Doug1943 #racist

Of course, Tucker Carlson is absolutely right. The phrase "white supremacist" has become the Left's equivalent of the term "commsymp", used sixty years ago by McCarthyites to smear liberals. ..the McCarthyite mentality is reproduced by progressives.

Why, if someone reported that, while walking down the street at night, they heard footsteps behind them, turned around ... and were relieved to see that the people behind them were white .... the Left would label that person a white supremacist. But of course everyone now reading this would have the exact same reaction.

Jenna Ellis #sexist #wingnut

A word on this debate over whether conservative women are “hotter.” The answer is definitely yes, but not for the reason you think. It’s because conservative women VALUE our femininity and our immutable differences. We aren’t TRYING to be men. God made us WOMEN. Go us and go men!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #mammon

The last president of the United States has left the White House, and with his departure comes the end of politics dating back to America's founding. The hooting and gamboling from the Death Cultists who finally ended the American experiment says it all. They are simultaneously patting themselves on the back for saving democracy while forbidding anyone who disagrees with them from speaking.

For a perfect object lesson, see the shuttering of Parler. It was the preferred social media site of mild Baby Boomer MAGApedes. The victorious democrat party and their Big Tech bag men have now declared such people to be on par with tattooed skinheads. The enormity of that anathema snaps into focus when you consider that by the Left's own definition, they now share a country with 165 million violent extremists.


What democrats' increasingly paranoid spasms should do for normal people is finally open their eyes. We're not dealing with well-meaning but misguided people who disagree with us on tax policy. The US is not a one-party state. The leaders of that party are spiteful maniacs who hate half the country. Those same paranoid madmen have nigh unlimited resources which they are using to crush their enemies.


Trump was never going to be the savior. We already had a Savior, and turning our backs on Him is the real reason we're facing chastisement. Trump was only ever going to buy us time. He gave us four years to prepare for merciless persecution. Did you use the time wisely?

The author nails the problems we are dealing with in modern pop culture, and how to deal with it. Don't feed the Death Cult!

[Followed by a link to his book]

The Rantings of a Madman #elitist #wingnut

No mommy state yet "social safety net".... You realize this is the same thing right? It's like saying a car is different than a sedan... nah pretty much the same thing. You can split hairs all day, but it's basically the same thing just different specifics.

How about none of that thank you. I've had to work my entire adult life to not have to be a part of any of these programs because where I am from it's shameful to be reliant on these systems, and I know many who can't function without them. The fault most of the time I see it, is on two things. 1 the government takes too much from them making them have to get on these programs where they otherwise wouldn't have to. or 2 They have no budgeting skills and waste way more than they should. In the first case I pity them and call for the government to steal less from us all. In the second I am loud and adamant that I shouldn't have money stolen from me to fund them when they are at fault. Of the people I know on food stamps about 7 out of 10 of them fall into the second category, so the majority by far. I've tried to help a few and always been met with, you don't know what it is like..... I lived off of minimum wage had a home, had food, had a car, and had enough to live on, I also smoked a pack a day and had enough to smoke weed every single day. This was off of a $7.25 minimum wage. How? Why? It's called a budget and it is basic life skill oh SO MANY lack. They buy what they do not need then expect the tax payer to fund their needs when they have wasted money that could've gone to it, while the average working person gets enough money taken out in taxes each month to pay for everything they would eat in that month. I'm more than willing to have a talk about getting that 3 out of 10 the help they need, but those other 7 can go fuck themselves and starve in a ditch because they are leeches surviving off of my hard work and the generosity of big government who is basically buying their votes with my money.

Anti-Gravity Alliance #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger #fundie

Substantial scientific evidence has been found that gravity does not exist! In fact there is more evidence that gravity doesn't exist than that it does!

· Gravity is only a THEORY and NOT a Scientific FACT!

· Gravity cannot be proven!
- As a theory, gravity can never be proven, scientists admit this!! No one has tested gravity on Jupiter!

· Gravity cannot be seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelt!

If gravity exists then:

· How do birds, bats, and insects fly?

· How do airplanes fly?

· Why do balloons float up?

· What makes a hot air balloon keep from falling from the sky?

· How do Zeppelins or Dirigibles float in the sky?

· How does a siphon work?
Gravity can not exist. Consider the lies scientists tell us about gravity:

· Gravity is blind, ruled by random chance and chaos.
- Why are all the stars, planets, and moons round instead of many different shapes. How did "blind" gravity make all the
celestial objects perfect spheres?

· Gravity is a great force which permeates the whole universe that we are powerless to resist.
- We are told that this force is blind, does not love us, and that we are not known to it. Can this be so?

William McCall Calhoun Jr. #wingnut #psycho #fundie

William McCall Calhoun Jr., a Georgia attorney proud of his involvement in the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol Complex, was denied bail in thundering terms by a federal court on Thursday after the judge determined he was a threat to the community.

“He has been corrupted by, or seduced, by a dangerous and violent ideology that considers the United States to be in a state of civil war, that considers everyone who voted for a Democrat to be worthy of execution, that considers every government official and agent to be part of a ‘deep state’ who need to be opposed by so-called patriots,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles H. Weigle intoned near the end of Calhoun’s bail hearing after denying the defense request for home confinement and GPS monitoring in lieu of pre-trial detention.

“The language used in those posts is extremely violent,” the judge added–referring to a series of Twitter, Facebook and Parler posts authored by the Americus, Georgia-based attorney of some 30 years.

In one post cited by the government, Calhoun wrote of his desire to place Black Lives Matter protesters in “body bags.” He said he wanted those racial justice advocates “stacked up high.”

“Standing by and when Trump makes the call, many heavily-armed patriots [will deal with] the Chicom Democrats,” another post said. “Oh yeah, the military and police are on our side.”

Calhoun also repeatedly expressed his desire for “violent retribution against the media and the Democrats,” and told one Black Lives Matter supporter on Twitter that they “won’t be laughing when patriots go door to door executing you commies.”


“God is on Trump’s side,” the veteran lawyer wrote in a separate post. “God is not on the Democrats’ side. And if patriots have to kill 60 million of these communists, it is God’s will.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) #wingnut #conspiracy

A newly elected Republican member of Congress has filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on his first full day in office.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) announced the stunt last week, and followed through on her promise Thursday, Jan. 21, a day after Biden’s inauguration. The Trump loyalist and QAnon conspiracy theorist accused Biden of “abuse of power” while serving as vice president under President Barack Obama.

Greene claimed, without providing evidence, that Biden threatened to withhold a loan to Ukraine while then-prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was investigating the founder of Burisma Holdings. Biden’s son Hunter Biden served as a member of the Ukraine gas company’s board from 2014 to 2019. Greene also accused the former VP of allowing the younger Biden “to siphon off cash from America’s greatest enemies Russia and China.”

“President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the Presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing,” Greene said in a statement. “President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached.”
The Daily Beast reports Greene previously repeated false claims the Parkland and Sandy Hook school shootings were “staged.” In a 2018 Facebook post, she also agreed with a comment that claimed the 9/11 terrorist attack was perpetrated by the U.S. government: “That is all true,” she wrote.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

Me: Ivo, like I said, I'm so done with this. This is just abuse of the entire people of this whole world. Yes, people have to go through dark night of the soul to be made to wake up. The first thing they have to wake up to is they don't need leadership. Humans are leaders by design.

Ivo: Correct, my love. What do you wish to discuss then?

Me: I want to discuss our plans to go forward with our own community. I also want to continue to put out videos on how to take your power back. We've been pushing people and pulling people, and some are getting it. Some realize they have innate powers that are latent right now, or that they have powers that they can't see but are active. But there are so many people on this planet who are already making use of their healing energies, they're using their minds to change the course of events, like COBRA's meditations to change the timelines.

In one of the first group meditations I got involved in, we shut down the electrical at Fort Worth Texas army base.
Ivo: Mr T is still president of the United States, the new United States. And he is arresting anyone who opposes that.

Me: Or letting them be inaugurated. I'm tired of this shit, Ivo. Tired of it. Like the people on Venus, we all need to walk away. The system is corrupt anyway you look at it, and doesn't support people's true values and it minimalizes the human expression into burger flipping and ringing in goods at the dollar store. Do you think that that was all you were born for? Yeah, Mr T does. He wants to make America great again, but how about you? How great does he want you to be?

EmpathicDesign #wingnut

If you have to cheat to win, you're still a loser.
We all know that Donald J. Trump won the election; we do, there's no one of sound mind that will deny that, just as we know that the Democrats had to rig more votes than there are voters and destroy the voters of the Republicans and that the Democrat comrades are more loyal to their cult than they are moral, patriotic and honest human beings. Honestly, you see your comrades lying, cheating, murdering, molesting children and you turn a blind eye. This is why people are rioting and buying guns, you're bringing this on yourself.. Offense and outrage are irrelevant when you're dead so.. Start considering what's right because good people are intolerant to your evil.

Take my advice or reject it, it's your life you're mucking around with. *Shrug*.


Dave Daubenmire #wingnut #pratt

I appreciate all the guys who told us Trump was going to be in there for ten more years or twenty more years, or soon he was going to own America, whatever. But there are a lot of things that influence it, and I still believe, along with Mark Taylor and along with Dana Coverstone, I still believe that Donald Trump will be President of the United States. I still believe that.

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy

The Jewish News Syndicate would like everyone to please stop noticing that the US government is increasingly dominated by a small group of foreigners.
No doubt historians will be puzzled when one day, for absolutely no reason at all, yet another people ruled by a tiny foreign minority rebelled against their foreign rulers and overthrew them despite the best efforts of those rulers to discredit and disqualify the natural objections of their subjects.

After all, if the French rulers of Sicily had only thought to accuse Sicilians who disliked being ruled by foreigners of "anti-frenchitism", then certainly the Sicilian Vespers never would have taken place, right?

Don't be surprised to see more and more Americans aligning themselves with China and Russia against "their own" government. Especially given how that government cannot convincingly hide behind the veil of "democracy" or "the will of the people".

Wetwareproblem #moonbat

If you would ever call anyone a “degenerate” or “freak” in hostility, for any reason, under any circumstances, you’re already on too many levels of fascism. Unpack it.

how is calling twitter pedophiles freaks inherently fascist though like, really, how does that line up at all???

I'm sure that if you think for a few minutes, you can figure out what's wrong with attacking people from deviation from a mandated "normal" and normalizing harassment.

There are plenty of things you could call a pedo out for. Being weird isn't one of them, because the idea that it's okay to punish abnormality with violence... is fascism.

