Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the officious Trump® White House, the #1 GREATEST site on the entire World Wide Web, and for being the kind of busybody snoop with nothing better to do than read legal boilerplate small print. Sad! Regarding your privacy on WHITEHOUSE.ORG, we have consulted with the Generals, whose orders are that your personal information be mined at the level deemed necessary, solely at President Trump’s exclusive discretion, to protect America from nuclear holocaust and Mexican ISIS rapists.

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Ahem. See Also: The REAL WHITEHOUSE.ORG Privacy Policy


Donald J. Trump: America’s most kick-ass President EVER! More famous than dirty hippy Jesus, he’s so fucking classy, he even shits in a SOLID GOLD TOILET. SO BOW & WORSHIP HIS MAGNIFICENT PRIAPIC TUMESCENCE, YOU WORTHLESS PISS-POOR LOSERS!

Statement On First Lady Smacking Down Loser Blogger

THE PRESIDENT: GREAT NEWS about the BIGLY $ettlement for Melania! So let that be a lesson to any lousy website that can’t afford to pay the KGB to bury any proof that my hotwife allegedly worked the breadlines of Slovenia as a hooker! Believe me folks, nobody knows...

President Donald Trump’s Tax Returns

POTUS: Nosy crybabies want me to #ReleaseTheReturns? I’ve authorized my IRS to do it! Now #STFU and bend over for some tax cuts 4 the rich!

Swearing-In Statement: Attorney General Jeff Sessions

A dangerous CRIME WAVE of TERRORIST MEXICAN BLACK LIVES MATTER GEORGE SOROS PROTESTORS is sweeping AMERICA and NO ONE is safe! Don’t look at FBI statistics because they’re FAKE FACTS!

People Are Saying: TRUMPCARE® ROCKS!

People Are Saying: TRUMPCARE® ROCKS! Darlene Johnson - Head Mop at the Porn Palace in Knoxville TN, shares her inspiring tale of overcoming stupid Obamacare's #FAKENEWS to arrive at a TRUMPCARE® MIRACLE!   ###  

TRADE: First 100 Days

On the "Trans Pacific" Partnership - I will do what I do with all TP: FLUSH IT. #MAGA    - @WHITEHOUSE_ORG ###  

President’s Termination Letter to FBI Director James Comey

I am releasing this letter to the news media first, specifically so I can reference to informing me, on THREE separate occasions, that I AM TOTALLY NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION!

An America-Only ENERGY Plan

THE PRESIDENT: On energy, I will stop supporting sissy stuff like wind and solar and rainbows and all that liberal hippy-dippy spiral-dancer earth-lover bullshit, and go back to a future where huge, dick-like smokestacks belch out thick, beautiful GOLDEN clouds of...


100% regular, all-American person “Andy from Arkansas” has wise words for stupid losers who think POTUS secretly loves glorious Mother Russia!

Russia Witch Hunt Survey Confirmation

THANK YOU, PATRIOT-COMRADE! With your help, more Americans can appreciate President Trump’s squeaky-clean innocence of anything and everything. And soon, when the Special Counsel starts snooping around through Trump bank accounts and inevitably discovers a bunch of...


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