January 26, 2021

Latest posts from Home Education Foundation

Home Education Statistics for 1 July 2020


“As at 1 July 2020, there were 7,192 homeschooled students. This represents 0.9% of total school enrolments as at 1 July 2020.

“Out of the 7,192 homeschoolers 65.0% were aged 12 or under, 70.2% had been home-schooled for less than 5 years, and only 4.2% had been home-schooled for 10 years or more.

Time Series Data

The box below provides a number of downloads relating to the number of students in homeschooling.

Homeschooling Turnover

Between 1 July 2019 and 1 July 2020 there was an overall net increase of 619 students; 1,607 students entered into homeschooling and 988 students finished homeschooling.

There were 1,347 students entering into homeschooling in the year ending 1 July 2020, 82.2% were aged 12 or under and 0.9% were age 16 or above. Of the students entering homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 20, 70.9% identified as European/P?keh?, 14.8% identified as M?ori, 3.4% identified as Pacific, 4.2% identified as Asian, and for 0.7% of homeschoolers ethnicity is unknown.

There were 1,005 students finishing homeschooling in the year ending 1 July 2020, 43.5% were aged 12 or under, and 22.7% were 16-years old or above. Of the students finishing homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 2020, 25.5% had been in homeschooling less than a year, 43.2% had been in homeschooling for 1 – 5 years, and 10.9% had been in homeschooling for 10 years or more.

One-on-One Tables

The box below provides a number of one-on-one dimensional tables relating to homeschooling turnover.

For more information go to: https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/statistics/homeschooling

Homeschooling More Than Doubles During the Pandemic

Statistics in New Zealand have not been released yet. They are usually put up on the MoE website during November. Even when they are released it won’t show us the full increase in home education, due to Covid, because the figures are for the year ending in July each year. In New Zealand we will have to wait until this time next year to see the full results. It seems that there are still a lot of families applying for exemptions still for their children.

This following article is in the USA

“State-level data show just how dramatic the surge in homeschooling has been.
“Friday, December 4, 2020

Image Credit: Pixist

“Many families took one look at their school district’s remote or hybrid learning offerings this fall and said “no, thank you.” That’s the message gleaned from national and state-specific data on the surging number of homeschooled students this academic year.

“Prior to the pandemic and related school closures last spring, there were just under two million homeschoolers in the US, representing about 3.4 percent of the total K-12 school-age population. According to recent polling by Education Week, that percentage has more than doubled to nine percent this fall, or nearly five million homeschoolers. This estimate mirrors related polling from Gallup in August suggesting that 10 percent of US students would be homeschooled this year.

“State-level data show just how dramatic the surge in homeschooling has been, particularly in areas where many district schools continue to be closed for full-time, in-person learning. In Massachusetts, for example, the Boston Globe reported last week that 7,188 students statewide transferred from public schools into homeschooling this year, compared to only 802 homeschooling transfers last year…”

Read more here: https://fee.org/articles/homeschooling-more-than-doubles-during-the-pandemic/

The article finishes with:

“Parents I have interviewed told me that they had been considering homeschooling for a long time but lacked the catalyst to give it a try until now. Seeing their children flourish outside of a conventional classroom could lead many of these parents to continue homeschooling post-pandemic. As an article in The Atlantic stated: “COVID-19 is a catalyst for families who were already skeptical of the traditional school system—and are now thinking about leaving it for good.”

“Once life returns to normal, new homeschoolers may also discover that real homeschooling is much better than the pandemic version they have experienced. Local homeschooling groups will regain their full vitality and sociability. Museums, libraries, and local businesses and organizations will return to offering their suite of homeschooling classes. Daily activities will take place more often outside one’s home than inside it, and homeschoolers will once again be deeply connected to the people, places, and things of their communities.

“This fall, millions of new homeschooling parents have realized that their children can learn without school. When the world reopens to them, they will find that homeschooling is even better than they imagined.”

Home Educators getting qualifications

I have just been asked this question. I thought others might like to hear my answer. I also thought others might like to share their experience in the comments.

Hi Barbara,
I’m interested in gaining support for going right through home-educating without getting any externally moderated ‘for credit’ qualification. I spoke with another Barbara who finished her five kids without any NZQA piece of paper, and she told me you and Craig also did this, and are great advocates for home educating however the parent prayerfully decides. Am I along the right lines with my understanding? Are you able to offer support/advice to me who really wants to go the route of (like many American homeschoolers) just creating the kid’s transcripts and not fussing over ticking boxes and doing things a certain way or a certain amount for moderation and credit?

