Cover Artist

Laylah Ali


Kim Parko | Su Cho | Grace Arenas | Silvia Park | Cynthia Parker-Ohene

Dostena Anguelova (Translated by Holly Karapetkova) | Shannon Sankey

Izzy Casey | Paul Mok | Jennifer Savran Kelly | Betty Kim

Nome Emeka Patrick | Neha Mulay | Patrick Holian | Rebeca Aldreta Baca

Alyssa Froehling | Kim Min Jeong (Translated by Soeun Seo & Jake Levine)

Guest Editor Renee Gladman’s Portfolio of Afterwords

Heather Christle | Aricka Foreman | Joanna Howard | Amina Cain

Antonio Tabucchi (Translated by Kim Parks) | J’Lyn Chapman

Daniel Vogel | Anna Gurton-Wachter | AM Ringwalt

Erik Anderson | Youmna Chlala | Hoa Nguyen

Serge Pey (Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith)


K. Henderson

Featured Artist:

Laylah Ali

Laylah Ali’s most famous and longest-running series of paintings depict brown-skinned and gender-neutral Greenheads and have been included in the Venice Biennale (2003) and the Whitney Biennial (2004) and were the subject of a major 2012–2013 touring exhibition originating at the Williams College Museum of Art and traveling to the Weisman Museum at the University of Minnesota and the Herbert F. Johnson Museum at Cornell University. Ali’s works are included in the permanent collections of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL; the Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY; and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, among many others. Ali lives and works in Williamstown, MA.

To see more of Laylah’s artwork, check her out on Instagram and pick up the latest issue of BWR!



The Secret Boyfriend, the latest issue of BWR’s online edition, is live! With work from JinJin Xu, Charles Theonia, Jai Hamid Bashir, Rone Shavers, Landa wo, EA Kane, Jennifer Sperry Steinorth, Yi Sang (trans. Sawako Nakayasu), Rebekkah Leigh LaBlue, Monchoachi (trans. Patricia Hartland), Ross Showalter, Rosebud Ben-Oni, and Nicole Won Hee Maloof.

Enter the Village with all the Boyfriends here!