Showing posts with label Grand Jury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grand Jury. Show all posts

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Grand Jury Dates and Demonstrations Postponed

Aug 30, 2012

Thanks to everyone who called in today. Hundreds of people flooded the
US attorney's office with calls. This afternoon the people subpoenaed
for tomorrow's grand jury hearing received word that their appearances
were being postponed till mid September.

As of now, the solidarity demonstrations in Portland, Oregon and
Seattle, Washington have been postponed until the next appearance dates.
We will update the website when we have more details about dates and times.

Again thanks to everyone who has been calling, attending or planning
solidarity demos, putting on benefits and donating money. Your
solidarity and support is much appreciated.

*"Solidarity is What the State Fears"*

Posted on August 28, 2012

A statement from Leah-Lynn Plante on her refusal to testify before the
grand jury

August 28, 2012

My name is Leah-Lynn Plante, and I am one of the people who has been
subpoenaed to a secret grand jury, meeting in Seattle on August 30.

This will be the second time I have appeared before the grand jury, and
the second time I have refused to testify. The first time was on August
2. I appeared, as ordered, and I identified myself. Then the US Attorney
asked if I would be willing to answer her questions. I said, No, and was
issued another subpoena, this time for the 30th.

A month later, my answer is still the same. No, I will not answer their
questions. I believe that these hearings are politically motivated. The
government wants to use them to collect information that it can use in a
campaign of repression. I refuse to have any part of it.

It is likely that the government will put me in jail for that refusal.

I hate the very idea of prison. But I know, if I am sent there, I will
not be alone. I can only speak for myself, but I have every faith that
the others subpoenaed to these hearings will likewise refuse. And I know
that hundreds of people have called the US Attorney demanding that they
end this tribunal. Hundreds of organizations, representing thousands of
people, signed onto a statement expressing solidarity with those of us
under attack and demanding an end to this sort of repression.

I know that those people will continue to support me, and the others
subpoenaed, and the targets of the investigation. That spirit of
solidarity is exactly what the state fears. It is the source of our
strength, yours and mine. And that strength shows itself in every act of

Facing Grand Jury Intimidation: Fear, Silence and Solidarity

Thursday, 30 August 2012 By Natasha Lennard, Truthout 

Brass Gavel(Photo: Brass Gavel via Shutterstock)We've seen some pretty bold anti-authoritarian actions across the country in the last month. Police vehicles were vandalized in San Francisco, Oakland, Illinois and Milwaukee. Anarchist redecorators visited courthouses, police substations, sports car dealerships and more. Banners dropped in New York, Atlanta, Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere echoed their graffitied sentiments: "Fuck Grand Juries"; "Solidarity with Northwest Anarchists." Boldest of all, however (and the inspiration underpinning this spate), has been the action from a small group of anarchists in the Pacific Northwest: silence.

Two Portland-based activists, Leah-Lynn Plante and Dennison Williams, publicly announced late last month that they had been subpoenaed to appear in front of a federal grand jury in Seattle and that they would refuse to cooperate. During a grand jury hearing on August 2, Plante did just this - offering her name and birthdate only - and has been summoned to return for another hearing on August 30, where she again intends to say nothing. Meanwhile, it is believed a handful of other activists are fighting to quash subpoenas served to them with the shared intention of noncooperation.
Grand juries are among the blackest boxes in the federal judiciary system. Given their highly secretive nature, few people within - or outside - activist circles know what it means to be called to a grand jury and what it takes to resist.

"Our passion for freedom is stronger than their state prisons," Williams announced in a statement on behalf of himself and Plante about their intention to resist the grand jury, referencing the fact that by merely staying silent, the two could face considerable jail time, despite facing no criminal charges.
The Seattle grand jury subpoenas were served in late July, when the FBI and a Joint Terrorist Task Force conducted a series of raids on activist homes and squats in Portland, Olympia and Seattle with warrants seeking out computers, phones, black clothing and "anarchist literature." The FBI has stated only that the grand jury pertains to "violent crime," but it is believed to relate to property damage in Seattle during this year's May Day protests. The relatively small scale of the property destruction - a handful of spraypainted cars, slashed tires and smashed windows at a downtown Starbucks, Niketown, Wells Fargo and American Apparel store - in comparison to the cost of the police and FBI investigations points to the likelihood that the raids and grand juries have been widely dubbed a witch hunt, understood by commentators and activists alike as an attempt to intimidate, deter and undermine anarchists in the Northwest and beyond.

Will Potter, author of "Green is the New Red," who has long covered the state persecution of environmental activists and anarchists, noted in a recent interview with The Dissenter, "I think what's most indicative of what's going on though is that specific call for agents to seize 'anarchist literature' as some kind of evidence of potential illegal activity." He added that the convening of a grand jury is "especially troubling because grand juries have been used historically against social movements as tools of fishing expeditions, and they're used to seek out information about people's politics and their political associations."

Ironically, however, the purported purpose of a federal grand jury is to act as "a safeguard to the accused from the improper motivations of government"- to protect the accused from prosecutorial overreach. A jury of between 16 and 23 civilians hears evidence from a given investigation brought by a prosecutor (the US attorney) in the form of documents, recordings and witnesses, and decides whether there are grounds to move forward with an indictment. However, the grand jury process has been long and regularly used as a form of political repression. According to Heidi Boghosian, director of the National Lawyers Guild (the NLG is a group with a long history of advising grand jury resisters), "abuse of grand juries includes attempts to gather intelligence or information otherwise not easily obtained by the FBI." As such, the grand jury process has been used to probe and intimidate activist groups of various stripes, from the Puerto Rican Independence Movement last century, to black liberationists, environmentalists and anarchists.

For the grand jury resisters themselves, the time during which a grand jury sits (typically 18 months) is a harrowing one. As the NLG's Boghosian explained: "If someone receives a grand jury subpoena and decides not to cooperate, that person may be held in civil contempt. There is a chance that the individual may be jailed or imprisoned for the length of the grand jury in an effort to coerce the person to cooperate."

"It's actually lawful for the prosecution to hold an individual in order to coerce cooperation, but unlawful to hold the person as a form of punishment," said Boghosian. "In addition to facing civil contempt, in some instances a non-cooperator may face criminal contempt charges."
For example, in 2009, Utah-based animal rights activist Jordan Halliday spent jail time for civil contempt and was sentenced to 10 months in prison for criminal contempt for his effusive noncooperation with a grand jury. And many resisters who were not jailed nonetheless recount traumatic experiences.

