Can you really be eternally happy in heaven?

3 09 2008

Back in August PZ Myers linked to a reality-based retelling of “Jack and the Beanstalk,” in which Jack trades the magic beans for a cow, and is berated and banished by his family as a consequence.

JACK: This cow can get us through the winter. [. . .] And I never understood what was magical about those 3 beans.
JACK’S FATHER: They were given to me by my father who was given them by his father whose father SAID THEY WERE MAGICAL.

Jack goes on to get a degree in applied economics and live happily ever after with his cow; his family freezes and starves to death.

One commenter, Kenny, raises the following objection:

and of course we know that this is a fairy tale because “lived happily ever after” does not exist in the real world. Jack and his cow will also eventually die. oh but wait, maybe there is a “lived happily ever after” if what religion says is correct and there is/are a God/Gods.

Kenny’s extreme linear-mindedness is almost endearing, but his remarks did lead me to wonder: do Christians believe that heaven is a place of eternal happiness, that once they die and go to heaven they will be happy forever. Like, interminably happy? Read the rest of this entry »


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