Showing posts with label Noise Demo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noise Demo. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Updated list of NYE Prison Noise Demos

Dec. 29, 2011 anarchist News

This is the second year that there has been a call out for a show of
International Anarchist Jail Solidarity in the form of a noise demo. If
your town is planning a similar event please add it as a comment. Have a

Albate, Italy:
Athens, Greece:
Atlanta -
Baltimore -
Barcelona -
Berlin, Germany:
Bremen, Germany:
Brixton -
Chicago -
Köln, Germany:
London ABC -
London -
Oakland -
Pensacola FL -
Phoenix AZ -
Portland -
Seattle -
Stuttgart, Germany:

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Global Noise Demo: NYE 2011/2012

Dec. 5, 2011 Anarchist News

Outside & inside prisons, jails, and detention centers everywhere.

This event is inspired by the North American call out for a day of action
against prisons in the New Year of 2011, which remains relevant unchanged:

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing
tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the
New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks
the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does
not have to stop at that.Prison has a long history within capital, being
one of the most archaic forms of prolonged torture and punishment. It has
been used to kill some slowly and torture those unwanted – delinquents to
the reigning order – who have no need of fitting within the predetermined
mold of society.

Prison is used not only as an institution, but a whole apparatus,
constructed externally from outside of the prison walls. Which our enemies
by way of defining our everyday life as a prison, manifest themselves in
many places, with banks that finance prison development (like Wells Fargo,
Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Bank of the West, and Barclays), companies
that are contracted for the development of prisons (like Bergelectric
Corporation, SASCO Electric, Engineered Control Systems, MacDonald Miller
Facility SLTNS and Kane MFG Corp.), investors in prison development (like
Barclays Intl. and Merrlin Lynch) to the police and guards who hide behind
their badges and the power of the state.

Solidarity is not only an expression by way of our own revolutionary
poetry which is defined by a developing anarchist analysis, but as an
expression of actions put into practice within the social war daily. That
is why we propose to others who have a certain reciprocal understanding of
the prison world and the conditions it creates to remember this day, to
mark it on their calendars. To locate points of attack. To not limit
ourselves to just a noise demo, but proliferating actions autonomously
from one another. That break the mundane positions we lock ourselves into
by our own internalization.

To all our comrades known and we have yet to know. Just because we have
not met, does not mean we do not act in affinity with one another. Our
struggle continues not only on the outside, but on the inside as well.
Prison is not an end, but a continuation. Through individual and
collective moments of revolt, by the methods one finds possible. Like fire
our rage must spread.

Against prison, and the world that maintains them.
For the social war.

In memory of those currently imprisoned.

Link to flier that can be edited for regional use:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Noise Demo in Asheville (NC) Solidarity w/Seattle Anarchists & Others

Sept. 8, 2011 Puget Sound Anarchists

On September 2nd, around thirty people rallied in downtown Asheville’s
Pack Square to hold a noise demonstration denouncing the police and prison
system. A large, gruesome puppet head depicting a police officer as a pig
bobbed above the crowed and mocked the APD. A banner hung beneath the
puppet reading “Police are the violent force separating community from
self-determination” and “Police ARE brutality!”

The crowd took the busy intersection with chants such as “Our passion for
freedom is stronger then their prisons!” and “Pigs on the street and the
poor in prison? There’s no justice in this system!”. The group marched in
the downtown streets around busy Prichard park to the shock and amusement
of many. Several onlookers joined the procession on its way to the local

Outside the jail, the intensity and volume of the protest grew as the
pig-cop puppet was smashed to pieces and left skewered on a fence. Flyers
were passed out which read “Over the past few months, we have been
inspired by the actions taken by prisoners striking in Georgia and the
Pelican Bay inmates in California who have refused food in order to have
their voices heard, as well as all inmate struggles behind prison walls.”

Upon arrival back at Pack Square, squad cars surrounded the park in a
hilarious spectacle of finger-waiving. A large number of tourists,
shoppers and workers watched the stand-off which was ended with a final
“Fuck the police!” and dispersal. Four people were detained after the
rally for jay-walking, one of whom was arrested for an outstanding warrant
but later released.

This demonstration comes in light of the recent uprising against the
police in London, a wave of anti-police activity on the west coast and the
unyielding corruption of the Asheville Police Department.

