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Last Updated: Tuesday, 23 January 2007, 16:34 GMT
Boy's TV appearance curfew breach
Recording of The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Jeremy Kyle show has put the boy in touch with a counsellor
A 15-year-old boy breached his curfew to appear on a daytime TV programme about troubled teenagers, where his mother thought he would get help.

The teenager, from Colwyn Bay, stayed overnight in a Manchester hotel before recording ITV1's The Jeremy Kyle Show.

The boy admitted breaching his three-month overnight curfew, put in place after a criminal damage case.

The Llandudno youth court chairman told the teenager that court orders came before any TV show.

The court heard the boy's nightly curfew, which lasts between 2000 and 0700 GMT, had been imposed for criminal damage and throwing objects at a moving vehicle.

Admitting a series of breaches, he told the magistrates:"I was an idiot for breaking it. I just couldn't wait to get off it."

Whatever people think of the programme, they have put him in touch with a counsellor
Solicitor Nia Dawson

His mother told the court how she took him on the talk show - which deals with family and relationship issues - to try to get help for him.

The daily show tackles people's personal and domestic problems, in front of a studio audience.

Defence solicitor Nia Dawson said:"Whatever people think of the programme, they have put him in touch with a counsellor.

"Hopefully it will do some good."

Court chairman Alan Roberts told the teenager: "We are going to allow this curfew order to continue.

"But we find your mother was complicit in taking you to Manchester for this Jeremy Kyle show.

"It must be made clear court orders come first before any television show."

The boy's mother was fined £75.

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