Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

Locator chips keep track of students in Brazil

Mar 22, 2012 By STAN LEHMAN Associated Press

SAO PAULO — Grade-school students in a northeastern Brazilian city are using uniforms embedded with locator chips that help alert parents if they're cutting classes, the city's education secretary said Thursday.

Twenty thousand students in 25 of Vitoria da Conquista's 213 public schools started using T-shirts with chips earlier this week, secretary Coriolano Moraes said by telephone.

By 2013, all of the city's 43,000 public school students, aged 4 to 14, will be using the chip-embedded T-shirts, he added.

Radio frequency chips in "intelligent uniforms" let a computer know when children enter school and it sends a text message to their cell phones. Parents are also alerted if kids don't show up 20 minutes after classes begin with the following message: "Your child has still not arrived at school."

"We noticed that many parents would bring their children to school but would not see if they actually entered the building because they always left in a hurry to get to work on time," Moraes said in a telephone interview. "They would always be surprised when told of the number times their children skipped class.

After a student skips classes three times parents will be asked to explain the absences. If they fail to do so, the school may notify authorities, Moares said.

The city government invested $670,000 to design, test and make the microchipped T-shirts, he said.

The chips, similar to those used to track pets in many countries, are placed underneath each school's coat-of-arms or on one of the sleeves below a phrase that says: "Education does not transform the world. Education changes people and people transform the world."

The T-shirts, can be washed and ironed without damaging the chips, Moraes said adding that the chips have a "security system that makes tampering virtually impossible."

Moraes said that Vitoria da Conquista is the first city in Brazil "and maybe in the world" to use this system.

"I believe we may be setting a trend because we have received many requests from all over Brazil for information on how our system works," he said.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Landless worker leader shot to death in Brazil

August 25, 2011 Associated Press

RIO DE JANEIRO — A watchdog group that focuses on land rights in
Brazil says a leader of landless workers has been killed in the forested
state of Para.

The Catholic Land Pastoral says Valdemar Oliveira Barbosa was gunned down
Thursday on his bike in the town of Maraba. Barbosa is the fourth person
killed in connection to environmental or land rights movements in Para
since May.

According to the CPT, Barbosa had coordinated the takeover of a farm over
a year ago. The families were pushed out by police, but Barbosa planned to

They believe the murder may be connected to Barbosa's intent to return.

Police in Maraba have no suspects. No one has been arrested in connection
to the other killings.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Like many before, Amazon activists silenced by gun

By BRADLEY BROOKS, Associated Press May 28, 2011

SAO PAULO – They watched as the Amazon rain forest fell around them.
Instead of staying quiet, as so many people in the lawless region do,
environmentalist leader Jose Claudio Ribeiro da Silva and his wife, Maria,
fought back.

They reported illegal loggers to police and federal prosecutors. They
confronted powerful interests that destroy the forest for the quick
economic gains to be made from selling timber, or from clearing land to
raise cattle or soybeans.

This week, like so many Amazon activists before them, the Silvas were
gunned down.

On Saturday, police confirmed that yet another rural activist was killed:
Adelino Ramos, a land reform leader in the Amazon state of Rondonia, which
borders Bolivia. Like the Silvas, he also denounced those who illegally
cut the rain forest.

He was shot by a gunman or gunmen Friday morning. Fifteen years ago, he
survived one of the deadliest land conflicts in Brazil, when police killed
10 of the so-called landless activists in an encampment on land they had

The Silvas were killed Tuesday near the sustainable reserve on
government-ceded land were they led about 300 families working the forest
in the Amazon state of Para, one of Brazil's most violent and lawless.
Federal police said Friday that they were investigating, but had not made
any arrests.

Authorities say there is little doubt the couple were assassinated for
their work. They faced numerous death threats, nothing was stolen off
their bodies and Silva's ear was cut off, likely as proof that he was

Three more names were tacked onto an ever-growing list of more than 1,150
rural activists who have been slain in land conflicts across Brazil in the
past 20 years, murders mostly carried out by gunmen hired by loggers,
ranchers and farmers to silence those who protest illegal cutting in the

So many die because so few face punishment.

Of all those killings, fewer than 100 cases have gone to court. About 80
hired gunmen have been convicted. Only 15 or so of the people who have
ordered killings faced charges. And just one of them one is known to be in

Impunity rules among the 23 million people spread across the vast Amazon
because Brazil's judicial system is weak and corruption among local
officials is endemic, activists and federal prosecutors say.

It's a big hurdle for the Brazilian government's efforts to preserve a
rain forest the size of the U.S. west of the Mississippi River. More than
20 percent of the forest already has been cut down. On the same day that
Silva and his wife were slain, Brazil's lower house of Congress passed a
bill that would weaken the nation's cornerstone environmental laws,
changes that environmentalists fear will lead to more destruction if the
measure passes the Senate.

Those on the ground in the Amazon say that until the violence stops, the
forest will keep falling, because most people in a position to denounce
illegal clearing keep quiet out of fear.

Threats against anyone who stands in the way of those who want to clear
the Amazon are so routine, the Catholic Land Pastoral watchdog group known
as CPT keeps a running list of activists whose lives have been threatened.

Silva, who publicly predicted his own death just six months ago, was on
the list, along with 124 other environmentalists. His wife and Ramos were

"The impunity for killing us is getting worse by the day," said Leonora
Brunetto, a 65-year-old Roman Catholic nun and activist in the Amazon who
is on the death-threat list. "We can cry out, denounce what is happening
to the forest, but it continues. I see no end to it."