Solidarity with Seattle anarchists and all of our friends and family
facing charges in Asheville, Carrboro and beyond.

Solidarity with all prisoners who fight for freedom around the world, who
refuse to accept forced confinement, isolation and abuse, who dream of the
day when we destroy these walls together.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Raleigh Stages Anti-Prison Demo

August 16, 2011 by prisonbookscollective

At 2:30pm on Sunday August 14th, over 30 people gathered in front of the
huge max-security men’s Central Prison in Raleigh, NC to stand in
solidarity with the the thousands of California prisoners on hunger
strike. We we were also there to express our continued support for our
brutalized and arrested comrades in Seattle, the victims of the recent
spate of killings by police in California, local prison resisters such as
the 10-15 death row inmates who staged a cafeteria protest on July 14th
inside Central Prison to condemn the beating of fellow death row inmate
William Bowie by prison guard Sergeant Soucier, and James Graham, a
Lanesboro, NC prisoner who succeeded in getting most of his demands met
after a week-long hunger strike last month. We timed this demonstration to
coincide with the latest block of visiting-hours for that day, so that
prisoners’ friends and loved ones might see us and relay our messages to
the inside.

A number of passing motorists honked, waved, yelled in support and shot us
thumbs-up as we held banners, banged on drums, chanted and darted into the
street to distribute handbills through open car windows. After about 45
minutes we migrated to a side of the property that lay a bit closer and
within clearer sight of the prison’s housing units, came up to the metal
fence and for about 2 minutes yelled and beat on drums and cookware as
loud as we could while facing our banners and signs toward the prison’s
windows, hoping that prisoners could briefly see or at least hear us in
those last few moments.

Out of all the locations in NC’s capital city that sustain the functioning
of the prison-industrial complex, we chose this particular correctional
facility to demonstrate in front of for its proximity to a major boulevard
and thus, high visibility to passing traffic, and its particularly
loathsome status as the state of North Carolina’s “execution prison,”
currently housing over 150 death row inmates set to be murdered by the
State within those very walls.

This demonstration followed on the heels of similar events held in front
of the Guilford County Jail in downtown Greensboro on Sunday July 24th,
and Sunday August 7th in front of the downtown Durham jail.

As a climate of nationwide and international resistance against
correctional systems and law enforcement continues to develop, we will
maintain our support for all prisoners and victims of police violence and
harassment, to demonstrate affinity with those trapped behind bars, and to
lend solidarity to those who disrupt business-as-usual in the prison

-some NC anarchists against prisons

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Durham Represents! Noise Demo in Solidarity with California Prisoners and the Seattle 26

August 8, 2011 by prisonbookscollective

At 5:30 pm on Sunday August 7th, about 35 folks gathered in front of the
jail in downtown Durham to spread awareness of and show our solidarity
with hunger striking prisoners in California. We also wanted to draw
attention to recent attacks on anarchist comrades in the Northwest. This
demo followed up a similar protest two weeks ago in Greensboro.

Our presence was purposely timed with visitor’s hours at the jail, and for
the hour and half we were there there was a constant stream of family and
friends coming in and out of the large, modern, Orwellian structure.
Handbills in English and Spanish explaining the various anti-prison
struggles around the country (see text below) and business cards with
information on how prisoners can get material support from local
anarchists on the outside were given to folks visiting loved ones. Others
banged on pots and pans, played drums, blew on kazoos, held banners, and
chanted (“Cops, Pigs, Murderers!”, and “Abajo las Presiones, la Policia
son Cabrones” were two favorites). One person just waved a large stick in
the air with word “against” written on the end of it.

Soon after we arrived, prisoners on every floor of the building began
cramming up against the plexiglass windows of their cells to get a better
look, while some stood in stairwells or on balconies waving and throwing
fists in the air. Eventually many of these prisoners managed to make small
posters out of paper on hand, reading things like, “I love this,” “Fuck
Cops,” and “@.” Others started banging on the plexiglass. Most of the
family members expressed similar sentiments. Though a fleet of cop cars
showed up to watch, and a couple of us were eventually forced off the jail
property for “agitating the prisoners,” the demonstration otherwise
proceeded without incident.

