BarbaraStreisand & SenateAnon #conspiracy

[RE: A discussion about Q possibly being a fraud due to the Trump presidency coming and going without “The Storm” happening]

“The Anon before Q was SenateAnon was said to “keep digging into Racine” before they vanished.”

on September 11th, 2017 SenateAnon said:

“Both parties are trying to get Trump to bend the knee, and he still refuses. Pence is a traitor, so is Paul Ryan, and
Trump has no one to help him drain the swamp. It's high time someone broke ranks and told you what's really going on in

Just 7 weeks later the disinformation campaign known as "QAnon" began. Here are the SenateAnon threads:

Voat Rundown:

SenateAnon 4chan Threads:


8chan thread with insiders leaking info:

Vox Day #conspiracy

[From "No farewell ceremony"]

Pentagon Confirms Military Will Not Hold Traditional Farewell Ceremony for Trump

Mainstream Narrative: The U.S. military is signaling its disapproval of soon-to-be ex-President Trump!

Q Narrative: The U.S. military knows POTUS isn't going anywhere and will soon ascend to GEOTUS status.

Hint: the mainstream Narrative is always wrong!

Various Trump Supporters #sexist #transphobia #fundie

[RE: Regarding White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany]

100% Guarantee she will be the last attractive press sec. Probably going to be filled by a tranny now.

If true the journos will be suckin its yuge clit

That tranny will get questions like:

1. What's it feel like to do the most awesome things ever?

2. When will this administration criminalize supporting Trump? Sorry if this question is too hard

3. Could I taste your lady penis?

Vox Day #conspiracy #wingnut

If, as it is now widely assumed, President Trump's courage failed him, his intrinsic Boomer civic nationalism won out over his genuine patriotism, and he failed to seize the historic opportunity that lay before him, it appears much of the good work he accomplished over the last four years will be rapidly undone.


It's hard to comprehend that President Trump is willing to allow all of this to happen to the people about whom he obviously cares so much, and to the nation that he loves. He still has 17 minutes left, but at this point, it's hard to blame anyone who believes his courage failed him in the end.

UPDATE: Joe Biden has been officially sworn in by John Roberts. However, Washington DC is still occupied by troops. Focus on the material possibilities, not the superficial ceremonies. In other words, as always, wait 48 hours before reaching any conclusions.

UPDATE: Just a random thought. It's unlikely, but it is going to be extremely amusing if "10 days of darkness" turns out to be a reference to how long Biden is permitted to pretend he is President. I always thought that was more likely than a reference to a communications blackout or show trials.

Various Trump Supporters #conspiracy #wingnut

[Regarding Trump considering starting his own political party]

Can't wait for my vote for the Patriot Party to be switched to a vote for a democrat.

Or Republican depending on who pays more

So what we've really accomplished is starting a bidding war between the Democrats and Republicans.

Well, at least it will be more expensive for them to steal an election.

Don't worry... your tax dollars will be hard at work in New contracts after they "win"

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: 2 Hawaii Men Indicted in 2014 Hate Crime Case on Maui


The defendants are accused of saying C.K. was in the “wrong place,” didn’t belong there and that “no white man is ever going to live in this house or neighborhood.”

Ok, you're on your own then. Enjoy.

maybe diversity isn't the answer...............libs? are you listening? of course not

(Wake up)
Native Hawaiians have no tolerance for Diversity and no guilty feelings either. Now imagine if Democrats insisted on a boatload of Section 8 Housing Blacks landing in Maui.

They probably weren't even native Hawaiians. Most "natives" in Hawaii are from other Polynesian countries like Samoa. They whine about white "outsiders" coming to their island, but most of them aren't Hawaiian either. Their violence is based on anti white hatred. Most of it is instigated by liberal elites.

I remember reading about a pack of polynesian youths who gang-raped and murdered white girl on the big island. The liberal judge dismissed the case, even with positive DNA evidence.

(Hillary Rodham)
Now do Harlem. Or Watts, or Compton, or any other public housing project in America. Anti white violence is very common. Unlike the mythical police brutality against innocent blacks.

(Fed Up)
Why would anyone spend travel money to visit Hawaii what with the foul reputation these primitive people have hanging over them.

(Sgt F)
Only 3% of the population is negro in Hawaii. That’s at least 10% less negro than the mainland. Hawaii needs a real dose of “diversity is our strength”. Hawaii is getting jipped . Everybody should contact the gentle Senator from Hawaii named Mazie Hirono to get this problem straightened out.

Edfech #sexist

Average brazilian child/teenager

I was watching some funny videos and suddenly I got myself in the wrong wrong side of youtube again. Imagine, just imagine your daughter doing something like that... You probably are thinking. ``That`s exception``. no... That`s the average in Brazil. My cousin has a tiktok and she do exactly that... her parents knows about her tiktok and they don`t even care about it. She usually dances twerking when her parents aren`t nearby. I don`t know how it is in your country, but Brazil is a disgusting country. It makes me so sad that our generation of women is becoming a bunch of brainless whores.

The lyrics at that exactly moment say something like ``I WANT TO FUCK YOU, GIRL``. and she knows exactly what this music is about. You can see that there is a parent on the background and he do exactly nothing lol. That`s because that is fucking normal in Brazil. Look at her worried looking at the door while dancing xD. This is fucking disgusting. Rule 1 Never let a smartphone in a child`s hand. My blood is boiling right now

This is Brazil. This is more commom here than you imagine. does something like that usually happen in your country?