"I thought I was doomed. I had nightmares, night sweats, turned heavily to drinking and drugs," said a 23-year-old anarchist who refused to cooperate with a grand jury in 2009 in New York, which reportedly convened in regard to the placement of an incendiary device in a metropolitan area believed to be connected to anti-war activism. The young man, who requested to remain anonymous, remembers feeling "helpless," believing that at any point, he could be put in jail for his political silence.

However, he equally recalls the comfort he felt in learning that support committees - people he did not even know - were forming and organizing solidarity actions for him. "People having each other's back - it's one thing we do have," he said.

And indeed, statements and acts of solidarity with the Northwest resisters have been numerous and widespread. "Part of the purpose of grand juries seems to be to isolate people from a network of support, the support that puts them in a stronger place to resist," said Kristian Williams, a member of the Committee Against Political Repression, which formed in support of the grand jury resisters.
"Solidarity actions and support also communicate to the state that people are paying attention to how the situation is being handled. Knowing that there is public opposition - not just a small group of friends outside a courtroom, but people all around the country - hopefully raises the political cost for the US attorney to continue this repression," he added. Hundreds of people have already put in calls to the US attorney to express opposition to the treatment of Northwest anarchists, while over 350 organizations have signed on to a petition of opposition put out by the Committee Against Political Repression. Meanwhile, as mentioned above, banner drops, graffiti and other acts have been dedicated to the grand jury resisters in the past month. A national day of action has been called for August 30 to coincide with Plante's second hearing.

For the New York-based resister, his act of political silence not only affirmed certain ideas about solidarity, but served as striking proof of personal resolve: "In a strange way, you show yourself something important when you resist a grand jury. The things you say, the things you believe, you find yourself actually acting upon them, even though you know it could cost you a chunk of your life."

"It has a very powerful effect on yourself," he said.

It is a sentiment seemingly understood by the anarchists in the Northwest as they begin their grand jury resistance ordeals. While inviting solidarity and support in their public statement, Plante and Dennison added, "You can show your solidarity by refusing to co-operate with any police force and encouraging your friends and families to do the same."

Friday, August 31, 2012

National Call In Day in Support of NW Grand Jury Resisters - Wed 8/29

*Call In Day- Wednesday, August 29*^*th* * : *We are asking for people to call the US Attorney again this Wednesday, August 29^th . Call Jenny Durkan at _*(800) 797-6722* _ and leave a  message with the person who answers the phone. Last call in day, they tried to send people to a voicemail box. If they attempt to do that, tell whoever you are talking to that you would like to leave a message with them and not a voicemail.

_An example of what you might say:_

“Hi. I am Jolene Seaside. I am calling about the grand jury being
impaneled in Seattle tomorrow, August 30th. This case clearly shows that
the FBI and government are persecuting political dissent in our country.
It is despicable that US attorney and the government are harassing and
intimating this group of people for their political beliefs. I demand
that the grand jury and investigation be ended immediately, that the
governments repression of social movements stop, and that any items
seized in the raids be returned. Thank you for taking my comments.”

When you call the U.S Attorney's office, please let them know that you
are speaking for yourself and not the individuals resisting the grand
jury subpoenas. Be aware of how the things you say will impact the
people you are trying to help. If you make a call, please email us
_) and let us know how what kind
of response you got from the Attorney's office.

On August 2^nd , we overwhelmed the US attorney's office in Washington
with phone calls demanding an end to the grand jury.* *We want to keep
up the pressure and make sure the US attorney knows we are still
standing firmly in solidarity with those resisting the grand jury.

*Thursday, August 30*^*th* *:* Come to Seattle to stand against the
Grand Jury witch hunt! There will be a demonstration in solidarity with
those affected by the raids and subpoenas starting at 12:oo pm The
demonstration will be at the federal court house, 700 Stewart St., in

*Can't make it to Seattle?* Plan another event or demonstration in
solidarity! Please email us at
_ to tell us about your event

or attend one of these solidarity events:

*Portland, Oregon:* Come show resistance to state repression and
solidarity with those whose backs are against the way. 12:30 to 3:30 pm
at the Federal Court House (1000 SW 3^rd Ave).

*Minneapolis, MN: *A rally in solidarity with Northwest/Midwest grand
jury resistors and
local Occupy Homes organizers. 12-1pm at City Hall (350 S 5th St).

*Please donate! *There is a “Donate” tab on our website
_ We are trying to raise
legal fees for all of those affected. We also are trying to provide
material support for those that are resisting the grand jury.

Please keep checking our website for updates:
_ If you have questions,
email us at

Grand Jury teach-ins - Oakland 8/21 & Santa Cruz 8/22

*Resist Grand Juries!*

*Please join us for a community grand jury teach-in
8/21/12 in Oakland and 8/22/12 in Santa Cruz.*

Grand juries are tools of government harassment that have long been used to
intimidate and destroy radical movements. There are active grand juries
convened in the Bay Area and the Pacific Northwest. Several people have
been subpoenaed and are scheduled to appear before the grand jury in the
coming months. They need your support! Come out and learn what grand
juries are and how they operate, what your rights are, and how you can
support grand jury resisters.

*Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Holdout Social Center
2313 San Pablo at 23rd
Oakland, CA
(this event is semi accessible)


*Wednesday, August 22nd
6:00 - 8:00pm
SubRosa Community Space
703 Pacific Avenue
Santa Cruz, Ca
This event is wheelchair accessible.*

Monday, August 06, 2012



This is a regional call-out for a solidarity demo at the Seattle federal courthouse, 700 Stuart St., starting at 7:30am and going throughout the day, to show support for the comrades being stripped of any semblance of rights in what is known as a grand jury. Comrades from the cities targeted and beyond should make the trip to Seattle so we can show the state how we feel about grand juries. We need as many people to come out as we can, to not only show the people facing the grand jury that we support them in their struggle against state oppression but to show the state that we will always resist their attempts at co-optation and destruction of our movements of social revolution.
As reported in 'Green is the new red':

"...there have been multiple homes raided and grand jury subpoenas issued in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle.

Three homes were raided in Portland, by approximately 60-80 police including FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force. Individuals at the homes say police used flash grenades during the raid.
Grand jury subpoenas have been served to individuals in all three cities: 2 in Olympia, 1 in Seattle, and 2 in Portland. The grand jury is scheduled to convene on August 2nd at the federal courthouse in Seattle.

