Watch it Back - Hopeful Chats about Climate Change

Issued in the blog on January 13, 2021 at 14:07:00.

Watch it Back Hopeful Chats twitter (1)

There’s no denying it, the last few weeks have been very difficult. We’re living through a period where every glimmer of hope we can find is precious - and to be treasured. With that in mind, we wanted to share the recording of a webinar that we hosted just before Christmas - Hopeful Chats about Climate Change. People left the webinar feeling very hopeful - and it continues to give us hope when we think back about it now! You can watch it back here in your own time. 


Dr Cara Augustenborg did a super job of chairing the discussion and spoke from her own experience as a climate scientist, activist and mother.

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Watch it Back: Let's talk Community Energy

Issued in the blog on December 15, 2020 at 15:26:00.

Watch it back CP webinar

Earlier this month we hosted a special webinar on community owned renewable energy. Missed it? Well, don’t worry, we recorded it so you can watch it back at this link or in the screen below.

 We were delighted to be joined by Molly Walsh from Friends of the Earth Europe. Molly shared some inspiring stories from her new book, Community Energy: A practical guide to reclaiming power - which you can download here.

Community Energy book cover

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Why I'm urging TDs to postpone the vote to ratify CETA, the EU-Canada trade deal

Issued in the blog on December 13, 2020 at 22:00:00.

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The Order of Business for the Dail this week indicates a Government motion on Tuesday 15th to ratify the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, including its highly controversial mechanism allowing companies to sue an EU member state when they consider their interests are affected by new policies and regulations adopted by a national government. This is a highly significant step which effectively compromises Irish sovereignty and creates a major vulnerability for a country such as Ireland highly dependent on foreign direct investment. Ireland has been able to attract very high levels of foreign direct investment without conceding to such mechanisms, save under the Energy Charter Treaty. Ironically, it therefore is massively exposed if the further elements of the CETA agreement are ratified and come into effect. Accordingly, I am urging TDs to seek a postponement of the vote to enable time for an informed, considered, debate on the merits and implications of ratification, to be held later in 2021.

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Over 1000 people met their TDs during TD Lobby for Faster and Fairer Climate Action

Issued in the blog on December 11, 2020 at 13:42:00.

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The dedication and commitment of constituents from across Ireland made the day!


Over 1000 constituents from across Ireland met their TDs on 7th December during a mass online Lobby for Faster and Fairer Climate Action. They voiced their climate concerns and demanded that loopholes in the 2020 Climate Action Bill be closed.

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Hopeful Chats about Climate Change - Join us for a Webinar

Issued in the blog on December 10, 2020 at 11:37:00.

Little Island Books and Friends of the Earth are pleased to invite you to

Talking about climate change can sometimes be hard - talking about it with our children can be even harder!

Join us on Tuesday December 15th at 7pm for a conversation about engaging young people on the topic of climate change and how we can take positive action together.

Register for our Hopeful Chats about Climate Change webinar on 15th December

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For the Love of ...Solar Schools

Issued in campaign actions.

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Please change the planning exemptions so that schools and community buildings can install solar panels, without the added expense of seeking planning permission.

Let's talk community energy! Webinar and book launch

Issued in the blog on November 30, 2020 at 11:36:00.

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Join us for a webinar this week! We'll be launching this stunning handbook for communities from Friends of the Earth Europe, and and exploring the opportunities for Irish communities in the energy transition in 2021 with Minister Eamon Ryan.  

Community energy is key to action on the climate crisis, boosting local economies, and reinvigorating communities. We’ve been campaigning for clean, community energy for a long time. It’s been a tough battle at times but things are finally starting to look bright!

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TD Lobby for Faster and Fairer Climate Action

Issued in the blog on November 24, 2020 at 18:06:00.

black logo  Facebook TD Lobby

Join Ireland’s biggest online TD Lobby for Faster and Fairer Climate Action!

Talking to your TDs is a powerful way to act on the climate crisis and right now there is so much to talk about.

If 1000+ people across Ireland meet their TDs online it will have a serious effect on how our government acts on climate.

So, are you up for it?

You'll be supported by Stop Climate Chaos and people in your local area.

You don't need to be an expert, you just need to turn up!

How does it work?

1. Register for the TD Lobby by clicking here. This will let you receive a Zoom link that you can use to join the lobby on the day.

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Climate Bill’s ambition must be increased and loopholes closed

Issued in news on November 16, 2020 at 18:06:00.

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On the eve of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action's first meeting to discuss their recommendations to Minister Eamon Ryan on Climate Bill, the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition publish key demands informed by new expert testimony.


The Stop Climate Chaos coalition of over 40 civil society organisations today published its recommendations for amendments to the draft Climate Action Bill [1,2]. The Coalition's recommendations have been informed by the testimony of over a dozen expert witnesses, who came before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action (JOCCA) in recent weeks.

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Little Island Books and Friends of the Earth join forces to crowdfund for an eco-friendly climate book for teens

Issued in news on November 09, 2020 at 11:52:00.


Press release

Issued by Friends of the Earth and Little Island Books

Embargoed until 00.01am, Monday 9th November 2020




Little Island Books and Friends of the Earth join forces to crowdfund for an eco-friendly climate book for teens

The book by bestselling Irish author Oisín McGann combines climate science with an empowering & positive message for young readers.


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