Guantánamo: The Definitive Prisoner List (Part 1)


Andy Worthington speaking outside the White House on January 11, 2016, the 14th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo (Photo: Justin Norman).

Please support my work as a reader-funded journalist! As of September 2018, I’m currently trying to raise $2500 (£2000) to support my writing and campaigning on Guantánamo and related issues over the next three months of the Trump administration.


Updated for the seventh time between September and November 2018 (with this first part updated on September 11, 2018, the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that led, four months later, to the profoundly ill-advised opening of the prison at Guantánamo Bay), this definitive Guantánamo prisoner list was first published in March 2009, and subsequently updated from four parts to six (see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6). I first updated it on January 1, 2010, and again on July 12, 2010, and I updated it for the third time at the start of June 2011, to mark the fourth anniversary of the start of my almost daily publication of articles about Guantánamo. That update also included previously unseen photos from the classified military files released by WikiLeaks, on which I worked as a media partner. It was updated for the fourth time on the first anniversary of WikiLeaks’ release of “The Guantánamo Files,” and was updated for the fifth time on March 7, 2014, five years after its first publication — an update that contained more photos from the files released by WikiLeaks. The sixth update in October 2016 contained additional photos, as well as important information about the status of the 61 prisoners still held at the time.

Please note that Part 2 covers ISN numbers (prisoner numbers) 134-268, Part 3 covers 269-496, Part 4 covers 497-661, Part 5 covers 662-928 and Part 6 covers 929-10029.

The definitive prisoner list is a key element of my ongoing work (now in its 13th year) calling for the closure of the US prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and telling the stories of the men held there. The first fruit of my initial research was my book The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison, in which I told the story of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, established, for the first time, a chronology explaining where and when the prisoners were seized, told the stories of around 450 of these prisoners, and provided a context for the circumstances in which the remainder of the prisoners were captured.

Since May 2007, I have written over 2,200 articles about Guantánamo, expanding on and updating my initial work, providing research, analysis and commentary, as well as regularly campaigning to get the prison closed — particularly via the Close Guantánamo campaign I established in 2012 with the US attorney Tom Wilner, and We Stand With Shaker, established in 2014 with the activist Joanne MacInnes, which played a part in securing the release of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison, in October 2015.

Along the way, I have covered the stories of the 339 prisoners released from Guantánamo since June 2007 — 142 under George W. Bush, 196 under Barack Obama, and just one under Donald Trump — in unprecedented depth. I have also covered the stories of the 30 prisoners charged in Guantánamo’s military commissions (although only eight men have been convicted, and several of those convictions have been overturned on appeal), and I also covered the men’s habeas corpus petitions in detail from 2008 to 2011, until they were disgracefully shut down by appeals court judges in Washington, D.C.

In President Obama’s last years, I assiduously covered the Periodic Review Boards, convened to assess the cases of 64 men who had not been approved for release or recommended for trials by an earlier review process, the Guantánamo Review Task Force. The PRB process began in November 2013, and resulted in 38 men being approved for release (of whom 36 were released before Obama left office), while 26 others had their ongoing imprisonment upheld.

As a result of my work over the last twelve and a half years, this is the most comprehensive list ever published of the 779 prisoners who have been held by the US military at Guantánamo, providing details of the 729 prisoners who have been released (and the dates of their release), the nine men who have died, the one man transferred to the US mainland for a trial, and the 40 prisoners who are still held (including five men approved for release), as well as those designated for prosecution or ongoing imprisonment without charge or trial.

It is my hope, as it has been since I established this prisoner list nine and a half years ago, that this project will provide an invaluable research tool for those seeking to understand how it came to pass that the government of the United States turned its back on domestic and international law, establishing torture as official US policy, and holding men without charge or trial neither as prisoners of war, protected by the Geneva Conventions, nor as criminal suspects to be put forward for trial in a federal court, but as “illegal enemy combatants.”

I also hope that it provides a compelling explanation of how that same government, under the leadership of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, established a prison in which the overwhelming majority of those held — at least 93 percent of the 779 men and boys imprisoned in total — were either completely innocent people, seized as a result of dubious intelligence or sold for bounty payments, or Taliban foot soldiers, recruited to fight an inter-Muslim civil war that began long before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or international terrorism.

And finally, as Guantánamo remains open under Donald Trump (after Obama failed to close it, despite promising to do so on his second day in office), I hope that it also provides useful information for those still seeking to close Guantánamo, and to bring to an end this bleak chapter in American history.

Andy Worthington, London, September 11, 2018

How to use the list

In the categories below, ISN refers to the Internment Serial Number by which the prisoners are (or were) known and identified in Guantánamo, followed by the prisoners’ status (released, cleared for release, still held, or, in nine cases, deceased), their names (with just some of the many different permutations noted, in some cases), their nationality, and links to articles I have written about them, or which include references to them, or references to chapters in The Guantánamo Files. Links on the release dates feed into articles published when the prisoners were released.

The 779 prisoners held at Guantánamo (Part 1)

ISN – Status – Name – Nationality – References

Captured in Afghanistan (Nov-Dec 2001)

001 NO ISN John Walker Lindh, not sent to Guantánamo because he is a US citizen, received 20-year sentence in Oct 2002; see Chapters 2, 3, 8, 18, also see Refuting Cheney’s Lies: The Stories of Six Prisoners Released from GuantánamoFree John Walker Lindh, Scapegoat of the “War on Terror”John Walker Lindh, Torture Victim and 9/11 Scapegoat, Profiled by His Father

002 RELEASED MAY 2007, ACCEPTED MILITARY COMMISSION PLEA DEAL (Mar 2007) Hicks, David (Australia) Chapters 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, also see MILITARY COMMISSIONThe Dark Heart of the Guantánamo Trials, 20 Reasons To Shut Down The Guantánamo TrialsFormer Guantánamo Prisoner David Hicks Describes His First Two Weeks at Camp X-Ray, Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Guantánamo and the Military Commissions: Revolution Interview with Andy Worthington, Empathy and Self-Reflection: An Extraordinary Article by Jason Leopold About His Friendship with Former Guantánamo Prisoner David Hicks, Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner David Hicks Gives His First Interview — To Jason Leopold of TruthoutThe Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)US Military Admits Only 2.5 Percent of All Prisoners Ever Held at Guantánamo Will Be Tried, Former Guantánamo Prisoner David Hicks Appeals His 2007 Conviction for Non-Existent War CrimeAli Hamza Al-Bahlul, David Hicks and the Legal Collapse of the Military Commissions at Guantánamo, The collapse of Guantánamo’s military commissions (for Al-Jazeera); Radio: Andy Worthington Speaks to Michael Slate and Scott Horton About Guantánamo, David Hicks and Shaker Aamer, An Interview With David Hicks Following the Dismissal of His Guantánamo Conviction