My answer:

Yes, you are on the right track. Find out what your child wants to do, then go to the gatekeepers of that. From 13 or so, go up to the polytechnic / university / business admissions officer and ask what they need to know to get in. Go back home and study that. When finished studying that go back again and ask for more studies etc. Do this each year until they are accepted in. At the same time get your children doing work experience. Ask friends/relations with businesses (or cold turkey and just approach businesses) for unpaid work experience – one or two weeks. Then ask for a reference at the end. These references are like GOLD.

Also ask for work experience at the job of their choice as well as a variety of jobs. Always ask for a reference.

Get your children involved in volunteer work – then get a reference.

Make up a good CV with all the references.

At the beginning you will talk to the gatekeepers with your child. As your child gets older get him to do more and more of the talking to the gatekeeper until it is only your child talking to the gatekeeper.

This might be helpful: https://hef.org.nz/2013/beyond-homeschooling-nz-2013/

For those who are doing NZQA etc. keep going. Do what works for you.

There are also 31 comments on this link on the Facebook page Home Schooling in New Zealand under announcements: https://www.facebook.com/groups/174211400495/?ref=share

October monthly thread – Graduating Home Educators
What are your children doing now that they have finished being home educated?
*Some will have gone onto academic success.

*Some with apprenticeships
*Some are now self employed
*Some into the military
*Some with arts, crafts and music fields
*Some in agriculture
*Some into technology
*Some into hospitality
*Some are now mothers
*Some other very interesting things that we would love to hear about

Love also hearing from those who were home educated and are now finished!

Now in announcements!

France Moves to Ban Homeschooling: “Protect Children From Religion”

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced on Friday his intention to outlaw homeschooling in 2021 for all children unless they have a medical

exemption that forces them to stay away from schools, Life Site News reports.

According to the report, the President said the government would also step up control of self-funded, private and independent schools, through inspections of curricula and by strong enforcement of a new law that requires private schools to teach a “common core” defined by the state…

According to Macron, his aim is to “protect children from religion,” and that includes Christianity.

“School is the republican melting pot,” he said. “It’s what makes it possible for us to protect our children in a complete way from any religious sign, from religion.

“It is truly the heart of the space of secularism, and it is this place where we form consciences so that children become free, rational citizens, able to choose their own lives. The school is therefore our collective treasure. It is what allows us in our society to build this common thing that is the Republic.”

Macron went on to say:

On this subject, in the face of all these excesses that exclude thousands of children from education to citizenship, from access to culture, to our history, to our values, to the experience of otherness that is at the heart of the republican school, I have made a decision — and I realize this, and we have debated it a lot with the ministers — that is no doubt one of the most radical since the laws of 1882 and those ensuring school co-education between boys and girls in 1969. From the start of the 2021 school year, school instruction will be made compulsory for all from the age of 3. Homeschooling will be strictly limited, particularly to health reasons. We are therefore changing our paradigm, and it is vital.

The new law comes into force in 2021-2022 for children aged between 3 to 16. Parents who choose to educate their own children in France must register annually and undergo yearly inspections.

Control the textbooks, control the state.

Read the whole article here: https://caldronpool.com/france-moves-to-ban-homeschooling-protect-children-from-religion/amp/

The Academic and Social Benefits of Homeschooling

From the James G Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Homeschooling works. The roughly 2 was gmillion children who currently learn at home join a millennia-old practice supported by many government officials, scholars, college officials, and employers.

While mainstream America has embraced homeschooling as a viable and positive educational option—and as 55 million K-12 students and their parents have been thrust into “crisis-teaching at home”—the angst of some academics over homeschooling has abruptly emerged.

Professors Elizabeth Bartholet of Harvard University and James Dwyer of William and Mary School of Law organized a summer meeting to “focus on problems of educational deprivation and child maltreatment that too often occur under the guise of homeschooling, in a legal environment of minimal or no oversight.” In a highly controversial article in Harvard Magazine, Erin O’Donnell advanced Bartholet’s arguments in favor of a homeschooling ban.

Yet, what does the evidence tell us about homeschool educational and social outcomes? Is there any sound corpus of evidence that homeschooled children are actually educationally deprived or maltreated? And what worldview drives anti-homeschoolers such as Bartholet and Dwyer?

Most reviews of homeschooling research reveal generally positive learning outcomes for children.

Joseph Murphy and Brian Ray provide quite optimistic reviews, while other appraisals present positive, albeit more tentative, conclusions. A one-of-its-kind review of only peer-reviewed research by Ray revealed that 11 of the 14 peer-reviewed studies on academic achievement found that homeschool students significantly outperformed conventionally schooled children. Both of the publicly available state-provided data sets showed higher-than-average test scores for homeschooled children.

