
​January marks 48 years since Roe v Wade legalized abortion in all 50 states, and reproductive rights and abortion access has only gotten worse, with states attempting to ban abortion and closing down hundreds of clinics over the less decade. Not only has abortion access been eroded, but reproductive oppression like forced sterilization of immigrants…

Jan 23
4:00 PM EST

Interested in DSA but haven’t joined yet? Looking to get involved in the fights to stop evictions, win Medicare for All, or defund the police, but unsure how to get started? Frustrated with the limited possibilities of national, top-down politics and looking for an alternative? Join DSA leaders from across the country to talk about…

Jan 24
3:00 PM EST

In the transition between Trump and Biden presidencies — the consequences of a global pandemic, deepening economic crisis, the weakness of American liberalism, open displays of violence from the far right, and the absence of a strong, organized Left from the main stage of political life will be on striking display. Many will be looking…

Jan 24
8:00 PM EST

The Socialist Feminist Working Group of the Democratic Socialists of America invites you to the first session of an eight week Day School. Beginning January 30, and meeting every other Saturday (02/13, 02/27, 03/13, 03/27, 04/10, 04/24, and 05/08), we will discuss key issues for socialist feminists, including identity politics, social reproduction, socialist feminism and…

Jan 30
4:00 PM EST

Palestinian liberation and solidarity is not only a humanitarian issue, nor is it only a Palestinian issue. Palestine is a political issue with serious consequences at stake for both Palestinians and average US residents. As socialists, we recognize the interconnectedness of our struggles under capitalism. In solidarity with Palestinian civil society’s nonviolent struggle for equality,…

Feb 6
3:00 PM EST