003 RELEASED DEC 2007 Ruhani, Gholam (Afghanistan) Chapter 10, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

004 RELEASED MAY 2014 (in Qatar) Wasiq, Abdul-Haq (Afghanistan) Chapter 10, discussed in The Stories of the Afghans Just Released from Guantánamo: Intelligence Failures, Battlefield Myths and Unaccountable Prisons in Afghanistan (Part One), also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001)The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in GuantánamoUS in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Close Guantánamo, Free the Afghans, Don’t Forget the Hunger Strike at GuantánamoOn Democracy Now! Andy Worthington Discusses the Cynical Hysteria About the Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, Radio: Andy Worthington Talks to Scott Horton and Peter B. Collins About the Latest Manufactured Guantánamo Scandal, Is Bowe Bergdahl Worth Five Taliban Prisoners? (for Al-Jazeera), Please Read Tom Wilner’s Op-Ed About the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban Prisoner Swap, Pentagon Defends Bowe Bergdahl/Guantánamo Prisoner Swap as Government Accountability Office Delivers Critical Opinion

005 RELEASED DEC 2007 Al Matrafi, Abdul Aziz (Abdallah al-Matrafi) (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 16, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

Mullah Norullah Noori, n a photo from Guantanamo included in the classified military files released by WikiLeaks in 2011.006 RELEASED MAY 2014 (in Qatar) Noori, Mullah Norullah (Noorullah Noori) (Afghanistan) Chapter 10, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001)The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in GuantánamoUS in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Close Guantánamo, Free the AfghansOn Democracy Now! Andy Worthington Discusses the Cynical Hysteria About the Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, Radio: Andy Worthington Talks to Scott Horton and Peter B. Collins About the Latest Manufactured Guantánamo Scandal, Is Bowe Bergdahl Worth Five Taliban Prisoners? (for Al-Jazeera), Please Read Tom Wilner’s Op-Ed About the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban Prisoner Swap, Pentagon Defends Bowe Bergdahl/Guantánamo Prisoner Swap as Government Accountability Office Delivers Critical Opinion

007 RELEASED MAY 2014 (in Qatar) Fazl, Mullah Mohammed (Mullah Fazil) (Afghanistan) Chapter 10, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001)The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in GuantánamoUS in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Close Guantánamo, Free the AfghansOn Democracy Now! Andy Worthington Discusses the Cynical Hysteria About the Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, Radio: Andy Worthington Talks to Scott Horton and Peter B. Collins About the Latest Manufactured Guantánamo Scandal, Is Bowe Bergdahl Worth Five Taliban Prisoners? (for Al-Jazeera), Please Read Tom Wilner’s Op-Ed About the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban Prisoner Swap, Pentagon Defends Bowe Bergdahl/Guantánamo Prisoner Swap as Government Accountability Office Delivers Critical Opinion

008 RELEASED DEC 2007 Rasoul, Abdullah Ghulam (Afghanistan) Chapter 10, also see Who are ‘the worst of the worst’? (in the Guardian), The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

009 TRANSFERRED TO CUSTODY ON US MAINLAND APR 2002 Hamdi, Yaser (Yasser Hamdi) (USA-Saudi Arabia) Chapters 2, 18, transferred to US, held as an enemy combatant until Oct 2004, when he renounced US citizenship in exchange for being released in Saudi Arabia; also see Court Confirms President’s Dictatorial Powers in Case of US “Enemy Combatant” Ali al-Marri, The Last US Enemy Combatant: The Shocking Story of Ali al-Marri, WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo FilesWikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)US Judge Rules Against Military Detention of US Terror Suspects – But What About the Foreigners in Guantánamo?, What Should Trump Do With the US Citizen Seized in Syria and Held in Iraq as an “Enemy Combatant”?

010 RELEASED SEP 2004 Sattar, Abdul (Pakistan) Chapter 9, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part One of Five)

011 RELEASED SEP 2004 Safeezi, Abdul Sattar (Pakistan) Website Extras 7WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

012 RELEASED MAY 2003 Usman, Shabidzada (Afghanistan) Website Extras 7WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

013 RELEASED JUL 2007 Al Qahtani, Fahed Mohamed (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 2 (footnote), also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

014 RELEASED SEP 2004 Iqbal, Zafar (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

015 RELEASED OCT 2006 Ul Shah, Zia (Pakistan) Chapter 9, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

016 RELEASED JUL 2003 Al Deen, Jamal Muhammad (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

017 RELEASED SEP 2004 Khan, Muhammed Ijaz (Pakistan) Chapter 9, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part One of Five)

018 RELEASED SEP 2004 Sayed, Mohammed (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

019 RELEASED MAY 2003 Alikhel, Shah Mohammed (Pakistan) Chapters 9, 19, also see Website Extras 7WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

020 RELEASED NOV 2003 Ishaq, Mohammed (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

021 RELEASED JUL 2003 Hudin, Salah (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

022 RELEASED SEP 2009 (in Ireland) Hamiduva, Shakhrukh (Uzbekistan) Chapter 10, mentioned in Guantánamo’s refugees, also see WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo

Isa Khan, photographed a year after his release from Guantanamo.023 RELEASED SEP 2004 Khan, Isa (Pakistan) Chapter 9, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

024 RELEASED JAN 2005 Abbasi, Feroz (UK) Chapter 10, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part One of Five), On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker Aamer

025 RELEASED FEB 2007 Al Joudi, Majid (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 19, also see Website Extras 8The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

Mostly captured crossing from Afghanistan into Pakistan (Dec 2001)

Fahd Ghazy, photographed before his capture and his rendition to Guantanamo.026 RELEASED JAN 2016 (in Oman)CLEARED (under Bush) Ghazi, Fahed  (Fahd Ghazy) (Yemen) Chapter 5, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, Abandoned in Guantánamo: WikiLeaks Reveals the Yemenis Cleared for Release for Up to Seven YearsClose Guantánamo: Photos of Protestors outside the Supreme Court on the 11th Anniversary of the Opening of the PrisonAs Three Yemenis Are Freed from Guantánamo, Video Highlights Plight of 52 Others, Long Cleared for Release, Video: Andy Worthington Speaks About Guantánamo and We Stand With Shaker in New York, Plus Lawyers Ramzi Kassem and Omar Farah

027 NOT CLEARED BY PRB (May 2016)NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Jan 2017), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (May 2018), WON HABEAS PETITION (Feb 2010), LOST ON APPEAL (Mar 2011) Uthman, Uthman Abdul Rahim Mohammed (Yemen) Chapter 5, also see The Black Hole of Guantánamo, Judge Rules Yemeni’s Detention at Guantánamo Based Solely on Torture, Does Obama Really Know or Care About Who Is at Guantánamo?, Calling for US Accountability on the International Day in Support of Victims of TortureWho Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, Mocking the Law, Judges Rule that Evidence Is Not Necessary to Hold Insignificant Guantánamo Prisoners for the Rest of Their LivesThe Supreme Court Abandons the Guantánamo Prisoners, Meet the Seven Guantánamo Prisoners Whose Appeals Were Turned Down by the Supreme Court, Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger StrikeTwo More Yemeni “Forever Prisoners” Seek Release from Guantánamo Via Periodic Review Boards