A similar pattern emerges for the social, emotional, and psychological development of the homeschooled.

The clear majority of peer-reviewed studies show that homeschoolers often have better parent-child relationships and friendships than conventionally schooled children. Homeschoolers are happy, satisfied, and civically engaged.

A growing body of research indicates that graduates of home-based education excel. Eleven of the 16 peer-reviewed studies on success into adulthood (including college) showed that homeschoolers had better results for political tolerance, college GPA, and college retention than students in conventional schools. After reviewing the relevant literature, Gloeckner and Jones concluded that the “comparative results of the studies reported in this review, combined with the data collected from college admission officers provide evidence that homeschooling is an effective alternative path to college for the children of many families.”

Homeschoolers are not being educationally deprived, maltreated, or abused. On the contrary, the research literature suggests that rates of abuse (e.g., physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect) are lower among homeschoolers than institutionally schooled children.

Read the rest of the article here: https://www.jamesgmartin.center/2020/05/the-academic-and-social-benefits-of-homeschooling/?fbclid=IwAR1Tgh6MMbbf_rTI_QfB6qYGtAnpITmLpHzdzboUDZ_fyjC3s3OUDxTa2bI

Global Christian Online Home Education Conference – Day 5 Topics and Speakers

If you are wanting to purchase this conference you have only a few HOURS left to do so.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time, so today, only a few HOURS in the Southern Hemisphere): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

DAY 5: Amazing Working Moms & Entrepreneurs

Meant for God, Mind for Business (Justina Ford)
How to have a heart for God and mind for business taught byThe Soul-B rand Alignment Strategist, Justina Ford. As a Christian building a business is an extension of your God-given gifts and talents. You want to know that you are pleasing to God and that you are honoring who He has designed you to be. I ask 7 critical questions to ensure that you are maintaining a heart for God and a mind for business with the confidence to charge your worth. Business mindset should always be in alignment with the mind of God.

Justina is a #1 Amazon International Best Selling Author, Business Mindset and Strategy Coach, Motivational Speaker, Internationally Published and Awarded Makeup Artist, and creator of the Soulful Business Alignment and Mindset Mastery Blueprint. She developed a business from her heart and soul that has allowed her to mentor dozens of women, get paid to speak and share her story, expertise, and truth. She has celebrated 5-figure launches and built a business with the flexibility to homeschool her three children. Most importantly she’s watched her Soulful Business Alignment and Mindset Mastery Coaching Program help her clients build the mindset, clarity, confidence, and visibility they needed that has allowed them to create signature programs, triple their sales, get their retail product in local stores, launch their businesses, and sign contracts up to $1 Million in their own business. Justina is a Jesus lover, army veteran spouse, homeschooling mom, and vocalist at her church.

 WORKING MAMA’s Survival Tools to Homeschooling (Elizabeth Sharpe)

As a twelve year homeschooling mama that worked and homeschooled, I have come up with a plan that will insure that you are successful!  Working homeschool moms have similar and different challenges than non working mamas.  I will teach you the three strategies that you must have to be SUCCESSFUL!


Elizabeth Ramirez Sharpe, M.Ed. is a mom, wife, professor, parent, health educator and marriage and family coach. She has been married for twenty-two years and has a seventeen year old daughter and five year old son, both with learning disabilities. She is certified in Feeding Dynamics and trains and teaches in the areas of holistic health, learning disabilities, academic achievement, discipline, social emotional health and feeding issues. A native of California, she and her family recently relocated to Fort Worth, Texas. She believes EVERY child, teen young adult and parent can thrive with the right mindset, tools and community!!!!!!!

Encouraging the Homeschool Entrepreneur (Crissi Allen)

Can you really do it all – raise children, home-educate and build a business?  If that’s what the Lord has called you to do, then yes!  Jesus will empower and give you the resources and help you to thrive!  But what do we need to focus on first?  Good question!  Mompreneur Crissi Allen is privileged to share with you her 20+ years of FAILING FORWARD and how she survived homeschooling while building several business ministries at the same time.  She will focus on three areas of your life and give you very practical and actionable items to implement immediately!

