February 2, 2021

WHERE WE ARE In his book When Skeptics Ask (hereafter: WSA), Norman Geisler presents his general version of a Thomist Cosmological Argument (hereafter: TCA).  I analyze this argument in Part 2 of this series. The first premise of Geisler’s TCA is this: 1. Finite, changing things exist.  (WSA, p.18) Geisler provides a very brief argument in support of (1) in WSA.  In Part 4 of this series I showed that Geisler’s brief argument in support of (1) was a stinking… Read more

January 30, 2021

In Part 6 of this series, I argued that the phrase “sexual activity” is unclear, and that the meaning of this phrase is NOT obvious. I used examples and information about the use of this phrase in the medical and health arena.  I plan to also look at some information about the use of the phrase “sexual activity” in the legal and criminal justice arena.  But before I move on to discussing the meaning of this phrase in the legal… Read more

January 28, 2021

HSIAO’S FAUX ARGUMENT Sometimes, Christian philosophers put forward pieces of crap that they pretend to be philosophical arguments, but that are just word salads that are posing as philosophical arguments.  The core “argument” in Tim Hsiao’s article “A Defense of the Perverted Faculty Argument against Homosexual Sex” (hereafter: PFA) appears to me to be one such faux argument.  Hsiao fails to define or to clarify ANY of the basic terms and phrases in his core “argument”, making it a string… Read more

January 22, 2021

I wrote and published a post recently in which I argued there is a good chance that someone (including possibly Donald Trump) will attempt to shoot, kill, or seriously harm Donald Trump in the next year or two. I also commented that I would NOT mourn such an event but would instead CELEBRATE such an event by popping open a bottle of champagne.  (Note: I have no plan or intention to shoot, kill, or physically harm Donald Trump.) This upset… Read more

January 20, 2021

The past four years have been a time of division and anger and finger pointing.  It is now time to set aside our differences, and to come together in love and harmony and to once again become the UNITED States of America! Excuse me, I just threw up a bit in my mouth. Now that Trump’s fat orange ass is out of the White House, I have just a couple of things to get off of my chest: 1. There… Read more

January 15, 2021

WHAT I REALLY HATE I really, really, really fucking hate it when Christian philosophers put forward pieces of crap that they pretend to be philosophical arguments, but that are just word salads that are posing as philosophical arguments.  I really, really, really fucking hate having to dig through their bronzed turds to try to make something of intellectual value out of their lazy, sloppy, unclear faux arguments. The core “argument” in Tim Hsiao’s article “A Defense of the Perverted Faculty… Read more

January 11, 2021

HELP THE FBI HUNT DOWN THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLES The FBI is hunting down several of Donald Trump’s basket of deplorables who were involved in the INSURRECTION against our democracy.  You can help them by reviewing photos published by the FBI to see if you recognize anyone in the photos, and contacting the FBI with information you have about anyone you recognize in these photos: MORE PHOTOS OF INSURRECTIONISTS FROM THE FBI Please also review these other photos, to see… Read more

December 25, 2020

This will be a fairly short post about the logic of the core argument in Tim Hsiao’s article “A Defense of the Perverted Faculty Argument against Homosexual Sex” (hereafter: PFA).   I take it that the core argument of that article can be summarized in this categorical syllogism: 4. All sexual activity that is not open to the creation of new life is immoral. A. All homosexual activity is sexual activity that is not open to the creation of new life…. Read more

December 17, 2020

WHAT ARE THE KEY TERMS IN THE CORE ARGUMENT IN PFA? In Part 2 of this series, I argued that the core argument in PFA (“Defending the Perverted Faculties Argument” by Timothy Hsiao) is the following categorical syllogism: 4. All sexual activity that is not open to the creation of new life is immoral. A. All homosexual activity is sexual activity that is not open to the creation of new life. THEREFORE: 7A. All homosexual activity is immoral. This categorical… Read more

December 4, 2020

  A THOMIST ARGUMENT AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL SEX The argument that I will now analyze (and evaluate later) comes from an article by Timothy Hsiao published in The Heythrop Journal in 2015: “A Defense of the Perverted Faculty Argument against Homosexual Sex” (hereafter: PFA).  The main argument is summarized in section III of the article. Here are the main premises/claims of the argument as stated in the summary: 1. It is always immoral to misuse a bodily faculty. 2. Misusing a… Read more

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