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It is hard to imagine how the government’s handling of the pandemic could have been more catastrophic.  

Caught in the Crossfire

Brexit isn’t about Europe, and isn’t about the UK. It’s the outcome of a civil war within capitalism.

Breaking the Chain

A crucial link in the food chain has been forgotten by the government, exposing us to a potential disaster after the Brexit transition.

Monster Makers

Unless Biden fights big money, he could pave the way for someone even worse than Trump.

Lessons Unlearnt

Privatisation, outsourcing, packed classrooms and a total government failure to make them safe expose schools to deadly levels of infection.

A Total Fiasco

England’s response to the coronavirus pandemic now relies on unskilled teenaged call centre workers, taking the place of experienced clinicians.

Without Trace

The huge amount of public money spent on test and trace has been wasted by incompetent private contractors and executives, with devastating results.

The State of It

The government retreats for billionaires, while smashing down our doors.

Commanding View

The BBC amplifies the voices of billionaires, and shuts down those who challenge them.

The Tyranny of Hope

World summits and politicians’ promises are not taking us closer to environmental salvation, but further away.

Be Still

Let’s create communities from which we scarcely have to travel.

Democratic Revolution

Full-scale participatory democracy would change everything. It has the same revolutionary potential as the universal franchise and women’s suffrage.

For Your Eyes Only

The opaque and secretive networks on which Boris Johnson builds his power.

Population Panic

The obsession with the birthrates of the poor has a grim history, and is used by the rich to transfer blame.

Finding Our Feet

Landed power, built on theft, slavery and colonial looting, crushes our freedoms. It is time to reclaim them.

Watery Grave

Across the UK, our rivers are being turned into filthy, dead gutters, at astonishing, heartbreaking speed.


The great majority of people do not want to return to business-as-usual after the pandemic, but our governments are determined to make us do so.

Contract Killers

Coronavirus deals worth billions of pounds have been awarded by the government to “unusual” companies, without advertising or competition.