100 by August, after the Covid recession.

As of November, there were 831,900 jobs in the sector, but that number was 11.2 per cent or 105,400 below February's level of 937,300 when the Australian share market peaked and Australians could still travel freely around the country and overseas.

Careers in the hospitality industry are in trouble with job numbers plummeting by 11 per cent in just nine months and not recovering

Careers in the hospitality industry are in trouble with job numbers plummeting by 11 per cent in just nine months and not recovering

A Daily Mail Australia analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics quarterly labour force data showed the sector covering cafes, restaurants and hotels was by far the worst affected, when seasonally-adjusted figures were taken into account.

The ad hoc resumption of state border closures, lockdowns and social distancing rules also threaten the fragile industry, with JobKeeper wage subsidies, now at $1,000 a fortnight for those putting in 20 hours or more a week, ending on March 28.

University of Sydney workplace expert Professor John Buchanan said the federal government needed to design a tailored structural adjustment assistance package for sectors hit by the Covid restrictions.

'All the government's doing, that's ending JobKeeper: we should be talking about an adjustment package for 2021,' he told Daily Mail Australia on Tuesday.

'This government's basically assuming the private sector's going to solve the problem, they didn't cause this problem and it's dumb to assume they can solve it on their own.' 

In percentage terms, the media, information technology and telecommunications sector was the second worst affected as Covid shutdowns saw advertisers spend less with news websites, newspapers, radio and television stations.

A Daily Mail Australia analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics quarterly labour force data showed the sector covering cafes, restaurants and hotels was by far the worst affected, when seasonally-adjusted figures were taken into account

A Daily Mail Australia analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics quarterly labour force data showed the sector covering cafes, restaurants and hotels was by far the worst affected, when seasonally-adjusted figures were taken into account

The number of jobs in this sector fell from 216,300 to 195,500 with the 20,800 drop in positions representing a 9.6 per cent decline in employment.

Manufacturing is also struggling with job numbers plunging from 922,400 in February to 848,100 in November with the 74,300 gap marking an 8.1 per cent plunge in employment.

The rental, hiring and real estate services sector also hasn't recovered to pre-pandemic levels, with job numbers falling from 219,700 to 209,100, with this 10,600 drop marking a 4.8 per cent decline.

The wholesale trade sector also shed positions with job numbers during that nine-month period falling from 390,500 to 372,600 with that 17,600 gap representing a 4.6 per cent fall.

As of November (Melbourne diners pictured), there were 831,900 jobs in the sector, but that number was 11.2 per cent or 105,400 below February's level of 937,300 when the Australian share market peaked and Australians could still travel freely around the country and overseas

As of November (Melbourne diners pictured), there were 831,900 jobs in the sector, but that number was 11.2 per cent or 105,400 below February's level of 937,300 when the Australian share market peaked and Australians could still travel freely around the country and overseas

Education and training jobs dropped by 2.7 per cent, or 30,100, as positions fell from 1,124,500 in February to 1,094,400 in November.

Transport and warehousing also shed jobs but the 900 gap between the 648,000 employed in February and the 647,100 with a job in November marked a minuscule 0.1 per cent decrease. 

Despite the steepest economic downturn since the 1930s, some sectors in fact added jobs.

Retail jobs climbed by 43,600 from 1,244,100 in February to  1,287,700 in November, with employment numbers rising by 3.5 per cent despite being subjected to strict Covid measures, including a three-month lockdown in Melbourne that restricted shoppers to supermarkets and chemists.

Despite the steepest economic downturn since the 1930s, some sectors in fact added jobs. Retail jobs climbed by 43,600 from 1,244,100 in February to 1,287,700 in November, with employment numbers rising by 3.5 per cent despite being subjected to strict Covid measures, including a three-month lockdown in Melbourne that stricted shoppers to supermarkets and chemists. Pictured are shoppers at Chadstone in Melbourne's south-east in November

Despite the steepest economic downturn since the 1930s, some sectors in fact added jobs. Retail jobs climbed by 43,600 from 1,244,100 in February to 1,287,700 in November, with employment numbers rising by 3.5 per cent despite being subjected to strict Covid measures, including a three-month lockdown in Melbourne that stricted shoppers to supermarkets and chemists. Pictured are shoppers at Chadstone in Melbourne's south-east in November

Public service job numbers have climbed too the number of people employed in the public administration and safety sector rising by 6.8 per cent, or 56,400, from 824,100 to 880,500.

As of November 942,100 Australians were unemployed and the under employment rate of 9.4 per cent was much higher than the overall jobless rate of 6.8 per cent. 

Professor Buchanan is advocating government jobs as teachers aides and social assistance.

'There's big needs in the health sector, there's big needs in education,' he said. 

In October, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg unveiled a Budget deficit of $213.7billion for 2020-21, comprising 11 per cent of gross domestic product, the highest since World War II.

Treasury is also forecasting gross government debt surpassing the $1trillion mark in mid-2022, which would make up half the Australian economy. 


The jobs you shouldn't work in after Covid with employment failing to fully recover since pandemic

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