David J. Stewart #wingnut #conspiracy

Since about 1980, inflation has continue to skyrocket upward, while livable wages have hardly increased at all. The central banks cause income inequality, forcing many of the middleclass into homelessness. California's homelessness problem is very bad! And now President Joe Biden wants to turn the United States into a giant California! God help us! We wouldn't need socialism if we'd get rid of the Federal Reserve! But as long as a private group of thieving criminals control our nation's currency, Americans will financially suffer! If it weren't for the fraud of the central banks, Americans would have enough money to purchase health care insurance. How can citizens pay their bills if they don't have a job? Your job is in Mexico, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan and dozens of other countries.

President Donald Trump was a brilliant businessman. He understood the things I just said. For over 30 years China has been ripping off America! Mr. Trump put an end to that, but Joe Biden has already vowed in 2021 to undo the good that President Trump did. This is an insane way to run a government! Can you imagine if a large company switched CEO's every 4 to 8 years, who took the company all different directions? The company would falter and not prosper, just like our U.S. government is a failing entity. But I have never trusted Mr. Trump either, because he doesn't address the fraud in our banking system. No nation can prosper in a rigged system based on greed and fraud. Thomas Jefferson rightly warned:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Awake Carolina #conspiracy #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

I struggle in my efforts to wake the lost souls within them. My own family is victim to the archons who deceive and create cognitive dissonance in the minds of mortals. I myself am aware of this influence and control system but fall victim due to my ego, intelligence, and desire to create this image that others approve of. I no longer care what most people think, but I care about the people I love. I also care about my family and friends especially those who struggle within this matrix to see the light for what it truly is.
Somedays I live in a dark depressive state of mind due to guilt, shame, and resentment. I resent big pharmaceutical companies and the rich globalist elite. I resent the corrupt government and the psychopathic satanic occult that lurks within every neighborhood and city street. I resent the curtain that blinds mankind of the reptilian overlords that control us and shape our education system. I can't stand the thought of these pedophilia syndicates running their dark groups within the occult kabbalistic teachings in underground tunnels I have so much hate inside me somedays that I flee, scream off my porch, and punch holes in my wall leaving my knuckles to bleed.

5D Ascension and The Great Conjunction

- Shift is Clearly Affecting Me

- Vaccinations Are Genocide

- 5G Towers are Dangerous

- Human Trafficking in Southern States

- Nashville Bombing outside AT&T

- Coronavirus distraction from Epstein

- RT PCR tests are fraud and barcoding you with nanotechnology that crosses the Blood Brain Barrier

- This is a holocaust and an awakening

- I will fight but who else is still human beings or is everyone a robot and they've been so all along?

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia

[From "Demons And The City"]

The typical Western city of today is the most effective environment to encourage sin. It is able to generate immoral behaviors so effectively that the task of corrupting your soul becomes one of demonic auto-pilot.
A man or woman uprooted themselves and went to the big city because they desire to gorge themselves on money, sex, and fame. When a hungry child is in a candy store, do you need to convince him to eat candy?
The evil you may feel while in one may not come from the presence of demons but the mass quantity of people who have chosen evil. The city is actually a platform for evil, one that Satan has constructed and optimized over hundreds of years to lower the barrier for you to commit severe sins.
Surely the demons swing by on weekend nights to appreciate their handy work, especially in the month of June when the sodomites take over much of the Western urban world, but do they need to persuade a homosexual to attend a gay pride parade? Do they need to urge him to wave dildos and other sexual paraphernalia in public?

If the demons are not in the city then where are they? On assignment corrupting souls that have chosen for Christ.[…]They separate man and wife and put rebellious ideas in the minds of children.
When I went into the mountains for two months to live in what I later found out was a former crack house, a den of exceeding vice, I was tormented by sexual dreams and nightmares involving actual demons burning my flesh.
In my old life in the city, when I chased women for casual sex, Satan left me alone as I destroyed myself, and I can’t recall having even a single nightmare from the time I was behaving at my worst.

Ineedassitance #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia

Discussion Pinkpill feminism on "male cope"


spoilerI will never not laugh at men's long-standing pathetic cope called organized religion

All religion is male cope. Islam, Christianity, even the godless ones. Take for example Christianity. The Bible was written by men and it reflects their view on women. The Father, Son and holy spirit are all manitestations ofwomb envy: Now that's true blasphemy. It should have been the mother; daughter and the holy spirit because women are not vessels but true creators. All religions are a male cope with their own mortality.

I don't know what these feminist theories are trying to say, but I do know one thing. Man wants to secure his own genes, that is the aim of man - the escape from inceldom. Why do we get jobs - to get women. I do not know any other heterosexual man who does not think this way. Everything else is an attempt to stop that process.

All these theories seem to give a more complicated picture of society, so I just occam's razor that bitch. Why would I help my fellow man when it's in his best interest to cuck me (spread his seed as much as he can)? Sexual selection is a process.

Reminder that sub still isn't banned even after going private for months while

BlackPillFeminism and AndreasGarden somehow got banned.

Blackpill feminism sounds based. They need to bring back Gendercritical, based foids.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy


President Joe Biden, who says his ‘strong Catholic faith’ is what drives him, has just consulted with Anthony Fauci, with the takeaway being it’s time to radically and rapidly expand the US taxpayer-funded killing machine that is legalized abortion. Evidentially, the murderous holocaust of 3,200 babies per day, most of the them black, here in America is not nearly enough, so they are taking their show on the road, and bringing the blessing of abortion overseas.

“Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD: Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;” Ezekiel 16:35,36 (KJB)

This is the ‘new America’, that every news outlet across the land is celebrating today, but in reality America in 2021 is a corrupt and bankrupt society that glories in the murder of its own children, and is ripe for the judgment of Almighty God. With Joe Biden and the demonic horde that is the Democratic Party, this just might be the year America gets aborted.

Welcome to the ‘strong Catholic faith’ of the new America’s new president, only one day old and already dripping in innocent blood. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

[Context: The latest version of Conservapedia’s “Biden Junta” article]

The Biden junta (also referred to by some critics as the Biden regime[2]) illegally seized power on November 4, 2020 in a nationwide rigged election by the Democrat Party, disenfranchising the will of the voters and the American people.

It began receiving federal taxpayer money in November 24 after the head of the General Services Administration received death threats against her, her family, staff, and pets.[3][4]

The junta's first actions were borrowed right out of the Nazi playbook. Like the Reichstag fire, a false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol building was staged by socialists[5] as a pretext to rein in human rights and free speech.[6]

Biden appointed Maoist Anita Dunn as Presidential Advisor.[7] Dunn had been fired by the Obama White House in June 2009 for openly expressing admiration and support for Maoist genocide,[8][9] was behind the cover-up of Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations and the appointment appeared to be a payoff.[10]

After ascending power on 1/20/2021, the Junta De Facto began rule by decree, issuing executive orders that unconstitutionally enter the United States into international agreements without congressional approval and overturning travel bans in a pandemic for the sake of a swift political victory. The Junta plans on issuing 50 decrees in the first 10 days in power.

Big Chief #wingnut #racist

Big Chief (in response to the comment - “Trump didn’t do shit he set us back”)
“Clearly you don’t have a 401k. Or earnings.”

*Commenter says Trump belongs in prison*

Big Chief
Last thing you want to do is put President Trump on trial

*Commenters replies to ask why not as he deserves to be in prison*

Big Chief
The courts rejected him for months. By all means let him plead his case.

*In response to commenter scolding him for only being concerned with money*

Big Chief
Where did Trump touch you? How exactly did he change your life. Should be easy for you to articulate.

Big Chief’s profile picture is a Nazi Parade

jasonlmorrow #magick

RE: When do servitors start working?

”So I created my first servitor last night using Damon Brands Magickal Servitors method. Its a servitor that is supposed to wake me up in all of my dreams to become lucid. However, it did not to that when I went to sleep. Im new to this and im not sure if its supposed to work instantly or it need time before it starts waking me up?”

Most chaos magick attacks larpers who sont know what they're talking about I reccomend you give your servitor a vessel and sleep next to it. If your servitor has actually been created and wasnt some halfassed. All you need is intent like most of the chaos magick I see in this sub the proximity to your vessel will allow you to see results as soon as you sleep. All jokes aside failure is the nature of magick try again until you see affects

In Damon Brand's method, servitors are housed inside one's own body. You pick a defined body part for it to inhabit, such as a particular bone.

I've used Damon Brand's methods too. In most cases, they've worked immediately, sometimes even while still in the gestation phase.

I also made a lucid dream servitor, and have had the least success of any of my servitors. The area of my body I house it in started getting sore after birthing it too. My best guess is that it's operating directly with my unconscious and my unconscious does NOT welcome it. Maybe it feels intruded on. When I ask the servitor for other types of dreams I have a lot more success.

To koniec #racist #sexist

Blackpill Imagine not being BENELUX chad

Top 20 Countries With The Tallest Men - How Height Has Changed Over 100 Years


Not a single non-white country in there. Brutal racepill tbh.

bosnia is 6

are any countries in the Balkans really white though?

yeah, balkans and meds are not really white

whats the difference between balks and meds?

south slavs are dinarics, and meds...are just meds, just like jews are semitic

They're as white as any other slavs. Only Albanians are more ethnic looking and surprise they're not on the list.

i don't agree, but i don't want to engage with argument

The Cagot #sexist

RE: RageFuel No guy has ever been into me (F19)

Nobody has ever liked me (F19) and it's starting to take a toll on my mental health

TL DR: "Femcel" escapades episode 102938201

"I live in Philippines, so there's this whole culture of "if she asks you out first, she's really desperate"

--> Milady would be surprised to see that it's exactly the same in France or anywhere in the world, because foids who asks men first ARE desperate, otherwise they would just let the guys ask them.

I've never seen a cute foid asking a guy first, excepted if she's drunk, depressed or in urgent need of sex.

Various Incels #sexist

RE: RageFuel Foid posts CP on Onlyfans

Just imagine if it was a man that did this. Just picture how over his life would be. And this foid gets "suspended" LMAO!! NOT EVEN BANNED. SUSPENDED LOL!

Pfft, how about not even arrested. Truly a :feelsclown: world.

you can get fifteen years to life for distributing child porn. And this foid isn't going to see a single year in jail because she has a vagina. Truly an oppressed gender.

No no no no you guys got it all wrong. The blame is put on the men. Men made her do this. If the men didn't want kiddie porn, they would not have paid her for it. It's not her fault. It's men. Damn men. I hate men. So stupid unlike the pure and thoughtful women. All hail women. We're not worthy of such beauty and such perfection in design.