028 NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Oct 2015)NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Dec 2016), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Jan 2009), LOST APPEAL (Jul 2011) Al Alawi, Muaz (Moath Al Alwi) (Yemen) Website Extras 3, No End in Sight for the “Enemy Combatants” of Guantánamo, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part One): Exposing The Bush Administration’s LiesWho Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”Guantánamo and the Death of Habeas CorpusThe Supreme Court Abandons the Guantánamo Prisoners, Meet the Seven Guantánamo Prisoners Whose Appeals Were Turned Down by the Supreme Court, The Prisoners Speak: Reports from the Hunger Strike in Guantánamo, Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger Strike, Although Two Men Weigh 75 Pounds or Less, Guantánamo Prisoner Moath Al-Alwi Says, “We Will Remain on Hunger Strike”, mentioned in Long-Term Guantánamo Hunger Striker Emad Hassan Describes the Torture of Force-Feeding, “It Is All Theater, It Is All A Game,” Yemeni “Forever Prisoner” Says from Guantánamo, Guantánamo “An Endless Horror Movie”: Hunger Striker Appeals for Help to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, War Is Over, Set Us Free, Say Guantánamo Prisoners; Judge Says No, 97-Pound Yemeni Hunger Striker Appears Before Periodic Review Board As Saudi is Approved for Release from Guantánamo, mentioned in US Military Lawyer Submits Petition to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Behalf of Mohammad Rahim, CIA Torture Victim Held at Guantánamo, mentioned in At Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Djamel Ameziane Asks US to Apologize, and Calls for Prison’s Closure, Persistent Dehumanization at Guantánamo: US Claims It Owns Prisoners’ Art, Just As It Claims to Own Their Memories of Torture, Curator of Guantánamo Art Show Responds to Authorities’ Threats to Burn Prisoners’ Work: “Art Censorship and Destruction Are Tactics of Terrorist Regimes, Not US Military”, Reviewing the Guantánamo Art Show in New York That Dared to Show Prisoners As Human Beings, and Led to a Pentagon Clampdown, No Escape from Guantánamo: An Update on the Periodic Review Boards

029 RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Oman), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Mar 2016), CLEARED BY PRB (Dec 2016) Al Ansi, Mohammed (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”More Evidence of the Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo and in Afghanistan and IraqAfghan Approved for Release from Guantánamo, as Lawyer Presents Persuasive Case for Release of Yemeni Who Has Become A Prolific ArtistPersistent Dehumanization at Guantánamo: US Claims It Owns Prisoners’ Art, Just As It Claims to Own Their Memories of Torture, Curator of Guantánamo Art Show Responds to Authorities’ Threats to Burn Prisoners’ Work: “Art Censorship and Destruction Are Tactics of Terrorist Regimes, Not US Military”, Reviewing the Guantánamo Art Show in New York That Dared to Show Prisoners As Human Beings, and Led to a Pentagon Clampdown

Guantanamo prisoner Ahmed al-Hikimi in a photo from the classified military files released by Wikileaks in 2011.030 RELEASED APR 2016 (in Saudi Arabia) Al Hikimi, Ahmed (Nadir Omar Abdullah Bin Sa’adoun Alsa’ary) (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, mentioned in “It’s Going to End in Men Dying”: Carlos Warner, Guantánamo Attorney, Discusses the Hunger Strike

031 RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), CLEARED BY PRB (Jan 2014) Al Mujahid, Mahmoud (Yemen) Chapter 5, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”Guantánamo’s secretive review boards, The American Lawyer’s Six Guantánamo Bar Profiles: Thomas Wilner, David Remes, Jennifer Cowan, Wells Dixon, David Nevin and Lee Wolosky

032 RELEASED DEC 09 Ahmed, Faruq Ali (Farouq Ali Ahmed, Farouq Saif) (Yemen) Chapter 5, also see Guantánamo Whistleblowers: Lt. Col. Stephen Abraham is not the first insider to condemn the kangaroo courtsVideo: Al-Jazeera’s Powerful and Important Documentary, “Life After Guantánamo”

033 RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), WON HABEAS PETITION (Aug 2009), LOST ON APPEAL (Jul 2010) Al Adahi, Mohammed (Yemen) Chapter 12, also see No Escape From Guantánamo: The Latest Habeas Rulings, What Does It Take To Get Out Of Obama’s Guantánamo?Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: Prisoners Win 3 out of 4 Cases, But Lose 5 out of 6 in Court of Appeals (Part Two), Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Five: Captured in Pakistan (1 of 3), Habeas Hell: How the Great Writ Was Gutted at Guantánamo, More Judicial Interference on Guantánamo

034 RELEASED JAN 2015 (in Oman)CLEARED (under Obama), CLEARED (under Bush) Al Yafi, Abdullah (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, Abandoned in Guantánamo: WikiLeaks Reveals the Yemenis Cleared for Release for Up to Seven Years

035 RELEASED JUN 2015 (in Oman)CLEARED (under Obama) Qader Idris, Idris (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, mentioned in “It’s Going to End in Men Dying”: Carlos Warner, Guantánamo Attorney, Discusses the Hunger Strike

036 RELEASED DEC 2013, CLEARED (under Obama) Idris, Ibrahim (Sudan) Chapter 5, also see Bin Laden Cook Expected to Serve Two More Years at Guantánamo – And Some Thoughts on the Remaining Sudanese Prisoners, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”The Schizophrenic in Guantánamo Whose Lawyers Are Seeking to Have Him Sent Home, Some Progress on Guantánamo: The Envoy, the Habeas Case and the Periodic ReviewsThe American Lawyer’s Six Guantánamo Bar Profiles: Thomas Wilner, David Remes, Jennifer Cowan, Wells Dixon, David Nevin and Lee Wolosky

Abd al-Malik Wahab al-Rahabi (aka Abdul Malik al-Rahabi), in a photo taken by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross at Guantanamo, and made available to his family, who made it publicly available via his lawyers.037 RELEASED JUN 2016 (in Montenegro), CLEARED BY PRB (Dec 2014) NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Mar 2014) Al Rahabi, Abdul Malik (Yemen) Chapters 5, 8, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”Guantánamo: Where Being Cleared for Release Means Nothing, Indefinitely Detained Guantánamo Prisoner Asks Review Board to Recommend His ReleaseGuantánamo Forever (for Al-Jazeera), The American Lawyer’s Six Guantánamo Bar Profiles: Thomas Wilner, David Remes, Jennifer Cowan, Wells Dixon, David Nevin and Lee Wolosky, Persistent Dehumanization at Guantánamo: US Claims It Owns Prisoners’ Art, Just As It Claims to Own Their Memories of Torture

