Support the Fight for Socialism in 2021
The January 6, 2021 fascist coup attempt in Washington DC marks a turning point in US and world history. It is part of a global turn by ruling elites toward fascist and authoritarian forms of rule, under conditions of the pandemic and the malignant growth of social inequality.

The growth of fascism poses an imminent danger to the working class and must be opposed through the building of a powerful socialist movement. Masses of workers oppose the far-right and are becoming radicalized. The new year will undoubtedly be one of massive social struggles.

The critical task is to build a revolutionary leadership to guide the coming struggles to a successful conclusion. On a daily basis, the WSWS fights to fulfill this role, educating workers and youth on the lessons of history and providing a genuine voice for the working class.

Your support is essential to build the revolutionary movement of the working class in the coming year! Donate to the WSWS New Year’s fund today! If possible set up a monthly contribution plan to help us sustain and build our infrastructure and staff in the new year.

To make a donation via PayPal or Stripe, use the widget to the right. To donate via check, mail your donation to one of the addresses at the bottom of this page. Please leave us a comment on why your are donating to support the WSWS.

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Pledge a donation to the WSWS

To make a pledge for a donation, use the form on the right, including the amount you would like to donate and when.

To donate by mail or contact the WSWS
Please send your check or money order to the address closest to you:
United States
Checks can be made payable to WSWS.
Socialist Equality Party,
PO Box 48377, Oak Park, MI 48237. Tel: 248-264-3735
Socialist Equality Party/ Parti de l’egalite socialiste,
PO Box 183, Station B Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 3J7
Socialist Equality Party,
Box 106, 88 Queen Street, Sheffield S1 2FW
Tel: 0845 3697 470
Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei,
Postfach 61 02 02
10923 Berlin
Socialist Equality Party,
PO Box 574, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012.
Tel. 61 2 8218 3222

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The WSWS uses Paypal and Stripe, both leading providers of Internet payment services to secure every transaction and process it automatically. All transactions are carried out in US dollars. To view the current currency exchange rate between your currency and US dollars, use the XE currency converter.

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When you donate, we require you to provide us with personal contact and billing information. This information is necessary to verify your credit card details. The WSWS does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to third parties.


The WSWS will issue refunds within 30 days.

Tax Deductibility

Donations or contributions to the WSWS are not deductible under federal or state tax law.