Showing posts with label Harare 52. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harare 52. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Statement in Solidarity with the Arrested Zimbabwean Activists (Harare 52

Feb. 23, 2011 Infoshop News

Another dark day in Zimbabwe

Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front Statement

ZACF Statement in Solidarity with Arrested Zimbabwean Activists

Activists gathered in Harare on the 19th February in a closed meeting to
discuss the recent uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, were
arrested after a planned police raid. Currently they are being held
without charge and reports indicate that key members of the gathering are
being subjected to physical assault by their captors.

The ZACF strongly condemns yet another act of aggression against ordinary
Zimbabweans seeking better alternatives to their current state of violent
subjugation to the authority of the state and capital. In a clear show of
force, the state and the predator ruling class has once again shown its
desire to maintain power as the regulator of Zimbabwean society and will
use violence and intimidation to achieve these ends. The present vicious
attacks on protestors in Libya speak to this point as well.

In any society the oppressed classes organized from below are the decisive
forces to end regimes. The ruling classes in the state and capital are
keenly aware of this and always seek to crush dissent.

A call has been sent to all progressive organisations and activists to
join in solidarity and support of the arrested comrades. Solidarity from
abroad should not be seen as a substitute, but is an essential aid in the
struggles in Zimbabwe. Parliamentary democracy would be an improvement,
because of its immediate benefits, but is not a substitute for the
fundamental and radical restructuring of power and wealth needed to really
change daily life and empower the oppressed classes.

The campaign calls on activists to write letters and statements of
solidarity with the 52 and to apply pressure by sending letters and faxes
to key government officials and Zimbabwean embassies calling for the
immediate release of those arrested. Copies of faxes and emails should
also be sent to: and

Follow developments at:

Join the campaign!
Down with state violence and repression!
Release the Harare 52!

This statement was issued by the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front
Related Link: