
Jan 1, 2021 · 102 

This thread has been created for discussion on themes relevant to Reason and Science for which there are not currently any dedicated threads. Please note that our Comment Policy applies as usual. There is a link to this at the foot of the page. If you would like to refer back to previous open discussion …

Dec 31, 2020 · 34 

We have created this thread to provide a dedicated space for the discussion of films. All we ask is that, whatever the topic or genre, the films are stimulating, intelligent and thoughtful, so that they are actually worth discussing, and that you post any recommendations along with a commentary giving a bit of background and …


Quran’s prophecy of Covid-19
Sep 8, 2020 · 24 

By Richard Dawkins “There are verses about corona in the Quran.” This was the e-mail I just received from a Muslim zealot. He didn’t name the prophetic verses themselves so I did a bit of Googling and came up with a learned article written by a Muslim “scholar”1: http://muslimmirror.com/eng/probable-mention-of-a-covid-19-like-pandemic-in-the-quran/ I read it and was bowled …


VIDEO: No One Expects the Skeptic Inquisition!
Jan 20, 2021

Behind the magazine, there is the man. On Tuesday night, the skeptic community had a chance to look behind the cover of the foundational publication of the skeptic movement with a one-on-one chat with Kendrick Frazier, editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine since 1976. His conversation with CFI Insider host Melissa Myers is now available to watch online …

Addressing Vaccine Fears
Jan 20, 2021

Millions of doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines are making their way across the country, but still far too many Americans are unwilling to be vaccinated, whether they are staunch anti-vaxxers, driven by misinformation, or simply hesitant or scared. Claudia Wallis at Scientific American collects some evidence-based methods for overcoming vaccine fears. We’re doing our part, too. CFI’s …

Science in the Cabinet
Jan 20, 2021 · 1 

With the appointment of a new director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, President Biden is also elevating the position to the cabinet level. (In contrast, President Trump left this position vacant for a year and a half.) Biden will nominate Eric S. Lander, currently the director of the Broad Institute of …

QAnon and On and On
Jan 20, 2021

We know the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was driven in large part by conspiracy theories, manufactured to convince a particular group of Americans that dark forces were aligning to rob them of their power and influence. (In order to operate large-scale Satanic child-slavery cartels, enabled by Bill Gates and 5G signals, maybe with the help …

We’ll Always Have Paris
Jan 20, 2021

Today, the new administration is set to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, an international treaty among almost 200 nations to combat global warming. President Trump, who had declared climate change to be a “hoax,” announced the United States’s withdrawal from the agreement early in his term, making the U.S. one of only three countries to …

The Mob’s Founding Myth
Jan 20, 2021

The insurrectionists at the Capitol were fueled by a variety of lies, chiefly the false claim that President Trump had won the 2020 election. But the rioters were also largely unified—and believed themselves morally justified—under the banner of another falsehood: the myth that the United States is a Christian nation. “To me, God and country …

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Quran’s prophecy of Covid-19
Sep 8, 2020 · 24 

By Richard Dawkins “There are verses about corona in the Quran.” This was the e-mail I just received from a Muslim zealot. He didn’t name the prophetic verses themselves so I did a bit of Googling and came up with a learned article written by a Muslim “scholar”1: http://muslimmirror.com/eng/probable-mention-of-a-covid-19-like-pandemic-in-the-quran/ I read it and was bowled …

Can the Electoral College system be reformed?
Feb 9, 2018 · 320 

by Richard Dawkins Donald Trump was surely right when he said, in 2012, “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy . . . A total sham and a travesty”. And he confirmed his sensible view on November 13th, 2016 (after winning the election by the Electoral College system, but losing the popular vote) …


VIDEO: No One Expects the Skeptic Inquisition!
Jan 20, 2021

Behind the magazine, there is the man. On Tuesday night, the skeptic community had a chance to look behind the cover of the foundational publication of the skeptic movement with a one-on-one chat with Kendrick Frazier, editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine since 1976. His conversation with CFI Insider host Melissa Myers is now available to watch online …

Addressing Vaccine Fears
Jan 20, 2021

Millions of doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines are making their way across the country, but still far too many Americans are unwilling to be vaccinated, whether they are staunch anti-vaxxers, driven by misinformation, or simply hesitant or scared. Claudia Wallis at Scientific American collects some evidence-based methods for overcoming vaccine fears. We’re doing our part, too. CFI’s …

Science in the Cabinet
Jan 20, 2021 · 1 

With the appointment of a new director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, President Biden is also elevating the position to the cabinet level. (In contrast, President Trump left this position vacant for a year and a half.) Biden will nominate Eric S. Lander, currently the director of the Broad Institute of …

QAnon and On and On
Jan 20, 2021

We know the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was driven in large part by conspiracy theories, manufactured to convince a particular group of Americans that dark forces were aligning to rob them of their power and influence. (In order to operate large-scale Satanic child-slavery cartels, enabled by Bill Gates and 5G signals, maybe with the help …

We’ll Always Have Paris
Jan 20, 2021

Today, the new administration is set to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, an international treaty among almost 200 nations to combat global warming. President Trump, who had declared climate change to be a “hoax,” announced the United States’s withdrawal from the agreement early in his term, making the U.S. one of only three countries to …

The Mob’s Founding Myth
Jan 20, 2021

The insurrectionists at the Capitol were fueled by a variety of lies, chiefly the false claim that President Trump had won the 2020 election. But the rioters were also largely unified—and believed themselves morally justified—under the banner of another falsehood: the myth that the United States is a Christian nation. “To me, God and country …


Jan 1, 2021 · 102 

This thread has been created for discussion on themes relevant to Reason and Science for which there are not currently any dedicated threads. Please note that our Comment Policy applies as usual. There is a link to this at the foot of the page. If you would like to refer back to previous open discussion …

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