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Farmers in protest: Learning from the past and creating history with a real definition of nationalism

“The nationalists to be effective must harness the nation into action, into revolt.… The nation will stir itself to action only on assurance of nationalization. i.e.… Freedom from slavery of Imperialist—capitalists.” —Bhagat Singh

Global vaccine apartheid

A vaccine alone will not be enough to end the pandemic as it must also be made available at an affordable price and allocated in a way that achieves equity. It follows that suspending intellectual property rights related to COVID-19 is the most appropriate solution to our current situation of global vaccine apartheid.

How a lawbreaking international coalition failed to overthrow Venezuela’s government

On January 5, 2021, the newly elected National Assembly took its seats in Venezuela’s capital. That day the Lima Group released a statement most of its members signed saying that they did not recognize the legality of the assembly.

A renaissance fighter for freedom, justice, and peace

Released in 2019 on the 100th anniversary of Paul Robeson’s graduation from Rutgers University, Ballad of an American, brings Robeson’s creative and powerful historical presence to life through a striking graphic text and excellent afterword.