Welcome to Nuxeo CPS

This page intends to give you an introduction to CPS (Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server) and to what you can now do with it. (Edit this text.)

About CPS

CPS is an extensive collaborative Web content management system (CMS) implemented on top of Zope and the CMF, that enables organizations to easily, quickly and efficiently implement collaborative portals (intranet, extranet or internet) and workflow- oriented business applications.

CPS Provides, among other features:

  • Collaborative work and publication spaces (you may need to be authenticated with the right access level to access these URLs)
  • Document versionning, that allows a document to be published in one version and still worked on in another one
  • Group-based, directory-backed user and roles management
  • A configurable Portal interface, with a web- and accessibility-standards compliant default look and feel (you will need to be authenticated with the right access level to access this URL)
  • Notifications on many kinds of events happening on the system
  • An (optional) WYSIWYG editor for portal look and feel (just install CPSSkins in your CPS instance using the ZMI)
  • Many user-level services, like a Webmail, Forums, shared Calendars, Newsletters and Mailing Lists, etc.
  • Many powerful developers- and webmaster-level services, including support for creating your own document types, your own workflows, etc.

CPS has already been adopted by major accounts in the Administration (French Ministries of Interior, of Culture, of Finances, of Defense, of Justice; French Atomic Energy Commission; Chalmers University...), in the private sector (Suez, STMicroelectronics...) and by the leading European IT consultancies (Capgemini, Unilog, Steria...).

For more information about Zope and CPS, we suggest you go to the following web sites:


Thank you for trying or using CPS. CPS is developed by Nuxeo and a community of contributors.

CPS contains code licensed under the GPL, the ZPL and other, GPL-compatible, open source/free software licenses. Parts of CPS are copyright Nuxeo SARL, Zope Corporation and Contributors, Chalmers University, Jean-Marc Orliaguet, Capgemini, Unilog, Ministère de l'Intérieur, de la Sécurité Intérieure et des Libertés Locales, Préfecture du Bas-Rhin, CEA, Logilab SA, Fredrik Lundh, Norman Walsh, Gareth Rees, Sun Microsystems, Timothy O'Malley, Morten W. Petersen, and other contributors.

This site is powered by CPS, which includes CPSSkins. CPS and its design are Copyright © 2002-2008 Nuxeo SAS.
CPSSkins is Copyright © 2003-2008 Jean-Marc Orliaguet.