No arrests have been made. Electronics were confiscated along with additional personal items.
All legal documents related to the searches and grand jury are sealed, and the FBI will only say it is related to an “ongoing violent crime” investigation. But based on interviews with residents, and what police told them at the scene, this is clearly related to the ongoing demonization of anarchists and the Occupy movement."

These oppressive tools of the state are meant to crush social movements and the comrades who are a part of them. We must always resist them and show them that their weapons will never succeed at coercing our submission or acceptance of their rule. On Aug. 2, we must show the ruling class that their grand juries will never succeed at breaking our movements for social revolution and that our friends and comrades will never stand alone before them in our collective struggle against capital and the state. Come to the federal courthouse on Aug. 2 at 7:30am to show support and solidarity to our subpoenaed comrades and to show the state that they will never succeed in stomping out resistance to their rule.

Let's shut down this grand jury and make sure that, at least for a short time, there will be no business as usual!

To our comrades, we will always stand in solidarity with you as you face the oppression of the state!
To our ruling class enemies, you can never stop our resistance, no matter how many of us you hurt, kill, or cage, because wherever injustice exists there will always be good people who cannot close their eyes and do nothing.





Event Date: 
Thursday, August 2, 2012 - 7:30am

FBI raids in OR & WA: Call for Groups to Sign the Solidarity Statement

Committee to Stop FBI Repression (

Please sign the Solidarity Statement

Speak out against FBI raids & Grand Jury repression in Oregon
and Washington

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is circulating the following
statement on FBI raids and grand jury repression in Portland, Oregon and
in Olympia & Seattle in Washington.

*We urge all progressive organizations to sign on to this statement
To add your group’s name to the solidarity statement, please send an
email to:

Current signers are at the bottom of this email.

/Thank you,

Solidarity Statement against the raids and grand jury

On Wednesday July 25th, the FBI conducted a series of coordinated raids
against activists in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle. They subpoenaed
several people to a special federal grand jury, and seized computers,
black clothing and anarchist literature. This comes after similar raids
in Seattle in July and earlier raids of squats in Portland.

Though the FBI has said that the raids are part of a violent crime
investigation, the truth is that the federal authorities are conducting
a political witch-hunt against anarchists and others working toward a
more just, free, and equal society. The warrants served specifically
listed anarchist literature as evidence to be seized, pointing to the
fact that the FBI and police are targeting this group of people because
of their political ideas. Pure and simple, these raids and the grand
jury hearings are being used to intimidate people whose politics oppose
the state’s agenda. During a time of growing economic and ecological
crises that are broadly affecting people across the world, it is an
attempt to push back any movement towards creating a world that is
humane, one that meets every person’s needs rather than serving only the
interests of the rich.

This attack does not occur in a vacuum. Around the country and around
the world, people have been rising up and resisting an economic system
that puts the endless pursuit of profit ahead of the basic needs of
humanity and the Earth. From the Arab Spring to the Occupy movement to
now Anaheim, people are taking to the streets. In each of these cases,
the state has responded with brutal political repression. This is not a
coincidence. It is a long-term strategy by state agencies to stop
legitimate political challenges to a status quo that exploits most of
the world’s people.

We, the undersigned, condemn this and all other political repression.
While we may have differences in ideology or chose to use different
tactics, we understand that we are in a shared struggle to create a
just, free, and liberated world, and that we can only do this if we
stand together. We will not let scare tactics or smear campaigns divide
us, intimidate us, or stop us from organizing and working for a better

No more witch-hunts! An injury to one is an injury to all.

Committee Against Political Repression
Freedom Archives
Sacramento Prisoner Support
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
We Are Oregon
Portland Jobs with Justice
Rose City Cop Watch
Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC)
Red Spark (Kasama)
Repeal Coalition
1st of May Anarchist Alliance
Connect the Dots
Oregon Jericho
Parasol Climate Collective
Portland Anarchist Black Cross
Right to Survive
Right to Dream 2
Rosehips Medic Collective
Communities United Against Police Brutality
The Radical Anti-Capitalist Caucus, of Occupy Portland
Students on Strike Organizing Committee
Autonomous Workers’ Group
Occupy Oakland Anti Repression Committee
Oakland Occupy Patriarchy
Oakland Occupy Legal
East Bay Solidarity Network
Portland Animal Defense League
Cascadians Against War
PDX Bike Swarm
Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society
Solano Peace and Justice Coalition
Solano Peace and Freedom Party
Northbay Uprising Radio Collective
MN Anti-War Committee
Peoples’ Action for Rights and Community
Redwood Curtain CopWatch
Occupy Eureka
Arizona Prison Watch
All Power to the Positive podcast
Justice for Palestinians, San Jose, CA
Culture of Resistance
Family & Friends of Daniel McGowan
Blazing Arrow Organization
Portland International Socialist Organization
Anti-Racist Action-LA/People Against Racist Terror
The Portland World Citizens’ United Front
The Wild Poppies Collective
Everglades Earth First!
The Center For A Stateless Society

To add your group’s name to the solidarity statement, please email:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

On the House Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas

 As has been reported elsewhere, police, FBI, and Joint Terrorism Task Force agents raided three houses in Portland this morning, dressed like paramilitaries and using flash bang grenades. No arrests were made, but electronics--presumably cell phones and computers--were confiscated.

In addition, today five subpoenas were served throughout the Northwest: two in Portland, two in Olympia, and one in Seattle. These subpoenas demand that the recipients appear before a grand jury that will convene in Seattle at the Federal Courthouse on August 2nd.

Grand juries exist to coerce civilians into providing information about themselves and others to law enforcement and intelligence agencies. They operate in secret; no judges or defense attorneys are present, and neither Constitutional rights nor conventional evidence-gathering protocol apply. Grand juries are frequently used to harass activists and dissidents; for example, a grand jury forced independent journalist Josh Wolf to serve 226 days in a federal prison simply for refusing to turn over a videotape he had shot at a demonstration.

That being said, it is critical to understand that the best strategy for defeating a grand jury involves coordinated non-cooperation. In many cases of federal repression of activists and anarchists, cooperators have even wound up with similar sentences to those who have stood their ground. To put it simply: nobody talks, everybody walks.

There are also reports that law enforcement agents are still searching for specific individuals. If you are served with a subpoena, call the NLG National Hotline at 888-NLG-ECOL (888-654-3265) or call a criminal defense attorney immediately.

A support committee is forming and will soon announce how to get involved or donate to support funds.

Little else is known at this time, but updates will be posted as we receive them. It is best that in this stressful time, we resist the temptation to speculate and gossip.

Learn more and stay safe:
About grand juries
Great National Lawyer's Guild literature on grand juries, your rights and FBI harassment
How to crush a Grand Jury

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

FBI and JTTF Raid Multiple Homes, Grand Jury Subpoenas in Portland, Olympia, Seattle

by Will Potter on July 25, 2012 Green is the New Red

As I’ve been reporting on Twitter, there have been multiple homes
raided and grand jury subpoenas issued in Portland, Olympia, and

Three homes were raided in Portland, by approximately 60-80 police
including FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force. Individuals at the homes
say police used flash grenades during the raid.

Grand jury subpoenas have been served to individuals in all three
cities: 2 in Olympia, 1 in Seattle, and 2 in Portland. The grand jury is
scheduled to convene on August 2nd at the federal courthouse in Seattle.

No arrests have been made. Electronics were confiscated along with
additional personal items.

All legal documents related to the searches and grand jury are sealed,
but based on interviews with residents, and what police told them at the
scene, this is clearly related to the ongoing demonization of anarchists
and the Occupy movement.

I’ll continue updating as this develops; please follow me on Twitter,
will_potter, for the latest.

UPDATE: Here’s local press from the Oregonian:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Grand Jury Subpoenas Related to UC-Santa Cruz Investigation

by Will Potter May 15, 2012 Green is the New Red
Resist grand jury witch hunts.

At least two individuals have been subpoenad to a federal grand jury that appears to be investigating a 2008 fire at the home of an animal experimenter at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
One of the people subpoenaed, José Palafox, said:
“I was approached by two FBI agents at the BART Station at 19th and Broadway in Oakland. They asked my name, identified themselves as Carrie and Matt from the FBI, and served me a subpoena to testify before a federal Grand Jury. They informed me that I had been served and left without asking me any other questions….
“I know nothing about the Santa Cruz action but believe this is a political prosecution and part of a government attempt to gather information on activists, specifically involved in the animal rights movement.”
Grand juries are often used to compel political activists to testify about their political beliefs and political associations. When activists enter a grand jury, they check their rights at the door. Those who refuse to take part in these political witch hunts face prison time. [Utah animal rights activist Jordan Halliday is currently in prison for his principled stand .]

In addition to Palafox, at least one other person has been subpoenaed, and another received a visit from the FBI.

Grand juries are secret, but there is some information about the scope of this one. The 2008 fire was also at issue in the prosecution of the “AETA 4″ on animal enterprise terrorism charges (which were all dismissed). And the prosecutor in that case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Elise Becker, is also involved in this grand jury.

I’ll post more information as it becomes available. In the meantime, if you are contacted by the FBI or receive a grand jury subpoena, immediately contact the National Lawyers Guild hotline,  (888) 654-3265. Also, watch this video.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Grand Juries as a Political Weapon

From José Palafox in California
May 9, 2012 Building Liberty


On Friday May 4th, I was approached by two FBI agents at the BART Station at 19th and Broadway in Oakland. They asked my name, identified themselves as Carrie and Matt from the FBI, and served me a subpoena to testify before a federal Grand Jury. They informed me that I had been served and left without asking me any other questions.

From the face of the Grand Jury Subpoena, it appears related to an animal rights action that took place in Santa Cruz in August of 2008. I believe this is a political repression and part of a government attempt to gather information on activists and the animal rights movement.

I will be getting a lawyer and plan to exercise my rights to the fullest extent. The National Lawyers Guild in San Francisco can help people subpoenaed before Grand Juries.

This is the second time I have come into contact with the FBI. A couple of years ago, I had to deal with the Oakland Police Department regarding a private criminal matter, unrelated to activism, and without my knowledge was interviewed by an FBI agent. He began to ask me questions about my activism and political affiliations. I asked what agency he was from and I immediately stopped answering any questions. Probably unrelated but you never know.

I feel that it is important to let folks know about this political repression and to let people know that I will be needing support. However, please don’t ask me to speculate about the FBI’s investigation. I can talk about the government’s accusations and what is happening with court appearances but I can’t answer questions about the facts, so please don’t ask. I will update the community if I learn anything further.

in solidarity, Jose Palafox

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Grand Jury Resister Jordan Halliday loses appeal

From: Support Jordan

Dear friends,

We sincerely regret to inform that Jordan Halliday lost his appeal
this morning. We have attached the 10th circuits ruling below.

It is crucial that we show solidarity and support for Jordan in
everyway we can. We are calling for solidarity actions from January
21st - 28th, 2012 to show support for Jordan Halliday and grand jury

During the summer of 2008, the FBI approached Jordan at his place of
employment; he refused to answer their questions and told them to
leave. They warned him that they would return with a subpoena to
testify before a grand jury and six months later they followed
through with their threats. They subpoenaed both Jordan, and another
'activist' Nikki Viehl who chose to testify. Jordan, however, chose
to resist the grand jury in protest due to its abusive and archaic nature.

In March 2009, Jordan appeared before federal grand jury
investigating a series of underground animal liberation activities in
Utah. He asserted his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination.
The court jailed Jordan for nearly 4 months under civil contempt of
court in an effort to compel him to testify. The day after Jordan
refused to testify, the grand jury indicted Alex Hall and William
'BJ' Viehl under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.

The week following his first grand jury appearance Jordan (still in
jail) received a second subpoena, which he again refused. While in
jail, Jordan also received letters of support from all over the
world, made friends, and confidently reflected on his decision not to snitch.

Upon release the court charged Jordan with federal criminal contempt
of court, to which he pleaded guilty in August 2010.

There are no sentencing guidelines for criminal contempt. However,
the government decided to follow the guidelines of "obstruction of
justice", which has a 10-16 month sentence range. Fortunately, the
court only sentenced Jordan to the low end of 10 months. However,
Jordan and his attorney believed this was far too much, and appealed
for a guideline range that more closely relates to his charge. They
appealed to the 10th circuit court of appeals asking that the
sentence be reevaluated under the guidelines for "failure to appear",
which has a 0-6 month sentence range.

In November 2011, Jordan's attorney argued his case orally before the
10th circuit court of appeals in Denver, Colorado. The feeling of
hostility and bias could be felt from the beginning and in an
unusually fast ruling (it usually takes 3-6 months to rule), the 10th
circuit denied Jordan's appeal exactly a month and a day after his
oral argument in Denver.

It is ironic to note, that also today, baseball legend Barry Bonds
received a 30-day house arrest sentence which will likely be reduced
for perjury, while lying to a grand jury regarding steroid use in
December 3, 2003. It's unfortunate that Jordan, who didn't lie,
rather just simply refused to testify, isn't a celebrity.