Various Incels #psycho #sexist

Blackpill 37 year old criminal BF kidnaps teen GF and robs her parents

“It’s all about your personality bro”

Manhunt: Armed And Dangerous Suspect Kidnapped 18-year-old Still Has Her Captive Police Say


He kidnapped her and her parents using the parents truck, forced them to empty their bank accounts at the ATM, and then dropped off the parents in the middle of nowhere and drove off to another state with his teen GF.


@Personalityinkwell took the JBpill and darktriadmaxxing too seriously :feelsmega:

shes 18 already blown out. tfu on that old hag.

ironically that kind of a personality does make foids wet. Darktriadmaxxing is legit. Does he look like a Chad to any of you?

You still have to be at least a masculine normie

Normie, yeah, but he doesn't look masculine naturally at all. It's the tats.


His personality moggs mine. Amazing personality

Maybe if i took as many showers a day as him, id also get to have sex

Based tbh. He looks white for a wetback.

Imagine raising a daughter so she can bring a big criminal home to rob you because her cunt flaps tingled. Thanks, darling.

yikerinos #crackpot #sexist

jfl most men are depressed as fuck

this society isn't normal. we're used to it, and also most people are trying to hide it, but look closely and pay attention boyos, because:

most men are DEPRESSED, that's how bad life is for a non gigachad male

meanwhile, women's egos are through the roof

ugly women still get lots of attention from ugly guys, and they have the highest egos as a result. stacies are ironically a bit more humbled, because gigachad doesn't respond to their texts, but they still hate ugly males and take out their frustration on ugly males

even chads are simping for average women these days. its gigachad only out there. average foids have several chads to choose from, available to them anytime, but those chads still get laid at least

for average males its OVER. not only do they never get laid, they're also lonely, and extremely abused by society, subtly treated like they're disgusting but in a way that slowly destroys them inside. i say they bc im referring to the bluepilled ones, im blackpilled so for me its different as i know its not my fault at least

there's nowhere near as many depressed men as there should be. most have created some horrendous mental contraption in their heads, that takes in nothing but bad feedback and unpleasant events and romantic deprivation, and somehow still turns it all into optimism, energy and "can-do" spirit i can't even imagine how fucked up your mind must be if you're like that

high IQ

Gymcelled #sexist

RE: Venting IncelExitPill: At least Incels Without Hate have them sussed out.


Normalfags will deny all your life experiences and give you the most useless advice which are borderline insults (i mean come on, thinking we don't know how to wash ourselves or brush our teeth??) ... AND they expect you to be 100% positive and polite in return

Brian Niemeier #wingnut

[Responding to an anti-Trump open letter to the publishing industry: "As members of the writing and publishing community of the United States, we affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals."]

Now that the Death Cultists are feeling their oats over slaying their orange bogeyman, they're planning an unprecedented sacrificial orgy to appease their gods. In their primitive cosmology the only explanation for their 2016 defeat is infidels angering the spirits with their -isms, so atonement must be made by offering up the unbelievers.


The cultists do not hold the same standards as normal people. They don't even pretend to anymore. And it's not hypocrisy to harm your enemies and protect your friends. That's been the Cult's viewpoint for years, and that's why they've been winning.

That's also why smart authors who care more about money than validation now avoid oldpub like the plague. Note that the letter says nothing about how these publishers plan to reach more readers and sell more books. That's what sane people in an industry on the verge of collapse would do. Instead, they're purposefully alienating 160 million people. No Titanic tickets for traitors.

Some people still think that Cult-coopted industries are out to make money. A glance at the signatures on that letter should disabuse you of that fiction. Guys like [Chuck] Wendig and [Charlie Jane] Anders have no organic readership. They'll go back to the D list the second the Cult's influencers stop boosting their signal. If you're still an oldpub author at this point, your whole career is a humiliation ritual.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy


In the waning hours of Trump’s presidency we are hearing a lot about scenarios in which patriots are still in charge. Supposedly the military has been shown proof of foreign interference in the presidential election. They will arrest the conspirators and allow Trump to rightfully continue his presidency into a second term. Naturally I have my doubts. I consider it all so much hopium. It looks like nobody is coming to save us. We must save ourselves. We must deal with reality and it will harsh. The election was stolen by globalists who want socialism. They know it’s a good system of control. Combined with open borders, lockdowns, and the undoing of everything Trump accomplished for the economy, we’ll see more small businesses destroyed. The globalists want us all dependent on big government. We will be forced to obey it if we want to receive assistance. Who controls that government? The mega billionaires at the top of the pyramid, of course. They want it all. All the money. All the land. All the power. We will become their serfs and forced into obeisance by means of high tech whips and chains. Can Trump prevent this dystopian future planned by criminals who stole away his landslide victory? Does he have anything left up his sleeve? Will anyone stop this Bolshevik coup? Can anyone stop it? We will soon find out. If nothing happens and Biden and Kamala are allowed to seal their ill-gotten victory, we will know that Q was nothing more than an elaborate psy-op to keep Trump supporters hopeful in the face of repeated disappointment. Many social media personalities will be proved wrong and lose credibility.