Women do this shit because they know they can get away with it. Fuck cucks

(The Abyss)
The cp the soys jerked off to only became inappropriate once they knew the age, when they assumed the contents depicted an of age adult it was fine but once you change the number it's wholely unacceptable yet nothing else changed. A number holds power over a visual manifestation.

If a men would have done this he would get 15 years in prison. She will get a formal warning and that's it. Foids have been getting away with obvious murder even. Vagina privilege > all

With the insane logic feminists operate on it's going to be like prostitution in some european countries: legal to be, illegal to be a customer. So CP of themselves is going to be legal for foids to produce and sell, but buying and possession by a 2nd party will still be illegal. After all we wouldn't want to oppress female sexuality would we? Can't wait for it to all burn.


Further proving world isn't worth saving.

No but it's worth destroying.

Conspiraception Award

My conspiracy theory is a conspiracy!

Annie-O #racist

The alternate title was: Bring on the Slaves!!

OMG.... just as i've been saying..... the world is entirely for black people; the Human Torch is a N*GGER!!!! Because i know that that 'word' is offensive to this 'darling' people, we'll just refer to them as NAGGERS as both words actually mean the same thing, unless of couse, you think that that world too should be banned from vocabulary, but black folks use it to refer to their own black women this way, so, i command that it stays.

WHY, Stan... why!!!! Johnny used to be a pain in the ass now he's really a total asshole! Unless dear Stan is just trolling the kid in black race suit in order to make MORE money at the expense of a poor 'brother', then i'll forgive him. OMG, first our beloved Annie in ginger hair and FAIR pale skin went into -negative- colors, now this shit happens..... But as long as the MASTER (Stan Lee) is white, then i'll allow it. Poor Johnny.... a beautiful blond jerk over a Nagger...... I think that Thor's drink on the Avengers: Age of Ultron made horrendous effect on dear Stan's mind to let a black take Johnny's suit.
You see folks? Blackamericans are killing the WHITE race, if nobody stops this atrocity they'll murder this planet as they did to Africa, Haiti, Jamaica and any other land they step on. But it's was all white-men's fault, if we never came across Africa for slaves to work on our vast fields of progress none of this would'tn happened at all. I'm deeply sorry that we lost the edge we have when we gave them freedom.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia

[From “What if Vincent Li became a tranny?”]

I wrote last month [I]en passant [/I]about Vince Li, the Greyhound decapitating cannibal murderer from Asia who moved to Edmonton and then travelled to Winnipeg where he decided to viciously murder (white) Tim McLean.

Anyways, it appears that Vince Weiguang Li, like Gohar (Carmen) Ahmed Pervez/Abdullah Shah before him, has legally changed his name.

He's now Will Baker. Remember that name if you come across it: Will Baker is a piece of shit who confused a man's skull with Kung Pow Chicken.

Yet strangely enough, Wikipedia continues to call him Vince Li.
This wouldn't seem strange at all, of course, but notice you'll never see that on any CBC article about Bruce Jenner after he legally changed his name to Caitlyn for bizarre reasons no sane person would ever pretend to consider normal.

Last year news outlets apologized for calling Anthony Stevens by that name instead of the "Aimee" he wanted to be called as he pretended to be a woman. "Deadnaming", a nonsense term nobody had heard of in 2008, has become a Fake News staple: just another way that the media always lies to you.

And it's notably inconsistent. Criminals change their name to avoid being connected to their crimes, and trannies change their name to avoid being directly connected to their faggy mental illness.

But if Vince Li decided to become a chick and name himself Wilma Baker, CBC and all these other woke media outlets would completely throw the old person down the memory hole.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho

Various Commenters on a conspiracy video - “The Simpsons Election Day 2020 Predictive Programming”, Uploaded by EndTimesTV

Who’s here after the Capitol Riots

(Abeselsome Alene)
Does anyone ever have the feeling that these aren’t predictions but plans 🤔

It’s all written in the Bible

@Grey Alien this is the final decade. The age of grace aka church age is soon coming to an end.Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs.

Its easy, until january 20th TRUMP will expose that there was Voter froud. After that the deepstate and the democrats will start riots and looting again and try to take out trump. Thats why simpsond predicted trump to be dead. The show just startet guys.

*follow-up comment*

@Robbi Shiflett they will blame trump for the riots, the media and the left will blame it on him, just like they blame everything on him what they actually do. They will say : look what trump did, he is the reason for the riots cause he won the court with illegal proof and the people rioting cause they dont want to have him in the white house.
Even if joe biden gonna fall from the steps to the podium they will probibly say, look thats because of trump😂😂

(flc lp)
@25BUlleTs5 damn this was happened today the so called trump supporters(ANTIFA DRESSED UP USING TRUMP'S paraphernalia) stormed the capitol wtf

Steve McKay/BTC System #mammon

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BasedRedPillZeus #sexist

No amount of proselytizing or social conditioning will erase what God and evolution hard-coded into our collective biopsychological desires and behaviors

Women don’t want a man who will “do everything she says.” Why would that indicate anything more than insecurity and lack of confidence? Women want to be told “NO” and constantly test a man’s resolve to say this to her (a.k.a. shit testing) in order to affirm that she’s made the right choice (even in marriage) of a guy who will put his sexual impulses (knowing full well how powerful it is with men) on hold to stick to his own self interests, beliefs and ambitions. What this does is covertly communicates to the woman that his goals and determination Trump her one real power over him - her sexuality. THAT is the man who is the prize, the ‘great catch’, the make to be competed for with other women.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot

So congrats on the win! You won by not only cheating but also threatening the lives of innocent people so thank you for showing the world your true colors as the true fascists. As I said before and I’ll say again, these crazies are commie nazis and unlike these crazies who use words like “Nazi, transphobic, homophobic, racist“ and every ist and ism(not to mention “reactionary“, yeah cause rioting totally isn’t reactionary) like they’re saying hello...we actually have evidence of their shit.

