
Mark your calendars, witches: The first Full Moon of 2021 is upon us. Often, the New Moon is seen as a time to start over again, manifest, and begin new projects. The Full Moon, on the other hand, which marks the completion of a moon cycle, is the time for something we could all use a little more of these days: letting shit go. There are certain traditions many witches may decide to do on every Full Moon, like charge their crystals under both sunlight and moonlight,...
  When Jess Kramer discovered she had autism at age 31 it was a revelation—and she’s not alone. Thousands of women live undiagnosed in a world where male symptoms are the only ones that count At age 31, I finally met myself—really, truly met myself—for the first time. That may be a weird thing to say, but then again, I’ve always been a weird one. For years I described myself as “quirky,” a label I gave myself with love. But a year ago, when a good friend asked...
There's been a lot of talk about “doing the work” when it comes to understanding and dismantling systemic racism. But for those of us who want to be effective co-conspirators with the Black community, “doing the work” must be more than just talk. These online courses created by Black women offer a deeper understanding of the pervasive insidiousness of racism and its relationship to privilege and provide the tools to help you scrutinize your own internalized biases. As course organizer Glo Atanmo told BUST, “Creating...
Well, it officially happened folks: Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. If you feel a vague sense of relief over the coming week, you’re certainly not the only one. However, before Biden’s term even started, Americans (as well as those from around the world, to be frank) have been anticipating what Biden’s first actions as president would be. Our questions about his priorities once taking office have been answered: Biden signed 17 executive orders already. Really, Biden’s directives...
In the Survival Skills for Badass Bitches series, writer Melanie LaForce walks you through everything you need to know to survive the outdoors, tough situations, and/or the forthcoming apocalypse.  This summer I watched a helicopter, outfitted with a tank and snorkel, suck water out of Lake Gregory to fight a wildfire less than a half mile away. This fire had started in a house in a crowded neighborhood, and made “a run up the mountain,” as they say. Because of the immediate danger to human lives, this particular...
There’s a lot of talk these days about defunding the police. But what’s being done to reform criminal justice in the stages of the incarceration process after arrest and prosecution?  One organization trying to answer that question is the Parole Preparation Project ( Parole Prep provides advocacy and volunteer support to currently and formerly incarcerated people serving life sentences in New York State, while seeking to transform the parole release process. As attorney Michelle Lewin, 33, the group’s executive director explains, “What we do is essentially train...
Back before COVID-19 hit, we never could have imagined that masks would become a must, but here we are. And while we’re grateful for this protective accessory, it’s got an unwelcome side effect: maskne. As if pandemic stress wasn’t triggering enough, the mask-induced sweat, bacteria, and humidity of your breath can provoke breakouts. We asked Jennifer Black, an L.A.-based licensed acupuncturist and board-certified herbalist who specializes in dermatology, how to deal. Here are her tips plus some of her favorite prods. –ILANA KAPLAN Wash your face.Black...
Winter weather and a lack of outdoor space don't have to dash your gardening dreams. It turns out, you can harvest kale right in your living room, or carrots in your kitchen. Indoor gardening is a fun, cost-effective, and eco-friendly way to grow your own food. According to Jasmine Jefferson, the founder of Black Girls With Gardens (—a collective that provides education, support, inspiration, and representation to Black women and women of color through gardening—there are other benefits, too. “It’s really nourishing physically, spiritually, and...
We are pleased to introduce our new columnist Sarah Potter, a professional witch, tarot reader, and practitioner of color magic. Sarah will be providing her Tarotscopes for the season in each issue of BUST. Here are her pulls for December, January, and February 2021. Sagittarius:Page of Swords(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)Stand up for what you believe in and speak up, Sagittarius! You have an abundance of energy and a desire to channel it towards the greater good of humanity. Put your confidence and enthusiasm for justice...

Learning to feel at home in your body is a lot of work. I’m a body confidence advocate now, and still on a recovery journey after struggling with body image issues and bulimia for nearly a decade. I didn’t think I was good enough to show up as I was. But I am, and so are you. Here are my tips for how to ditch shame.  1. No more diets. Diets take away your freedom and make enjoying food feel like rebellion instead of pleasure. 2. Unfollow #bodygoals....