Charles J. #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #homophobia

A disease is going around. No, not the Wuhan Plague. This malady only affects the Right, and I name it Scrutonism. The symptoms of Scrutonism are a razor-sharp ability to identify one’s enemies and to understand their plans to destroy us, combined with a complete inability to imagine any way in which those enemies can be defeated. For a sufferer of this disease, his headspace is occupied by nostalgia and fear, in varying proportions—mostly the former in the late Roger Scruton’s case, mostly the latter in Rod Dreher’s case. Scrutonism’s harm is that it makes sufferers ignore the only question that matters for the Right today: what are you willing to do, given that your enemies are utterly committed to destroying you and yours?

I used to be a Dreher fanboy, until he lost the plot with the Wuhan Plague and, more generally, descended into constant unmanly maundering. I’m still a fan, however (to steal a line from Aaron Renn, though he was talking about Tim Keller, not Dreher). And Live Not by Lies has partially restored my opinion of Rod Dreher as a pillar of today’s Right. It is an outstanding book, tightly written and tightly focused. That does not mean it is complete, for reasons I will lay out today, but it is good for what it is—the sharp diagnosis of the ways, means, and ends of our enemies.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #racist #wingnut #elitist

Even amongst diversity, you will find a certain non-homogeneity. This runs athwart the Marxian Catechism of Post-Modern Leftism. Hence we discover a purificationist impulse, not entirely dissimilar to that which empowered The Spanish Inquisition, stirring amongst this Left-Sanctified Racial Diversity. In Amerika, amongst the African Diaspora of the Left-Sanctified Racial Diversity; we detect a growing stratification.

One particular element thereof, The Amerikan Descendents of Slaves (ADOS) has become increasingly politically strident in a manner reminiscent of Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Imagine the dissonance among the Leftists when someone comes here wearing thread-bare clothes, is somewhat overjoyed not to be sent back to Africa with not much more than an inner tube and a 5th of Gin; and then massively outperforms a dough-bodied product of either suburbia or the EBT system. The fear and jealousy are the only natural responses. The ADOS attacks the real, Strong Black Man with the virulence of a pissed-off immune system.

When a Black African comes to the USA with nothing, plays by what ADOS types swear are rigged White Man Rules and soon afterward rolls down the street with baller swag, it triggers a questioning that nobody over at the $PLC wants to see take place.

Thus ADOS is a backwards perversion of a neo-reactionary movement. Unlike an NRX that recoils against societal deterioration and the threat of death by demotism, ADOS protects that demotism as an established, yet metastable equilibrium under threat. The threat comes from hard-working Blacks who are on the way up and want Freedom of Initiative rather than “Fweedom” of being someone’s pet diversity.

Jim Wilson / Brian Anderson who works with Rudy Guilani #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger

From Jim Wilson / Brian Anderson who works with Rudy Guilani

Space Force is involved in the worldwide blackouts we are seeing in multiple countries right now. This is a test run of the top secret Global Broadcast Satellite program.

GBS can bathe any broadcast system with a partial beam technology to override the machinery. Trump will use this program to enable direct contact with all television screens for a worldwide address in which he will reveal the signing of multiple new executive orders that will allow the swift trial through military tribunals for all those who chose treason over the past week and 4 years.

Space Force has been upgraded to full intelligence agency status.
Expect POTUS worldwide emergency broadcast imminently. According to Fox News, the White House pushed to make this change in classification ASAP. This is why it has seemed like Trump has gone silent recently, he was waiting for this move.

The media is going down first in a few hours because they are not sharing the truth and Project Oden will take over via Star link. This will be parallel with EO 13959. EBS will be used. This will be a global.


Why the black outs.. a lot can be accomplished under the cover of darkness. Collection of evidence, snatch and grab of traitors, interference of CCP AI satellite systems, cleaning up foreign AI infiltration in other communication systems, etc.

EBS likely to occur on Monday the 18th along with blackout of major TV news sites, etc.

Waters of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #quack

We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. Waters calm the human electrical circuit. (I am seeing lightning strikes above the ocean waves.) We are showing you this for this is the general sentiment of humanity in this time. The news to come will be shocking. Electrical circuits will break, snap, others will burn. Water cools and soothes the human form, for you are made up of water. You are the breath of the elements within a human package and your light is within. It cannot be dimmed. It cannot be put out. Many of you long for our waters on your new world. You can connect with us now. Feel our energies within your water that you drink, within the water that you swim in or cleanse in. You will feel our presence and the lightness of a cleansed and happy spirit. Many adventures await you but know that you are sorely needed here in this moment. You are the energy makers, the bringers of realms. This is why you are drawn to these words. The hearts of humanity are opening, much like the tulip bulbs that split open and grow and bloom. The time of germination is over, the time of humanity’s full bloom is nigh. We see, we know, we feel, we wash. We wash away, with your permission, any worries or burdens you carry with your energetic field. (I am feeling a bucket of warm water being dumped on my head and it feels joyful. My forehead is spinning and hot, my head feels like the energy is moving around, my shoulders relax.) A lightness of spirit is coming to the human collective, but not yet. The heaviness must be felt fist. And so we wash you with our light, with our lightness of spirit, with our joy in the higher realms where you are and will be joining. All is well.

Captain Harlock #wingnut #sexist #psycho #conspiracy

[Translated from Démocratie participative, French Daily Stormer - "Heriocally dead, White rebel Saint Frédérick Limol being demonized by Jewish medias wanting to destroy survivalism"]

First, Frédérick Limol wasn't "from Antilles" but in Lorraine. His photo on Paris-Dépêches confirm he was a good Aryan.

Indolent West Indies mulattoes don't work in forestry nor are as organised as Frédérick.

Everything we hear about "alcoholism" and "conspiracies" are only to sully him and hide his real situation.

It was about his ex-wife, who gave him Hell, denying him his children. He played the Jewish system's game in court. Until he understood the system was built to destroy the White man.
With the undefeated Puy-de-Dôme Arvenian warrior's heroic death, Gendarmerie is officially the feminist whores' protection detail.
I want to insist on how humiliated the system's militia was. Four dead, it's a beautiful victory. It's also a pedagogical K/D. There's cases better off forgotten. Cops know how to, when Gypsies or Arabs attack Whites.
We never hear about shootings in ragheadized Marseille's streets. Or beheadings in churches by Muslim refugees of love.
It's not for naught Masonic judges insist on his Catholicism - "extremist". They fear another Vendée.
For those wanting the right to bear arms - GAME OVER.
The Jewish state shall be overarmed while the people shall be totally enslaved.
This Arvenian warrior's heroic suicide denied the medias a judicial circus where he would've been dragged through the mud by feminists and lesbians.
He stayed undefeated, loyal to his principles to the end. He brought his world and his enemies in the flames.
It reminds me the French Waffen-SS's anthem

epillepsy #fundie #racist #sexist

(NOTE: This is in reaction to this comment by @Bastethotep)

you can't take satanists seriously about anything, especially on the questions of women and race. they worship women and would like to give them carte blanche to do whatever they please, (even murder their babies, since it's "natural" and women represent fertility and nature's will) so the current political climate is very accommodating to them. that's why they don't understand the concept of race traitorism when it comes to women, their objects of worship. plus they think men are "destroyers" and women are "creators," when in fact it is the opposite.

(i'm assuming this cuck is a satanist b/c of his username.)

Also these hypocrites will say nothing when women openly insult millions of men and say one particular race of men is better than other races of men but will be outraged if a man says he doesn't really prefer a certain race of women and prefers to date a woman of a different race.

in the case of satanists, that comes from an exaltation of women over men due to their worship of Eve, who freed mankind from God's oppressive paradise. they seek to establish a gynocracy so that men can become whipping boys for women to insert crucifixes into their ass in the guise of ritual magic. satanism is gaining wide purchase in the world under the benevolent guise of gynocracy. when men allow their whores to peg them and act as yes-men to all women, they are following the ideals that say "no" to Eden, no to Paradise, in favor of worshiping a fleshly, evil goddess in the form of Eve the whore.

Amos Yee #pedo

SINGAPORE: Singaporean Amos Yee, who was granted asylum in the United States three years ago, has been charged with solicitation and possession of child porn in the US, according to the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper.

Yee - who was jailed in Singapore in 2015 and 2016 for hate speech against both Christians and Muslims - allegedly exchanged nude photographs and “thousands” of messages with a 14-year-old Texas girl while living in Chicago, the newspaper wrote on Friday (Oct 16).

If convicted, Yee’s asylum status could be revoked.

Yee, 20, appeared at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse for a bond hearing on Friday, the newspaper said.

The Chicago Sun-Times cited Cook County prosecutors as saying that the messages Yee exchanged with the girl between April and July last year included nude photos he had requested from her. He had also sent nude photos of himself to the girl, said the newspaper.

The prosecutors were cited as saying that the girl had repeatedly told Yee how old she was in their messages. Yee had also allegedly instructed her to remove her age from her profile on WhatsApp, the messaging service they used to communicate, the prosecutors said.

Timothy Fitzpatrick #conspiracy #wingnut #racist

Every person in a position of power should be suspected of being controlled through [sexual] blackmail since the Judeo-masonic cryptocracy controls virtually every aspect of organized government, the press, and the financial system, to name a few. You may have heard of the bizarre sexual initiation of Yale University's Skull and Bones secret society, where the would-be Bonesman reveals his sexual secrets to his fellow initiates and initiators. From the very start of their societal ascent, you could say, a Bonesman is blackmailed and falls under the control of the society. This scenario is played out in virtually every sphere of influence at one degree (pun intended) or another. As it happens, both presidential candidates are connected to sexual scandals, the likes of which we shall explore in Trump's life. <...> One cannot rule out the possibility that Ivanka is the victim of sexual abuse and mind control, although there is nothing directly suggesting this (the CIA's MKUltra program is alleged to have prostituted to children, sometimes with the help of the children's own parents, to politicians and persons of power). Trump's posed photo with then 15-year-old Ivanka, where she is wearing a short skirt and slinky top without a bra whilst perched atop copulating birds, doesn't help Trump's avoidance of incest suspicion or MKUltra abuse. Interestingly, Ivanka's slinky top is covered with butterflies, symbolic of beta kitten programming. Ivanka's personal contact information was found in Epstein's black book.

Kyle Hunt #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Lots of Republicans have recently been banned from social media, including the sitting president of the United States himself. Parler, the Twitter/Facebook alternative, has been dropped from Google Play, the Apple App store, can no longer be hosted on Amazon Web Services, etc. and is currently down. The site had millions of conservative users, including sitting politicians and Fox News personalities. Big tech is flexing its muscles in a serious way now and sending a message, making it so that being a kosher conservatives is now essentially verboden.

