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COVID-19: Research for a Resilient Recovery

Photo with quote of Çağlar Özden, lead economist in the World Bank’s Development Research Group

Who on Earth Can Work from Home? A global comparison sheds light on the importance of ICT infrastructure

The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to inflict severe pain in labor markets across the globe, and policy makers will need to target support to workers who are hit hardest. To inform such efforts, a recent working paper Who on Earth Can Work from Home presents an estimate of jobs that can be done from home across the globe.

Photo with quote of Achim D. Schmillen, World Bank Senior Economist

Tackling the impact of job displacement through public policies

The rise in joblessness due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is expected to be extraordinarily steep, with significant economic, social and psychological consequences. While this presents a serious challenge, careful public policy responses can help mitigate the costs of job displacements and support workers in finding reemployment.

Chief economists Laurence Boone, OECD; Gita Gopinath, IMF; and Carmen Reinhart, World Bank Group  discussed the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19

Chief Economists Panel: Addressing inequality and poverty under COVID-19

The chief economists Laurence Boone, OECD; Gita Gopinath, IMF; and Carmen Reinhart, World Bank Group discussed the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 crisis on income inequality and poverty, calling for coordinated action by the international community.

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This book focuses on three important pre-pandemic trends observed in the region—namely, premature deindustrialization, servicification of the economy, and task automation—that were significantly changing the labor market landscape in the region and that have been accelerated by the crisis.

Previous Poverty and Shared Prosperity Reports have conveyed the difficult message that the world is not on track to meet the global goal of reducing extreme poverty to 3 percent by 2030. This edition brings the unwelcome news that COVID-19, along with conflict and climate change, has not merely slowed global poverty reduction but reversed it for first time in over twenty years.

This book constitutes one of the most up-to-date assessments of how large firms are created in low- and middle-income countries and their role in development. It argues that large firms advance a range of development objectives in ways that other firms do not: large firms are more likely to innovate, export, and offer training and are more likely to adopt international standards of quality, among other contributions.

Who decides the formulation of social policy? What resources do actors bring to decision-making processes? How do those resources position them within decision making networks? This book addresses these questions by combining an institutional political economy approach to policy making with social network analysis of social policy formulation processes in Latin American and the Caribbean.

The Human Capital Index highlights how current health and education outcomes shape the productivity of the next generation of workers. In this way, it underscores the importance for governments and societies of investing in the human capital of their citizens.

International Debt Statistics 2021 presents comprehensive stock and flow data for 120 low and middle-income countries and a summary overview of the key elements driving outcomes in 2019 debt stocks and financial flows.

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Carmen Reinhart

Vice President and World Bank Group Chief Economist
