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Vegucated (film).jpg
Directed byMarisa Miller Wolfson
Screenplay byMarisa Miller Wolfson
Story byMarisa Miller Wolfson
StarringTesla Lobo,
Brian Flegel,
Ellen Mausner,
Marisa Miller Wolfson,
Joel Fuhrman,
T. Colin Campbell
CinematographyJohn Pierce
Release date
September 10, 2011 (Toronto Independent Film Festival)
Running time
76 min.
CountryUnited States

Vegucated is a 2011 American documentary film that explores the challenges of converting to a vegan diet. It "follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks."

Director, Marisa Miller Wolfson interviewed a number of people to participate in this documentary and chose Brian, who likes to eat meat and eat out; Ellen, a psychiatrist, part-time comedian and single mother; and Tesla, a college student who lives with her family.[1] In the film Joel Fuhrman and T. Colin Campbell discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet consisting of whole foods. The film also features Howard Lyman and Stephen R. Kaufman. Kneel Cohn makes a cameo appearance.

The documentary addresses the resistance that some people feel towards vegetarianism and veganism, the disconnect between farm animals and the purchasing of meat, the origins of omnivorism and the ethical, environmental and health benefits of a vegan diet. During the filming, participants visited an abandoned slaughterhouse and investigated the reality of intensive animal farming in the US. Of their own accord, they chose to trespass on a factory farm to see for themselves, and became passionate about their new-found cause.



Vegucated is available in DVD format and streaming via iTunes, Amazon Prime, Amazon Video, YouTube, Vudu, CinemaNow, Xbox, PlayStation, Fetch TV and Hulu.

The GetVegucated YouTube channel contains follow-up films, including Where are they now? and behind the scenes footage.


  1. ^ "Vegucated: Official Website". Retrieved 2015-09-09.
  2. ^ "Vegucated: Official Site, Awards". 2011-09-10. Retrieved 2015-09-09.

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