Welcome To Litopia!

You've discovered the net's oldest and best community for writers

At last, you're here.

A Different Approach

If you’re fed up with all the poor-value courses and other offerings being hawked to writers on the internet, you’re not alone.

Litopia is a place where you actively hone your skills by working with your peers. You can take your work-in-progress from concept all the way to pitch right here. And it won’t cost you a bean!

Community Ethos

For two decades, we've been the nexus for writers on the internet. People often call Litopia “the nicest place on the net”. We’re proud of that!

By Writers, For Writers

Litopia is run by writers like you. We care about writing - and we care about writers.


"Litopia's honest criticism and generous feedback helped me take the final step to representation by a top literary agent."

"Litopia’s the place to be for all budding writers, who want to truly bloom and thrive. It’s fun, full-on and friendly."

"I firmly believe I wouldn't be published at all if not for Litopia."
"Litopia is my favourite online writing hangout. In fact, nowadays, my only online writing hangout."
"Litopia is the most supportive and welcoming writers' group I've found online. Working alone in my office, Litopia is my break room where I can go to have a coffee, hang out with colleagues, and talk shop."

"The strength of Litopia is the people. I’m grateful that I have got to know a wide range of talented writers – in the company of these friendly, helpful and inspiring people, one’s own standard of writing can only be raised."

"Litopia is definitely the most supportive writing forum around."

"Thank you, Litopia! You have inspired me when the muse didn’t flow and I was ready to pull my hair out. You didn’t judge me when my writing was utter dribble, but instead you supported me with your brilliant feedback and advice."


Life support for writers.

The Colony is here for you.  We know how to nurture talent.  We’ll celebrate your successes and sustain you through the lows.

Meet your new network.

Basic membership is free and gives you fully-functional access to all the Colony’s most popular areas. Upgrade to Full Membership whenever you want - for a low monthly or yearly sub.

Life in the Colony

We may be a “virtual” community, but we’re a strong one.

Friendships are forged across continents. Mutual support is part of our ethos: writers need each other.

Many people say we’re the nicest place on the internet (OK, maybe that’s not so hard these days).

You may be actively developing a project, or you may be in a fallow period. It doesn’t matter. You can still be a vital part of the world’s oldest community for writers.

Pull up your chair and let the craic commence…

Is that a margarita you’re having…?

Live Across Planet Earth, Every Sunday

As a valued member of Litopia, you have a free ringside ticket to POP-UP SUBMISSIONS every week.

Exclusively for Litopians, the live chat room is an integral and vital part of each show. Have your view about each submission as it’s discussed.

Rub shoulders with your fellow members and publishing insiders as we look at the week’s submissions together.

Oh, and did we mention?

It’s enormously addictive fun!

A Place To Grow & Think…

Away from the fun, gossip and camaraderie, we have plenty of quiet corners for you.

There’s the Back Room, for example.

A private area for members, not search engines. Say what you want, and delete it when you’re done.

Then there’s the Writing Workshops.

A place for you to give and receive essential feedback, confidentially. Control who sees it, and when it’s done, it's gone.

And most of all, there’s our weekly Huddle.

A live and totally private weekly conference call between members. It keeps us in touch.

And in these crazy times, it keeps us sane.