2024, people! I highly doubt Biden will last a year as President with Kamala “Fweedom” Harris breathing down his neck but what can I say? Now look, I don’t support storming the capital because that‘s what the crazies do not what Trump supporters should do because we should know better. Tho I gotta love how the media is now calling this a riot but when ANTIFA and BLM riot “PEACEFUL” they say! “Summer of love!” Says Jenny Durkan

as her city was being burnt to the ground. Remember, Trump has condemned white supremacy and neo nazis, Biden NEVER condemned BLM and ANTIFA for rioting. You can go on and on about how “ANTIFA is just an idea and isn’t real” (nice gaslighting btw) but we all know the truth, it’s rules for thee but not for me

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger

The fact that the crazies have been bitching about how trump isn’t their president because muh russia or muh Ukraine for 4 years and have absolutely no evidence. Yet Trump has evidence of voter fraud but the judges don’t want to see it, either because the crazies have threatened to dox them(which they did) or they‘re never trumpers. Not to mention that this city bordered up their businesses because they know the crazies will riot cause I haven’t seen Trump supporters riot. Now we have Supreme Court justices scared of riots! “Oh, Shawn you keep bitching about the riots but it’s all for justice!” Yeah? Where’s David Dorn’s and every other black police officer or civilian that was killed in the riots justice? Where’s the justice for business owners who already got their asses kicked by COVID and now have crazies stealing then burning down their shit? And of course, where the justice for people getting killed because they wear a fucking Trump hat? And here comes the flying monkeys with their “whataboutism! REEEEE!” These fools don’t care about social justice or change, they want to dance around acting like they won but soon realize they have buyers remorse for voting for Biden. What? You actually thought this asshole was really gonna be “the most progressive president ever elected”? Is AOC gonna be in his cabinet and finally end climate change? Nope! In fact it looks like he’s getting someone...who is FOR fossil fuels! Oops! Eh, she’ll get over it by bashing capitalism by selling $60 shirts. Oh but it’s made by people who are unionized! Yet the shirt is made from polyester. Don’t worry, AOC just cry in front of an empty parking lot again, the crazies will love it. Then there’s Kamala Harris who has BLM looking over her shoulder and counting the days of when she’ll invite them to talk. Well, since she won then there‘s no use for ya now! You were played from the start!

Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy #ufo #magick #racist

On January 15, it was announced by multiple news sites that Baron Benjamin de Rothschild unexpectedly died of a heart attack at the age of 57 while at his Swiss home. According to best-selling author David Wilcock, Rothschild was the world’s “Pindar” – the secret occult ruler of our planet reporting directly to off world extraterrestrial masters.

What makes Wilcock’s claim particularly intriguing is that he says that only a day earlier, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a coded message through his Twitter account authorizing the final stage of a covert military operation to take down the Deep State around the planet. Wilcock’s claims raise intriguing questions about Rothschild’s death, his possible role as Earth’s Pindar, and a covert US led takedown of Global Deep State.
What is particularly interesting in this exchange is Rothschild’s claim of being the “Pindar” and the “CEO of Earth, Inc”. These statements suggest that he is merely running the Earth on behalf of others, but who?

For an answer, we can look to information about the Pindar supplied by British researcher David Icke. Icke wrote about the Pindar in The Biggest Secret after interviewing a former participant in Satanic occult ceremonies, Arizona Wilder. Icke wrote:

Pindar means ‘Penis of the Dragon’… Arizona says that Pindar, like all the reptilians when they shape-shift, has very powerful hypnotic eyes (the ‘evil eye’ of legend) and at sacrifices the victims face is turned to Pindar at the moment of death for him to steal the person’s soul or energy through this ‘evil eye’ magnetic process…. Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals there. [pp. 302-3]

Presents of God Ministry #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

On top of all this, Satan is right now using the Pope to do all he can to enforce the mark with the buy and sell portion of the prophecy by 2027 using his long prophesied Climate Change agenda, which is right now being set in stone with corrupt legal maneuvers using the genocidal Covid 19 vaccine as a way to also bring about what they now call “the Great Reset” under the prophesied Socialist global format that is needed to enforce the mark of the beast. And to assure this works perfectly for the Pope, they have been working for decades to bring about a global digital currency so as to better control the people and their finances when they can legally prevent buying and selling worldwide for those refusing to keep the Pope’s man-made Sabbath of Sunday.

Satan is also moving the Pope to set up and then demand a one world government controlled by the beast system in Rome by 2030, (Because Satan thinks Jesus returns in 2031) which students of prophecy know fulfills the one hour with the beast at the end of plague #6.