038 CLEARED (under Obama), CLEARED (under Bush) Al Yazidi, Ridah (Tunisia) Chapter 5, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, What Does Tunisia’s Revolution Mean for Political Prisoners, Including Guantánamo Detainees?, Emptying Guantánamo: Obama to Release 17 or 18 Prisoners Before Trump Takes Over

039 CONVICTED IN TRIAL BY MILITARY COMMISSION (life sentence, Nov 2008), CONVICTION OVERTURNED JAN 2013 – and also in 2014 and 2015 (but conspiracy conviction upheld in October 2016) Al Bahlul, Ali Hamza (Yemen) Chapters 5, 18, also see MILITARY COMMISSIONDoing the Right Thing, Betrayals, backsliding and boycotts: the continuing collapse of Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, Controversy still plagues Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, An Empty Trial at Guantánamo, Life sentence for al-Qaeda propagandist fails to justify Guantánamo trialsDavid Frakt: Military Commissions “A Catastrophic Failure”, Lawyers Appeal Guantánamo Trial ConvictionsOmar Khadr Accepts US Military Lawyer for Forthcoming Trial by Military Commission, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Guantánamo and the Military Commissions: Revolution Interview with Andy Worthington, After Recent Ruling in the Case of Bin Laden’s Cook, Guantánamo Should Close by July 2012, Carol Rosenberg on the “Prison within a Prison” at Guantánamo for Four Convicted “War Criminals”US Military Admits Only 2.5 Percent of All Prisoners Ever Held at Guantánamo Will Be Tried, Video: Andy Worthington, Todd Pierce and Steven Reisner Discuss Guantánamo and Torture in New York, January 9, 2014Video: Todd Pierce Discusses the Lawlessness of Guantánamo’s Military Commissions on “London Real”, Ali Hamza Al-Bahlul, David Hicks and the Legal Collapse of the Military Commissions at Guantánamo, mentioned in Life Sentence for Sulaiman Abu Ghaith Discredits Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, Former Guantánamo Military Defense Attorney Todd Pierce Interviewed by the Talking DogThe collapse of Guantánamo’s military commissions (for Al-Jazeera), Despite His Conviction Being Quashed Three Times, Guantánamo Prisoner Ali Hamza Al-Bahlul Remains in Solitary Confinement, In Contentious Split Decision, Appeals Court Upholds Guantánamo Prisoner Ali Hamza Al-Bahlul’s Conspiracy Conviction, mentioned in Guantánamo Lawyer Michel Paradis: Military Commissions are Based on Legal Apartheid, Two Guantánamo Cases Make It to the Supreme Court; Experts Urge Justices to Pay Attention, Abandoning Guantánamo: The Supreme Court’s Shame as a Military Commission Appeal Is Turned Down, Radio: On the Scott Horton Show, Andy Worthington Discusses Trump Letting Guantánamo Hunger Strikers Die, the Failures of the Supreme Court and More

Yemeni prisoner Abdel Qadir Mudafari, one of 15 Guantanamo prisoners released last week, and given new homes in the United Arab Emirates, in a photo included in the classified military files released by WikiLeaks in 2011.040 RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE) Al Mudafari, Abdel Nadir (al-Mudhaffari) (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”

041 RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), CLEARED BY PRB (Feb 2016) Ahmad, Majid (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”Two Yemenis Approved for Release from Guantánamo Via Periodic Review Boards As “Highly Compliant” Afghan and Another Yemeni Also Seek Release

042 RELEASED SEP 2015, CLEARED BY PRB (Jun 2015) Shalabi, Abdul Rahman (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 19, Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, Secrecy Still Shrouds Guantánamo’s Five-Year Hunger Striker, mentioned in Were Two Prisoners Killed at Guantánamo in 2007 and 2009?Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger Strike, TV and Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses the Ongoing Guantánamo Hunger Strike on Press TV and on KBOO FM, mentioned in Long-Term Guantánamo Hunger Striker Emad Hassan Describes the Torture of Force-Feeding, Abdul Rahman Shalabi, Hunger Striker Since 2005, Asks Review Board to Approve His Release from Guantánamo

043 RELEASED JAN 2016 (in Oman) Moqbel, Samir (Yemen) Chapter 5, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”A Voice from Guantánamo: Samir Moqbel, a Hunger Striker Brutally Force-Fed Every Day, As Guantánamo Prisoners Send Pleas to President Obama, Media Reports Plans To Free 86 Men Long Cleared for Release, Don’t Forget the Hunger Strike at Guantánamo, Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger Strike, Watch the Shocking New Animated Film About the Guantánamo Hunger Strike

Yemeni prisoner Mohammad Abu Ghanim, in a photo from Guantanamo included in the classified military files released by WikiLeaks in 2011.044 RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Saudi Arabia)CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016) Ghanim, Mohammed (Yemen) Chapters 5, 15, 19, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”Don’t Forget the Hunger Strike at Guantánamo, Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger StrikePeriodic Review Board at Guantánamo for Yemeni Subjected to Long-Term Sleep Deprivation in Prison’s Early Years

045 RELEASED NOV 2015 (in UAE), CLEARED BY PRB (Apr 2014) Al Rezehi, Ali Ahmad (al-Razihi) (Yemen) Website Extras 3Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”Guantánamo Review Boards (1/3): Ali Ahmad Al-Razihi, a Yemeni, Asks to Be Sent Home

046 RELEASED FEB 2010 (in Albania), CLEARED (under Bush) Abdallah, Sayf Bin (Saleh Sassi) (Tunisia) Website Extras 3, Italy’s Forgotten Residents in GuantánamoWhat Does Tunisia’s Revolution Mean for Political Prisoners, Including Guantánamo Detainees?, A Dream of Freedom Soured: Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Tunisia Face Ongoing Persecution

047 RELEASED JUL 2003 Ullah, Asad (Pakistan) Website Extras 3WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

048 RELEASED JUL 2008 Alhamiri, Abdullah (UAE) Website Extras 3

049 RELEASED FEB 2010 (in Spain), CLEARED (under Bush) Al Aasmi, Assem Matruq (Walid Hijazi) (Palestine) Website Extras 9, Who Is the Palestinian Released from Guantánamo in Spain?, Abandoned in Spain: The Palestinian Freed from Guantánamo

050 RELEASED NOV 2007 Al Ghamdi, Zayd Al Husayn (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 9The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

051 RELEASED SEP 2007 Al Barayan, Majid (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 3The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

052 RELEASED AUG 2007 Al Murbati, Isa (Bahrain) Chapters 8, 12, 15, also see Isolation in GuantánamoThe Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

053 RELEASED JUL 2007 Al Mahayawi, Saud Dakhil (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 3The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

