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Recent News...

  • Peter’s latest story “One More Night Behind the Walls” is out from Kenyon Review Online. Read it HERE.

  • E.C. Murray interviewed about writing craft and process for the Writers Connection newsletter. The interview is available here and here.

  • Peter has launched a separate website for his manuscript consulting and writing coach offerings. See:

  • Look for Peter’s feature on third person limited POV in the February 2019 issue of Writer’s Digest. Also available online HERE.

  • Lots of classes on offer (online and in person) through Hugo House and Creative Nonfiction in the first half of 2019. Check them out HERE.

  • Peter has a long story in the winter 2018 issue of The Paris Review. See a preview HERE. Also had an entry in the Paris Review Blog's year in reading list.

  • Read short essay up in City Arts magazine about Facebook, fiction, and empathy.

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