This kind of breakdown of the isolation of prison, however brief, along
with the love and rage expressed back and forth through a thin vein of
plexiglass, however circumstantial, alone made the demonstration feel
worthwhile. Of course, we also hope that hearing about such things can
raise the spirits of prison rebels in California, not to mention inspire
similar rebellion to spread here. We also want comrades in the Northwest
to know that despite the repression they’ve faced, their struggle
continues to be an inspiration. And of course, though we only just learned
of it, we send our best to those engaged in fighting the police this very
moment in London.

Text from the handbill is printed below. Pictures should soon be available
at the beautiful, brand new


On July 1st, dozens of prisoners in the long-term isolation unit of
Pelican Bay in California began an indefinite hunger strike. Their strike
quickly spread, and has now been joined by over 6,000 prisoners in at
least 11 prisons across the state. Though some prisoners have entered into
negotiations with officials, an estimated several thousand in southeastern
CA remain on hunger strike.

These prisoners are held in soundproof cells with no windows for 22½-24
hours per day, often for years at a time. The only way out of this slow
torture is to “debrief”, i.e. inform on other prisoners, a situation which
clearly encourages false accusations. They are served unsanitary and
unwholesome food, punished collectively for the actions of individuals,
and routinely denied access to basic services like phone calls or warm
clothing. In an attempt to change these conditions, these prisoners have
united to put their own lives on the line. Over 100,000 American prisoners
are held in these solitary conditions. Solitary confinement is not an
aberration from the norm but in fact the logical result of a country that
locks up more of its population per capita than any other nation in the
history of world.

We are here to support the efforts of these strikers, and the struggle of
all prisoners to free themselves from the brutality and isolation of
prison. We also want to draw attention to other acts of state repression
on the west coast. This past weekend 26 Seattle anarchists were arrested,
seven attacked and critically injured by police armed with shovels in
their own home. Only a matter of days earlier, police in the Bay Area
murdered an unarmed African-American teenager for not paying a $2 metro
fare. Both of these incidents have elicited acts of solidarity and

It goes without saying that the brutality of the police and the torture of
prisons are inextricably linked. In both cases, the function of these
institutions is not to reduce crime but to perpetuate a long history of
slavery and exploitation. If prisons are to be understood as warehouses
for the poor, then the police are the bosses of the unemployed. As such we
wish for nothing but their destruction.

-some anarchists against prisons, and the world that creates them. | |


Monday, July 04, 2011

Seattle: Report From July 2 Noise Demo

July 3, 2011 Puget Sound Anarchists

On the night of July 2nd, in solidarity with the hunger strikers in
Pelican Bay State Prison, CA, a group of roughly 30-35 people equipped
with a mobile sound system met in front of the King County Juvenile
Detention Center in the Central District of Seattle.

The police response to this demo was large, most likely due to the recent
disturbances on Capitol Hill during the Pride weekend. Despite this, the
group proceeded to blast music, bang on pots and pans, and make speeches
through megaphones in front of the prison cells. At one point, every
occupant in the cells along the southern end of the Detention Center was
banging on the walls and windows of their cells, responding to the cheers
and words from outside.

Instead of the normal oppressive routine of lights-out, the prisoners were
able to spend the night acting wild, defying the terrified screws, and
listening to the words of rebellion and freedom being blasted from
outside. Once night had fallen, a large mortar firework was shot into the
air, the green round exploding in the air over the Detention Center.

The event lasted for an hour and there were no arrests.

Towards the destruction of all prisons!

Solidarity with the Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers!

Friday, June 24, 2011

URGENT REQUEST FOR SOLIDARITY ACTIONS: July 1 Prisoner Hunger Strike @ Pelican Bay in CA

June 23, 2011 Puget Sound Anarchists

Dear Friends and Comrades,

On July 1st, 50-100 prisoners at Pelican Bay State Prison in Northern
California will begin an indefinite hunger strike to protest the tortuous
and inhumane conditions of their imprisonment. Pelican Bay is notorious
for it's repressive methods of solitary confinement (like the SHU, i.e.
Security Housing Unit). The CA Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation prides itself on Pelican Bay being "the end of the line,"
and is part of a continuation since the 1960's of prisons using solitary
confinement as a main tactic to crush rebellion and resistance.

As anti-authoritarians and anarchists, this is a crucial moment to show
our solidarity with those on the inside who are ready to die in their
fight for dignity and the most basic necessities of life that the state
continues to deny. This will be the third major hunger strike in a US
prison in the past year and those of us fighting on the outside need to
make a visible show of support for this wave of prisoner-led organizing.