United States history to be charged with criminal contempt of court
after already serving time for civil contempt, for the same act of

Over the past 20 years many animal rights, environmentalists,
anarchists and otherwise radical activists and communities have
suffered subpoenas and coercive incarceration, but rarely for more
than a few weeks. But at present we are experiencing an increase of
pressure. Shortly after Jordan's incarceration an Iowa grand jury
subpoenaed Carrie Feldman and Scott Demuth, and held them in civil
contempt for four months. Fortunately, neither Carrie nor Scott has
been charged with criminal contempt.

Jordan's case sets a crucial new precedence in terms of grand jury
resistance. While friends and family converge to show support and
solidarity for Jordan in this time of great sadness, we are calling
out for an eruption of many more moments, for acts of recalcitrance
anywhere and everywhere, for actions that show solidarity with Jordan
Halliday and grand jury resistance. We are asking that support and
solidarity begin immediately. But we will also be focusing on and
asking for massive global solidarity actions from January 21st-28th, 2012.

We are expecting Jordan to begin serving

For More information Visit:

*be advised, we have been suffering server-side issues with the
support site and are working to address them. If the website fails to
load, please keep trying back.

You can also visit his support page via tumblr:

Donations can be sent to:
Jordan Halliday
West Jordan, Utah 84081

or via paypal:

-Support Jordan Committee

Copy of 10th Circuit Decision:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Support Grand Jury Resister Jordan Halliday


Hey friends,

I know it seems like forever ago that Jordan Halliday was first
called to a Grand Jury which he resisted. In a way it was forever
ago, he was first approached by the FBI in 2008 regarding local mink
farm raids in Utah. He refused to cooperate with the FBI and was told
he would face a subpoena to testify in front of a grand jury. Six
months later the FBI followed through, Subpoenaing both Jordan and
another 'activist' who chose to testify. Jordan however chose to
resist the grand jury in protest due to its abusive and archaic nature.

Grand juries are called when the government lacks evidence to indict
an individual for a crime. Witnesses are subpoenaed to testify before
the grand jury in hopes of providing evidence to the prosecution.
Little is known about these secretive proceedings, because all
information is considered sealed and classified. A witness that is
called before a grand jury is not allowed to have a lawyer present
with them in the grand jury room.

In recent years activists have seen an increase in subpoenas to grand
juries. These subpoenas are often used to harass and intimidate legal
above-ground activists, like Jordan feels is the case, in his
situation. The prosecutor can ask any question and if you refuse to
answer or if you lie, you could be held in contempt of court or
perjury. With no lawyer present for the witnesses, prosecutors can
often ask for information not relevant to a crime in hopes to harass,
intimidate or 'fish' for information, in a secretive manner which
many consider a modern day witch hunt. Jordan said he was mainly
asked information about his friends, family, and general life and
refused to answer any of them.

Jordan refused to answer any of the questions he was asked, the 3
times he was subpoenaed. He was incarcerated after his second
appearance for "civil contempt of court". He eventually was granted
immunity. Yet still refused to cooperate and stayed in jail until the
term of the grand jury expired 4 months later. Upon release he was
indicted with "criminal contempt of court", and was released on
pre-trial pending trial, eventually he took a non-cooperating plea
deal, and was sentenced to 10 months plus 3 years probation under the
guidelines low-end range for "obstruction of justice", which has a
10-16 months recommended range. He was ordered to report to the
federal custody early January, 2011. Although he was able to stay out
on a release pending his appeal, just days before he was due to
present himself.

Jordan and his lawyer filed an appeal arguing that a guideline range
for "failure to appear" which has a 0-6 month recommended range, was
more fitting for Jordan, who still to this day claims he has no
knowledge of any illegal underground activity or actions. In fact the
individuals Jordan was allegedly called in to testify against, have
both already been indicted, convicted, sentenced and have served
their time already, without the help of a testimony by Jordan.

On November 15th, 2011, Jordan's attorney argued their final
arguments before the court of appeals in Denver, Colorado. Jordan
says he felt a bias and hostility from the beginning and although his
lawyer did an excellent job, felt the judges already had their minds
made up. Jordan's lawyer also said he wasn't very optimistic about
the outcome. It typically takes 3-6 months before a ruling comes back.

Although we remain optimistic that Jordan might still win his appeal
and get the low-end sentence of 0 months, we are also confronting the
reality that he is more likely going back, than staying out. With the
possibility of prison coming soon for Jordan. We have decided to
start accepting donations again. Currently he is now only around $350
in legal debt, although we will continue collecting donations in case
of incarceration. If Jordan wins his appeal and doesn't end of having
to serve any additional time, we will be distributing the remaining
donations to other political prisoners and activists in need.

You can donate by PayPal by visiting "", or you can
send a donation or letter of support to:

Jordan Halliday
PO BOX 601
West Jordan, Utah 84084

This is an important case for the future of all activists, radicals
and dissidents. If his appeal is not heard, he will be going back to
prison for an additional 10 months, this is on top of the 4 he
already served. With a total of 14 months and 3 years probation, he
will be serving more time than the individuals he was called to
testify against, who were convicted under the Animal Enterprise
Terrorism Act. Jordan is also the first dissident in decades and only
the 3rd known case to be convicted of "criminal contempt of court"
after already serving time for "civil contempt of court".

Jordan needs our support now more than ever. Let him know he hasn't
been forgotten in this long period of legal battles.

We are all proud of Jordan. Please re-post this to as many places as
you can. He needs our support.

-Jordan's Support Committee

-Animal Defense League of Salt Lake City

Monday, May 09, 2011

Attacks against activists - Bay Area Demo

Prepare to Take Action:  THE DAY AFTER INDICTMENTS

If criminal charges are brought...


On Friday May 6th, US Attorney Fitzgerald froze the bank accounts of
Chicago community organizer Hatem Abudayyeh and his family. Because
of this escalation by the FBI, we must prepare for the worst: that
criminal indictments may soon be brought against any or all of the 23
Midwest activists who have refused to submit to a repressive Federal
Grand Jury.

1301 Clay Street, downtown near 12th Street BART


(If indictments on Friday, protest will be Monday)

Bring signs and noise makers!

Look out for an alert by email or text message

(to receive an SMS alert, reply to this email with a cell phone #.)


U.S. Attorney escalates attacks on civil liberties of anti-war,
Palestinian human rights activists

On Friday, May 6, the U.S. government froze the bank accounts of
Hatem Abudayyeh and his wife, Naima.