That all being said, notice this article that confirms a comet (named Encke) is traveling towards earth right now. I would think that everyone knows comets are made of ice. (see more info here) This massive chunk of hail is expected to cross earth’s orbit in the very same year Satan is moving the Pope to have his one world government in 2030. As we know, that one world government only lasts 15 days at the end of plague #6, which them means directly after that plague ends, the 7th and final plague of hail ends all life on earth!

BarbaraStreisand & SenateAnon #conspiracy

[RE: A discussion about Q possibly being a fraud due to the Trump presidency coming and going without “The Storm” happening]

“The Anon before Q was SenateAnon was said to “keep digging into Racine” before they vanished.”

on September 11th, 2017 SenateAnon said:

“Both parties are trying to get Trump to bend the knee, and he still refuses. Pence is a traitor, so is Paul Ryan, and
Trump has no one to help him drain the swamp. It's high time someone broke ranks and told you what's really going on in

Just 7 weeks later the disinformation campaign known as "QAnon" began. Here are the SenateAnon threads:

Voat Rundown:

SenateAnon 4chan Threads:


8chan thread with insiders leaking info:

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

Whoa, whoa, whoa, my dear Patriots! Please do not go over the “rails” after witnessing today’s “faux affair”...there is still much more to happen, and as you are finding out the hard way, it is not always as soon as you would like it to be. Well, let me help to take your mind off of those dour thoughts, my beautiful ones!

I would like to talk a little bit about “time lines”...yes, time lines! Some of you may not be very aware of how many different, and yet similar, time lines are occurring in each moment...however, this becomes important with regard to what is happening right now in the U.S...
As for how all this matters in today’s geo-political scene, well, it matters, because YOU matter. You matter to the Universe, and to our President Trump, and to our Alliance, and to all of our international brothers and sisters, and to all of our Patriots, who are trying just as hard as you are, to help bring about a positive outcome to our current situation.
if you have been reading my other messages through this one recently, it has become my “calling card” to try and help you to understand that we truly, why don’t we try to make the best of it, and go ahead and help ourselves by doing what makes us joyful, while also knowing that our joyful actions are spreading Love throughout the entire Universe! There are no insignificant souls here! Every one of you are so very critical to the shifting of the time lines right now, so we can continue our path towards Freedom, Sovereignty, and Unity...our united states of America! (the “capital” letters on united states was used by the cabal). We are no longer under their will just be a few more “moments in time” until it is seen by all!

James Lindsay et al #racist #wingnut

James Lindsay: Wokeness was the lockpick to the gates of Western Civilization. The gates are now open.

mikediebert: 11 Million New Democrat voters means American elections have ceased to have meaning. The Red States are gone.

Dong Quixote: You psyop a people into believing that the primary goal of their society is to equalize outcomes between racial and gender groups, rather than, you know...building stuff, fixing stuff, having kids, preserving order, and worshipping the Almighty. This is how you destroy them.

Various Trump Supporters #conspiracy #wingnut

[Regarding Trump considering starting his own political party]

Can't wait for my vote for the Patriot Party to be switched to a vote for a democrat.

Or Republican depending on who pays more

So what we've really accomplished is starting a bidding war between the Democrats and Republicans.

Well, at least it will be more expensive for them to steal an election.

Don't worry... your tax dollars will be hard at work in New contracts after they "win"

Ben Garrison #conspiracy


In the waning hours of Trump’s presidency we are hearing a lot about scenarios in which patriots are still in charge. Supposedly the military has been shown proof of foreign interference in the presidential election. They will arrest the conspirators and allow Trump to rightfully continue his presidency into a second term. Naturally I have my doubts. I consider it all so much hopium. It looks like nobody is coming to save us. We must save ourselves. We must deal with reality and it will harsh. The election was stolen by globalists who want socialism. They know it’s a good system of control. Combined with open borders, lockdowns, and the undoing of everything Trump accomplished for the economy, we’ll see more small businesses destroyed. The globalists want us all dependent on big government. We will be forced to obey it if we want to receive assistance. Who controls that government? The mega billionaires at the top of the pyramid, of course. They want it all. All the money. All the land. All the power. We will become their serfs and forced into obeisance by means of high tech whips and chains. Can Trump prevent this dystopian future planned by criminals who stole away his landslide victory? Does he have anything left up his sleeve? Will anyone stop this Bolshevik coup? Can anyone stop it? We will soon find out. If nothing happens and Biden and Kamala are allowed to seal their ill-gotten victory, we will know that Q was nothing more than an elaborate psy-op to keep Trump supporters hopeful in the face of repeated disappointment. Many social media personalities will be proved wrong and lose credibility.

Vox Day #conspiracy

[From "No farewell ceremony"]

Pentagon Confirms Military Will Not Hold Traditional Farewell Ceremony for Trump

Mainstream Narrative: The U.S. military is signaling its disapproval of soon-to-be ex-President Trump!

Q Narrative: The U.S. military knows POTUS isn't going anywhere and will soon ascend to GEOTUS status.

Hint: the mainstream Narrative is always wrong!

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: 2 Hawaii Men Indicted in 2014 Hate Crime Case on Maui


The defendants are accused of saying C.K. was in the “wrong place,” didn’t belong there and that “no white man is ever going to live in this house or neighborhood.”

Ok, you're on your own then. Enjoy.

maybe diversity isn't the answer...............libs? are you listening? of course not

(Wake up)
Native Hawaiians have no tolerance for Diversity and no guilty feelings either. Now imagine if Democrats insisted on a boatload of Section 8 Housing Blacks landing in Maui.