"The passion for freedom is stronger than any prison"

This is a call out for any and all courageous and creative actions to
build our solidarity and confront the prison-industrial complex!

• creative! inspiring! strategic! banner drops, billboard liberation,
propaganda distro, flash mobs etc.
• please make sure your action is well documented.
• the prisoners organizing the strike initiated contact with a number of
grassroots and anti-prison organizations in the Bay Area to support their
action. This led to the formation of Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity
which will be providing some infrastructural support during the strike
such as legal and medical monitoring and visits. We want to be able to
communicate to the prisoners while doing weekly visits during the strike
that people outside are supporting them. We want to be able to tell them
about the creative ways people are showing their support and amplifying
the prisoner's voices. Please send photos, statements, and descriptions
(with your strategic discretion) to the coalition through email: The coalition will also be
updating a page on demo's and actions on the coalition blog so info can go
on their too (
• If it's an action other people can participate in, please let us know a
head of time so we can help spread the word through our blog and facebook.
• amplify the voices of the prisoners-- this is a struggle initiated by
the prisoners themselves, calling for comrades and allies to make sure
their voices are heard outside prison, so solidarity will be stronger when
keeping this in mind.

so that would be a great day for an action, as well as one or two days
before it. The strike could last for quite a while so it'd be a good idea
to stay tuned to the blog for updates on how the strike is developing.
There will be rallies internationally on July 9th in San Francisco, Arcata
(or outside Pelican Bay), Montreal, Ontario and Vancouver. It'd be great
if there are more rallies and demos on that Saturday, and other
actions/demos leading up to that day.

If you have any questions or info to share, hit up Prisoner Hunger Strike

Noise Demo in Solidarity with Pelican Bay Prisoners
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 12:21pm — Anonymous

Noise demo at:

King County Juvenile Detention Center
1211 East Alder Ave
(12th Ave & Alder)in the CD

Meet on 12th at the corner of 12th and Alder.
Saturday July 2nd.

Bring signs/banners, leaflets, noise makers, etc.

Solidarity with Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers!
Solidarity with all prisoners: youth and adult!

On July 1, 2011 prisoners in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican
Bay State Prison in California will begin an indefinite hunger strike to
protest the conditions of their imprisonment. The hunger strike is being
organized by prisoners in an unusual show of racial unity, their five key
demands are:

1. Eliminate group punishments.
2. Abolish the debriefing policy and modify active/inactive gang status
3. Comply with the recommendations of the US Commission on Safety and
Abuse in Prisons (2006) regarding an end to longterm solitary confinement.
4. Provide adequate food.
5. Expand and provide constructive programs and privileges for indefinite
SHU inmates.

This noise demonstration will be to express solidarity with the Pelican
Bay Prisoners as well as the youth imprisoned at King County Juvi to break
the isolation that is both a requirement and a function of prisons.

We want both, the youth and the hunger strikers, to know that they are not
alone that there are those of us in the outer walls who are saying fuck
prisons, down with every prison wall.

This prison society we live in, with every one of its laws, courts, cops,
prisons and networks of surveillance, has made it very clear that the
'life' we're supposed to accept is nothing more than a life sentence in an
open air prison and upon violation a 'life' of extreme alienation,
isolation, and degradation. The hunger strikers recognize this as they
continue to refuse the meek existence that the state and capital tries to
impose on them.

Prison has a long history within capitalism and governments, as being one
of the most archaic forms of prolonged torture and punishment. It has been
used to kill some slowly and torture those “undesirables” to the reigning
social order - who have do not fit within the predetermined mold of civil

Youth, the most anti-establishment social group, are often used as the
definition of undesirable. Those in charge are correct in their assumption
that the youth are the last to submit, the last to be controlled. In
response, they build institutions like, the King County Juvenile Detention
Center. The same people that build these prisons are the ones that create
poverty and discrimination. They create the conditions of crime and then
build the prisons to contain their “criminals”. There is no solving the
prison problem because prisons are exactly what this repressive society
needs to function: social control and fear. This is why we are not only
against prisons but against the whole system that relies on them.

Solidarity with every youth who fights for freedom, and all prisoners,
around the world, who refuse to accept forced confinement, isolation and
abuse, who dream of the day that we together destroy these walls.

More information: