Our Network

The NLG has chapters across the U.S., organizing and litigating on local issues. All chapters belong to one of five regions, each led by NLG Regional Vice Presidents. Regional Conferences take place annually.

Find your NLG chapter

Law School Chapters
Law students are the NLG's fastest growing membership category, with 100+ chapters at law schools nationwide. Law students work on a variety of issues, organizing on and off campus.

See all NLG law student chapters and resources

The NLG has 20 issue-based national committees, projects, and tasks forces working in virtually all areas of public interest and movement law.

See all NLG committees

National Immigration Project

NIPNLG is a national non-profit that provides legal assistance and technical support to immigrant communities, legal practitioners, and advocates working to advance the rights of noncitizens.

Visit NIPNLG's website

Mass Defense/Activist Support

The NLG MDC provides legal support for political activists, protesters and movements for social change, including Know Your Rights and Legal Observer trainings, materials for supporting activists and more.

Learn more about NLG's MDC and resources for activists

National Police Accountability Project

NPAP's members are plaintiffs’ attorneys, paralegals and advocates who work on law enforcement misconduct cases, including civil actions against prison and jail personnel.

Visit NPAP's website