054 RELEASED JULY 2012, ACCEPTED MILITARY COMMISSION PLEA DEAL (2-year sentence, Jul 2010) Al Qosi, Ibrahim (Sudan) Chapters 5, 18, MILITARY COMMISSION, also see The US military’s shameless propaganda over Guantánamo’s 9/11 trials, Torture, Preventive Detention and the Terror Trials At Guantánamo, Predictable Chaos As Guantánamo Trials Resume, MILITARY COMMISSION (under Obama), Chaos and Confusion: The Return of the Military Commissions, Bin Laden Cook Accepts Plea Deal at Guantánamo TrialBin Laden Cook Expected to Serve Two More Years at Guantánamo – And Some Thoughts on the Remaining Sudanese Prisoners, On the 9th Anniversary of 9/11, A Call to Close Guantánamo and to Hold Accountable Those Who Authorized Torture, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Guantánamo and the Military Commissions: Revolution Interview with Andy Worthington, After Recent Ruling in the Case of Bin Laden’s Cook, Guantánamo Should Close by July 2012, Carol Rosenberg on the “Prison within a Prison” at Guantánamo for Four Convicted “War Criminals”Will Guantánamo Ever Be Closed?, US Military Admits Only 2.5 Percent of All Prisoners Ever Held at Guantánamo Will Be Tried, Video: Andy Worthington, Todd Pierce and Steven Reisner Discuss Guantánamo and Torture in New York, January 9, 2014Video: Todd Pierce Discusses the Lawlessness of Guantánamo’s Military Commissions on “London Real”, Former Guantánamo Military Defense Attorney Todd Pierce Interviewed by the Talking Dog, “Petty and Nasty”: Guantánamo Commander Bans Lawyers From Bringing Food to Share with Prisoners

055 RELEASED DEC 2006 Al Zayla, Mohammed (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 5, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

Abdullah Tabarak056 RELEASED AUG 2003 Tabarak, Abdullah (Morocco) Chapter 5, mentioned in Bush Era Ends with Guantánamo Trial Chief’s Torture Confession, also see WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo FilesWikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

057 RELEASED DEC 2006 Al Harbi, Salim (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 3The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

058 RELEASED JUN 2006 Al Wahab, Musa (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 3The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

059 RELEASED NOV 2007 Al Uwaydha, Sultan (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 5, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

060 RELEASED NOV 2005 Haji, Adel Kamel (Bahrain) Chapters 5, 7, 8, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part One of Five)

061 RELEASED AUG 2006 Kurnaz, Murat (Germany-Turkey) Chapter 12, also see Five Years in Guantánamo, Former Guantánamo detainees speak, Waterboarding: two questions for Michael Hayden about three “high-value” detainees now in Guantánamo, Guantánamo Suicide Report: Truth or Travesty?, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Two): CIA Prisons in Afghanistan and Iraq, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Three): Proxy Detention, Other Countries’ Complicity, and Obama’s RecordVideo: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Murat Kurnaz Tells His Story on Russia Today, New Revelations About The Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten), Rights Groups Call for the Arrest of George W. Bush for Torture as He Arrives in CanadaThe Long Pursuit of Accountability for the Bush Administration’s Torture ProgramFormer Guantánamo Prisoner Younous Chekkouri Illegally Imprisoned in Morocco; As Murat Kurnaz Calls for His Release, Please Ask John Kerry to Act

062 RELEASED JUL 2007 Al Jihani, Mohammed (Al Juhani) (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 3The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part One of Ten)

063 NOT CLEARED BY PRB (July 2016) Al Qahtani, Mohammed (Saudi Arabia) Chapters 5, 15, MILITARY COMMISSION (charges dropped), also see Guantánamo Transcripts: Ghost Prisoners Speak After Five And A Half Years, and “9/11 hijacker” Recants His Tortured Confession, Bush Era Ends with Guantánamo Trial Chief’s Torture Confession, What Torture Is, and Why It’s Illegal and Not “Poor Judgment”, Does Obama Really Know or Care About Who Is at Guantánamo?, Calling for US Accountability on the International Day in Support of Victims of TortureWho Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part One: The “Dirty Thirty”, WikiLeaks Reveals Secret Guantánamo Files, Exposes Detention Policy as a Construct of Lies, The New Yorker’s Amy Davidson Captures the Despair in WikiLeaks’ Guantánamo Files, Col. Morris Davis Discusses Guantánamo, Torture and Intelligence in the Wake of the Latest WikiLeaks RevelationsNew Revelations About The Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo, George W. Bush’s Torture Program Began Ten Years AgoTorture Began at Guantánamo with Bush’s Presidential Memo 12 Years Ago, A Few Surprises in the New Guantánamo Prisoner List, mentioned in Andy Worthington’s Interview about Guantánamo and Torture for Columbia University’s Rule of Law Oral History Project, Why Guantánamo Mustn’t Be Forgotten in the Fallout from the CIA Torture Report, Guantánamo Lawyers Complain About Slow Progress of Periodic Review Boards, Fugitive From Justice: A Timeline of the Crimes Committed by Guantánamo’s Torture Chief, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, As He Fails to Show Up at a French Court, For Review Board, Revelations That Tortured Guantánamo Prisoner Mohammed Al-Qahtani Was Profoundly Mentally Ill Before CaptureHow Guantánamo’s Periodic Review Boards Exposed Woefully Distorted Intelligence Assessments, Great New York Times Exposé of How Torture, Abuse and Command Indifference Compromised Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo, Why Camp X-Ray at Guantánamo Mustn’t Be Destroyed, Lawyers for Guantánamo Torture Victim Mohammed Al-Qahtani Urge Court to Enable Mental Health Assessment and Possible Repatriation to Saudi Arabia

064 RELEASED MAY 2006 Sebaii, Abdel Hadi (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 5, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

Omar Rajab Amin, photographed before his capture.065 RELEASED SEP 2006 Amin, Omar Rajab (Kuwait) Chapter 5, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

066 RELEASED JUL 2007 Al Sulami, Yahya (Saudi Arabia) Chapters 5, 15, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

067 RELEASED SEP 2007 Al Sharikh, Abdulrazzaq (Abd al-Razaq al-Sharikh, al-Sharekh) (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 5, also see The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at GuantánamoWikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

068 RELEASED NOV 2007 Al Bawardi, Khalid (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 5, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

Captured in Afghanistan and held in Qala-i-Janghi/Sheberghan (Nov 2001)

069 RELEASED JUN 2007 Ismail, Sadeq (Sadeq Mohammed Said) (Yemen) Website Extras 9The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

070 RELEASED JUL 2008 Houari, Abdul Raham (Algeria) Website Extras 8

071 RELEASED MAY 2003 Al Shedoky, Mishal (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

072 RELEASED JUL 2005 Ikassrien, Lahcen (Spain) Website Extras 1Spanish Court Gives Go-Ahead for Guantánamo Torture Investigation to Continue, The Case of Lahcen Ikassrien: Torture in Kandahar and GuantánamoWikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part One of Five)

