A Scion of Zionist Aristocracy Wants to Quit the Jewish People. Will Israel Let Him?

Why Avraham Burg, who has served as Knesset speaker, interim president and head of the Jewish Agency, is asking Israel to annul his registration as a Jew

Avraham "Avrum" Burg.
Avraham "Avrum" Burg.Credit: Emil Salman
Ravit Hecht
Ravit Hecht
Ravit Hecht
Ravit Hecht

Avraham Burg has been a man of many titles. A scion of one of the aristocratic families of the religious-Zionist movement, he was Speaker of the 15th Knesset (1999-2003), a leading member of the Labor Party’s left-leaning “group of eight” in the late 1980s and early ‘90s, chairman of the Jewish Agency (1995-1999) and, as per protocol, during his tenure as Knesset Speaker, he served as Israel’s acting president, between the resignation of Ezer Weizman and the election of Moshe Katsav to that post. No resumé could be more Zionist and Jewish.