Activists like Brunetto can be guarded by police, if they request it and
if the threats against them are deemed real. She briefly took advantage of
the protection years ago, but realized she was safer among the poor,
small-scale farmers she counsels.

"You have no way of knowing if the policeman who is guarding you today
will be bought off tomorrow by the same forces that hire the gunmen who
kill Amazon defenders," she said.

Brunetto, like many activists, leads a cloak and dagger life, rarely
sleeping in the same place on consecutive nights. She travels furtively,
frequently changing from car to truck to car, handed off like a sacred
baton from one poor farmer to the next, visiting jungle settlements across
Mato Grosso and Para states.

During her decades of work, at least 15 of her close friends have been
murdered in the Amazon, Brunetto said.

And, she said, there will be no security until the underlying problem of
land titles in the Amazon is settled. The lack of clear ownership in the
region drives its violent conflicts — and much of the deforestation.

A report last year from the environmental watchdog group Imazon said that
on average, proper titles are held for only 4 percent of the land in the
states that comprise Brazil's Amazon, excluding federally protected zones.
Nearly 45 percent of the Amazon lies within protected zones, but even
those are encroached upon illegally.

The result is that loggers, for instance, can simply claim huge chunks of
land with the power of a gun and authorities have little way of knowing
who is responsible for the destruction left behind by clear-cutting of

Two years ago the government started an aggressive campaign to register
landowners in the Amazon. In its first year officials registered more than
74,000 plots totaling 20.7 million acres (8.4 million hectares), an area
the size of Panama. But that still leaves more than 50 percent of the land

While much of the Amazon remains up for grabs, those backed by guns will
continue to kill activists who stand in their way, said Edson Souza, a
federal prosecutor in Para state.

Souza last year put in prison rancher Vitalmiro Moura, one of the men
found guilty of ordering the 2005 slaying of 73-year-old U.S. nun Dorothy
Stang. Moura is the only person known to be in jail for ordering an
activist killed.

Another rancher convicted of ordering the killing of Stang, who also was
shot down in Para state, is free pending an appeal.

"The killing of Silva and his wife was what we call an 'announced death,'"
Souza said. "You could see it coming. A couple fighting against illegal
logging in this part of the Amazon are targets, sadly. There is too much
money involved."

Silva and his wife pioneered the creation of the 54,300-acre
(22,000-hectare) sustainable reserve where they were slain. The reserve
specializes in the sustainable harvesting of Brazil nuts, which come from
huge jungle trees.

Silva filed numerous complaints with local police and prosecutors about
loggers illegally entering the reserve and chopping down trees for
lucrative lumber.

He and his wife received many death threats, but they pushed on with the

Silva's sister Claudelice dos Santos said she has handed over to police a
list of names of people she suspects killed the couple.

"We will march in protest against the killings and for the environmental
cause," she told a local newspaper. "We are certain they were killed
because of their environmental work."

Ramos, the other activist slain this week, spent years fighting against
illegal loggers, reporting them to officials. According to the CPT, he was
a survivor of a bloody 1995 dispute in Rondonia, when about 300 police
stormed a landless workers encampment near the Amazon town of Corumbiara,
firing wildly and killing 10 activists. Two police also died in the

While the killings are meant to spread fear among the activists who work
in the Amazon, the nun Brunetto said each death, while unwelcome,
strengthens her convictions.

"I'll keep fighting. It won't do to give up," she said. "These events wake
more people up, they make people more conscious of what is at stake here."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Environmentalist slain for protecting Amazon

Leading rainforest champion gunned down because of battle against illegal

26 May 2011 Al Jazeera

After predicting his own murder six months earlier, a leading rainforest
champion has reportedly been gunned down in the Brazilian Amazon.

José Cláudio Ribeiro da Silva and his wife, Maria do Espírito Santo, are
said to have been killed in an ambush near their home. Their deaths have
raised questions about the dangers of protecting Brazil's environment.

Al Jazeera’s Gabriel Elizondo reports from Brazil.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Car runs down bicycling demonstrators in Brazil

Mon Feb 28, 2011 Associated Press

SAO PAULO – A motorist sped his car through a pack of more than 100
cycling activists in southern Brazil, sending bikes and screaming riders
flying through the air and landing hard on the asphalt in a scene captured
on amateur video and posted online.

At least 40 cyclists were injured, with most suffering cuts and broken
bones, but nobody was killed, authorities said.

Police said the suspect, whose name they did not release, fled the scene
of the incident Friday evening in Porto Alegre. He was brought in for
questioning Monday after authorities found his abandoned car over the

The man claimed riders surrounded his vehicle and began beating on it,
causing him to panic and fear for his life, police said.

But the lead investigator in the case called that version of events
"fanciful," without giving other details.

Inspector Gilberto Montenegro told Globo TV network's G1 website that the
man could face charges of attempted homicide. Under Brazilian law,
prosecutors can decide whether to bring charges only after police close
their investigation, which may take 30 days. The man is currently free.

Montenegro also said the number of people hit and injured rose to 40.
Previously, police said 16 people were hurt.

Cyclists in the Critical Mass ride told the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper
that no riders were threatening the motorist.

"He drove behind us for two blocks, and people were trying to stay calm.
Then in the third block he ... floored it on top of everyone," Marcelo
Guidoux Kalil told Folha. "It was a scene of war, with twisted bicycles
and people bleeding on the ground."

In the video, thuds and sharp sounds of metal on metal are heard as the
car accelerates directly through the pack of cyclists.

Scores of riders and eyewitnesses screamed and asked bystanders to call
police and ambulances as they began administering first aid to the