LA Observed

Slow posting

The Twitter feed is curated and updated most days. Posting to the blogs is more sporadic.
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Panorama Tower
Take My Picture Gary Leonard

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Don Shirley

'The Present'...and the fuzzy future of L.A. theater

The essence of theater is that we leave home and enter that intersection between live performers and live spectators -- in a public, physical locale. How is that going to happen until most audience members and artists are vaccinated?
Ellen Alperstein
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The sea is dying, the art lives

Creative communities thrive hard by the moribund Salton Sea.
Ellen Alperstein
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The company of one

1 might be the loneliest number, but also the most salubrious.
Native Intelligence
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Closing the social distance

A holiday celebration for everybody who loves corned beef.
Donna Perlmutter

A haunting look back at the Weimar Republic

Love in the time of Coronavirus. Love in the time of Presidential elections.
Gary Leonard

Panorama Tower

Renovation of a former bank building into residences in Panorama City.
Native Intelligence
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Harmonic convergence ...

A mixed marriage thrives in the northern reaches of the Coachella Valley.
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