Crissi Allen homeschooled her children for 20 years while building businesses to help her family and community to thrive. Currently, she is the Founder & Executive Director of a 16-year Christ-Centered Co-op called HEART Academy, connecting homeschooling families with passionate mentors in the Silicon Valley of California (www.heartacademysj.com). Within this community, Crissi finds it a great joy to be working with talented students and directors to produce 3 musical drama productions per year.  She is the co-author of “Why I Love Homeschooling: 24 Parents Share the Joys & Challenges of Educating Their Children At Home” (https://amzn.to/39k7as0).  After a stint of helping her daughter heal from migraine headaches, she entered into the world of natural health. Through this very personal experience, she understood that God wants us to heal in three areas – the body, soul (mind, will, emotions) and Spirit and that if we submit to the Holy Spirit, the body and soul would follow. She has been Wellness Coach for 7 years using Prayer, Scripture, Nutrition and Essential Oils as healing modalities. (www.crissiallen.com)

 Leading Your Student Toward Entrepreneurship (Bernadette Ashby)

Bernadette Ashby is a successful serial entrepreneur.  She has a MA in Education with a California Teaching Credential from San Jose State University.  In addition, she has a MA in Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.  She is a veteran homeschool mom committed to passing on the entrepreneurial mindset to the next generation of Christian families. 

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time, so today, only a few HOURS in the Southern Hemisphere): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

DAY 1 featuring Barbara Smith from New Zealand and Tasmania

Topics: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-online-christian-home-educators-conference-day-1/

Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-1-speakers/

DAY 2 featuring Cynthia Hancox from New Zealand

Topics: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-homeschool-conference-day-2/

Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-2-speakers/


Topics and Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-3-topics-and-speakers/

DAY 4 featuring Crissi Allen – the organiser of this online conference

Topics and Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-4-topics-and-speakers/

Global Christian Online Home Education Conference – Day 4 Topics and Speakers

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time so 1 September 2020 in Southern Hemisphere): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

Image may contain: text that says "THURSDAY AUGUST 27, 2020 STAYING POWER MARRIAGE & PARENTING"

WIGGLE JIGGLES: How to School the Child That Won’t Sit Down! (Elizabeth Sharpe)

Many children and teens can not learn sitting down! It’s a fact and can drive you crazy!!!! But, there is nothing wrong with them! You just don’t understand their brain! Come and learn some tested strategies that will support you and your student so you can see that their WIGGLES really are a gift and advantage in learning.

Relationship Repair with Family (Jaynel Jones)

The Repairing of relationships is the actual heart and core of home school. It bridges and prevents gaps of a Godly family structural unit.

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "Jaynel L Jones "Gameschooling" Jaynel L Jones is an author, nulti-faceted single mom "serialpreneur" unschool & game schooling mom of a teen, and Life Coach. She educates parents on how to impactfully engage in hands-on education with their children in an innovative, effective and fun way. Jaynel also encourages others through her personal experiences of success, as well as coaching others through grief, forgiveness and overcoming parental figures with mental detriments."

Influence of Fathers and Leading Family Worship in the Home (Steve Demme)

A plethora of studies have demonstrated the profound impact of fathers on their children. In this session we will explore the influence of Dads in scripture and how we can learn from what they did well and where they dropped the ball. God designed men to serve and lay their lives down for their wife and children.

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "Steve Demme "The Influence of Fathers" Steve ana his wife Sandra have been married since 1979. They have been blessed with four sons, three lovely daughters-in-law, and two special grandchildren. Their fourth son has Downs Syndrome and lives with them in Lititz, PA. Steve has served in full- or part time pastoral ministry for many years since graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the creator of Math-U-See and the founder of Building Faith Families."

Your Most Important Call (Glenn ballard)

As Christians, we all are familiar with the Great Commission, given by our Lord Jesus Christ:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples ofall nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:18-20) But, as Christianparents, we must understand and remember that charity begins at home, and our first step inmaking disciples of all nations must be to make disciples of our own children. As a first principle, our parental responsibility is to bring our children up “in the discipline and instructionof the LORD.” (Ephesians 6:4) The LORD has commanded us to diligently teach his commandsto our children. In fact, he ties this together directly with the greatest commandment: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”

(Deuteronomy 6:4-9)


A Multi-Generational Vision (Glenn Ballard)

In Genesis 1, we read, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”. In Genesis 9, nearly the identical words are repeated: “be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it.” Psalm 127 tells us, “children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.” And Psalm 128 tells us that one of the indications of God’s blessing is a fruitful marriage with many children. From the plain words of he Bible, it is clear that God desires for his people to have children – and for Christian families to have large numbers of children. But why? Why does God want Christians to have large families? Malachi 2 gives us the answer: “Godly offspring.” The LORD wants us to fill the world with godly, Christian people – our children and our children’s children – to advance Christ’s kingdom on this earth and bring blessings to the people of this world.