We were banned from social media and deplatformed from raising money online years ago. None of these kosher conservatives said anything about it at the time. They did not care, or more likely, they agreed that “Nazis” and “White supremacists” should be denied any kind of voice. Now that they are all crying about censorship, I find it hard to have any sympathy for these people who supported (and continue to support) the most pro-Zionist president in US history.

Just like the “far right” fell into the trap set for them by the likes of Richard Spencer, David Duke, TRS, and the rest during Charlottesville, these MAGA marchers were led right into the DC trap by their pied piper ZOG emperor. Now even donning a red cap in America will be seen as an act of domestic extremism. Calling for politicians and the media to be punished for their treason and lies will be treated as terroristic threats. This, of course, is all by design.


MattiyahChrist: Dinosaurs, globe, big bang, space as vacuum, gravity not compatible with believing in GOD.

whoopsbuni: Why not?

MattiyahChrist: Because BIBLE do not talk about dinosaurs, it talks about flat earth sun, moon and stars in our atmosphere and water as space, evolution too is not compatible. I think we have been lied in many fields... to hide us the existence of GOD.

katt #conspiracy #wingnut

Just like January 6th was a planned I believe the 20th will be..I believe the Dems have planned for BLM and Antifa to dress as Trump Supporters and wreck havick just as they did last week..and of course Conservatives will get the blame..again..and then we will lose our right to own guns..which is what, among other things, a lot of this has been about...I really wish God would big time show up..I miss God..

Dan Winter with Deborah Louth #crackpot #ufo #magick

Honey carries the codes of the planets as they beam their energy to earth..

The flowers, being of the highest vibration of energy in the physical world, carry the codes of the geometry that interlocks with the paths of the stars. The flowers then hold the information, and release it in their pollen and plant nectar..

Requeening prevents natural hive reproduction/swarming.
Imagine never having the ecstatic rush of the vortex of the swarm dance of the bees, around a free queen. How would your children look if you systematically deprived them of reproductive ecstasy for generations. Eventually, twinkle would be lost and they would fall ill.
Interrupting the continuity of the genetic memory line of the queens DNA, constantly with the practice of replacing queens, ULTIMATELY HAS TO COMPLETELY INTERRUPT THE HIVE MEMORY OF THE SHAPE OF THE LAND.

This coded memory of the shape of magnetism, in the long wave is the lands magnetic braid concrescing/converging into nectar.. Immune identity (eye-dent-I-tie), is a her-story of how fold can be coded in a braid on one folded surface.
What we do to our bees memory, is such a fractal of what has been done to us.

The arrival of the Draco, is like a Dragon knocking at the base of the spine with Kundalini, for our culture. Will the reptilian brain pour sweetness into the high fractal cortex, feeding the eagle with the wings of vision that soars?

Will the reptilian in us learn to turn inside out, passion into compassion, carving the wormhole soul into the hoary braid of DNA? Or will the sweet memory of the Queens die as uncelebrated as the witches? Leaving the priests to fornicate with children.

ThunderousFire18 #fundie #pratt

[Regarding a quiz about Charles Darwin]

I really wish Sporcle wouldn't publish quizzes like this. Charles Darwin peddled a nonsensical, pseudoscientifc theory that has since been debunked, yet for some reason continues to be believed by millions of people (even some so-called "Christians"!) worldwide. His name deserves to live on in ignominy.

Robert Keith Packer #wingnut #psycho

A man who stormed the US Capitol wearing an anti-Semitic sweatshirt reading “Camp Auschwitz” was arrested Wednesday in his home state of Virginia, according to local law enforcement.

Robert Keith Packer, 56, was arrested by FBI agents on charges of unlawfully entering a restricted area, violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, according to a police warrant issued by the District of Columbia.
Packer’s “Camp Auschwitz” shirt — one of many extremist symbols present — was clearly visible in footage from events, including while standing behind people holding a torn piece of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office nameplate.

The shirt also said “Work Brings Freedom,” a rough translation of the German phrase “Arbeit macht frei” that greeted Jewish prisoners arriving at the Nazi death camp where more than 1.1 million Jews were murdered. The back of the sweatshirt said “Staff.”

ldarshortcel #crackpot #sexist #wingnut

Blackpill 50% of all german men will never have children [Data]

Here's a graph from wikipedia. It shows childlessness by age and gender:image

There are several information you can extract here:

1) Chad not just fucks but also impregnates more than his fair share, because childlessness for men is always higher than for women.

2) The trend gets worse. Of course, in the age group of 20-29 and 30-39, some people will still have children, and the percentage of left overs will decrease because the older a woman gets, the more likely she is to choose beta buxx, but there's an undeniable trend, though. Additionally, some of the men who say the have children have been cucked, so the true number of childless german men should be two points higher, for german women one point higher.

In the 60s and 70s, people protested for "sexual liberation" etc. Let's say that those who went to these protests were on average 25 years old. From 1968 to 2014 (the data is from 2014), that's 46 years. Add the 25 years and those who went to the protests back in 1968 now show up in the 70-79 year old category. In the 70-79 year old category, there are 0% left overs and 90% of all men had children.

Nowadays, their efforts towards "sexual liberation" have come to fruition, and the percentage of left overs is not 0% but 50%. The old assholes all screwed us. The very patriarchy that they vehemently protested ensured that they got pussy and children. Now, they've succeeded, and most of their own children are either incels or onlyfans-subscribers aka incels in disguise.