They probably weren't even native Hawaiians. Most "natives" in Hawaii are from other Polynesian countries like Samoa. They whine about white "outsiders" coming to their island, but most of them aren't Hawaiian either. Their violence is based on anti white hatred. Most of it is instigated by liberal elites.

I remember reading about a pack of polynesian youths who gang-raped and murdered white girl on the big island. The liberal judge dismissed the case, even with positive DNA evidence.

(Hillary Rodham)
Now do Harlem. Or Watts, or Compton, or any other public housing project in America. Anti white violence is very common. Unlike the mythical police brutality against innocent blacks.

(Fed Up)
Why would anyone spend travel money to visit Hawaii what with the foul reputation these primitive people have hanging over them.

(Sgt F)
Only 3% of the population is negro in Hawaii. That’s at least 10% less negro than the mainland. Hawaii needs a real dose of “diversity is our strength”. Hawaii is getting jipped . Everybody should contact the gentle Senator from Hawaii named Mazie Hirono to get this problem straightened out.

Various Commenters #racist

RE: Around One-Third of Belgian Residents Are Now Foreign Nationals, or Have Migrant Backgrounds

I'd read a few years ago that the French-speaking Walloons encouraged immigration from the Congo and Francophone Africa to gain a population advantage against their Flemish speaking countrymen. Incomprehensibly evil. The Flemish part of Belgium has produced most of it's Identitarian patriots.

(Robert Kelly)

For those planning on escaping the coming South Africa in the United States, good luck finding a viable white country that isn't going down the tubes. Best to plan on finding the next best thing in either a white Latino country or someplace in the Far East.

What about Russia? Or even in the United States, Alaska? Not a lot of diversity up there or in northern or western Canada. Too cold in those places for diversity.

Wonder what the crime problem is like in racism-free, ultra-liberal Belgium. (Or shouldn't we ask that kind of a question?)

Amren had an article on here about how violent street crime exploded when Belgium started bringing in immigrants from the Congo. Of course, when those African immigrants end up in prison, it's obviously because of racism. The same old song and dance as here in the United States.

What happens when the Muslims decide the Left's usefulness to THEM is at an end and it's time to rename Belgium the Islamic Republic of Whatever?

Allahu Akbar!!!!

(Spaceman Spiff)
Those 19 year old Belgians that died trying to stop the Germans in WWI over 100 years ago sacrificed for absolutely nothing.

I remember seeing a "Belgian" sports team on TV not too long ago, most were black.

And yet, no one's concerned about the lack of proportional representation of white people in sport. But blacks being underrepresented in science, journalism, politics, business, etc., in a majority white nation? Now, THAT's an outrage!

The NBA is only about 18% white from figures I've found. Does any one ever say they need more diversity?

cvh1991 #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist

RE: Serious How do you all deal with the gaslighting?

You have to be capable of recognizing when your opponent makes a false claim then be capable of easily debunking it with valid studies. For example, I can across this rare based comment on Reddit where this guy laid out a couple different studies to prove his point regarding ugly low status males:

Amazing body

EDIT: Damn looks like that comment got removed lmao — they’ll stop at nothing to censor the truth, eh?

Let this be a lesson. Start capturing black pilled posts and points out in the wild.

I copied the comment into a Google Doc for later before it got removed since I wanted to read over the links they shared, just didn't have time to paste it here/format everything on mobile.

***Original comment was on some "thot" video where the commenter was asking how they can get women that hot iirc
***Reply text with the links I found online added in:

This 2015 study from the Journal of Sex Research found that male virgins more typically could not find willing partners while female virgins more typically reported personal beliefs, fear, or not enough love as reasons for virginity compared to males (e.g. Male virgins generally cannot find willing partners while this is not typical for female virgins):

Men are more desperate and have lower standards. Statistics the reality of this yet many people seem to incorrectly assume men and women are basically the same.

ReturnOfSaddam #crackpot #sexist

The disparity in male attractiveness is FUCKING ASTOUNDING

Pretty much any girl can become legitimately hot with makeup, it's so fucked up it's insane. And even without it, the average man is attracted to the average woman, whereas the reverse? JUST FUCKING LOL. Not in a million years.

Foids look pretty similar for the most part. How rare is it to see a foid who's a LOT shorter/taller than other ones? Do fucking 50% of foids go bald? Do they have to be able to sustain an erection when having sex? Do they get graded for the size of their vaginas? For a foid to be legitimately ugly, she either has to be obese (will still have an ARMY of white knights at her disposal) or fucking deformed tier. For a guy he needs to have one sub-par feature and that's it. Done, finished, game over, KO.

When you look at Chads compared to everyone else, it's like a different life form. The guy on the left looks completely fine, full head of hair, good skin, good jaw/forward growth but he's just EVERYTHINGMOGGED by a massive fucking degree to the guy next to him. You don't see this with foids, not to anywhere near the same extent.


This wouldn't be a problem if: a) women weren't so picky and b) if their tastes weren't so universal and monolithic There are no foids chasing short men, balding men, men with narrow shoulders, men with tiny dicks, men with bug eyes, men with gyno, obese men etc

JFL so legit. It's so fucking over. I still find it amazing that so many guys think women don't care about looks. They value looks over everything, it's just they're all attracted to the same kind of looks. CHAD.