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Teamsters union shuts down Hunts Point strike in New York City

Fearing the strike was becoming a catalyst for a broader movement of the working class against social inequality and the criminal response to the pandemic, the unions and the Democrats rushed to shut down the struggle.

Daniel de Vries

Texas educators call for full investigation of fascistic coup plotters!

Our committee calls for the fullest investigation into the high-level connections between Texas Republicans, the Trump administration, and the far-right and fascistic groups that coordinated the January 6 coup attempt in Washington, DC.

Texas Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee

Russia ends COVID-19 restrictions in major cities

Having witnessed a small drop-off in infections and hospitalizations, Moscow and Saint Petersburg are now ending the very restrictions that fueled these improvements.

Andrea Peters

The Biden administration: Illusion and reality

Efforts are underway to chloroform the public about the realities of the procapitalist, imperialist politics of the Biden administration and the catastrophic economic and social conditions under which it begins.

Niles Niemuth

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Thousands of UK energy workers continue strikes against hire-and-fire; French energy workers strike against privatisation; indefinite strike by metalworkers at South African company against redundancies

UK: Investment banker adviser to Tory government appointed BBC chair

Sharp’s appointment demonstrates that the BBC’s long and carefully constructed fiction of impartiality is now increasingly rejected by the ruling class, who want more open support for their anti-democratic and repressive measures, and less airing of dissent and criticism.

Paul Bond

Neo-Nazi arms networks spreading across Europe

In the weeks before and since Donald Trump’s January 6 fascist coup attempt in Washington, neo-Nazi circles were trafficking large quantities of weapons in Europe.

Anthony Torres

Inauguration 2021: On the edge of an abyss

The Biden administration is taking office in the midst of an existential crisis of the entire American political, social and economic system.

Joseph Kishore, David North

Germany’s Christian Democrats choose new leader

Laschet’s narrow victory over Merz, who enjoyed the support of the openly right-wing section of the party, which has close ties to the right-wing extremist Alternative for Germany, has nothing to do with a rejection of his views.

Johannes Stern

Ukraine begs Europe for coronavirus vaccine

While still providing military backing to the Kiev government in its ongoing civil war with Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, US and European imperialism have refused to provide even minimal vaccine assistance to the poorest country in Europe.

Jason Melanovski

Israeli human rights organization declares Israel an apartheid state

B’Tselem's statement that Israel is an apartheid regime confirms not only what critics of Israel’s brutal suppression of the Palestinians have long been saying, but also the historic bankruptcy and reactionary culmination of the Zionist project and all such nationalist programs.

Jean Shaoul
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