This unwarranted attack on a leading member of the Palestinian
community in Chicago is the latest escalation of the repression of
anti-war and Palestinian community organizers by the FBI, U.S.
Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
Hatem Abudayyeh is one of 23 activists from Minnesota, Michigan, and
Illinois subpoenaed to a federal grand jury in Chicago, and his home
was raided by the FBI in September of last year. Neither Hatem
Abudayyeh nor Naima Abudayyeh have been charged with any crime.



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Call Today - Stop the Grand Jury!

National call-in day TODAY! Call Obama, Holder and Fitzgerald now.

Committee to Stop FBI Repression (

Call Obama, Holder and Fitzgerald TODAY.
Stop the Grand Jury!

to Fitzgerald, Holder and Obama
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Grand Jury is still on its witch hunt and the
FBI is still harassing activists. This must stop.
Please make these calls:
1. Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at
312-353-5300. Then dial 0 (zero) for operator and
ask to leave a message with the Duty Clerk.
2. Call U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 202-353-1555
3. Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Suggested text: "My name is __________, I am from
_______(city), in ______(state). I am calling
_____ to demand he call off the Grand Jury and
stop FBI repression against the anti-war and
Palestine solidarity movements. I oppose U.S.
government political repression and support the
right to free speech and the right to assembly of
the 23 activists subpoenaed. We will not be
criminalized. Tell him to stop this McCarthy-type
witch hunt against international solidarity activists!"
If your call doesn't go through, try again later.

Update: More than 1700 activists have signed the Pledge

to resist FBI and Grand Jury Repression (via the web or the paper

version at local protests), committing to join
the national day of protest when anti-war and
international solidarity activists are ordered to
appear in front of the Chicago Grand Jury or are
indicted. If you have not signed, click

By signing, you will be on the priority contact list for the emergency action.

We demand:
-- Call Off the Grand Jury Witch-hunt Against
International Solidarity Activists!
-- Support Free Speech!
-- Support the Right to Organize!
-- Stop FBI Repression!
-- International Solidarity Is Not a Crime!
-- Stop the Criminalization of Arab and Muslim Communities!

Background: Fitzgerald ordered FBI raids on
anti-war and solidarity activists' homes and
subpoenaed fourteen activists in Chicago,
Minneapolis, and Michigan on September 24, 2010.
All 14 refused to speak before the Grand Jury in
October. Then, 9 more Palestine solidarity
activists, most Arab-Americans, were subpoenaed
to appear at the Grand Jury on January 25, 2011,
launching renewed protests. There are now 23 who
assert their right to not participate in Fitzgerald's witch-hunt.

The Grand Jury is a secret and closed
inquisition, with no judge, and no press. The
U.S. Attorney controls the entire proceedings and
hand picks the jurors, and the solidarity
activists are not allowed a lawyer. Even the date
when the Grand Jury ends is a secret.

So please make these calls to those in charge of
the repression aimed against anti-war leaders and
the growing Palestine solidarity movement.

Email us to let us know your results. Send to

In Struggle,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
<>follow on
Twitter | friend on Facebook |

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Call Obama, Holder and Fitzgerald April 12. Stop the Grand Jury!

Call Obama, Holder and Fitzgerald April 12. Stop the Grand Jury!

to Fitzgerald, Holder and Obama
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Grand Jury is still on its witch hunt and the
FBI is still harassing activists. This must stop.
Please make these calls:
1. Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at
312-353-5300. Then dial 0 (zero) for operator and
ask to leave a message with the Duty Clerk.
2. Call U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 202-353-1555
3. Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Suggested text: "My name is __________, I am from
_______(city), in ______(state). I am calling
_____ to demand he call off the Grand Jury and
stop FBI repression against the anti-war and
Palestine solidarity movements. I oppose U.S.
government political repression and support the
right to free speech and the right to assembly of
the 23 activists subpoenaed. We will not be
criminalized. Tell him to stop this McCarthy-type
witch hunt against international solidarity activists!"

If your call doesn't go through, try again later.

Update: More than 1400 activists have signed the

to resist FBI and Grand Jury Repression (via the
web or the

version at local protests), committing to join
the national day of protest when anti-war and
international solidarity activists are ordered to
appear in front of the Chicago Grand Jury or are
indicted. If you have not signed, click


By signing, you will be on the priority contact list for the emergency action.

We demand:
-- Call Off the Grand Jury Witch-hunt Against
International Solidarity Activists!
-- Support Free Speech!
-- Support the Right to Organize!
-- Stop FBI Repression!
-- International Solidarity Is Not a Crime!
-- Stop the Criminalization of Arab and Muslim Communities!

Background: Fitzgerald ordered FBI raids on
anti-war and solidarity activists' homes and
subpoenaed fourteen activists in Chicago,
Minneapolis, and Michigan on September 24, 2010.
All 14 refused to speak before the Grand Jury in
October. Then, 9 more Palestine solidarity
activists, most Arab-Americans, were subpoenaed
to appear at the Grand Jury on January 25, 2011,
launching renewed protests. There are now 23 who
assert their right to not participate in Fitzgerald�s witch-hunt.

The Grand Jury is a secret and closed
inquisition, with no judge, and no press. The
U.S. Attorney controls the entire proceedings and
hand picks the jurors, and the solidarity
activists are not allowed a lawyer. Even the date
when the Grand Jury ends is a secret.

So please make these calls to those in charge of
the repression aimed against anti-war leaders and
the growing Palestine solidarity movement.

Email us to let us know your results. Send to

In Struggle,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Copyright © 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved.

Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight
against FBI repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists!
Our mailing address is:
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Monday, March 07, 2011

Reminder: Call-in Day March 8. Hands off activists!

Committee to Stop FBI Repression (

Committee to Stop FBI Repression

to Fitzgerald, Holder and Obama
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Grand Jury is still on its witch hunt and the FBI is still
harassing activists. This must stop.
Please make these calls:
1. Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at 312-353-5300. Then dial 0
(zero) for operator and ask to leave a message with the Duty Clerk.
2. Call U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 202-353-1555
3. Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Suggested text: "My name is __________, I am from _______(city), in
______(state). I am calling _____ to demand he call off the Grand
Jury and stop FBI repression against the anti-war and Palestine
solidarity movements. I oppose U.S. government political repression
and support the right to free speech and the right to assembly of the
23 activists subpoenaed. We will not be criminalized. Tell him to
stop this McCarthy-type witch hunt against international solidarity activists!"