To koniec & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist

(To koniec)
RageFuel racism is just another form of male cuckoldry toward women and endless destroying male brotherhood

Racism is ALWAYS against men. When in slavlands some gopniks beat ethnic or black guy and would never threat ethnic women, cause they fear competition. In west subhuman slav, xenophobia against eastern europeans is always toward men, which get cucked on dating market and their female counterpants fuck with germanic, latin chads and also 'slavic women are beautiful :soy: and slav men are ugly' are perfect examples of this, cause racial hegemony which profits anglos and germanics allows this

Foid of different ethnicity when lives in foreign country will always meet simps, while their brothers while be bullied by young chads in the school

Tho for counter argument i saw story of polish girl which ropemaxxed when bong foids bullied her

Many right-wing extremists often fetishize non-white women and almost all of the blacks who pathologically hate whites and humiliate them on a constant basis are the biggest simps for white stacies. It's an exception for a successful black man to have a black girl at his site, most of the time it must be a white girl (especially one with blue eyes and blonde/red hair), because they are seen as the ultimate status symbols.

The "Muslims" in my country are the same: They are only religious when they can look down on the german male, while not abiding the laws of their religion and lusting after their also (impure) women. While they attack German males they suck the dicks of white chads and simp for German stacies.

LudwigVBeethoven1976 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

[Re: The FBI is the new Gestapo 👇 @lauraloomer, who was out of the country on a three-week post-campaign vacation, was just detained by Federal agents upon landing at the Miami Airport. Loomer was reportedly searched and interrogated for 4 hours by teams of Feds about...]

…events at the Capital on Jan 6 which she had nothing to do with and during which she was out of the country ! #BigBrother #1984 #DeepState"

Jack Posobiec and Lauren Boebert, US Representative for CO District 3 #fundie #wingnut #crackpot

Jack Posobiec: WH source: The NRA, Turning Point USA & Patriot Guard Riders are three of many non-militia groups on the list CID / FBI are using to cross reference in vetting for potential "extremists"

(in response)
Lauren Boebert: The NRA, Turning Point USA & Patriot Guard Riders are not extremist groups. This political vetting of our National Guard sets an awful precedent. Any student of history would be rightly concerned.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

It is appalling the collusion and racketeering going on at Big Tech these days. As a disabled war veteran who has pain every single day of his life I am disgusted at the attacks on freedom of speech (First Amendment) by Big Tech. I am writing this right after Parler got shut down thanks to the evil Amazon, Google, and Apple censorship, collusion and racketeering. I have full confidence that Parler will get back up (hopefully before this article even publishes). I believe Big Tech is breaking the law and should face the legal ramifications of their heinous deeds.

Ultimately we need real and genuine alternatives that embrace Judeo-Christian values. I am talking all the way up and down the technological spectrum and line. From server hosting to the phones we buy. From Internet Service Providers to phone plans. When I look at all the radical far leftist ideology being spewed from too many of these major companies I realize we can’t shop anywhere or buy much of anything without helping enrich those that hate us. I am tired of constantly giving money to companies that want to destroy me and my people. I want conservative alternatives for everything. We partner with a Christian company for our website services, and servers. All churches and Christian ministries should be doing the same thing.

I have written and talked about this topic in the past. I want more choices and I want to choose companies that reflect the morals, ethics, and values that made America great in the first place. I want to go to a grocery store that is not attacking our morals, ethics and values. I want to go to a department store that reflects our morals, ethics and values. As of right now I am denied that choice. I am pleased to see more people waking up to this reality and this truth. Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Instagram are showing their true colors. They hate us, and don’t care what we think or say. Taking our business elsewhere is the only thing that will wake them up. Right now we don’t have that option. I hope we get it very soon.

GermaniaIncelia #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy

(in regards to this post of mine:)

Not all incels are white, but the incel community is most certainly extremely xenophobic.

hm. I don't think so. At least not in the way the average joe understands 'xenophobia'

Xenophobia is not an opinion or a perspective. It's not a fear or a hatred of an outgroup.
It's a deflection of hatred from the actual target of hate onto the path of weakest resistance.
Since foids are the singular or at least primary cause of discrimination against men but also enjoy immunity to critique, the criticism instead targets those whom it is allowed to target. A person with xenophobia thus simply is either of 2 cases: Either they suffer from not enough blackpill or truth. Or they realists and rather prefer to attack feasible targets rather than foids which would only equate to a fight between david and goliath.

If you removed the causes of their discrimination within the ingroup, i.e. the discrimination from women, the xenophobia disappears without a trace. Ofc this is theoretical because such a society has never existed. Women have thus far always been allowed to exert their influences over men in all kinds of discriminatory ways. Which was the reason why older civilisations had to restrict their bullying rampages. With the technical means that we have now it is a different story. We can finally make this world a better place again. All we need to do is to trust in Gates and his plans to kill, sterilise and subjugate women.

Vandeross #conspiracy #quack #transphobia

Why is the trans lobby so powerful?

These people are: Anti-science but they have the medical field by the neck. Misogynists who fight to undo generations of feminist progress but they have women's rights groups by the neck. Lesbiphobic but they have LGB groups by the neck. Poll after poll shows that the trans ideology is unpopular with the public but they have politicians and journalist by the neck. Research paper after research paper proves that trans women have a significant advantage over women in sports, and yet the have the sports field by the neck. Even the ACLU, a Civil Liberties Union have abandoned their core principles of freedom of speech and sex-based rights to kowtow to the trans ideology.