How to Stay in Love While Homeschooling (Jere & Crissi Allen)

Are you having a difficult time staying in love with your husband? Are you just two ships passing in the night? If the answer is yes, it’s time to pay attention to your marriage and give it over once more to God because a cord of three strands will not be broken! God wants your marriage to thrive while you homeschool, through the good, bad and ugly! Married for 32 years, Jere & Crissi Allen deeply desire to partner with families in helping their marriages and educating their children. They will focus on giving you some communication and passion tools to keep that fire going and give you actionable steps to implement immediately!

To Love Well We First Must Be Loved Well (Steve Demme)

Jesus was a loving Savior because He was a loved Son. As we comprehend and assimilate God’s love and affection for us, we are divinely equipped to love and lay down our lives for our spouse and children. Our earthly relationships are a reflection of our heavenly connection. The best thing I can do as a husband and father is to spend time in God’s presence.

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "Steve Demme "To Love Well We First Must Be Loved Well" Steve and his wife Sandra have been married since 1979. They have been blessed with four sons, three lovely daughters-in-law, and two special grandchildren. Their fourth son has Downs Syndrome and lives with them in Lititz, PA. Steve has served in full- or part time pastoral ministry for many years since graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the creator of Math-U-See and the founder of Building Faith Families."

Be a Home School Hero: How to Support Your Wife in Homeschooling (Hosac Sharpe)

While dads may not do any teaching, they have a HUGE ROLE to play in ensuring that MOM is successful! The role of husbands is not always obvious in the homeschooling journey.. I have learned through trial and error how to insure that my wife is successful. While every wife and family have different specific needs, there are a few CORE principles and strategies that will insure that you are HOMESCHOOLING HERO!

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time so 1 September 2020 in Southern Hemisphere): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

DAY 1 featuring Barbara Smith from New Zealand and Tasmania

Topics: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-online-christian-home-educators-conference-day-1/

Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-1-speakers/

DAY 2 featuring Cynthia Hancox from New Zealand

Topics: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-homeschool-conference-day-2/

Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-2-speakers/


Topics and Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-3-topics-and-speakers/

DAY 4 featuring Crissi Allen – the organiser of this online conference

Topics and Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-4-topics-and-speakers/

Global Christian Online Home Education Conference – Day 3 Topics and Speakers

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time so September 1 for us): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t


REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

CRACKING THE CODE to Learning Disabilities and Schooling: A Holistic Approach (Elizabeth Sharpe)Is your student struggling? Have you tried several strategies and you and your child are frustrated? This is very common as we attempt to understand the WHOLE child who has Learning Disabilities. Most doctors only have one piece of the pie. I will equip you with research based tools and strategies that will finally crack the code for your student.

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Gameschooling (Jaynel Jones)Gaming schooling is a awesome way to explore beyond the books and tear down the walls of Traditional schools failings not just for the littles but definitely for the middle and high school age mini’s.

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "Jaynel L Jones "Gameschooling" Jaynel L Jones is an author, nulti-faceted single mom "serialpreneur" unschool & game schooling mom of a teen, and Life Coach. She educates parents on how to impactfully engage in hands-on education with their children in an innovative, effective and fun way. Jaynel also encourages others through her personal experiences of success, as well as coaching others through grief, forgiveness and overcoming parental figures with mental detriments."

Square Pegs. Round Holes. Home Educating Gifted and Special Needs Children (Karen Chegwidden)If you have a child who has learning differences, either special needs and/or gifted students, you already know that getting their educational needs met in a traditional school setting is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Practical tips for supporting home educated students with learning differences from a home educating mother who’s been there.

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SOUL CARE for your TEEN: How to Win Their HEART and AVOID POWER STRUGGLES (Elizabeth Sharpe)Students ages 11-19 are unique in their body, mind and spirit. Teaching your teen does not have to be challenging or frustrating. In fact, it can be the most amazing time to solidify your relationship with them and keep their heart turned towards GOD and turned towards YOU! Academics is secondary to keeping the heart of your child!!!! I will share with you successful strategies that have helped me avoid power struggles and WIN my students heart.

Real Teen Talk – (Miguel Song, Sydney Lee)Real teen students share about their experiences as they homeschool now! What did they think about why their parents homeschooled? What are some of their favorite memories? What’s been a challenge and how did God take care of them in that hard time? Last, what positive take-away did they have during Covid-19?