If your call doesn't go through, try again later.

Update: 800 anti-war and international solidarity activists
participated in four regional conferences, in Chicago, IL; Oakland,
CA; Chapel Hill, NC and New York City to stop U.S. Attorney Patrick
Fitzgerald's Grand Jury repression.

Still, in the last few weeks, the FBI has continued to call and
harass anti-war organizers, repressing free speech and the right to
organize. However, all of their intimidation tactics are bringing a
movement closer together to stop war and demand peace.

We demand:
-- Call Off the Grand Jury Witch-hunt Against International
Solidarity Activists!
-- Support Free Speech!
-- Support the Right to Organize!
-- Stop FBI Repression!
-- International Solidarity Is Not a Crime!
-- Stop the Criminalization of Arab and Muslim Communities!

Background: Fitzgerald ordered FBI raids on anti-war and solidarity
activists' homes and subpoenaed fourteen activists in Chicago,
Minneapolis, and Michigan on September 24, 2010. All 14 refused to
speak before the Grand Jury in October. Then, 9 more Palestine
solidarity activists, most Arab-Americans, were subpoenaed to appear
at the Grand Jury on January 25, 2011, launching renewed protests.
There are now 23 who assert their right to not participate in
Fitzgerald's witch-hunt.

The Grand Jury is a secret and closed inquisition, with no judge, and
no press. The U.S. Attorney controls the entire proceedings and hand
picks the jurors, and the solidarity activists are not allowed a
lawyer. Even the date when the Grand Jury ends is a secret.

So please make these calls to those in charge of the repression aimed
against anti-war leaders and the growing Palestine solidarity movement.
Email us to let us know your results. Send to

**Please sign and circulate our 2011 petition at

In Struggle,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
FFI: Visit or email or call 612-379-3585.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Call-in Day Mar 8 - Stop the Grand Jury Witch Hunt

Committee to Stop FBI Repression

to Fitzpatrick, Holder and Obama
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Grand Jury is still on its witch-hunt and the
FBI is still harassing activists. This must stop.
Please make these calls:
1. Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at
312-353-5300. Then dial 0 (zero) for operator and
ask to leave a message with the Duty Clerk.
2. Call U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 202-353-1555
3. Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Suggested text: "My name is __________, I am from
_______(city), in ______(state). I am calling
_____ to demand he call off the Grand Jury and
stop FBI repression against the anti-war and
Palestine solidarity movements. I oppose U.S.
government political repression and support the
right to free speech and the right to assembly of
the 23 activists subpoenaed. We will not be
criminalized. Tell him to stop this McCarthy-type
witch hunt against international solidarity activists!"

If your call doesn't go through, try again later.

Update: 800 anti-war and international solidarity
activists participated in four regional
conferences, in Chicago, IL; Oakland, CA; Chapel
Hill, NC and New York City to stop U.S. Attorney
Patrick Fitzgerald's Grand Jury repression.

Still, in the last few weeks, the FBI has
continued to call and harass anti-war organizers,
repressing free speech and the right to organize.
However, all of their intimidation tactics are
bringing a movement closer together to stop war and demand peace.

We demand:
-- Call Off the Grand Jury Witch-hunt Against
International Solidarity Activists!
-- Support Free Speech!
-- Support the Right to Organize!
-- Stop FBI Repression!
-- International Solidarity Is Not a Crime!
-- Stop the Criminalization of Arab and Muslim Communities!

Background: Fitzgerald ordered FBI raids on
anti-war and solidarity activists' homes and
subpoenaed fourteen activists in Chicago,
Minneapolis, and Michigan on September 24, 2010.
All 14 refused to speak before the Grand Jury in
October. Then, 9 more Palestine solidarity
activists, most Arab-Americans, were subpoenaed
to appear at the Grand Jury on January 25, 2011,
launching renewed protests. There are now 23 who
assert their right to not participate in Fitzgerald's witch-hunt.

The Grand Jury is a secret and closed
inquisition, with no judge, and no press. The
U.S. Attorney controls the entire proceedings and
hand picks the jurors, and the solidarity
activists are not allowed a lawyer. Even the date
when the Grand Jury ends is a secret.

So please make these calls to those in charge of
the repression aimed against anti-war leaders and
the growing Palestine solidarity movement.
Email us to let us know your results. Send to

**Please sign and circulate our 2011 petition at

In Struggle,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

FFI: Visit or email or call 612-379-3585.

Copyright © 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved.

Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight
against FBI repression. As you can see, we have
moved to a new format for our Listserve

Our mailing address is:
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Saturday, February 19 · 1:00pm - 5:00pm


Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York, NY

Please register for the conference here:

Antiwar activism & international solidarity are NOT crimes!


FBI & Grand Jury Repression

Building Resistance

1 to 5 PM
Judson Memorial Church – Main Hall
55 Washington Square South, NY, NY 10012

(Donations requested)

Join us for Panels, Discussions and Break-out groups

Panel I

Updates on FBI & Grand Jury Repression & Review of Past Grand Jury Witchhunts

Speakers include Hatem Abudayyeh from Chicago, Mick Kelly and Sarah Martin from
Minneapolis who were raided by the FBI and/or subpoenaed to appear at U.S. Attorney
Patrick Fitzgerald's Grand Jury and National Lawyers Guild attorney Jim Fenerty.

Panel II

The Climate of repression and building a fightback against anti-Muslim repression,
preemptive prosecution, entrapment

Panel to include families and/or lawyers from Project Salam, Newburgh 4, Fort Dix 5,
Holy Land Case, Siraj Matin and Faisal Hashmi cases and Guantanamo cases.

Break out groups and discussion

Action Plans for the future of this fight, Know your rights training sessions,
Targeting of the Palestinian movement, Strategy and tactics nationally


On September 24, 2010 the FBI raided seven Chicago and Minneapolis homes of
well-known anti-war and international solidarity activists. Their ranks included a
number of trade unionists. Also raided was the office of the Minneapolis–St. Paul
based Anti-War Committee. The FBI subpoenaed fourteen activists in Illinois,
Minnesota and Michigan to testify at a grand jury. Then in December 2010, nine more
people — all Palestini-ans or Palestine solidarity activists in Chicago — were
ordered to testify before the same grand jury.

According to the FBI, the goal of the raids was to show material support for
terrorism charges. It is outrageous! The U.S. government is trying to put people in
jail for anti -war and international solidarity activism. These people have done
nothing wrong, yet their freedom is at stake.