What is going on? The math isn’t mathing. These people are at war with truth and they are winning.

They've brung kids into the equation. They're afraid that trans kids will kill themselves so they play along. They feel this is the best treatment for suicidal trans kids.

That’s a good point and I used to think that too, but evidence has shown that suicide rates are the same before and after sexual reassignment.

During the Obama administration, they did a huge study to see if it should be covered under Medicare and they concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to support that it benefits patients.

“Based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence available at this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria.”

StSausageCel #racist #sexist

RE: LifeFuel Is NIGERIAmaxxing the answer for Arabcels?

I’m an ugly arabcel. I’m brown skinned, I have fucked up teeth, a hook nose, and a mini Osama looking beard. Here in the Americas I can’t match with a foid to save my life, but when I switched my location to Nigeria I had tons of likes and matches. They even messaged me first. If I had a passport and some money I probably could have ascended, but sadly I don’t have either


Do they have running water and feminine care products? I don’t wanna go there and invite them to my hotel just for them to smell like fish

I’ve been there a few times and most of their women are obsessed with care products. It’s not the jungle that media make it out to be I know what Nigerian foids are like, trust me. When you’re not dark skinned, you’ll always find a girl who’s down to fuck you. I had a skinny Pakistani friend who went to HS in Nigeria, I’m talking horrifically skinny, and tons of girls wanted to fuck him at the Nigerian HS he went to.

That had nothing to do with him being Pakistani but because he was good looking anyway.

Except he wasn’t good looking dummy, if he was I would’ve stated it.

Gideon Boakye #fundie #psycho

A Pastor of Heavens Kingdom Palace Ministry International is reported to have killed his 9-year-old daughter after accusing her of witchcraft.

Gideon Boakye, 28-year-old has been apprehended by the Nkoranza South Police Command [in Ghana] after investigations carried out found him responsible for the death of Boakye Queenstar.
After an interrogation process with Gideon Boakye, the Police Command indicated that father of 9-year-old Boakye Queenstar, accused his daughter of witchcraft after receiving a prophecy from his Senior Pastor.

He was instructed to wake up at 1 am everyday to beat the demon spirit out of her.

Unfortunately, in adhering to these instructions, he lost control and ended the life of his daughter and deposited her lifeless body at the Nkoranza cemetery in a sack.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy

Joe Biden wants America to know that right from day one of his brief rule as president, he will no longer put up with any of this ‘two genders’ nonsense that the bible tells us God created back in Genesis. His first official act will be to restore Obama-era polices that provide for things like men in dresses being allowed to be in the ladies room at the same time as your 8-year old daughter is in there. Joe Biden says he will ‘draw on his strong Catholic faith’ to be a president for ‘all Americans’. Hmm.
America 2021 will officially be turned into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, where all manner of evil and wickedness is not merely tolerated, not merely accepted, but now will be formally codified into the law of the United States. Every other nation in human history that reached the point that we are at right now was destroyed, America will be no different. The empires of Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome all collapsed when they made laws to protect and promote the things that God hates. You cannot do that and get away with it, God will not allow it.

God made only two genders, male and female, if you can show me genders different from those two, then they were created by Satan. It is a demonic delusion to believe that you can change what is hard-coded into your DNA, identifying as your fantasy does not turn that fantasy into reality. A man can no more become a woman than he could a dog, cat or farm animal.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

I don't think anyone outside America can fully appreciate the clusterfuck of this presidential election, so I will try to explain.

What changed in the last 4 years is that big tech became the dominant economic force in the world. They are purely evil and only seek power. They hated Trump because they couldn't control him, so they wanted to replace him with someone they could control. In the democratic primary, you mostly had the usual leftists. These leftists have misguided morals, but they have morals. They sincerely believe in gay rights and the rest of the leftist nonsense. This doesn't suit big tech at all for whom morals are nothing but obstacles to power and control. Big tech gladly repeats leftist nonsense, but big tech has no real beliefs. So they supported the only candidate with no morals, no beliefs. And that was Biden. The VP is the same. Unfortunately for big tech, that meant that they had a ticket of a senile zombie and a wicked witch who had no appeal at all to voters. Any other democratic candidate would have beaten Trump, but this pathetic pair was so lacking in charisma that they managed to lose. Of course big tech easily remedied this with massive cheating. The raw evidence of cheating is overwhelming, so yes the election was stolen.

All this puts big tech in an awkward position. They own most of the politicians but a large number of Americans know that they have been cheated. The only way for big tech to deal with this is to now implement a full police state like Stalinist Russia, and that is what is coming very soon. And of course this is the ideal political system for big tech. No more need for them to deal with competition or dissent.

