Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City XIII

3 05 2008
  1. The Mayor of Birmingham, Alabama is sick and tired of all the crime and other problems afflicting his city, so he’s decided to take action. He wants a practical solution. And what’s his solution? Prayer.

    But not just any old prayer. Langford is going to sponsor prayers of repentance by folks dressed in sackcloth and ashes – just like they did in Old Testament days. [. . .] To make sure everyone has appropriate attire, the mayor has reportedly ordered 2,000 sacks. (Presumably, one size fits all.)

    Do not adjust your sets. (Americans United)

  2. Muslim organisations such as the Australian National Imams Council and Muslims For Peace are taking a page out of David Horowitz’s book and calling upon the University of Western Sydney to review the content of the Women in Arabic and Islamic Literature course, complaining that it promotes a negative view of women in Islam, and “an emphasis on sexuality and a sexually explicit content that is not reflective of normative Islam.” Muslims For Peace (certainly not to be confused with Muslims For Irony) also wants the University to fire lecturer Samar Habib, and has declared that “Muslims should fear Almighty Allah and break all connections with this diabolical centre of Kufr (non-believers).” (The Australian)
  3. By the way, an eight-year-old girl in Yemen has been granted a divorce from her 28-year-old husband, who, while denying beating her, admits the marriage was consummated. (AFP)
  4. In the US, military installations have been used to promote Christian Fundamentalism, as military officials worked with members of the far-right Focus on the Family to promote the recent National Day of Prayer. The military officials involved had to sign an oath stating that they believe “that the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of The Living God” and that “Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only One by which I can obtain salvation and have an ongoing relationship with God,” and promising to “ensure a strong, consistent Christian message throughout the nation” and that National Day of Prayer events held on their bases would be “conducted solely by Christians.” (OpEdNews)
  5. GodTube claims: “Every whole food has a pattern that resembles a body organ. This could only be achieved by intellectual design.” (Pharyngula)


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