We are People For the American Way

More than one million members, activists, and advocates fighting to stop hate and defend democracy.

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In Memory of Lives Lost to COVID-19

Join us in lighting a real, electric, or virtual candle in memory of all the lives lost to COVID-19. Today, we're honoring our family, friends, and loved ones in a national moment of unity and remembrance, hosted by the Presidential Inaugural Committee in a ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.

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In Memory of Lives Lost to COVID-19

Georgia Runoffs

The outcome of the two runoff races for Senate seats in Georgia will determine the Biden administration's policy plans for the next four years.

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Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears

The disastrous consequences of Trump's judicial appointments are already reverberating throughout our nation, as his judges dismantle the rights and protections that millions rely on.

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Right Wing Watch

Right Wing Watch is a project of People For the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations. By shedding light on the activities of the Right Wing, we help expose the risks of its extreme and intolerant agenda.

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