Hot House Transplants (Jess E Allen, Christopher Adams, Sarah Venable)Former homeschooling students out in the world with faith intact. They share who they are and what they are doing, why their parents homeschooled, great memories, challenges, how they overcame with God’s help, and some words of encouragement to those of you still in the trenches.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020 (USA time): https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

DAY 1 featuring Barbara Smith from New Zealand and Tasmania

Topics: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-online-christian-home-educators-conference-day-1/

Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-1-speakers/

DAY 2 featuring Cynthia Hancox from New Zealand

Topics: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-homeschool-conference-day-2/

Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-2-speakers/


Topics and Speakers: https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-christian-online-home-education-conference-day-3-topics-and-speakers/

Global Christian Online Home Education Conference – Day 2 Speakers

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t
Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "Cynthia Hancox "Overcoming Burn-out and Depression" After homeschooling her 5 children for over 22 years, Cynthia Hancox now devotes her time to supporting other home educating families especially those just getting started as well as advocating for the home education community in her role as Government Liaison. She lives on a small urban farm in New Zealand with her husband and lots of crittters. Cynthia loves to encourage other Christian homeschoolers in their walk, and especially has a heart for those struggling with depression and chaos. Check out her websites: www.cynthiahancox.com and www.godbyechoshellopeace.com"
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says "Megan Erps "Tea with Megan, A Conversational Q&A" Megan Erps has been homeschooling for eleven years, and has three graduated children, and one child still in homeschool high school. She has been married to her high school sweetheart and best friend, Ryan, for twenty-one years. She loves Jesus, her family, the Church, teaching, the mountains, the beach, music, reading, organizing and encouraging moms whenever there is an opportunity She has personal experience with special needs and foster care adoption and is grateful for how these two gifts have shaped her as mother and a Christian."
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-online-christian-home-educators-conference-day-1/ – Topics

Global Christian Online Homeschool Conference – Day 2

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

Theme: Chats with Real Parents, Health & Wellness for Parents & Students

Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.

1. Overcoming Depression & Burnout (Cynthia Hancox)

Are you struggling with fear, anxiety, burn-out or depression? You are not alone! Be encouraged that there IS a way out of the pit of despair, and that no matter what is going on around you or in your life – current events, chaos at home, pressure to perform as a parent, spouse, home educator – you do not have to try to be Superwoman (or Superman). Listen as Cynthia shares some of her own story of experiencing and overcoming depression, along with her tips for how to deal with burn-out and depression.

2. Tea with Megan, A Conversational Q&A (Megan Erps)

Have you talked about the elephant in the room? What about this fall?
Have you become unnerving and frustrated? Are you confident in planning your year? Grab some coffee or tea and sit down with a real mom.

3. Weaving God’s Presence In Your Homeschool Experience (LM Preston)

The parenting and homeschooling session focused on how to bring God into your homeschool is for parents that want to create an environment that weaves in a healthy, close relationship with God through opening communication, encouragement and realistic approaches. LM Preston is the author of Homeschooling and Working While Shaping Amazing Learners and a homeschooling mother of four. www.EmpoweredSteps.com.

4. The Race Talk (Kwasi Agbottah)

This world can hurt. Not just people, but systems of interaction we experience and often label as “race.” How are we to socialize our children to address what’s going on in a meaningful way? I often wish that our ancestors could have a heart-to-heart and apologize for what they either helped create or painfully endured. But do I want to have that kind of conversation with my neighbors, and give up possible ways that I have benefitted? Join us as we try to do just that.

5. The Missions Talk (Kwasi Agbottah)

What does homeschooling have to do with missions? Welcome to Detroit! In this session, we’ll talk about how the Bible (in the hands of someone truly willing to hear from God) can create well-worn paths of cultivation in our hearts, breaking fallow ground and clearing distractions to make way for authentic worship that grows into indigenous missions! And you thought school was about lesson plans and down time? Come join us.

6. Homeschooling as a Single Parent Panel (Jaynel Jones and Sandi Gonzalez)

Single parenting and homeschooling can be challenging. But it can be done and these two moms tell us how through the good memories and the challenge and then giving it all to God for the solutions to those challenges. They get real about their needs as well.

7. Transformed From Worn Out and Weary to Hopeful and Helpful (Teresa Striplin)

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. God has put a message on each parent’s heart as to what she should teach her child. Come learn about creating a mission statement for your educational journey. During this time of uncertainty and so many options it is easy to become overwhelmed, having a mission statement is a good way to stay focused. Once you have a statement, the details may overwhelm and cause weariness for several reasons; when we try to homeschool alone, when we try to copy“school” at home and when we try to “do it all”.

8. Creating an Organized Homeschool Life (Melanie Wilson)

One of the biggest obstacles to long-term homeschool success is disorganization. If this is your first yearhomeschooling or you keep saying this is the year you’ll get organized and it doesn’t happen, you won’t want to missthis session with Dr. Melanie Wilson. She is a Christian psychologist turned happy homeschooling mom, despite herinitial lack of organization. You’ll learn simple steps for getting every aspect of your home and life in order, even if you weren’t born organized.

