Friday, January 15, 2021


My latest verse has been published thanks to Rusty Barnes and Heather Sullivan at their tremendous Live Nude Poems. Thanks in advance for reading!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Blogging, Publishing, and Life

I have a post up at the Western Fictioneers blog reviewing Tom Clavin's DODGE CITY. One of my favorite books on Wyatt Earp that strips away a lot of the mythologizing and reveals a even more interesting historical figure. 

Big news for me that, as I said on Twitter, has me floating on cloud nine: Close To The Bone has announced they will publish my poetry chapbook Dead Burying the Dead Under a Quaking Aspen. 

And on the homefront we are still socially distancing and trying to get by the best we can. I'm fortunate to be gainfully employed (outside of writing) and have faith, though shaky, that this country can reach a plateau of stability sooner than later. Hope you are all doing well too. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

New Kieran Shea at BEAT to a PULP

Kieran Shea is always a joy to publish because of his unique perspectives and professionalism. His latest  "The Way Of Our Now" is available to read at the BEAT to a PULP webzine.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Western Fictioneers: Mrs. Sundance (1974)

Western Fictioneers: Mrs. Sundance (1974): Etta Place holds a fascination in American folklore for good reasons: she was the girlfriend of the Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh) and rode...

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Some good news around here that I could definitely use. My 14th poem, "Sandpiper," will be published by Live Nude Poems in the near future. Thanks to exceptional editors Rusty Barnes and Heather Sullivan for having me back. My last poem to appear on their site was "The Inconsiderate."

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


At one point this afternoon, the deaths from COVID were counting at 272,479. 

At one point this afternoon, my Aunt Pat died. 

The number, as I write this now in the evening, has jumped to 273,170

Deaths so far today, 2,528 

I'm devastated. I'm angry. 

I look to a favorite poet for solace, when Maya Angelou had said: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." 

Aunt Pat will be remembered for making others feel joy and warmth, to feel special and always welcome. She had a beauty inside and out that reflected onto those around her. One thing she once said has stuck with me for many, many years now, when a family visit came to end and we were parting ways for another extended period of time, she threw a hand back with flourish and dramatically, but gracefully, said, "Until we meet again." Yes, Aunt Pat, bless you, and 'Until we meet again.' Rest in peace.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Church at Auvers (1890) by Vincent van Gogh

The Church at Auvers, an 1890 oil painting by Vincent van Gogh. In a letter to his sister he revealed some of his creative process:

I have a larger picture of the village church — an effect in which the building appears to be violet-hued against a sky of simple deep blue colour, pure cobalt; the stained-glass windows appear as ultramarine blotches, the roof is violet and partly orange. In the foreground some green plants in bloom, and sand with the pink flow of sunshine in it. And once again it is nearly the same thing as the studies I did in Nuenen of the old tower and the cemetery, only it is probably that now the colour is more expressive, more sumptuous.

Trivia: And Doctor Who aficandoes are well aware what lurks behind those stained-glass windows.