073 RELEASED JUN 2006 Nur, Yusif Khalil (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

074 RELEASED DEC 2007 Al Rashid, Mishal Saad (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 2, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

075 RELEASED FEB 2006 Lahcini, Najib (Morocco) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

076 RELEASED FEB 2007 Sharipov, Rukniddin (Tajikistan) Website Extras 1, Tajiks released from Guantánamo sentenced to 17 years in prison, Calls for Review of Punitive Sentences for Ex-Guantánamo TajiksThe Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

077 RELEASED FEB 2007 Fazrollah, Mehrabanb (Tajikistan) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

078 DIED IN GUANTANAMO JUN 2009 Al Hanashi, Mohammad (Muhammad Salih) (Yemen) Chapter 20, also see Website Extras 1, As a sixth “high-value detainee” is charged at Guantánamo, disturbing evidence surfaces, Out Of Guantánamo: African Embassy Bombing Suspect To Be Tried In US Court, Death At Guantánamo Hovers Over Obama’s Middle East Visit, Binyam Mohamed: Was Muhammad Salih’s Death In Guantánamo Suicide?, Murders at Guantánamo: Scott Horton of Harper’s Exposes the Truth about the 2006 “Suicides”, Suicide or Murder at Guantánamo?Were Two Prisoners Killed at Guantánamo in 2007 and 2009?The Season of Death at GuantánamoRemembering the Season of Death at Guantánamo, Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, Death at Guantánamo: Psychologist and Author Jeffrey Kaye Speaks to the Talking Dog, Another Sad, Forgotten Anniversary for Guantánamo’s Dead, Guantánamo Suicides “Unlikely,” Says Investigator Jeffrey Kaye in New Edition of His Book, “Cover-up at Guantánamo”, Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, 12 Years After the Three Notorious Alleged Suicides of June 2006

079 RELEASED SEP 2007 Al Harazi, Fahed (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 2, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

080 RELEASED MAY 2003 Al Shabrani, Fahd (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

Walid Ali, in a photo from Guantanamo included in the classified military files released by WikiLeaks in 2011.081 RELEASED MAY 2008 Ali, Walid Mohammed (Sudan) Chapter 2

082 RELEASED FEB 2004 Kudayev, Rasul (Russia) Chapters 2, 18, also see The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at GuantánamoWikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

083 RELEASED JUL 2004 Nabied, Yusef (Tajikistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

084 RELEASED DEC 2006 Batayev, Ilkham (Kazakhstan) Chapter 2, mentioned in Tajiks released from Guantánamo sentenced to 17 years in prison, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten)

085 RELEASED NOV 2003 Bin Naseer, Munir (Pakistan) Website Extras 7WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part One of Ten)

086 RELEASED MAR 2004 Rasul, Shafiq (UK) Chapters 3, 8, 11, 15, 19, mentioned in The Convoy of Death: Will Obama Investigate The Afghan Massacre Of November 2001?, also see On YouTube: Guantánamo Guard and Ex-Prisoners Meet (via the BBC), White House Repeats Pentagon Lies About Guantánamo “Recidivists”Video: Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed Discuss US Detention at Kandahar, Bagram and Guantánamo with Andy Worthington at “Eid Without Aafia Siddiqui” Event, All Guantánamo Prisoners Were Subjected to “Pharmacological Waterboarding”WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten), mentioned in On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker AamerSeven Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners Unite in London to Call for Prison’s Closure on Jan. 11; Shaker Aamer Photographed With Inflatable Figure of Himself Outside US Embassy, UK Torture: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner’s Memories Provide A Reminder That We Need Accountability

087 RELEASED MAR 2004 Iqbal, Asif (UK) Chapters 3, 8, 11, 15, 19, mentioned in The Convoy of Death: Will Obama Investigate The Afghan Massacre Of November 2001?, also see White House Repeats Pentagon Lies About Guantánamo “Recidivists”All Guantánamo Prisoners Were Subjected to “Pharmacological Waterboarding”WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten), On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker AamerSeven Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners Unite in London to Call for Prison’s Closure on Jan. 11; Shaker Aamer Photographed With Inflatable Figure of Himself Outside US Embassy, UK Torture: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner’s Memories Provide A Reminder That We Need Accountability

088 RELEASED JAN 2016 (in Oman), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Aug 2009), LOST APPEAL (Jun 2010) Awad, Adham Ali (Yemen) Website Extras 8No Escape From Guantánamo: The Latest Habeas Rulings, House Kills Plan to Close GuantánamoGuantánamo and Habeas Corpus: Prisoners Win 3 out of 4 Cases, But Lose 5 out of 6 in Court of Appeals (Part One), Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001), Habeas Hell: How the Great Writ Was Gutted at Guantánamo

089 RELEASED JAN 2010 (in Slovakia), CLEARED (under Obama) Tsiradzho, Poolad (Azerbaijan) Website Extras 1, Finding New Homes For 44 Cleared Guantánamo Prisoners, Three Neglected Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners in Slovakia Embark on a Hunger Strike, “It was better in Guantánamo,” Complains Egyptian Held in Slovak Detention Center, Who Are the Three Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Slovakia?Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Slovakia Finally Receive Residence Permits

090 RELEASED FEB 2007 Mokit, Wahldof Abdul (Muqit Vohidov) (Tajikistan) Chapter 9 (footnote), also see Tajiks released from Guantánamo sentenced to 17 years in prison, Calls for Review of Punitive Sentences for Ex-Guantánamo TajiksThe Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

Yemeni prisoner Mohsen Aboassy, one of 15 Guantanamo prisoners released in August 2016, and given new homes in the United Arab Emirates, in a photo included in the classified military files released by WikiLeaks in 2011.091 RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE) Al Saleh, Abdul (Mohsen Aboassy) (Yemen) Website Extras 1Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001)

092 RELEASED MAR 2004 Shah, Said Mohammed Alim (allegedly the alias of Taliban leader Abdullah Mehsud) (Afghanistan) If the US administration had behaved intelligently, ex-Guantánamo inmate who blew himself up would never have been releasedWikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

093 DIED IN GUANTANAMO JUN 2006 Al Zahrani, Yasser Talal (Saudi Arabia) Chapters 2, 18, 19, also see Second Anniversary of Triple Suicide at Guantánamo, Guantánamo Suicide Report: Truth or Travesty?, The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at Guantánamo, Murders at Guantánamo: Scott Horton of Harper’s Exposes the Truth about the 2006 “Suicides”, Omar Deghayes and Terry Holdbrooks Discuss Guantánamo (Part Three): Deaths at the Prison, Murders at Guantánamo: The Cover-Up Continues, UN Secret Detention Report (Part One): The CIA’s “High-Value Detainee” Program and Secret PrisonsUS Court Denies Justice to Dead Men at GuantánamoOn the 5th Anniversary of the Disputed Guantánamo “Suicides,” Jeff Kaye Defends Scott Horton, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, Teleconference: Five Years After Disputed “Suicides” at Guantánamo, Father of Dead Man Appeals Court’s Refusal to Consider His Case, Relatives of Disputed Guantánamo Suicides Speak Out As Families Appeal in US Court, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part One of Ten), Video: Andy Worthington Discusses the Documentary “Death in Camp Delta,” Examining the Alleged Suicides in Guantánamo in June 2006The Season of Death at GuantánamoNew Evidence Casts Doubt on US Claims that Three Guantánamo Deaths in 2006 Were Suicides, Remembering the Season of Death at Guantánamo, Video: RT America’s One-Hour Special on Guantánamo Featuring Andy Worthington, Joe Hickman, Nancy Hollander and Tom Wilner, Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, Another Sad, Forgotten Anniversary for Guantánamo’s Dead, Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, 12 Years After the Three Notorious Alleged Suicides of June 2006

094 RELEASED MAY 2006 Al Sehli, Ibrahim (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 2, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

095 RELEASED MAY 2006 Al Ghamdi, Abdul Rahman (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

096 RELEASED JUN 2006 Al Utaybi, Mohammed (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

097 RELEASED JUL 2003 Khan, Tariq Aziz (Pakistan) Website Extras 7WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

098 RELEASED SEP 2004 Saeed, Hafiz Ehsan (Pakistan) Chapter 9, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

099 RELEASED JUL 2003 Razaq, Abdul (Pakistan) Chapter 8, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

100 RELEASED SEP 2004 Ashraf, Mohammed (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

101 RELEASED SEP 2004 Irfan, Mohammed (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

102 RELEASED OCT 2009 (in Palau), WON HABEAS PETITION (Oct 08) Mohammed, Nag (Edham Mamet) (China) Website Extras 1, From Guantánamo to the United States: The Story of the Wrongly Imprisoned Uighurs, Guantánamo Uyghurs’ resettlement prospects skewered by Justice Department lies, A New Year Message to Barack Obama: Free the Guantánamo Uighurs, Guantánamo’s refugees, Bad News and Good News for the Guantánamo Uighurs, Guantánamo: A Real Uyghur Slams Newt Gingrich’s Racist Stupidity, Free The Guantánamo Uighurs!, From Guantánamo To The South Pacific: Is This A Joke?, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part One): Exposing The Bush Administration’s Lies, Chair Of The American Conservative Union Supports The Guantánamo Uighurs, House Threatens Obama Over Chinese Interrogation Of Uighurs In Guantánamo, A Profile of Rushan Abbas, The Guantánamo Uighurs’ Interpreter, A Plea To Barack Obama From The Guantánamo Uighurs, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Two): Obama’s Shame, Court Allows Return Of Guantánamo Prisoners To Torture, Justice At Last? Guantánamo Uighurs Ask Supreme Court For Release Into US, Guantánamo Uighurs In Palau: First Interview And Photo, Guantánamo: Idealists Leave Obama’s Sinking Ship, Palau President Asks Australia to Offer Homes to Guantánamo Uighurs

103 RELEASED MAR 2010 (in Switzerland), WON HABEAS PETITION (Oct 08) Mahmud, Arkin (China) Website Extras 1, From Guantánamo to the United States: The Story of the Wrongly Imprisoned Uighurs, Guantánamo Uyghurs’ resettlement prospects skewered by Justice Department lies, A New Year Message to Barack Obama: Free the Guantánamo Uighurs, Guantánamo’s refugees, Bad News And Good News For The Guantánamo Uighurs, Guantánamo: A Real Uyghur Slams Newt Gingrich’s Racist Stupidity, Free The Guantánamo Uighurs!, From Guantánamo To The South Pacific: Is This A Joke?, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part One): Exposing The Bush Administration’s Lies, Chair Of The American Conservative Union Supports The Guantánamo Uighurs, House Threatens Obama Over Chinese Interrogation Of Uighurs In Guantánamo, A Profile of Rushan Abbas, The Guantánamo Uighurs’ Interpreter, A Plea To Barack Obama From The Guantánamo Uighurs, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Two): Obama’s Shame, Court Allows Return Of Guantánamo Prisoners To Torture, Justice At Last? Guantánamo Uighurs Ask Supreme Court For Release Into US, Senate Finally Allows Guantánamo Trials In US, But Not Homes For Innocent MenGuantánamo: Idealists Leave Obama’s Sinking Ship, Swiss Take Two Guantánamo Uighurs, Save Obama from Having to Do the Right Thing, Guantánamo Uighurs Back in Legal LimboGuantánamo Uighur Brothers “Happy” in Switzerland, But Struggling to Adapt to New Life

104 RELEASED MAR 2004 Achezkai, Mohammed Khan (Afghanistan) Chapter 15, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

105 RELEASED MAY 2006 Al Saigh, Adnan (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

106 RELEASED JUL 2003 Raz, Mohammed (Afghanistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

107 RELEASED OCT 2002 Barakzai, Jan Mohammed (Afghanistan) Chapter 9, mentioned in The Stories of the Afghans Just Released from Guantánamo: Intelligence Failures, Battlefield Myths and Unaccountable Prisons in Afghanistan (Part One), also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

108 RELEASED DEC 2007 Aliza, Abdul Rauf (Afghanistan) Chapter 9, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

109 RELEASED DEC 2006 Al Rabiesh, Yusef (Saudi Arabia) Chapters 2, 8, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

110 RELEASED MAR 2004 Ahmed, Ruhal (Rhuhel Ahmed) (UK) Chapters 3, 8, 11, 15, 19, mentioned in The Convoy of Death: Will Obama Investigate The Afghan Massacre Of November 2001?, also see On YouTube: Guantánamo Guard and Ex-Prisoners Meet (via the BBC), White House Repeats Pentagon Lies About Guantánamo “Recidivists”Video: Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed Discuss US Detention at Kandahar, Bagram and Guantánamo with Andy Worthington at “Eid Without Aafia Siddiqui” Event, All Guantánamo Prisoners Were Subjected to “Pharmacological Waterboarding”,  WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten), mentioned in On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker AamerSeven Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners Unite in London to Call for Prison’s Closure on Jan. 11; Shaker Aamer Photographed With Inflatable Figure of Himself Outside US Embassy, Videos: On 14th Anniversary of Opening of Guantánamo, Andy Worthington Speaks Outside the White House, Shaker Aamer Speaks in London, UK Torture: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner’s Memories Provide A Reminder That We Need Accountability