9. Homeschooling: What in the World is Going On? Facts, Stats, and Biblical Truth (Dr. Brian Ray)

Public schooling, private schooling, and homeschooling all teach, train, and indoctrinate children. How many parents know that the indoctrination in government/public schools is clear and blatant? What does scripture say who should have the duty and responsibility to educate children? Further, and more telling, what does scripture say about whoshould not be teaching, training, and indoctrinating the children of God’s children? Real-life examples of what is being done in the state/public school system, direct scriptural analysis, and 35 years of research on homeschooling will be brought to bear. Tighten your belts as Dr. Ray hits these topics hard, fast, and with some research statistics and a bit of humor.

10. Homeschool Dads Who Homeschool (Glenn Ballard, Kwasi Agbottah)

A homeschooling dad who homeschools is rare. You’ll want to listen in on this conversation! They talk about why they chose to homeschool, stories about the precious times with their children, going through some hard times and letting God use them to create a solution.

11. Creating Peace in a Chaotic World Panel – (Karen Chegwidden, Pat Sikora, Glenn Ballard, LaNissir James)

We all know about the difficulties happening in the world during covid-19. There is so much unrest and chaos.
What are we to do as Christians? Listen in on this panel of 4 people and hear what they are doing in their part of the world. Perhaps you’ll want to come along and join them!

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-online-christian-home-educators-conference-day-1/ – Topics

Global Christian Online Home Education Conference -Day 1 Speakers

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t
Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.
Day 1
Theme: The ABC’s of Homeschooling, Diligent Prep for College

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

Global Online Christian Home Educators Conference – Day 1

REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

Once registered, please join the Facebook Group, “GCHC Community,” and start talking to speakers, vendors, and panelists all over the world! https://www.facebook.com/groups/887963911694105 There are interviews and panels throughout the week on this interactive Facebook Group.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

Under each video section, you will find the description of the session as well as the bio of the speaker and their picture!

Day 1
Theme: The ABC’s of Homeschooling, Diligent Prep for College

1. Welcome to the 1st annual Global Christian Homeschool Conference!

Please don’t feel rushed to watch all videos at once. You get unlimited, lifetime access to ALL videos and any handouts provided by the Speakers.

What you DO want to take advantage of is the SWAG BAG and it’s offers as some may be time sensitive. Obtain your bag download inside the vault. It is in PDF form so all you have to do is click the image provided to redeem the offer mentioned.

Comments have been enabled on the speakers sessions so please feel free to ask questions! Our prayer is that you are greatly touched by this conference! GOD BLESS YOU!

2. Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing (Andrew Peduwa)

We’ve all suffered it at one time or another: frustration about writing assignments. Either on the receiving end, orperhaps now on the giving end, there can be a few distinctly discouraging aspects to teaching and being taught writing. The tough questions include: What do I correct and how do I give a grade? How much help is too much?Isn’t the assignment clear enough? Why don’t students find their own errors? Learn and avoid four teachingmistakes that contribute to this frustration: Overcorrecting, Holding Back Help, Unclear Assignments, and Over- Expectation.

3. But..but..but…what about grammar? (Andrew Peduwa)

Knowing how to teach grammar is especially challenging for the parent who doesn’t feel confident in his or her owngrammar proficiency. Grammar programs often consist of piles of workbooks, wasted dollars, and way too much time spent trying to fulfill that subject. Often what is taught in those workbook pages doesn’t translate into success in writing. The results are poor mechanics and a less than stellar understanding of “What is a verb?” or perhaps more importantly, “How doverb choices enhance writing?” If you are asking, “But what about grammar?” AndrewPudewa has answers.

4. However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Teaching (Andrew Pudewa)

In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years ofteaching and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; process over product;all kids are different; “progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; what real “college and career readiness” is;and two secret keys to successful teaching. You will be challenged or reassured (or both!) but sure to leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a home educator.

5. Unschooling for Christians (Barbara Smith)

I love parts of the Unschooling Philosophy but as a Christian, I dislike other parts of it. Why? Because the Bible is very clear in saying we are to be diligent in training our children all the time. So what is different for Christians? In this video, I will talk about the first six goals that will help you disciple your children and train their minds.

6. The Adventurous Road from Homeschool to College (Denise Boiko)

It’s the journey of a lifetime. But as you think about homeschooling through high school, do the questions seem to outweigh the answers? You’re not alone! In this session, I’ll walk you through the most common questions that come up on the adventurous road – with the goal of providing answers, insights, and a sense of direction rather than confusion. Questions such as “What should our priorities be?” “What are colleges looking for” and “How do I begin my high school course planning?” will be front and center. You’ll also see a snapshot of what the college applications tasks will look like, and you’ll discover how you can begin to plan your students personalized “best route to college.” Come here and hear about how to personalize the GPs for this adventurous road trip!