Those targeted are well-known leaders in the anti-war movement and many helped to
organize the huge protest against the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN
in September 2008. This is the suppression of our de-mocratic rights. It threatens
our families, our children and our communities. This is a U.S. government attempt to
silence those who support resistance to oppression in the Middle East and Latin
America, by putting people in jail.

The 23 targeted activists are refusing to be pulled into conversations with the FBI
about their political views or their organizing against war and occupation.

A NYC Working Committee includes representatives and supporters from:

Anti-Repression Committee from the NYC National Lawyers Guild, NYCISPES, Veterans
For Peace Chapter 34 NYC, Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST), NYC International
Socialist Organization, BAYAN USA, Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, May 1 Coalition for
Workers & Immigrant Rights, Muslim Solidarity Committee, Friends and Family of the
Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism,
Resistance in Brooklyn, Al Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition NY,
International Action Center, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, NYC School of the
Americas Watch, World Can't Wait, War Resisters League, Coney Island Avenue Project,
Free Mumia Coalition, Picture The Homeless, Brooklyn for Peace, Workers World Party,
Todd Eaton of NYprotest Event Announcement Listserv, Project SALAM, Freedom
Socialist Party, Marxist-Humanist Initiative

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Today’s Political Repression: Conversations with Hatem Abudayyeh

Tuesday, February 15 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Portland State University Smith Memorial Student Union Room 327

More Info


Today’s Political Repression: Conversations with Hatem Abudayyeh

Portland State University
...Smith Memorial Student Union
Room 327
Tuesday February 15th 2011
*Event is free, open to the public and disability affirmative!

Hatem Abudayyeh is the Executive Director of the Arab American Action Network
(AAAN), a community based organization that helps empower Arab Americans and Arab
immigrants across Chicagoland through organizing, advocacy, social services, youth
development programming, and arts and culture. The son of Palestinian immigrants who
themselves were leaders in Chicago’s Arab community, Hatem was born in Chicago and
coached varsity basketball and baseball as an administrative assistant at Mather
High School before joining the AAAN. He is Vice President of the Board of Directors
of the Coalition of African, Arab, Asian, European, and Latino Immigrants of
Illinois (CAAAELII), is a founding Advisory Board member of the National Network for
Arab American Communities (NNAAC), and sits on the National Coordinating Committee
of the United States Palestine Community Network (USPCN). Abudayyeh writes and
speaks on issues related to the Arab community in Chicagoland and the U.S., as well
as foreign policy as it regards Palestine, Iraq, and the Arab World.

Co-sponsored by
Portland Coalition Opposing Political Repression, Committee to Connect the Dots,
Portland Central American Solidarity Committee, Oregon Progressive Party, Portland
International Socialist Organization, NW Student Coalition,


The Stop FBI and Grand Jury Political Repression West Coast Tour with Hatem Abudayyeh

Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Hatem Abudayyeh, one of the anti-war and Palestine support activists who was
subpoenaed to a federal grand jury, and whose home was raided by the FBI on
September 24th, 2010, will be traveling up and down the West Coast to talk about his
personal experience with this attack on free speech, free assembly, and civil
liberties. He will also be discussing the history of political repression against
the Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities in this country, the political
significance of this specific investigation, and the incredibly broad and diverse
support that the 23 subpoenaed activists have gotten from across the U.S. and the
"There is nothing criminal about anything that any of us has done or said," exclaims
Abudayyeh. "We have every right to challenge our U.S. government's policy in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Palestine, and everywhere else where it is responsible for so much war,
occupation, and oppression. I'm very excited to have this opportunity to meet West
Coast activists and organizers who have been so strong and supportive of us these
past four months."
February 8th San Jose, CA
“Recent FBI Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas--Know Your Rights!”
Tuesday, February 8, 2011—7pm
Arab American Cultural Center
Located at Building 2, Houge Park, 3952 Twilight Drive (at White Oaks), San Jose
**Sponsored by the South Bay Committee To End Political Repression and the Arab
American Cultural Center of Silicon Valley
February 9th Oakland, CA
“FBI Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas—Know Your Rights”
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 7:00pm
EastSide Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd, Oakland, CA
**Sponsored by: EastSide Arts Alliance, National Lawyers Guild SF Bay Area Chapter,
Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Council on American Islamic Relations SF Bay
Area, and Asian Law Caucus
February 10th
Thursday, February 10, 2011
TV Show in San Jose
February 11th Sacramento, CA
“FBI Witch Hunts of Anti-war Activists: Defending Free Speech and the Right to
Friday, February 11, 2011--7pm
909 12th St., Sacramento.
**Sponsored by: Sacramento Peace Action, 916-448-7157,
February 12th Oakland, CA
“West Coast Regional Conference of the CSFR”
Saturday, February 12, 2011—12:00-4:30 pm
Humanist Hall
390 27th Street (Telegraph and Broadway), Oakland, CA
**Updates and discussion with targets of FBI and Grand Jury political repression—Anh
Pham, Hatem Abudayyeh, Thistle Parker-Hartog, and Tom Burke. As well attorney Bruce
Nestor of the National Lawyers’ Guild
February 13th, Los Angeles CA
February 14th Los Angeles, CA
“FBI Targeted Activists Speaks Out!”
Monday, February 14, 2011—6pm
519 South Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90013
**Los Angeles Chapter of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression at,, 626-532-7164
February 15th Portland, OR
“Today’s Political Repression: Conversations with Hatem Abudayyeh”
Tuesday, February 15-6:30pm
Portland State University
Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 327
1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR
**Oregon Jericho and Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, also Portland
Coalition Opposing Political Repression, Portland Central American Solidarity
Committee, Oregon Progressive Party, Portland International Socialist Organization,
NW Student Coalition,
February 16th Seattle, WA
“FBI Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas: Can it Happen in Seattle?”
With speakers Hatem Abudayyeh & Damon Shadid
Wednesday, February 16, 2011-7pm
Friends Center & University Friends Meeting
4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105
**Sponsored by Seattle United Against FBI Repression at 206.898.3349
February 17th, Evergreen State College, WA
Thursday, February 17, 2011--5 PM
8th Annual Mideast Film Festival on campus
February 18th, Seattle WA
February 19th, New York City, NY
Stop FBI/Grand Jury Repression
East Coast regional conference
Saturday, February 19, from 1 to 5 PM.
Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, NY, NY 10012
**Speakers include Hatem Abudayyeh from Chicago and Mick Kelly and Sarah Martin from
Minneapolis who were raided and/or subpoenaed by the FBI and ordered to appear at
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's Grand Jury.