111 RELEASED JAN 2009 Al Tayeea, Ali (Iraq) Chapter 2, also see A Voice from Iraq: Former Guantánamo Prisoner Speaks

112 RELEASED SEP 2007 Al Oshan, Abdul Aziz (al-Khaldi) (Saudi Arabia) Chapters 2, 8, also see Guantánamo’s Library: Adding Insult to InjuryWould Al-Qaeda Terrorists Really Be Reading Harry Potter at Guantánamo?The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

113 RELEASED SEP 2004 Ahmed, Sarfaraz (Pakistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

114 RELEASED NOV 2007 Al Shehri, Yousef (al-Shihri) (Saudi Arabia) Chapters 9, 19, also see The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at GuantánamoWikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

Abdul Rahman Naser, in a photo from the classified military files relating to the Guantanamo prisoners, which were released by WikiLeaks in April 2011.115 RELEASED APR 2016 (in Saudi Arabia)CLEARED (under Bush) Naser, Abdul Rahman (Yemen) Website Extras 1Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001), Abandoned in Guantánamo: WikiLeaks Reveals the Yemenis Cleared for Release for Up to Seven Years

116 RELEASED MAR 2004 Abulwance, Yamatolah (Afghanistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

117 RELEASED JAN 2016 (in Oman), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Mar 2010) Al Warafi, Mukhtar (Yemen) Chapter 2, Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: The Torture Victim and the Taliban Recruit, With Regrets, Judge Allows Indefinite Detention at Guantánamo of a MedicWho Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001)Prisoners in Guantánamo Ask to be Freed Because of the End of the War in Afghanistan, War Is Over, Set Us Free, Say Guantánamo Prisoners; Judge Says No

118 RELEASED DEC 2006 Kahm, Abdul Rahman Juma (Afghanistan) Chapter 9, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

119 RELEASED MAR 2003 Shah, Suleiman (Afghanistan) Chapter 3, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

120 RELEASED JUL 2005 Khan, Rabel (Habib Rasool) (Afghanistan) Chapter 9, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part One of Five)

121 RELEASED DEC 2006 Mohammed, Salman (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

122 RELEASED JUL 2007 Al Atabi, Bijad (al-Otaibi) (Saudi Arabia) Chapter 2, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Two of Ten)

123 RELEASED FEB 2006 Hassan, Muhammad Hussein Ali (Morocco) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

124 RELEASED NOV 2003 Khan, Janan Taus (Afghanistan) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

125 RELEASED MAY 2003 Al Zahrani, Fawaz (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

126 RELEASED SEP 2007 Al Shihri, Salim (Salam Abdullah Said) (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Three of Ten)

127 RELEASED MAY 2003 Al Shili, Ibrahim (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Two of Ten)

128 RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Oman), CLEARED BY PRB (May 2014), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Jan 2009), LOST APPEAL (Jan 2010) Al Bihani, Ghaleb (Yemen) Website Extras 1, How Cooking For The Taliban Gets You Life In Guantánamo, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Two): Obama’s Shame, Appeals Court Extends President’s Wartime Powers, Limits Guantánamo Prisoners’ Rights, The Black Hole of Guantánamo, Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: 2 Years, 50 Cases, 36 Victories for the PrisonersGuantánamo and Habeas Corpus: Prisoners Win 3 out of 4 Cases, But Lose 5 out of 6 in Court of Appeals (Part One), Nine Years After 9/11, US Court Concedes that International Laws of War Restrict President’s Wartime Powers, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001), Habeas Hell: How the Great Writ Was Gutted at GuantánamoGuantánamo Review Boards (2/3): Ghaleb Al-Bihani, a Cook, Asks to Be Sent Home to Yemen or to Another Country, Waiting for progress on Guantánamo (for Al-Jazeera), Persistent Dehumanization at Guantánamo: US Claims It Owns Prisoners’ Art, Just As It Claims to Own Their Memories of Torture, Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination, Has a Dangerous Track Record of Defending Guantánamo and Unfettered Executive Power

129 RELEASED DEC 2006 Al Marwai, Toufig (Yemen) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

130 RELEASED NOV 2007 Sultan, Faha (Fahd al-Osaimi al-Otaibi) (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2007 (Part Three of Ten)

131 RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Saudi Arabia), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (May 2014)CLEARED BY PRB (Apr 2016) Ben Kend, Salem (bin Kanad) (Yemen) Website Extras 1Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Two: Captured in Afghanistan (2001)Guantánamo Review Boards (3/3): Salem Bin Kanad, from Riyadh, Refuses to Take Part in a System That Appears Increasingly Flawed

132 RELEASED JUN 2006 Al Shehri, Abdul Salam (Saudi Arabia) Website Extras 1, The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at GuantánamoWikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Two of Ten)

133 RELEASED JUL 2004 Ouzar, Mohammed (Morocco) WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part One of Five)

For more, see Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6.

Andy Worthington is a freelance investigative journalist, activist, author, photographer, film-maker and singer-songwriter (the lead singer and main songwriter for the London-based band The Four Fathers, whose music is available via Bandcamp). He is the co-founder of the Close Guantánamo campaign (and see the latest photo campaign here) and the successful We Stand With Shaker campaign of 2014-15, and the author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison (click on the following for Amazon in the US and the UK) and of two other books: Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion and The Battle of the Beanfield. He is also the co-director (with Polly Nash) of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (available on DVD here — or here for the US), and for his photo project ‘The State of London’ he publishes a photo a day from six years of bike rides around the 120 postcodes of the capital.

In 2017, Andy became very involved in housing issues. He is the narrator of a new documentary film, ‘Concrete Soldiers UK’, about the destruction of council estates, and the inspiring resistance of residents, he wrote a song ‘Grenfell’, in the aftermath of the entirely preventable fire in June 2017 that killed over 70 people, and he also set up ‘No Social Cleansing in Lewisham’ as a focal point for resistance to estate destruction and the loss of community space in his home borough in south east London.

To receive new articles in your inbox, please subscribe to Andy’s RSS feed — and he can also be found on Facebook (and here), Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Also see the six-part definitive Guantánamo prisoner list, The Complete Guantánamo Files, the definitive Guantánamo habeas list, the full military commissions list, and the chronological list of all Andy’s articles.

Please also consider joining the Close Guantánamo campaign, and, if you appreciate Andy’s work, feel free to make a donation.

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Andy Worthington

Investigative journalist, author, campaigner, commentator and public speaker. Recognized as an authority on Guantánamo and the “war on terror.” Co-founder, Close Guantánamo and We Stand With Shaker. Also, photo-journalist (The State of London), and singer and songwriter (The Four Fathers).
Email Andy Worthington

CD: Love and War

The Four Fathers on Bandcamp

The Guantánamo Files book cover

The Guantánamo Files

The Battle of the Beanfield book cover

The Battle of the Beanfield

Stonehenge: Celebration & Subversion book cover

Stonehenge: Celebration & Subversion

Outside The Law DVD cover

Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo


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