7. Homeschool Resources – So Many! (Glenn Ballard)

The prospect of homeschooling can seem daunting, yea nigh impossible, to a parent contemplating homeschooling for the first time. I certainly felt that way. My wife did too. But the truth is there are so many resources – curriculum, books, DVDs, online classes, homeschooling communities, homeschooling co-ops. And we have the Internet, which opens upa “new world” of online possibilities that did not exist just 20 or 30 years ago. On top of all that,we have a wonderful organization called the Home School Legal Defense Association
(“HSLDA”), which helps protect us from a legal and regulatory standpoint and also provides guidance on how to comply with the regulations for homeschooling in every state. Thanks to a few wise and brave trailblazers in the United States about 40-45 years ago, and the LORD’smerciful providence, homeschooling has never been as easy as it is right now. Homeschooling is like parenting – just x10 (some days, maybe x100). Parents who earnestly desire to homeschool tend to find a way. And there are many fellow Christian homeschooling parents, who want to help you along the way.

8. Homeschooling with a Charlotte Mason Philosophy (Justina Ford)

In this training, Justina Ford shares the 20 Principles of a Charlotte Mason Philiosophy from the AmblesideOnline.org website. She shares why every Christian Homeschool family should be incorporating these principles whether or not you choose to use CM specific curriculum.

9. Fear Not, You and Your Student Can Learn Math Together (Steve Demme)

Math is so much more than memorizing rules and facts. With a unique and humorous approach, Steve demonstrates how to use hands-on manipulatives to illustrate important math concepts such as place value, double digit multiplication, fractions, algebra, exponents, squares, square roots, and factoring trinomials.

10. A Theocentric Christian Education (Graham & Alison Shortridge)

School years teach children so much more than just academics. They learn the basics of who they will become as adults, and the lessons learnt as children stay with them for the rest of their lives. Are you certain that your children are in the best hands? Are they being trained up in the way they should go? Are their minds, spirits and souls being cared for? Are you concerned about any of the following: A decline in the academic standardsSchoolyard bullying, The lack of individual attention in class, The introduction of interfaith and humanismLawless peer pressure, Theneed for instruction based on Christian values and principles, Moral decay and lack of discipline, Rising costs. If you are, and have not already discovered the solution to your concerns by HOME SCHOOLING. Why not start now?

11. Cultivating Language from Preschool to High School (Andrew Pudewa)

Listening and reading well, speaking and writing clearly, thinking and debating effectively are abilities that most parents hope to cultivate in their children. With that goal in mind, Andrew will explore various environments and activities which will accelerate the development of these language skills, beginning with the youngest students and continuing into the high school years.

12. How To Plan Your Homeschool Year for Success! (Sue Ruggles) In this session you will gain skills in:

  • Creating academic goals for your children.
  • Setting clear expectations for you and your family.
  • Brainstorming for planning lessons, weekly plans, and schedules.
  • Staying flexible when life doesn’t go as planned.
  • Incorporating health & wellness goals.

13. How to Make Curriculum Choices for Homeschool Sanity (Melanie Wilson)

Choosing curriculum is one of the most challenging parts of homeschooling, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. If you’re overwhelmed, you’ll benefit from using a checklist of simple criteria. You can save time and feel moreconfident that you’ve chosen materials that serve your family. Christian psychologist and veteran homeschooler, Dr. Melanie Wilson, will reassure you that even poor curriculum choices don’t have to steal your sanity.

14. Creative Writing with Kids (Katie Andrews Potter)

15. Homeschool to College (John Travis, Liberty University)
Listen to Admission Recruiter John Travis talk about the following:

  • Who is Liberty University?
  • What does the general admissions process look like at Liberty?
  • What does the International Admissions process look like at Liberty?
  • What does the Homeschool Admissions process look like?
  • What do students on Liberty’s campus have available to them?
  • What opportunities do students have available to them to have fun?
  • What scholarships are available to students?
  • How safe will my student be on campus?
  • How do we come visit?
  • What was your favorite part of your Liberty experience and what tips do you have for incoming students?

REGISTRATION OPEN until 31 August 2020: https://heart-academy1.teachable.com/p/global-christian-homeschool-conference/?affcode=700268_xiwyz63t

Day 1

https://hef.org.nz/2020/global-online-christian-home-educators-conference-day-1/ – Topics
