LA Observed
Slow posting
The Twitter feed is curated and updated most days. Posting to the blogs is more sporadic.
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Don Shirley
'The Present'...and the fuzzy future of L.A. theater
The essence of theater is that we leave home and enter that intersection between live performers and live spectators -- in a public, physical locale. How is that going to happen until most audience members and artists are vaccinated?Ellen Alperstein
The sea is dying, the art lives
Creative communities thrive hard by the moribund Salton Sea.Ellen Alperstein
The company of one
1 might be the loneliest number, but also the most salubrious.Native Intelligence
Closing the social distance
A holiday celebration for everybody who loves corned beef.Donna Perlmutter
A haunting look back at the Weimar Republic
Love in the time of Coronavirus. Love in the time of Presidential elections.Gary Leonard
Panorama Tower
Renovation of a former bank building into residences in Panorama City.Native Intelligence
Harmonic convergence ...
A mixed marriage thrives in the northern reaches of the Coachella Valley.
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