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Reprisal (Military Members Whistleblower Protection)

Return to:  NAVINSGEN Home > How to Resolve a Complaint (A-Z)

Select one of these topics:

What is Military Whistleblower protection

The Military Whistleblower Protection Act, Title 10 U.S.C. 1034, as amended, prohibits interference with a military member’s right to make protected communications to members of Congress; Inspectors General; members of DoD audit, inspection, investigation or law enforcement organizations; and other persons or organizations (including the chain of command) designated by regulation or administrative procedures.  A protected communication is any lawful communication to a Member of Congress or an IG, as well as any communication made to a person or organization designated under competent regulations to receive such communications, which a member of the Armed Services reasonably believes reports a violation of law or regulation (including sexual harassment, unlawful discrimination, mismanagement, a gross waste of funds or other resources, abuse of authority, or a substantial or specific danger to public health or safety.

What is Reprisal?  

When a responsible management official takes (or threatens to take) an adverse personnel action or withholds a favorable personnel action or withholds a favorable personnel action from a service member because he/she made or was thought to have made a protected communication.

What are the four questions that an investigator must examine before conducting a reprisal complaint?

  • Protected Communication?

  • Adverse Personnel Action

  • Management Knowledge

  • Reprisal or Independent Basis for Action

What is a protected communication?

Any lawful communication made to:

  • Members of Congress

  • Inspectors General

These communications do not have to disclose information concerning wrongdoing.

What is a personnel action?

A personnel action is any action taken on a member of the Armed Forces that affects or has the potential to affect that service member’s current position or career.

 Examples of personnel actions include:

 -  Performance evaluations;

-  Transfer or reassignment;

-  Changes to duties or responsibilities;

-  Disciplinary or other corrective actions;

-  Denial of reenlistment or separation;

-  Decisions concerning awards, promotions or training;

-  Decisions concerning pay or benefits; or,

-  Referrals for mental health evaluation.

 Additional examples of personnel actions are revocation of:

 -  Access to classified material;

-  Authorization to carry weapons;

-  Flying status; or,

-  Personnel Reliability Program certification (Key:  Was the action discretionary?)

What employees are covered?

Members of the Armed Forces of the United States.

Is there a time limit within which a service member must file a complaint?

60 days after the date on which the member becomes aware of the personnel action that is the subject of the allegation.

What are the applicable statutes/regulations/instructions that apply to Military Whistleblower protection? 

10 U.S.C. § 1034, Military Whistleblower Act

DoDD 7050.6, Military Whistleblower Act


SECNAVINST 5370.7C, Military Whistleblower Reprisal Protection


 IGDG7050_6, Guide to Reprisal Investigations


To whom do I report a complaint if someone has taken an adverse personnel action against me as a result of making a protected communication? 

Report violations of the Military Whistleblower Protection Act to the Department of Defense IG:


Department of Defense

Office of the Inspector General

4800 Mark Center Drive

Alexandria, VA 22350-1500


Call Toll Free 1-800-424-9098

Submit a complaint on line:



Classified Complaints:

E-mail a complaint:


Hearing impaired:

Federal relay service



Via Fax: 703-604-8567

DSN 664-8567

or, the Naval Inspector General:


Office of the Naval Inspector General

1254 Ninth Street S.E.

Washington Navy Yard DC 20374-5006

Call Toll Free
