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Get Involved in Criminal Justice Reform

Take action on one of the issues below, make a donation to The Sentencing Project, or link up with local advocacy efforts near you! Join the fight to reform our criminal justice system.

Make your voice heard

Help end mass incarceration by letting your representatives know that you stand for responsible criminal justice policies. Select an action item below.


Support The Sentencing Project with a tax-deductible contribution and help us work for a fair and effective criminal justice system.


Join local efforts

Connect with The Sentencing Project’s state and local partners to join criminal justice reform efforts in your area.

Current Action Items

Support Voting Rights for All People

Join The Sentencing Project to end laws that restrict voting due to a criminal conviction.

Protect Incarcerated People from COVID-19

The health and safety of millions of people - including incarcerated individuals, correctional staff, and their families - depend on the federal government allocating resources across the country to reduce the spread of the virus and support initiatives to release vulnerable people from incarceration.

Ask Congress to support the Second Look Act

New federal legislation would give a "second look" to people serving long sentences who have aged out of crime.