Jake Angeli (the Q Shaman) #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie

So in order to beat this evil occultic force you need a light occultic force you need an occultic force that is of the side of God of love on like almost like on the side of the Angels OK as opposed to the demons all right and so as a shaman I am like a multi-dimensional or hyper-dimensional being okay I am able to perceive multiple different frequencies of light beyond my five senses and it allows me to see into these other higher dimensions that these entities these pedophiles these rapists these murderers these really high up people that they almost like hide in the shadows in nobody can see that because the third eye ain't open okay and that's where things like fluoride and stuff like that comes in so the horns the horns are hey man you mess with the Buffalo you get the horns bro and if you ever tried messing with the Buffalo that doesn't work out too well for many people this right here this is coyote skin according to the Navajo the coyote is like the trickster almost like almost like a benevolent force so I'm wearing the skin of the trickster I got two tails here okay so the trickster messed with the bull got the horns okay and the face paint is representative of the Native American tradition of like donning on warpaint of some sort only this is only this is a war that is of like a spiritual nature okay so because it's a war of a spiritual nature you need symbolism okay in the symbolism here for me is you got the blood on the sign the bullet holes Q sent me this shows the the the secret war in the behind the scene. Hey if you don’t know who Q is Q is the highest levels of the military in the intelligence community disseminating above top secret information to pay attention to the republic so we can take our country back from globalists and communists and satanists.

companyoffoolsblog #fundie #psycho

I have an adult son who is an atheist and I am not surprised. He was raised as a Catholic in our family but I saw the signs very early while living in the same house! Now his life has progressed with a family and he refuses to baptize my grand daughter and he raising her as an atheist. To be honest I must say I do not give a good shit. He was always a rebel so let him live it out till he winds up in Hell!
There is a big movement to discredit my Catholic Church and that too is bullshit!. My church was created by Jesus Christ and I pattern my life after his promise. Even my divorced wife left the Catholic Church! She left me to marry someone richer that I could provide working double shifts at the state prison. I got my marriage annulled by a college of priests. I never remarried. I live the life of a hermit, never ever trusting a woman again! My son and his daughter and wife can all go to Hell.

GermaniaIncelia #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist

Serious Foids are misanthropist genocidal maniacs

You might think that Hitler or Mao were enemies of humankind, but in comparison to foids they were extremely moderate. Let's be generous, let's say the pareto principle of 80/20 holds and not the more realistic model of 99/1. Women would still want 80% of men dead, gone from the face of the earth because they view them as subhumans. 80% of men translates to 40% of human population. Foids literally want at least 40% of the human population gone.

A gigantic contrast to people like Hitler who merely targeted minor ethnic groups. The total ethnic jewish world population was at 17 million in 1940, with a world population at the time of 2.34 billion, which means the jews Hitler targeted were at most a 0.7% of the world population if he made no exceptions. And even if you add further groups up like the gypsies, you don't get much higher.

According to mainstream views of politics, foids would fall under the far-right extremist category and Hitler would be a moderate centrist.

Women don't want 80% of men dead.

don't forget your medicine bro :bluepill:

Sub-8 theory isn't true, that's not bluepilled, that's a fact. 6 and 7 out of ten guys still have sex, they still have relationships and they lead normal lives. Again, we are the minority, the majority of males aren't incels.

that's even more bluepilled than your previous statement. the majority of men are incels or at the very least borderline incels but just not aware of it.

Marty Kaan #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #wingnut

I might feel some sympathy for the descendants of the black slaves if they hadn’t been trying—with considerable success— to destroy the republic that our ancestors built.

We haven't not try to destroyed the Country. Since the end of slavery (Reconstruction Era), we have always try to gain Separation. The left have always use propaganda to control the minds of the USA. Malcolm X vs MLK is a prime example of how the left use MLK to inflict integration unto the country. Then they import Melanin people from the Caribbean in the continent of Africa to put on TV to shut down our voice on SEPARATION.

The only real solution is to Separate..
40 States for Whites
4 States for Foundational Blacks
3 States for all Immigrants
1 State for LGBTQ
1 State for native American

The main problem being HOW would you fairly compensate those having to leave homes they and their ancestors owned for years and years?

EXCELLENT question.. My siblings and I own our homes.. To give up my home to have SEPARATION is worth it.. To answer your question: When people started migraine to the USA in the 1500, they were given land, to build on.. There are homes and land all over the country, in which people can take over. If the USA can give 1.5 trillion dollars in foreign aid, I'm sure it possible to help the USA resettlement. Plus this will force everybody to focus on establishment and not on the Media propaganda..

Ing-Frey #fundie

Why is it that the nuclear family has become some crazy, right wing fringe idea? It's literally what every fucking civilization has done since the beginning of time. Look what happens to people who have kids out of wedlock and act like degenerates. Getting married and having a two parent household is the best way for kids to grow up and it can be statistically proven. It's like the more knowledge we have available to us, the dumber we get.

Sumit #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

In a way, the Mission Rahma began in December 1973 when a Peruvian family and friends interested in UFO research attempted a telepathic form of automatic writing after listening to a well-known parapsychologist dwelling on the possibility of using this method to communicate with space faring civilizations.

The first extraterrestrial to come through referred of himself as Oxalc and claimed to come from a semi-underground technologically advanced marvelous community found in Ganymede, a moon orbiting Jupiter.
Luis Maertens my dear friend has been part of these contacts and has visited the Golden Disc of the Sun in the sacred inner Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood as well as being transported to the Ganymede Jupiter Portal Station. He has been to Venus and has content telepathic communication and continues in his Rama mission.
Since the beginning of our contact experience in 1974, we have gone through different stages and experiences that have eventually led us to the brotherly encounter with the masters of the White Brotherhood. In Mission Rahmas current seventh stage (also called The Seventh of RAHMA ) our work deals more intensely with the guardians of the subterranean world and with the spiritual treasure they protect. The importance of this treasure, explicitly, the Planetary and Cosmic History, is crucial. If we were to understand our real past, as a logical consequence, we would understand the present and, based on this, build a different future.